Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coeficient""
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Měření útlumu ultrazvukového vlnění / Ultrasound attenuation measurementFeller, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ultrasound attenuation measurement methods. Variety of methods are developed and tested . Castor oil was used as reference material. Different kinds of ultrasound transducers, hydrophone and ultrasound scanner GE Vingmed SystemFive were used for measurement. Data was processed by scripts developed in matlab.
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Hodnocení technické úrovně vozidel značky FORD pro účely oceňování / Estimation of the technical level of FORD vehicles for valuation purposesValešová, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
he paper analyzes the current production of Ford cars and analysis in terms of development of their technical level. It was created parametric comparison of currently produced vehicles on the market. For the most common models of the Fiesta, Focus and Mondeo is compared to change the technical level over the last 10 years. On the basis of these evaluations was created basis for determining the coefficient of technical level. A further assessed changes in exchange values for the most common models for 10 years, and their comparison with the corresponding amortization scales in accordance with the methodology Valuation standard number I / 2015 and so were consistently reflected changes in technical standards for older models.
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Optimalizace podmínek stanovení sorpčních vlastností dnových sedimentů / Optimization of conditions for determination of bottom sediment sorption characteristicsRamešová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Lucie Ramešová Přírodovědecká fakulta Květen 2014 Ústav pro životní prostředí a VÚV T.G.M. v.v.i. OPTIMIZATION OF CONDITIONS FOR DETERMINATION OF BOTTOM SEDIMENT SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS ABSTRACT An option of this study was to optimize conditions of distribution coefficients determination in the water-sediment system. The study results will be applied in the task A research on influence of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant accident on the Vltava and Labe water environment contamination to the border profile Labe - Hřensko. After finding optimal conditions for sorption experiments, these will be applied on the experiments using real sediment samples and corresponding surface water extracted from different localities of Vltava River, Labe River respectively. A goal of the whole project is to contribute to creation of a crisis scenario of potential accident of Temelin Nuclear Power Plant and its impact on Vltava and Labe water environments. Above all, the aim is to answer the question which processes would take place in dams and basins during the contamination by fission and activation products, whether and which products would be preferably adsorbed and would consequently settle down and which would supposedly be transported to the lower parts of the watershed. The practical part of the...
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Změny v distribuci příjmů v USA a dekompozice Giniho koeficientuRoček, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Roček, T. Changes in income distribution in the USA and decomposition of Gini coefficient. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2016. Since the 80s of the last century, the United States has seen a considerable income inequality growth. This diploma thesis analyses the influence of individual income sources on determination of inequality, esteems their significance and formulates instruments that the government can use to affect these sources. This diploma thesis contains decomposition of Gini coefficient. This decomposition revealed, that the source, which is the most important determinant of the total income ine-quality are salaries and wages. Sales of assets contributed the most to the rise of inequality in the analysed period from 2000 to 2014. This income source also has the highest potential for further growth of income inequality. Discussion part, which follows, contains the debate about the main causes of this progression and the relevance of researching the income inequality issue. Based on the approach used in this diploma thesis, it is possible to decompose the Gini coefficient in any state or region, and to explore the inequality determinants in this way. This thesis also offers a comprehensive view on the whole issue.
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Strukturní stav půdy jako indikátor dopadu různých způsobů hospodaření v zemědělské krajiněRůžičková, Vladimíra January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the influence of long-term effects of agrotechnical measures (different intensity of soil tillage, variant crop rotations and organic amendment during long-term continuous cropping of cereals) on coefficient of structure (CS). Observations were made within two long-term stationary field experiments conducted on luvisolic Chernozem soil in a suger-beet production region. During the first experiment conducted between 1989 and 2017, the impact of two crop rotations (with 33.3% and 66.6% representation of cereals) and four variants of soil tillage to winter wheat, spring barley and sugar beet were evaluated. For winter wheat and spring barley, the following soil tillage options were included: 1 – plowing up to 0.22 m; 2 – plowing up to 0.15 m; 3 – direct sowing into uncultivated soil and 4 – shallow soil tillage up to 0.10 m. The variants for sugar beet were: 1 – plowing up to 0.28 m; 2 – plowing up to 0.22 m + hoeing up to 0.40 – 0.45 m; 3 – plowing up to 0.28 m + sowing of a intercrop; 4 – plowing up to 0.22 m + sowing of a intercrop. In the second field experiment conducted between 1977 and 2017, the influence of organic amendment on the long-term continuous cropping of cereals (rotation of winter wheat and spring barley) was evaluated. Three variants of organic amendment were included: 1 – straw harvest; 2 – straw harvest and intercrop production for green manuring and 3 – straw incorporation. Measurement of the coefficient of structure was made in 2017, in the first experiment at the last crop of crop rotations – spring barley, in the second experiment at the spring barley. The influence of the crop rotation on the structural condition of the soil was small, statistically insignificant. On average, slightly higher CS values were recorded in the crop rotation with 66.6% representation of cereals. The influence of soil tillage on CS was statistically significant. The lowest CS value was recorded in variant 1 (plowing to 0.22 m for cereals, plowing to 0.28 m for sugar beet). The highest CS was recorded in variant 3 (direct sowing in to an uncultivated soil for cereals, plowing to 0.28 m and intercrop for sugar beet). The results generally show the beneficial effect of lower soil tillage intensity and growing of frosting crops on the structural state of the soil. Organic amendment has beneficially affected the structural state (CS) only in the upper part of the soil (0 – 0.15 m). Straw incorporation and straw harvest with an intercrop for green manuring had the most favorable influence on the CS. Higher CS values were measured in the top soil layer (0 – 0.15 m) in both field experiments.
