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Klasifikace vybraných zemědělských plodin v modelovém území Kutnohorska s využitím časové řady dat Sentinel-2 a PlanetScope / Classification of selected agricultural crops from time series of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope imagery in Kutnohorsko model areaKuthan, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Classification of selected agricultural crops from time series of Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope imagery in Kutnohorsko model area Abstract The thesis is focused on the analysis of spectral characteristics of selected agricultural crops druring agriculutural season from time series of Sentinel -2 (A and B) and PlanetScope sensors in the model area situated around the settlements of Kolín and Kutná Hora. It is based on the assumption that the use of multiple dates of image data acquired crops in different phenological phases of the crops allows better identification of crop species (Lu et al., 2004). The aim of the thesis was to analyse the characteristics of the seasonal course of spectral features of selected agricultural crops (sugar beet, spring barley, winter barley, maize, spring wheat, winter wheat, winter rape) and to determine the period of the year suitable for the differentiation of individual crops. Another aim of the thesis was to classify these crops in the model area from time series of two above-mentioned sensors and to compare the accuracy of the pixel and object-oriented classification approach for multitemporal composites and the accuracy for monotemporal image from the term when the individual crops are clearly distinguishable. The training and validation datasets and the classification mask...
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Hodnocení vybraných pomůcek využívaných v tenisovém tréninku dětí mladšího školního věku / Evaluation of selected aids used in tennis training for chldren of early school age.Roth, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of selected aids used in tennis training for children of early school age Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to assess the efficiency of gathered tennis aids used in tennis training for children of early school age (6-11 years). Methods: The selected methods for achieving the established goals are research of available literature and sources and their consequent analysis and synthesis. Results: A well-arranged description, classification and efficiency evaluation of tennis aids were created in this thesis based on the examination of available sources related to tennis A process of putting aids into the training plan according to the relevant principles was introduced. The result of this work is a classification of the selected tennis aids to aids for beginners, intermediate and advanced users based on their usage. The main criteria for putting the aids into training are age and sport level. It mostly depends on the experience of the trainer to put the aids in the training unit according to the sport training rules appropriately. Methods created based on the research of available literature are justified and analyzed in detail in the analytic- descriptive part of this work and its conclusion. Keywords: tennis, aids, aids classification, aids efficiency, early school age,...
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Optimalizace tvorby trénovacího a validačního datasetu pro zvýšení přesnosti klasifikace v dálkovém průzkumu Země / Training and validation dataset optimization for Earth observation classification accuracy improvementPotočná, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with training dataset and validation dataset for Earth observation classification accuracy improvement. Experiments with training data and validation data for two classification algorithms (Maximum Likelihood - MLC and Support Vector Machine - SVM) are carried out from the forest-meadow landscape located in the foothill of the Giant Mountains (Podkrkonoší). The thesis is base on the assumption that 1/3 of training data and 2/3 of validation data is an ideal ratio to achieve maximal classification accuracy (Foody, 2009). Another hypothesis was that in a case of SVM classification, a lower number of training point is required to achieve the same or similar accuracy of classification, as in the case of the MLC algorithm (Foody, 2004). The main goal of the thesis was to test the influence of proportion / amount of training and validation data on the classification accuracy of Sentinel - 2A multispectral data using the MLC algorithm. The highest overal accuracy using the MLC classification algorithm was achieved for 375 training and 625 validation points. The overal accuracy for this ratio was 72,88 %. The theory of Foody (2009) that 1/3 of training data and 2/3 of validation data is an ideal ratio to achieve the highest classification accuracy, was confirmed by the overal accuracy and...
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Klinická klasifikace sekvenčních variant v nekódujících regulačních oblastech genů predisponujících ke vzniku karcinomu prsu. / Clinical classification of sequence variants in non-coding regulatory regions in breast cancer susceptibility genes.Bubáková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
Inactivation of tumor supressor gene BRCA1 causes a life-long risk of breast carcinoma development. Genetic screenings of indicated individuals from high-risk families help to identify large number of sequence variants in known predisposing genes. Majority of discovered variants doesn't have clinical significance yet which causes a big problem for diagnostics. Some of these variants are found within regulatory non-coding regions of gene. A part of the clinical classification of variants is their functional characterization. The goal of this thesis was to create a model system for functional characterization of variants in non-coding regions and to verify its function. Model system was based on targeted gene manipulation by co-transfecting CRISPR-Cas9 construct and donor construct that contained a portion of BRCA1 gene sequence with analyzed modifications, into U2 OS cells. The cells have stably integrated DR-GFP system which allows the activity of homologous recombination (HR) to be determined. Monoallelic modifications were induced into U2 OS cells. These modifications were in a Kozak sequence region of BRCA1 gene. Expression level of BRCA1 mRNA was determined by qRT-PCR, which showed the same levels of mRNA in all cells with analyzed alterations. Next, expression level of BRCA1 protein was...
