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Metadata-Supported Object-Oriented Extension of Dynamic Geometry SoftwareTI / Objektno-orijentisano proširenje softvera zadinamičku geometriju podržano metapodacimaRadaković Davorka 10 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Nowadays, Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) is widely accepted as a tool for creating and presenting visually rich interactive teaching and learning materials, called dynamic drawings. Dynamic drawings are specified by writing expressions in functional domain-specific languages. Due to wide acceptance of DGS, there has arisen a need for their extensibility, by adding new semantics and visual objects (visuals). We have developed a programming framework for the Dynamic Geometry Software, SLGeometry, with a genericized functional language and corresponding expression evaluator that act as a framework into which specific semantics is embedded in the form of code annotated with metadata. The framework transforms an ordinary expression tree evaluator into an object-oriented one, and provide guidelines and examples for creation of interactive objects with dynamic properties, which participate in evaluation optimization at run-time. Whereas other DGS are based on purely functional expression evaluators, our solution has advantages of being more general, easy to implement, and providing a natural way of specifying object properties in the user interface, minimizing typing and syntax errors.LGeometry is implemented in C# on the .NET Framework. Although attributes are a preferred mechanism to provide association of declarative information with C# code, they have certain restrictions which limit their application to representing complex structured metadata. By developing a metadata infrastructure which is independent of attributes, we were able to overcome these limitations. Our solution, presented in this dissertation, provides extensibility to simple and complex data types, unary and binary operations, type conversions, functions and visuals, thus enabling developers to seamlessly add new features to SLGeometry by implementing them as C# classes annotated with metadata. It also provides insight into the way a domain specific functional language of dynamic geometry software can be genericized and customized for specific needs by extending or restricting the set of types, operations, type conversions, functions and visuals.Furthermore, we have conducted experiments with several groups of students of mathematics and high school pupils, in order to test how our approach compares to the existing practice. The experimental subjects tested mathematical games using interactive visual controls (UI controls) and sequential behavior controllers. Finally, we present a new evaluation algorithm, which was compared to the usual approach employed in DGS and found to perform well, introducing advantages while maintaining the same level of performance.</p> / <p>U današnje vreme softver za dinamičku geometriju (DGS) je široko prihvaćen kao alat za kreiranje i prezentovanje vizuelno bogatih interaktivnih nastavnih materijala i materijala za samostalno učenje, nazvanih dinamičkim crtežima. Kako je raslo prihvatanje softvera za dinamičku geometriju, tako je i rasla potreba da se oni proširuju, dodajući im novu semantiku i vizualne objekte. Razvili smo programsko okruženje za softver za dinamičku geometriju, SLGeometry, sa generičkim funkcionalnim jezikom i odgovarajućim evaluatorom izraza koji čini okruženje u kom su ugrađene specifične semantike u obliku koda označenog metapodacima. Ovo okruženje pretvara uobičajen evaluator stabla izraza u objektno orijentiran, te daje uputstva i primere za stvaranje interaktivnih objekata sa dinamičkim osobinama, koji sudeluju u optimizaciji izvršenja tokom izvođenja. Dok se drugi DGS-ovi temelje na čisto funkcionalnim evaluatorima izraza, naše rješenje ima prednosti jer je uopštenije, lako za implementaciju i pruža prirodan način navođenja osobina objekta u korisničkom interfejsu, minimizirajući kucanje i sintaksne greške. SLGeometry je implementirana u jeziku C# .NET Framework-a. Iako su atributi preferiran mehanizam, koji povezuje C# kôd sa deklarativnim informacijama, oni imaju određena ograničenja koja limitiraju njihovu primenu za predstavljanje složenih strukturiranih metapodataka. Razvijanjem infrastrukture metapodataka koja je nezavisna od atributa, uspeli smo prevladati ta ograničenja. Naše rešenje, predstavljeno u ovoj disertaciji, pruža proširivost: jednostavnim i složenim vrstama podataka, unarnim i binarnim operacijama, konverzijama tipova, funkcijama i vizuelnim objektima, omogućavajući time programerima da neprimetno dodaju nove osobine u SLGeometry implementirajući ih kao C# klase označene metapodacima.</p>
