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Analýza posturálních reakcí při cvičení se symetrickou zátěží horních končetin odstředivou silou / Analysis of postural reactions in exercise with symmetric load of the upper limbs by centrifugal forceLanger, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
Title: Analysis of postural reactions on excercise with symetrical load of upper limbs by centrifugal force Summary: The aim of this thesis is testing excercise equipment Marrko and its effects on human body. Its based on the similar principle as few of established excersice equipments on the market, that are generating load on body by vibration. Thesis is based as biomechanical study pursuing specification of postural system reactions on specific excercises. EMG, Qualisys and Kistler systems were used to observe specific parameters in human body kinetics and muscle activity. Key words: Qualisys, EMG, Kistler, postural reactions
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Analýza posturálních reakcí při cvičení se zátěží horních končetin odstředivou silou / Analysis of postural reactions during exercise with loading of the upper limbs by centrifugal forceDudová, Daniela January 2019 (has links)
Title: Analysis of postural reactions of excercise with a load of upper limbs by centrifugal force. Summary: The aim of the study is the kinematic analysis of selected body segments (C7, Th4, Th8, Th12, AC and SIPS) during performance with a special exercise tool Marrko Core®. Another goal is to confirm the existing knowledge in the field of kinesiology about the rotation of spinal segments. In addition, we aim to compare the selected exercises with each other and asses their suitability for application in the general population with back pain of various etiologies. The experiment was performed as a biomechanical study, where specific biomechanical parameters in human body kinetics and muscle activity were measured during performance of specific exercises. All measurements have been undertaken in laboratory BEZ UK FTVS. Systems Qualisys, Kistler and EMG Noraxon were used for measurements of chosen parameters in human body kinetics and muscle activity. Participants: Participants attended in this study (8 individuals- 4 women and 4 men) were all healthy individuals, 20-40 years old, without any limitation of mobility and pain free. They were all recreational athletes. Key words: EMG, Kistler, Qualisys, postural stabilizatio
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Vliv nástroje na řezné odpory při CNC frézováníNesázal, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on measuring of cutting forces and milling on the CNC machine SCM Tech 99 L when MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is used as the machined material. The dynamometer Kistler 9257 B and DynoWare software is used for the measurement of forces and data analysis. The theoretical part of the thesis relates to the characteristics of the CNC machine, tools, tool angles and the methods of cutting resistance. The experimental part provides the description of the experiment itself as well as the changes of cutting conditions during the experimental process when using certain tools. Moreover, it explains the procedure of data processing and shows its final results. The conclusion of the thesis evaluates the data of cutting forces and cutting resistance. These data are further compared based on the technology and the parameters.
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Vybrané kondiční aspekty profesionálních hasičů soutěžících v požárním sportu a TFA / Selected fitness aspects of professional firefighters competing in fire sport and TFAMiřátský, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Title: Selected fitness aspects of professional firefighters competing in fire sport and TFA Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to find out the level and the difference in the parameters of body constitution, postural stability and muscular and explosive force of lower limbs with groups of professional firemen competing in fire sport and TFA Methods: The research sample was represented by two groups of professional firemen (17 fire sportsmen and 17 TFA competitors). We assessed chosen parameters of body constitution (Tanita MC-980MA), postural stability (RS Footscan), explosive force (Kistler) and muscular force (Cybex Humac Norm). Assessed parameters of body constitution were percentage of body fat and fatless matter. In the tests of postural stability we assessed total travel way of the centre of pressure (TTW), narrow stand (open and closed eyes) and one-leg stand (right, left). When testing explosive force, overall produced maximal force and height of the leap were assessed. Muscular force was assessed with the help of muscular force moment in concentric muscle activity with angular velocity 60ř·s-1. Results: We found out a significant difference between the two groups in the tests of postural stability - narrow stand with open and closed eyes (F1,32 = 9,94, p<0,01), in the tests of...
