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Reconstruction of B- --> D*° e- nu Decays and Determination of |Vcb|Schubert, Jens 05 January 2007 (has links)
In this analysis the decay B- --> D*° e- nu is measured. The underlying data sample consists of about 226 million B-meson pairs accumulated on the Y(4S) resonance by the BABAR detector at the asymmetric e+e- collider PEP II. The reconstruction of the decay uses the channels D*° --> D° pi°, D° --> K- pi+ and pi° --> gamma gamma. The neutrino is not reconstructed. Since the rest frame of the B meson is unknown, the boost w of the D*° meson in the B meson rest frame is estimated by w'. The w' spectrum of the data is described in terms of the partial decay width dGamma/dw given by theory and the detector simulation translating each spectrum dGamma/dw into an expectation of the measured w' spectrum. dGamma/dw depends on a form factor F(w) parameterizing the strong interaction in the decay process. To find the best descriptive dGamma/dw a fit to the data determines the following two parameters of dGamma/dw: (i) F(1)|Vcb|, the product between F at zero D*°-recoil and the Quark mixing parameter |Vcb|; (ii) rho^2, a parameter of the form factor F(w). The former parameter scales the height of dGamma/dw and rho^2 varies the shape of it. The determined values of F(1)|Vcb|, rho^2 and the branching fraction BF(B- --> D*° e- nu) are F(1)|Vcb| = (35.8 +- 0.5 +- 1.5) x 10e-03, rho^2 = (1.08 +- 0.05 +- 0.09) and BF(B- --> D*° e- nu) = (5.60 +- 0.08 +- 0.42)%, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. The value of BF(B- --> D*° e- nu) has been determined by an integration of dGamma/dw over the allowed w range using the fitted values of F(1)|Vcb| and rho^2. Read more
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Variétés projective à fibré cotangent ampleBrotbek, Damian 21 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nous étudions différentes propriétés d'hyperbolicité pour les variétés intersection complète. Étant donnée une variété intersection complète lisse X ⊂ M dans une variété projective complexe lisse, nous démontrons que si k est plus grand que dim X/ codimM X et si le multidegré de X est suffisamment grand alors il existe sur X des équations différentielles de jets d'ordre k et de degré m pour m suffisamment grand. Ensuite nous étudions une conjecture de O. Debarre : si X ⊂ P^N est l'intersection d'au moins N/2 hypersurfaces génériques de degré suffisamment grand, alors le fibré cotangent de X est ample. Nous donnons différents résultats partiels en direction de cette conjecture. Nous démontrons que si X vérifie les hypothèses de la conjecture alors X est hyperbolique et le fibré cotangent de X est numériquement positif, gros, et ample en dehors d'un lieu de codimension au moins 2. Nous donnons ensuite une stratégie pour calculer explicitement des formes différentielles symétriques sur des variétés intersection complète particulières. Enfin, nous démontrons un théorème d'annulation pour la cohomologie des fibrés de différentielles de jets de Green-Griffiths, généralisant ainsi un théorème de Schneider et un théorème de Diverio. Pour finir, nous étudions la cohomologie des fibrés en droites sur l'hypersurface universelle des diviseurs dans P^1. Read more
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Obraz čínsko-japonské války v kultuře jako součást japonského nacionalismu / Image of the Sino-Japanese War in Culture as a Part of the Japanese NationalismDanišová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the beginnings of the Japanese nationalism. It examines the role of the Sino- Japanese war of 1894-1895 in these beginnings in relation to other national consciousness forming factors. Govermental activities, such as education system and army reforms, and the effort to stress the emperor as a symbol of the Japanese people, and also activities of the intelectual strata, who influenced the society mainly through journalism, were especially prominent among them. It stresses the importance of the period media (newspapers, illustrated magazines, woodcut prints) and early modern theatre to the spread of the national consciousness among masses. It also shows how the way the war was conveyed in the media influenced the view the Japanese had of themselves and of the neighbouring countries. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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