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Měření povrchového napětí pro charakterizaci povrchů pokročilých keramických materiálů / Measurement of surface tension for surface characterization of advanced ceramic materialsMišáková, Liliana January 2020 (has links)
Povrchy inorganických materiálov, zvlášť kovov alebo kovových oxidov, ktoré sú často charakteristické vysokou povrchovou energiou, sú zvyčajne kontaminované adsorbovanými organickými molekulami. Tieto molekuly majú na povrchy zväčša nepriaznivý vplyv, do značnej miery napríklad ovplyvňujú funkcionalitu a výkonnosť polovodičov a znemožňujú, prípadne sťažujú prevedenie povrchových úprav na povrchoch kovov aj keramík. Taktiež majú nepriaznivý vplyv na priľnavosť. Adsorbované častice spôsobujú znižovanie hydrofilicity povrchu. Hydrofilicita, adhezivita a zmáčavosť povrchu sa veľmi dobre posudzujú prostredníctvom merania kontaktného uhlu. V tejto práci je značná pozornosť venovaná práve meraniu statického kontaktného uhlu. [10] Samotné meranie kontaktného uhlu je možné vykonať rôznymi spôsobmi, v tejto práci bol však použitý najvhodnejší prístup, a to metódou „sessile-drop“, teda pokladanej alebo depozitovanej kvapky na meraný povrch. K meraniu bol využitý klasický „sessile-drop goniometer“, teda aparatúra, ktorá pozostávala z nastaviteľného stojanu na vzorky, nad ktorým bol umiestnený zdroj svetla, a objektívu fotoaparátu, ktorý bol prepojený s kamerou zabudovaného smartfónu. Meranie prebiehalo tak, že kvapka s objemom 3L destilovanej superčistej vody bola depozitovaná na povrch substrátu pomocou mikroinjekčnej striekačky. Cieľom tejto práce bolo nielen stanoviť kontaktné uhly a porovnať ich hodnoty medzi rôznymi typmi materiálov navzájom a po upravách tepelného a/lebo chemického charakteru. Vyhodnotené údaje zachycovali zmeny, ku ktorým došlo na povrchoch daných keramických materiálov pri adsorpcii organických molekúl. Proces tepelnej úpravy (kalcinácia na teplote 800°C, následne pokles na teplotu 600°C, po celkovú dobu 16 hodín) bol aplikovaný na všetkých typoch vzoriek, kde niektoré sa medzi sebou líšili teplotou slinovania. Ihneď po kalcinácii boli vzorky podrobené meraniu kontaktných uhlov, z ktorého jasne vyplynulo, že hydrofilicita a zmáčavosť povrchu sa zvýšila. Tento jav bol pozorovaný na všetkých vzorkách, a na všetkých vzorkách sa hodnoty kontaktného uhlu líšili veľmi významne od hodnoty, ktorá bola získaná v tzv. primárnom meraní. Všetky detailné hodnoty a vyhodnotené výsledky sú posudzované v časti diskusia. Ďalšou úpravou povrchu, ktorá bola vykonaná na vybraných vzorkách, bolo čistenie povrchu etanolom. Proces bol opäť realizovaný na všetkých vzorkách. Potom, ako boli zrealizované všetky merania na kalcinovaných vzorkách, boli všetky tieto vzorky ponorené do etanolu na približne 2 hodiny. Po vybratí vzoriek a ich osušení na vzduchu boli uskutočnené ďalšie merania kontaktných uhlov. Výsledky priniesli opäť rozdielne hodnoty v porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi meraniami a sú rozvinuté v časti diskusia.
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Vliv lanthanoidů na fázové transformace vysokoteplotní supravodivé keramiky řady Bi / Influence of noble earth's elements on Bi based high temperature superconductors phase transition.Šilhavý, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on high-temperature superconducting (HTS) ceramics series of bismuth. Specifically, there is studied Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x phase, known as the 2212 phase. The theoretical part describes the basic properties of superconductivity and superconductors, the properties of cuprate ceramics and description of LBCO, YBCO and BSCCO structures. The experimental part deals with the preparation of the precursor own Bi-2212 phase. It is synthesized by a process called sol-gel. Feedstock Bi2O3, CaCO3, SrCO3 and CuSO4 was dissolved in HNO3 and transferred to a complex with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA, Chelaton II). With NH3 pH > 9 was maintained due to the stability of complex. The obtained gel was concentrated, calcinated in a furnace at 860 °C and crushed into powder. Pure powder was subjected to analysis dipping microscope, SEM, XRD, FT-IR, TG-DTA at different atmospheres argon, oxygen and air. Then 1 wt.% of the oxide (La, Y, Sc, Sm) was added to part of the powder precursor and the samples were examined using TG-DTA.
