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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflexe vietnamské války v americké kinematografii od konce šedesátých let 20. století do počátku 21. století. / The Reflection of the Vietnam War in American Cine from the End of the 1960s to the Beginning of the 2000s.

Porš, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
(in English): This thesis deals with the second war in Indochina (American Vietnam War), its causes, course, political and international contexts and, in particular, its representation in American cinema in the second half of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century. In the main part of this thesis, I introduce the most important films dedicated to the Vietnam War while comparing and showing the different approaches of directors to this topic. I present films that deal not only with the war in Vietnam, but also topics that are immediately connected to it, such as the draft, returning veterans and their problems or war heroes. For each movie I endeavor to show the artistic quality or flaws and emphasize the political attitudes of the directors and their relationship to the Vietnam War.

Institucionální analýza podpory české kinematografie / Institucional Analysis of Support of Czech Cinematography

Pavlíková, Laura January 2017 (has links)
Using the optics of institutional analysis, the master's thesis "Institutional Analysis of Support of Czech Cinematography" examines and critically evaluates the dynamics of shifts in public policy approach towards audiovisual culture and its subvention from public resources. First, the subsystem of audiovisual policy is set into a broader social and cultural context. Then the thesis continues with identification of key events that influenced the formal institutions of cinematography support, one of the most significant branches of audiovisual culture. Following the Velvet Revolution, cinematography is approached with a neoliberal optics because of its potential to generate a financial profit and its artistic dimension and ability to function as a medium for values and education are sidelined. Despite declared efforts to support cinematography, the state institutions do not offer any conceptual solution for severely underfinanced sector of domestic cinematography, the sector, whose functionality should be in public interest. Only recently, changes in formal institutions, striving to bring a more complex quality approach back to cinematography, can be observed. As long as there is no conceptual financial support, however, the desired goals cannot be achieved.

Americko-japonské vztahy optikou americké kinematografie / U.S.-Japan Relations from the Perspective of American Cinema

Toman, David January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis provides an analysis of the contemporary depiction of significant historical moments in U.S.-Japan relations in American cinematography, specifically in the films: The Last Samurai, Pearl Harbor, Letters from Iwo Jima, and Emperor. The analysis elaborates on theoretical stream of popular culture and world politics and most particularly on the popular geopolitics discipline. A discourse analysis is used as the research method, through which the three main aspects of popular geopolitics in the selected movies are followed - representational logics, affect, and intertextuality. The research goal is to tackle the question, how the historical milestones in U.S.-Japan relations are portrayed in the present and how their portrayal is linked to the current geopolitical context. The research shows that filmmakers usually try to offer a balanced view of both sides, which means there are positive and negative portrayals of both Japanese and American characters. Japanese villains are usually militarists, which is in line with the postwar narrative of the American Occupation administration. The trend of negative portrayal of Americans has been strengthened only recently due to controversies related to the War on Terror. The main finding, however, is the fact that although Japan is...

České teenagerovské komedie nultých let / Czech Teen Comedies of the 2000s

Hezinová, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on Czech teen comedies produced during the 2000s and the production practices associated with them. The thesis defines a teenage film as a film that not only thematizes adolescence, but primarily targets an adolescent audience. In other words, the film's creators were consciously aiming at teenagers. The basic conceptual framework used to select individual films is the category of film cycle, which is defined as a series of typologically related films produced over a limited period of time, while also conforming to the same genre conventions of a dominant genre trend. The selected films are analyzed at a specific historical moment with emphasis on the wider context of the contemporary film and media industry. The methodological approach is based on production studies and industrially oriented genre theory which views genre primarily as an industrial concept that should be examined in relation to the film business. The analysis of the production practice used in the teen comedies is grounded in interviews with the film creators. This thesis aims to show how individual producers used the business opportunities available to them at the time, how the industrial conditions are reflected in their work, and how they thought about the concepts of genre and film cycle while...

Recepce slovenského filmu v českém tisku v období 1948 - 1969 (se zvláštním zřetelem ke zobrazení Němců) / Reception of Slovak Czech film in the Press in the period 1948 - 1969 (with special attention to the image of the Germans)