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Hur valid är mätning av postural kontroll med Wii Balance Board i jämförelse med en Kistler Force Plate? : How valid is it to measure postural control with Wii Balance Board in comparison to a Kistler Force Plate?Berggren, Alvin, Pettersson, Kristoffer January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det finns funktionella tester med varierande svårighetsgrad för att utvärdera patienters balans i kliniken. Dessa tester kan dock endast visa på balansförmåga i grova drag, exempelvis om man kan ställa sig upp från en stol eller klarar att stå på ett ben utan att falla. För mer exakta metoder går det att använda sig utav en kraftplatta. Det har det tidigare undersökts huruvida en Wii Balance Board kan fungera som ett valitt substitut för en standardiserad kraftplatta då denna är lättare och mindre kostsam. Det har dock aldrig undersökts med ett testprotokoll där proprioceptionen hos deltagaren försökt påverkas. Syfte: Öka kunskapen om validiteten för Wii Balance Board i jämförelse med Kistler Force Plate vad gäller mätning av postural kontroll i stillastående med och utan nackrotation via bål och underkropp. Metod: Experimentell metod med 15 deltagare som genomförde tre olika test i stillastående, dels med nacken i neutralposition och dels roterad 45 grader genom att rotera bål och underkropp. Posturala svajet mättes med Wii Balance Board och kraftplatta samtidigt. Skillnader i resultaten uträknades och analyserades sedan med Bland-Altman plots metod och presenterades i grafer. Resultat: Generellt framkom mycket god samstämmighet mellan utrustningarna, dock påvisades anmärkningsvärt större avvikelser för tre av deltagarna. Diskussion: Tekniska problem som har påverkat experimentet har upptäckts under studiens gång och har tagits med för framtida kunskap. Även att standardisera de tester som genomfördes med mer detaljerade och strikta instruktioner för deltagaren att stå stilla är viktigt för att inte få onödigt posturalt svaj. Konklusion: Validiteten för Wii Balance Board bedömer vi som god då resultatet mellan plattorna stämde överens i hög grad. Det är dock viktigt att ta hänsyn till upptäckta avvikelser som går att undvika vid framtida upprepade försök tack vare kunskapen från denna studie.
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Improving Water Droplet Prediction for Vehicle Exterior Water Management: Insights from Experimental and Simulation Studies / Förbättring av Förutsägelse av Vattendroppars Rörelse på Fordonsexteriörer: Insikter från Experiment och SimuleringarLabbé, Anton, Ahsan, Mahim January 2023 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the study of water transportation on vehicle surfaces, which is crucial for ensuring the unobstructed operation of sensors and cameras in autonomous vehicles. The research aims to develop and validate experimental and simulation methods to enhance the understanding of water droplet behaviour and to create accurate models for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The primary objective is to investigate the feasibility of simulating water droplets using CFD. The study examines the behaviour of water droplets on a lacquered metal sheet and a glass surface. Physical experiments and CFD simulations are conducted to analyse droplet movement under the influence of gravity and airflow. The findings provide insights into the factors influencing droplet behaviour and validate the accuracy of the simulation models through physical tests. The research also discusses the limitations of the study and the implications for Volvo Cars, aiming to improve their ability to predict water droplet movement on their vehicles. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på studien av vattentransport på fordonssytor, vilket är avgörande för att säkerställa att sensorer och kameror i autonoma fordon kan fungera utan hinder. Forskningen syftar till att utveckla och validera experimentella och simuleringsmetoder för att förbättra förståelsen av vattendroppars beteende och skapa noggranna modeller för simuleringar inom beräkningsfluidmekanik (CFD). Det primära målet är att undersöka möjligheten att simulera vattendroppar med hjälp av CFD och deras påverkan på fordonssytor. Studien undersöker beteendet hos vattendroppar på en lackerad metallplåt och en glasyta med varierande lutningsvinklar. Fysiska experiment och CFD-simuleringar utförs för att analysera dropparnas rörelse under påverkan av tyngdkraft och luftström. Resultaten ger insikter om de faktorer som påverkar dropparnas beteende och validerar modellernas noggrannhet genom fysiska tester. Forskningen diskuterar även studiens begränsningar och dess implikationer för Volvo Cars, med målet att förbättra deras förmåga att förutsäga vattendroppars rörelse på deras fordon, vilket leder till effektivare vindtunneltester och säkrare fordon.
