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Využití akustické emise při sledování hydraulických strojů / Monitoring of hydraulic machines using acoustic emissionsZávorka, Dalibor January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to clarify possibilities of usage of acoustic emission as a hydraulic machinery diagnostics tool. Especially for exposing presence of ruptures or cracks in the parts of machine, assuming changes in acoustic exposure of the part during operation. This clarification is based on series of simple measured experiments, which consist of monitoring the bolt placed in fluid stream inside of a pipe. This bolt was preloaded against inner wall of pipe by appropriate tightening torque. This preload is supposed to simulate effects of the size of rupture. High preload simulates small rupture or none in object and respectively small preload is supposed to simulate big rupture. A group of pressure sensors and accelerometers measures experiments and their evaluations are processed by script created in software MATLAB. Outputs of this script are charts with effective values of respective sensors from the entire record split into individual frequency spectrums. These charts compare spectrums of each configuration to judge effects of parameters changes.
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Analýza nesrovnalostí MVE Ostravice / Contradictions analysis of small water power Ostravice.Kupčík, Roman January 2009 (has links)
The main subject of the diploma thesis „Contradiction analysis of small water power Ostravice“ is solution of reduced output of small water power plant on the river Ostravice near the town Vratimov. Power plant equippment is axial flow Kaplans turbine RA – 3,5 – 0 1000 with runner diametr 1000 mm. Low output is caused by draft tube. New draft tube is designed in this masters thesis. For hydraulic layout was used CFD software Fluent. The aim of this work is finding of optimal shape which leads to increasing of power from current 30 kW to projected 55 kW.
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Kvantová turbulence v supratekutém héliu studovaná vizualizačními metodami / Quantum turbulence in superfluid helium studied by particle tracking velocimetry visualization techniqueDuda, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
❚✐t❧❡✿ ◗✉❛♥t✉♠ t✉r❜✉❧❡♥❝❡ ✐♥ s✉♣❡r✢✉✐❞ ❤❡❧✐✉♠ st✉❞✐❡❞ ❜② ♣❛rt✐❝❧❡ tr❛❝❦✐♥❣ ✈❡❧♦❝✐♠❡tr② ✈✐s✉❛❧✐③❛t✐♦♥ t❡❝❤♥✐q✉❡ ❆✉t❤♦r✿ ❘◆❉r✳ ❉❛♥✐❡❧ ❉✉❞❛ ❉❡♣❛rt♠❡♥t✿ ❉❡♣❛rt♠❡♥t ♦❢ ▲♦✇ ❚❡♠♣❡r❛t✉r❡ P❤②s✐❝s ❙✉♣❡r✈✐s♦r✿ ♣r♦❢✳ ❘◆❉r✳ ▲❛❞✐s❧❛✈ ❙❦r❜❡❦✱ ❉r❙❝✳ ❆❜str❛❝t✿ ❚❤❡ P❛rt✐❝❧❡ ❚r❛❝❦✐♥❣ ❱❡❧♦❝✐♠❡tr② ✈✐s✉❛❧✐③❛t✐♦♥ t❡❝❤♥✐q✉❡ ✉s✐♥❣ ♠✐❝✲ r♦♠❡t❡r s✐③❡ s♦❧✐❞ ❞❡✉t❡r✐✉♠ ♣❛rt✐❝❧❡s ❛s tr❛❝❡rs ❤❛s ❜❡❡♥ ❛♣♣❧✐❡❞ t♦ st✉❞② ♦s❝✐❧✲ ❧❛t♦r② ✢♦✇s ♦❢ ❍❡ ■■✱ ✇❤✐❝❤ ✐s ❛ q✉❛♥t✉♠ ✢✉✐❞ ✇✐t❤ q✉❛♥t✐③❡❞ ✈♦rt✐❝✐t②✱ ❛s ✇❡❧❧ ❛s ✢♦✇s ♦❢ ❍❡ ■✱ ✇❤✐❝❤ ✐s ❛ ❝❧❛ss✐❝❛❧ ✈✐s❝♦✉s ❧✐q✉✐❞✱ ❢♦❝✉s✐♥❣ ♦♥ t❤❡ s✐♠✐❧❛r✐t✐❡s ❛♥❞ ❞✐✛❡r❡♥❝❡s ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ t❤❡ q✉❛♥t✉♠ ❛♥❞ ❝❧❛ss✐❝❛❧ ✢♦✇s✳ ❚❤r❡❡ ❡①♣❡r✐♠❡♥ts ❛r❡ ❞❡s❝r✐❜❡❞✿ t❤❡ ✢♦✇ ♣❛st ❛ ❧❛r❣❡✲❛♠♣❧✐t✉❞❡ ❧♦✇✲❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② ♦s❝✐❧❧❛t✐♥❣ ♦❜st❛❝❧❡ ✐♥ t❤❡ ❢♦r♠ ♦❢ ❛ ♣r✐s♠❀ t❤❡ st❡❛❞② str❡❛♠✐♥❣ ✢♦✇ ❞✉❡ t♦ ❛ s♠❛❧❧✲❛♠♣❧✐t✉❞❡ ❧❛r❣❡✲ ❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② ♦s❝✐❧❧❛t✐♥❣ q✉❛rt③ t✉♥✐♥❣ ❢♦r❦ ✲ ❛ ✇✐❞❡❧② ✉s❡❞ t♦♦❧ t♦ st✉❞② q✉❛♥t✉♠ t✉r❜✉❧❡♥❝❡❀ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♣r♦❞✉❝t✐♦♥ ♦❢ ❝❛✈✐t❛t✐♦♥ ✐♥ t❤❡ ✈✐❝✐♥✐t② ♦❢ ❛ ❢❛st✲♦s❝✐❧❧❛t✐♥❣ t✉♥✐♥❣ ❢♦r❦✳ ❚❤❡ ♠❛✐♥ ♦✉t❝♦♠❡ ✐s t❤❡ ♦❜s❡r✈❛t✐♦♥ t❤❛t t❤❡s❡ ✢♦✇s ❛r❡ s✐♠✐❧❛r ✐♥ ❍❡ ■ ❛♥❞ ✐♥ ❍❡ ■■ ❛t ❧❛r❣❡ ❧❡♥❣t❤✲s❝❛❧❡s✱ ✇❤❡r❡❛s ❛t s♠❛❧❧ s❝❛❧❡s✱ t❤❡② ❡①❤✐❜✐t t♦t❛❧❧② ❞✐✛❡r❡♥t st❛t✐st✐❝❛❧ ♣r♦♣❡rt✐❡s✳ ▼♦r❡♦✈❡r✱ ✐♥ ❍❡ ■■✱ t❤❡s❡ s♠❛❧❧ s❝❛❧❡ st❛✲ t✐st✐❝❛❧ ♣r♦♣❡rt✐❡s ❛r❡ ✉♥✐✈❡rs❛❧ ✐♥ t❤❛t t❤❡② ❞♦ ♥♦t ❞❡♣❡♥❞ ♦♥ t❤❡ t②♣❡ ♦❢ t❤❡ ✐♠♣♦s❡❞ ♠❡❛♥ ✢♦✇ ♦❢ t❤❡ s✉♣❡r✢✉✐❞ ❛♥❞ ♥♦r♠❛❧...
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