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Polovodičová keramika pro termoelektrické aplikace / Semiconducting ceramics for thermoelectric applicationJebavá, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the syhnthesis of multicomponent ceramic system based on Ca-(Mn,Co)-O. The thesis is devided in theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part is describing ceramic materials for thermoelectric application, preparation and synthesis of these materials and their processing. The experimental part is dealing with synthesis of ceramic powder which is processed to the porous ceramics. The properties of prepared porous ceramics are observed.
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Vliv změny vstupních parametrů na výrobu nanoporézní keramiky / Impact of input parameters variation on fabrication of nanoporous aluminaHriczo, Filip January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines and tests acids and conditions, which make the production of nanoporous ceramic at the thin aluminium layer the most effective and provide the highest quality. This paper describes the production of nanoporous structures with pore size 15-400 nm, depending on the electrolyte. Creating a regular hexagonal structure by electrochemical oxidation is dependent on many parameters that affect the regularity of structure and parameters of the ceramics produced. They were investigated primarily by changes in temperature and input voltage. All results were examined by SEM analysis.
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Senzor pro měření průtoku / Flow sensorSymerský, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In its first, theoretical part, deals with the theory of fluid and gas flow, heat transfer and diversification of sensors for flow measurement working on the electrical principle. It also deals with thermodynamic principle, which can be used for measuring very small flow and low-temperature ceramics that is used to implement microcanals for sensing very low flows. The practical part of the thesis deals with the very simulation of the entire structure in the program “COMSOL Multiphysics” - both in 2D and 3D views. Then there is shown the implementation and measurement of the flow sensor in a low-temperature ceramics, working on a thermodynamic principle.
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Feroelektrika v elektrickém poli / Ferroelectrics in an electric fieldPavelka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis describes characteristics and use of ferroelectric materials which find their utilization in electrotechnical and electronics industry. The thesis is mainly aimed at their behaviour in the electrical field at various intensity. The method using an osciloscope is selected for measuring. For the main measuring in part of this thesis was produced experimental wafer with five samples which were subsequently mesuared. The VEE PRO program was used for creating of collecting datas for histeresis loop and it’s functionality was checked on wafer with five examples in measuring. During this measuring was also measured electric tension dependence of components of complex permittivity.
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Fyzikálně-chemické aspekty přípravy intermetalik TiAl obsahujících niob / Processing of Nb-containing TiAl intermetallics and its Physical and Chemical AspectsBarták, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Prezentovaná práce se zabývá vakuovým indukčním tavením intermetalické slitiny Ti-46Al-7Nb (at. %) v žáruvzdorných kelímcích na bázi Y2O3. Byla provedena série taveb pro teploty přehřátí taveniny 1630, 1680 and 1730 C a při různých dobách výdrže na této teplotě v rozmezí 5 až 30 minut. Ze slitin ztuhlých v tavících kelímcích byly připraveny metalografické výbrusy, které sloužily k hodnocení mikrostruktury a vyhodnocení složení fází. Pro získání těchto dat byly použity metosy elektronové mirkoskopie SEM a EDS. Kvantitativní hodnocení mikrostruktury, zejména obsahu oxidické faze ve slitině, bylo provedeno pomocí software Adaptive Contrast Control (ACC). Analýza obsahu kyslíku ve ztuhlé slitině byla provedena metodou IGF (fúze v inertním plynu). V této práci jsou pochody na rozhraní slitina/oxidický kelímek posuzovány také z termodynamického hlediska a to s použitím aktivit jednotlivých složek v systému. Data prezentovaná v této práci mohou být použita pro nastavení a optimalizaci procesů tavení intermetalik TiAlNb.