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Giving programming novices affirmation on their programming skills through gamification: A proposed IT artefactPetersson, Ida, Samskog, Hannes January 2021 (has links)
This design science research proposes an IT artefact consisting of a website and a client application with the focus of letting users receive programming tasks which they will then try and solve, and have their solutions evaluated, thereby giving affirmation on their programming skills. The study sprung from the need to give programming novices confidence in their abilities to write sufficient code solutions to programming tasks. A delimitation was made to concentrate on the concepts covered by the course Fundamentals of Programming given by the Department of Informatics of Media at Uppsala University. The proposal successfully affirms its users coding confidence by assessing and communicating through gamified elements the correctness of the code solution to the user, thus enabling the heightening of the users motivation to continue learning programming skills. / Denna designvetenskapliga studie föreslår en IT artefakt bestående av en webbsida och en klientapplikation med fokus på att ge användare programmeringsuppgifter som de sedan ska försöka lösa och sedermera få evaluerade med feedback kring om deras lösning gav korrekt output. Studien utgick från behovet att ge programmeringsnybörjare bekräftelse på deras förmåga att skapa tillräckliga lösningar på koduppgifter. En avgränsning gjordes till att fokusera på de koncept som täcks av kursen Grundläggande programmering som ges av institutionen för Informatik & Media via Uppsala universitet. Förslaget bekräftar framgångsrikt användares kodningskunskaper genom att utvärdera och kommunicera resultaten via gamifierade element till användaren, vilket kan öka användarnas motivation att fortsätta utveckla sin programmeringsförmåga.
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Приступи развоју базe података Општег информационог модела за електроенергетске мреже / Pristupi razvoju baze podataka Opšteg informacionog modela za elektroenergetske mreže / Approaches for Developing a Database for Common Information Model of Power GridsDević Saša 01 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Општи информациони модел (CIM) користи се за опис електроенергетске мреже и за размену података између оператера преносних електроенергетских система. Како је модел постајао све заступљенији, појавила се потреба за његовим складиштењем. У раду је развијен методолошки приступ за развој базе података која би подржала релативно једноставно складиштење и рад са инстанцама CIM модела, које описују тренутно, активно стање у систему. Такође, омогућено је и праћење претходних, историјских стања CIM инстанци, као и њихова рестаурација у жељено стање. Очекује се да предложени приступ олакша увођење CIM модела у различита, наменска програмска решења.</p> / <p>Opšti informacioni model (CIM) koristi se za opis elektroenergetske mreže i za razmenu podataka između operatera prenosnih elektroenergetskih sistema. Kako je model postajao sve zastupljeniji, pojavila se potreba za njegovim skladištenjem. U radu je razvijen metodološki pristup za razvoj baze podataka koja bi podržala relativno jednostavno skladištenje i rad sa instancama CIM modela, koje opisuju trenutno, aktivno stanje u sistemu. Takođe, omogućeno je i praćenje prethodnih, istorijskih stanja CIM instanci, kao i njihova restauracija u željeno stanje. Očekuje se da predloženi pristup olakša uvođenje CIM modela u različita, namenska programska rešenja.</p> / <p>Common Information Model (CIM) is used for describing power grid networks<br />and data exchange among transmission system operators (TSO). As the<br />model became widely used, there was a need to store such model. In this<br />thesis we present a methodological approach to development of a database<br />that supports relatively easy storing and managing CIM instances, which<br />describe current, active state of the system. Also, tracking changes and<br />restoring CIM instances to its previous states are supported. We expect that<br />such methodological approach would ease the implementation of CIM model<br />in various, domain specific software solutions.</p>
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