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Definování základních typů sociálně-ekologických krajin v České republice v kontextu poskytovaných ekosystémových služeb / Defining the Basic Socio-ecological Landscapes Types in the Czech Republic in the Context of Ecosystem Service ProvisionSpustová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Current approaches of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystems and ecosystem services are within the scope of this master's thesis. The aim of the thesis is, on the basis of current landscape classifications, landscape typologies, and their combination with approaches of ecosystem services classification, to appoint socio-ecological units as functional socio-ecological types of the territory. In other words, on the basis of classification listed, this thesis attempts to prove, that socio-ecological units are functional socio-ecological types of the territory, which should be given proper attention. Socio-ecological landscapes are defined according to degree of anthropogenic impact, selected socioeconomic characteristics, and selected ecosystem services. The thesis focuses on three of four categories of ecosystem services defined in Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - provisioning services, regulating services, and cultural services. As a methodology, the quantitative research was chosen. The research was carried out by data collection and the analysis of statistical data of Czech Statistical Office, Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre, and Statistical Yearbook of Soil Services. The thesis main finding is that social and ecological components of socio-ecological systems are in mutual...
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Vybrané přesné prostoročasy v Einsteinově gravitaci / Selected exact spacetimes in Einstein's gravityRyzner, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to construct exact, axially symmetric solutions of Einstein- Maxwell(-dilaton) equations, which possess a discrete translational symmetry along an axis. We present two possible approaches to their construction. The first one is to solve Einstein-Maxwell equations, the second one relies on a dimensional reduction from a higher dimension. We examine the geometry of the solutions, their horizons and singu- larities, motions of charged test particles and compare them. 1
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Problematika správy terminologie s případovou studií zpracování terminologického projektu v prostředí profesní asociace / Terminology management with a case study within a professional associationHamáková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
(in English) The presented master's thesis deals with the subject of terminology management and includes a case study carried out in collaboration with the professional association Jednota tlumočníků a překladatelů (Union of Interpreters and Translators, JTP). In the first part, the theoretical principles of terminology in general are described and the basic aspects of terminology management with the focus on terminological databases are presented. The reader is also briefly familiarized with terminology work at the EU level and some selected projects. The first part shall serve as the basis for the second part, which is of empirical nature and reflects findings discovered during the development of a database using the SDL MultiTerm 2015 software and glossaries provided by the JTP. In this part, the diploma candidate describes each step taken during the development and provides commentary on specific issues and their solutions. Finally, the experiences gained through the project are confronted with the theory and future prospects are outlined.
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Ohrožená sídla v periferních oblastech Česka / Threatened villages in marginal regions in CzechiaTaitl, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is generally devoted to the endogenous potential of the development of the smallest settlements of the selected part of the inner periphery in Czechia. This internal potential is created by the socio-economic and socio-cultural status of the settlement. At a time when the rural development paradigm, ie the top-down approach and the principle of local governance, prevails according to OECD, it seems that the socio-cultural part of the endogenous potential of the settlement is probably the key one. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the possibilities of local actors, especially permanent residents and subjects of the second housing, in influencing the overall state of the given settlement - socio-economic part of the internal potential of the settlement. In the practical part, it analyzes the internal potential of selected settlements, statistically tests the relationship between these factors and looks for probable reasons for different potential. The relationship between the internal factors of development was confirmed and the socio-cultural nature was identified as a key aspect of potential success. The thesis does not aim to predict the exact future of these settlements, but it realistically reflects their internal potential and thus presents their likely direction...
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Využití optických endoskopických metod v diagnostice slizničních nádorů hlavy a krku / Application of Optical Endoscopic Methods in Diagnostics of Head and Neck Mucosal TumorsŠatanková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Diagnosis of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer is often in advanced stages of cancer, resulting in elimination of the possibility of treatment with the least mutilating effect for the patient. The huge progamination. ress in diagnostic process of mucosal tumors of the head and neck has been started with the development of new optical endoscopic imaging methods that are able to visualize initiating discrete mucosal changes with pathological vascularization easier and more accurately. The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the benefit of Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), especially in the differentation of benign, precancerous and malignant changes in three groups of patients, it means in preoperative diagnostics in outpatient department (group I), during the endoscopic surgery (group II) and also in follow-up of patients after curative radiotherapy (group III). The vascular changes within the observed lesion or in close contact with the laryngeal/hypopharyngeal lesion were classified according to two classifications (Ni and Arens) and subsequently correlated with the histopathological results. The dissertation confirmed that NBI plays a key role in early detection of precancerous and malignant changes, in discrimination between benign and malignant vascular patterns with statistical significance. We...
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Obecná relativita ve vyšších dimenzích / General Relativity in Higher DimensionsMálek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
vii Title: General relativity in higher dimensions Author: Tomáš Málek Institute: Institute of Theoretical Physics Supervisor: Mgr. Vojtěch Pravda, PhD., Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Abstract: In the first part of this thesis, Kerr-Schild metrics and extended Kerr- Schild metrics are analyzed in the context of higher dimensional general relativ- ity. Employing the higher dimensional generalizations of the Newman-Penrose formalism and the algebraic classification of spacetimes based on the existence and multiplicity of Weyl aligned null directions, we establish various geometri- cal properties of the Kerr-Schild congruences, determine compatible Weyl types and in the expanding case discuss the presence of curvature singularities. We also present known exact solutions admitting these Kerr-Schild forms and con- struct some new ones using the Brinkmann warp product. In the second part, the influence of quantum corrections consisting of quadratic curvature invariants on the Einstein-Hilbert action is considered and exact vacuum solutions of these quadratic gravities are studied in arbitrary dimension. We investigate classes of Einstein spacetimes and spacetimes with a null radiation term in the Ricci tensor satisfying the vacuum field equations of quadratic gravity...
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