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Měření parametrů piezoelektrických aktivních prvků snímačů akustické emise / Measurement of Parameters of Piezoelectric Active Elements for Acoustic Emission SensorsFialka, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral thesis discusses the measurement of parameters of piezoelectric (PZT) materials and the influence of temperature on their stability. In the introductory sections, the author briefly explains the piezoelectric effect and its use; simultaneously, methods for the preparation of piezoelectric materials and the measurement of their properties are presented to illustrate the analyzed problem. The experimental part of the thesis describes the procedure of measuring and calculating the complete matrix of material coefficients from samples of PZT ceramics. The applied set of piezoelectric samples complying with relevant European and world standards was made in the form of thin plates, thin discs and cylinders, via gradual modification of the large disc. The NCE51 and/or the older PCM51 ceramics obtained from the company Noliac Ceramics were used in determining the complete matrix and describing the measurement method. Both these types are soft piezoceramics composed from a solid solution of lead zirconate and lead titanate with the general chemical formula of Pb(Zr1-x,Tix)O3. The real crystallographic structure and chemical composition of the samples were confirmed by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. The frequency method was used for the measurement and calculation of all material coefficients. An Agilent 4294A impedance analyzer and a set of measuring tweezers marketed as “Tweezers Contact Test Fixture 16334A” were used in the process. Fast determination of the entire matrix of coefficients without any special requirement for the preparation of the samples to be measured was tested and verified. The charge coefficients of the piezoelectric material were confirmed by direct methods including the laser interferometer technique, the vibrometric method, and the procedure utilizing changes of the force applied to the sample. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods were compared and defined based on measurements and their results. The main part of thesis was focused on the behavior of piezoelectric material at high temperatures near the Curie point. Depolarization performed by means of a high temperature approaching the Curie point constitutes a significant yet hardly measurable material property of PZT ceramics. Commonly available vibrometric methods (d33-meters) do not appear to be suitable for the measurement of temperature dependencies, and for that reason the frequency technique was used. The piezoelectric charge coefficient, whose value can be effectively measured via the above-discussed frequency method, was selected as the indicator showing the depolarization state in the applied piezoelectric ceramics. The accuracy of the procedure was verified via comparison of the vibrometric method in cylinders of the NCE51 ceramics with different sizes, which are designed for the longitudinal length mode. The result is an optimized measurement methodology which facilitates accurate determination of the Curie temperature, namely phase transition to the cubic crystallographic structure. The experiment also proved the applicability of progressive, controlled depolarization of PZT ceramics via high temperature, and it also enabled us to define the temperature limits at which there occur irreversible changes of the piezoelectric properties of piezoceramics. In the measured NCE51 and PCM51 materials, the limit for the irreversible changes was equal to 95% of the Curie temperature.
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Odpad v kruhu: výpovědní potenciál artefaktů z rondelu v Praze-Ruzyni / A Garbage in a Circle: Potential of the Artefacts from the Rondel in Prague-RuzyněBlažková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on research of the rondel (circular ditch) located in the Prague- -Ruzyně area, dated to Late Neolithic Era with the Stroked Pottery culture. Quantitative, qualitative and spatial analysis of rondel's object fillings were carried out and the results and interpretation are presented in this thesis. Particularly thanks to Stroke-ornamented pottery analysis, it was possible to determine the relative chronology of the ditches filling. The interpretation of the material analysis and material spatial distribution tried to describe the trends associated with the formative processes and the development of origin of the ditches fillings. This work brings the results of processing of archeological findings and field documentation of a fully explored rondel, situated in the settlement of the Stroked Pottery culture. This work contributes to the understanding of Late Neolithic settlement structure and the rondels in general. Catalogue of findings is included. KEY WORDS: Late Neolithic - Stroked Pottery culture - Circular ditch - spatial analysis - formation processes - pottery - lithics - daub - animal skeletal remains
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Osídlení ve východním zázemí středověké Prahy: podoba vsí a proměny sídelní sítě (12.-16. století). / Settlements in the eastern hinterland of the city of Prague: the villages and transformation of the settlement system (12th-16th centuries).Košařová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is a contribution to the knowledge concerning settlement structures and appearances of villages in the eastern hinterland of medieval Prague. The work focuses on the microregion situated in the basin of the Rokytka stream. Based on archaeological and written sources, contemporary settlement network is reconstructed, inclusive of its transformations taking place between the 12th and 16th centuries. The core section of the thesis includes processes and interpretation of the results revealed during the rescue archaeological excavation in the territory of the deserted medieval village Babice. Considering the microregion within its wider context of Prague hinterland allows evaluating its economic potential and its relation to the High Middle Ages city.
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