Racik, Marek January 2016 (has links)
My thesis focuses on the reception of Slovak fiction film in the Czech press from 1948, the year when Slovakia started to produce their own fiction films regularly, until 1969, when the social changes after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact troops ended the whole period. There was a notion in the Czech society that Czechoslovak film is a Czech film and the thesis focuses on this notion as it was understood by the Czech film critics. My goal is to find and explain, when and how the Czech film journalism started to recognize the differences inside the Czechoslovak film and pointed out the unique identity of the Slovak film in the Czech press. Furthermore, I examine how the Slovak film was rated by Czech film critics in the Czech film scholar press, film magazines and newspapers. The first part of the thesis examines the Czech-Slovak relations in the light of newly established Slovak fiction film. The second part focuses on the complex approach of the Czech film critical journals towards Slovak film, influenced by the state power between the years 1948 - 1960. The third part reflects the appearance of the topics concerning SNP and the so called Slovak New Wave, which lasted during two separate periods between the years 1960 - 1969. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Působení a vliv Karla Lamače ve filmovém průmyslu první republiky / Working and influence of Karel Lamač in the film industry of the First Czechoslovak Republic

Jindra, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis is engaged in working of the film industry in Czechoslovakia in period among two world wars, which is seen through the important actor, scriptwriter, director and film entrepreneur Karel Lamač. The issue is researched especially from the perspective of formation and activity of the film companies which were professional associated with the person of Lamač. It is followed up the family background which he came from, and the milieu where he worked the First World War. It further focuses on Lamač's first steps in the field of cinematography after 1918 and on his working at the time of the First Czechoslovak Republic. It is also reflected Lamač's activity as an inventor and a journalistic author, as well as related financial profit from the subsequent sale of patents or licences to the created movies. The thesis tries to clear up the mechanisms that led to exceptional position of this artist in the Czechoslovak film industry, with regard to his professional outreach to the international sphere. The study also devotes to Lamač's most significant projects and co-workers in the field of cinematography in order to refer the extent to which he contributed to the popularity of contemporary film-stars. The treatise of the most important life divides of creator after his final...

Problematika vzniku druhého hraného filmu po roce 2000 / Problematics of second feature film analyzed after year 2000

Pavlíčková, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Ve své práci se zabývám problematikou vzniku druhého hraného českého flmu po roce 2000. Snažím se popsat a zanalyzovat různé cesty vzniku druhého filmy, upozorňuji na hrozby a specifika, které s sebou vznik druhého filmu nese. V Neposlední řadě se snažím zmapovat mladou českou scénu po roce 2000, kde poukazuji na fakt, že mladý český film je momentálně v nejlepší kondici.

V žáru královské lásky / The Flames of Royal Love

Bokšteflová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a project by film director Jan Němec (born 1936) whose intent was to create a film adaptation of the novel The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch written in the 1920s by writer and philosopher Ladislav Klíma (1878-1928). The thesis presents individual segments of this project - from the source material to the script and directorial concept created in the '60s, through individual phases of the film's development and production in the '90s to reactions after its release in 1991. Emphasis is placed on the thoughts and attitudes of Němec himself. The thesis' main sources were the archives of Barrandov Studio as well as interviews with Němec, both public and non-public. The goal of the thesis is to convey information about the project as a whole and thus provide a deeper insight into this particular piece of Němec's creative output.

Allen, Malick, Coenové a voice-over v jejich filmovém vyprávění / Allen, Malick, Coens and their voice-over narration

Klouzová, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this MA thesis is to point out the legitimacy and specificity of voice-over narration as an expressive device in film. Although it is generally underestimated a priori, voice-over has peculiar qualities which, when put to good use, contribute to establish the intended tone of the film. I document the distinctiveness of this narrative device on analyses of films by Woody Allen, Terrence Malick, and the Coen brothers, who are well-known for incorporating voice-over in their narrative styles.

The Promise and its Ethics / Slib a jeho etika

Põhjala, Priit January 2016 (has links)
Zvolil jsem si téma etiky ve filmu Slib (1996) tvůrců Jeana-Pierra Dardennea a Luca Dardennea jakožto příkladovou studii užití filozofie, v tomto případě filozofie francouzského filozofa Emmanuela Levinase (1906–1995), a jak jeho filozofie ovlivňuje všechny aspekty vyprávění. Ačkoliv se nejedná o jedinou možnou interpretaci jejich díla, myšlenky Levinase jsou nejvíce relevantní jak pro příběh, tak i pro vyšší intelektuální cíle filmu. Zde je jeho pojem etiky jádrem postav a vyprávění až do bodu, kde se film sám o sobě stává testem pro přijatelnost Levinasovy filozofie, jako myšlenkového experimentu ve filmové podobě. Přijatelnost Levinasovy filozofie zůstává na konci filmu neprokázána. I přes filozofické a vyprávěcí nedostatky je Slib dobrým příkladem užití filozofie ve filmu, v jehož lepších částech se ukazuje síla tohoto přístupu, nicméně v horších částech můžeme vidět nebezpečí, které z tohoto přístupu vychází. V následujících filmech je zřejmé, že se bratři Dardenneové poučili ze svých chyb.

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