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Využití ohnutých dílců z borovice v konstrukci "hladké" jídelní židleJuračka, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to consider the maximum use of bent parts in the design of a smooth dining chair with respect to the physical and mechanical properties of Pine wood. It also compares the strength properties of the three variants of the structural bonding of the reinforcing arc with the bearings and the smooth dining chair legs. Identify the strength properties of selected structural joints in the design of a smooth dining chair and statistically evaluate the results. The bending moment and the stiffness of the joint were determined for joints. They also describe the physical and mechanical properties of Pine Forest and the production of bent parts.
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Počítačové modelování větvených polymerů / Počítačové modelování větvených polymerůPreisler, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
In this work we study properties of branched polymers in a good solvent. We focus on problematic related to the size exclusion chromatography and predicting elution behavior of randomly branched polymers. We developed a software for generating self-avoiding walks (SAW) of any given non-looping architecture on a cubic lattice using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and vali- date its reliability by presenting the scaling of different architectures: linear, 3-arm star and 6-arm star and asymmetric star. We calculate distribu- tion coefficients and calibration curves for size exclusion chromatography for various architectures to validate that the hydrodynamic radius is more suitable for predicting elution volume than the radius of gyration. Then we propose a new method for, although approximate, a very fast estimation of radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius for different architecture using a graph method. It is done by comparing MC results with results obtained from graph theory. Then we introduce a correction to graph-theory results to fit the MC. At the end we present depletion layer calculation from MC and self-consistent field (SCF) method for polymers and their comparison. We show how calculation of depletion layer using SCF can be improved to get significantly better agreement with MC results. v
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Revitalizace krajiny po těžběMoravcová, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis called Revitalization of the Landscape after Mining deals with the current topic of recultivation of the area affected by mining, namely the deep mining of black coal in the territory of Karviná. The aim of the diploma thesis is to characterize the progress of one of the largest reclamation projects in the CR, the Karviná Sea, and to evaluate its success on the basis of a comparison of the ecological stability of the area before starting the mining and after the recultivation work. In order to determine the stability of the territory, two methods of calculation were used, namely a simpler calculation of the ecological stability coefficient according to Míchal, and a more precise calculation of Miklós ecological stability coefficient, which also takes into account the ecological significance of individual landscape elements. The results show an unambiguous increase in ecological stability of the area of interest after recultivation, compared to very low ecological stability in 1950.
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Využití vícerozměrného škálování a motorických testů pro hodnocení a výběr vojáků do kurzů boje zblízka / Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combatVágner, Michal January 2011 (has links)
TTiittllee:: Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat TThhee aaiimm ooff wwoorrkk:: The work deals with the structure scale for evaluation of close combat techniques and the selection of predictors, which will improve the quality of the identification of soldiers with conditions for the successful solution of model situations using the techniques of close combat. MMeetthhoodd:: In the beginning of the study is constructed a scale of criterion variable for evaluating techniques of close combat. The construction of scale was used the model of multidimensional scaling. The data was obtained from eight Czech Army experts of close combat. The scale was verified by generalized and weighted Kappa coefficient. By the kinetic tests was tested the group of 157 professional soldiers from different units. The soldiers were old between 20 and 32. Besides kinetic tests were in the study included the previous experiences with fight activities. To selection of the kinetic tests was used the model of linear regression. The evaluation of predictive power of kinetic tests was made by individual cohorts in prediction cycle. RReessuullttss:: In first part of the study was created scale of criterion variable which contain three...
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Vliv vybraných kondičních faktorů na výkonnost ve vodním slalomu / Influence of selected conditional factors on performance in white water slalomVondra, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Influence of selected conditional factors on performance in white water slalom. Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship of selected specific movement abilities being examined modified test battery with the performance of athletes in the water slalom. Methods: It was used field measurements where the applied modified test battery. Using GPS module to determine the distance partial tests from batery. For measuring was used manual measurement. To determine the statistical correlation between the modified battery and performance ability of competitors was used two different coefficients of correlation and regression analysis. According to the order of the test and the race was used nonparametric correlation study - Spearman correlation coefficient. Determining the statistical significance of the relationship of measured times in tests and final time in the nomination races have used the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: For a statistically significant relationship was determined value when r ≥ 0.8. Spearman's correlation coefficient: In the test at 40 m were obtained these correlation coefficients: Nomination races rs = 0,380952, Czech cup rs = 0,595238. In the test at 80 meters they were obtained these correlation coefficients: nomination races rs = 0,857143,...
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