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Provedení golfového švihu u pacientů s amputací dolní končetiny / Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremityRichtrová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Author: Bc. Michaela Richtrová Tittle: Golf swing in subjects with amputation of lower extremity Objectives: The study aims at evaluation of the technique of golf swing used by patients with a different type and level of lower extremity amputation as compared to able-bodied golfers. Another objective is determination of the relation between individual phases of the golf swing and weight transfer, using different golf clubs, as compared to able-bodied golfers. Method: By its topic the work is a pilot study. The research has been divided into three descriptive case studies. The experimental group included two amateur golfers and one professional golfer. The control group was represented by an able-bodied golfer. Evaluation of kinematic parameters (trajectory of shoulders, hips, knee joints) was based on the Qualysis Motion Capture System. Evaluation of dynamic parameters (weight transfer) in the course of golf swing was made using two dynamometric Kistler platforms. Results: The measuring has demonstrated that in terms of both kinematics and dynamics, the mode of movement of a patient with a trans-tibial amputation during a golf swing corresponds to that of an able-bodied golfer. The same results were achieved by the patient also with the use of another type of golf club. A change, both in terms of...
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Vliv výstroje a výzbroje na držení těla při střelecké poloze v kleku / Impact of gear and weaponry on posture in kneeling shooting positionZdražila, Václav January 2016 (has links)
Title Impact of gear and weaponry on posture in kneeling shooting position Objectives The aim of this thesis is to find out the impact of gear and weaponry on posture in the kneeling shooting position. Specifically, this study examines the influence of carried load on posture, aiming stability and balance in the high and low kneeling shooting position variants. Methods This thesis has an empirical observational character. The shooting position was tested by Qualisys camera system and Kistler pressure plates. The measurment was performed on 16 Military department students with mean age of 23 years (standard deviation 2,63 years). Measurements were carried out in four levels, with no load, light load of 15 kg, mean load of 30 kg and heavy load of 45 kg. The measurement was performed on high kneeling variant and the low variant with elbow supported by the front knee. Intra-individual comparison of the results of each level was determined by a T-test. Results: The load in a form of gear and weapony had a statisicaly significant - negative influence on the kneeling shooting position posture. Gear and weaponry used for this study caused a lower trunk position, increased shoulders angle in the low variant, lesser aiming stability and balance control in the position. The bigger was the weight of gear and...
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Strategie stabilizace postury při stoji na labilní ploše a při aplikaci válce s vodou / Strategy of posture stabilisation in stand on unstable base and under application of container with waterLáncz, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
Title: Strategy of postural stabilisation using unstable surface and water barrel. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the level of muscle actiavtion of choosen muscles during lunge on unstable surface or with using water barrel. Investigation of the postural strategy used during lunge orn unstable surface or with the water barrel and creation of methodology for measurment and data analysis. Methods: Into this pilot study, there were picked 5 people (athletes). Data for outcomes where used from 3 athletes. The measurement of level of muscle activation were done by surface electromyography over gluteus medius muscle and musculi multifidii bilaterally.For data procession was used software Origin 2012 Postural stability was measured through force plates by Kistler and gained data were procesed by using software programmes Bioware, MS Excel and Matlab. For data analysis from EMG measurement was used simple comparasion of outcomes. Stabilometry outcomes were analysed by statistical methode t-test. Results: The results indicate greater level of muscle activation during lunge with aquabag than lunge on unstable surface for most of the measured muscles. The only exception, where level of muscle activity was higher, was multifidi muscle on rear leg. Another outcome proved that the postural...
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Strategie stabilizace postury při stoji na labilní ploše a při aplikaci válce s vodou / Strategy of posture stabilisation in stand on unstable base and under application of container with waterLáncz, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Title: Strategy of postural stabilisation using unstable surface and water barrel. Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the level of muscle actiavtion of choosen muscles during lunge on unstable surface or with using water barrel. Investigation of the postural strategy used during lunge orn unstable surface or with the water barrel and creation of methodology for measurment and data analysis. Methods: Into this pilot study, there were picked 5 people (athletes). Data for outcomes where used from 3 athletes. The measurement of level of muscle activation were done by surface electromyography over gluteus medius muscle and musculi multifidii bilaterally.For data procession was used software Origin 2012 Postural stability was measured through force plates by Kistler and gained data were procesed by using software programmes Bioware, MS Excel and Matlab. For data analysis from EMG measurement was used simple comparasion of outcomes. Stabilometry outcomes were analysed by statistical methode t-test. Results: The results indicate greater level of measured trunk muscles activation during lunge with aquabag than lunge on unstable surface. Another thing which was found is that there was higher activation of Gluteus medius muscle on dominant lower extremity when performin lunge on unstable...
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