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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prekoncepty a miskoncepty ve výuce pravděpodobnosti na 2. stupni ZŠ / Preconceptions and Misconceptions in Probability Education at 2nd Stage of Elementary Schools

Jaroušová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
Aim of the study is to focus on pupils' perceive of challenging probability problems within the second stage of primary school (age 12-15), especially aimed at pupils' mental blocks in intuitive and false beliefs or conjectures on the probability of events. The theoretical part of the thesis defines basic terms correlated with propedeutics of probability. The practical part of the work pursues intuitive solving of the challenging probability problems, especially of the Monty Hall problem. In the thesis research will be applied: the questionnaire method, tasks including probability problems, (group) work observation and examination of reasoning behind the probability problems followed by interviews with pupils focused on probability misconception phenomena. Findings of this study will be based on collected data analytics and a résumé of pupils' preconceptions about the field of probability and their ability to accept reeducation to their own-made misconceptions. KEYWORDS: Preconceptions, Misconceptions, Probability, Intuitive Ideas, Primary school

Česká a srbská frazeologie: srovnání, aspekty a struktura česko-srbského frazeologického slovníku. / Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionary

Linda Popović, Snežana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Czech and Serbian phraseology: comparison, aspects and structure of the Czech-Serbian phraseological dictionary Author: Mgr. Snežana Linda Popović Department: Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies Supervisor: prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc. Abstract Despite the fact that phraseology is present-day and appealing theme in linguistic, that many linguists gain from, which is due to fact that our language is made up of many steady and idiomatic structures that foreign students have to learn, this scientific discipline is still an area where the linguists have not yet agreed on the definition of its basic unit and field of research. Besides that, there is evident variance in the number of works within phraseology and phraseography in Czech and Serbian linguistics. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse the Czech and Serbian phraseological theory, classification of phrasemes and phraseography, including the theoretical background to create a bilingual phraseological dictionary. The analysis was based on field of definition of phrasemes, its formal distribution, equivalents on all combinatorial levels and design of dictionary entry in monolingual and bilingual phraseological dictionaries. The findings have confirmed that there are areas in context of phraseology that did...

Využití logiky v bezpečnosti IT / The use of logic in IT security

Švarný, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies the use of dynamic epistemic logics for the sake of information privacy. The core of the work is the synthesis of three approaches: security logics from A. Hommersom, plausibility frames and communication logic from A. Baltag and S. Smets, and studies concerning the so called Russian cards protocol. Thereafter we present a program, made in the NetLogo environment, in order to demonstrate the workings of the basic ideas.

On some reversal-invariant complexity measures of multiary words / O nekim reverznoinvarijantnim merama složenosti visearnih reči

Ago Balog Kristina 11 September 2020 (has links)
<p>We focus on two complexity measures of words that are invariant under the operation of reversal of a word: the palindromic defect and the MP-ratio.The palindromic defect of a given word w is dened by jwj + 1&nbsp;&nbsp; jPal(w)j, where jPal(w)j denotes the number of palindromic factors of w. We study innite words, to which this de&nbsp; nition can be naturally extended. There are many results in the literature about the so- called rich words (words&nbsp; of defect 0), while words of nite positive defect have been studied signicantly less; for some time (until recently) it was not known whether there even exist such words that additionally are aperiodic and have their set of factors closed under reversal. Among the rst examples that appeared were the so-called highly potential words. In this&nbsp; thesis we present a much more general construction,which gives a wider class of words, named generalized highly potential words, and analyze their signicance within the frames of combinatorics on words.The MP-ratio of a given n-ary&nbsp; word w is dened as the quotient jrwsj jwj ,where r and s are words such that the word rws is minimal- palindromic and that the length jrj + jsj is minimal possible; here, an n-ary word is called minimal-palindromic if it does not contain palindromic subwords of length greater than jwj n . In the binary case, it was proved that the MP-ratio is well-dened and that it is bounded from above by 4, which is the best possible upper bound. The question of well- denedness of the MP-ratio for larger alphabets was left open. In this thesis we solve that&nbsp; question in the ternary case: we show that the MP-ratio is indeed well-dened in the ternary case, that it is bounded from above by the constant 6 and that this is the best possible upper bound.</p> / <p>Izucavamo dve mere slozenosti reci koje su invarijantne u odnosu na operaciju preokretanja reci: palindromski defekt i MP-razmeru date reci.Palindromski defekt reci w denise se kao jwj + 1&nbsp;&nbsp; jPal(w)j, gde jPal(w)j predstavlja broj palindromskih faktora reci w. Mi izucavamo beskonacne reci, na koje se ova denicija moze prirodno prosiriti. Postoje mnogobrojni rezultati u vezi sa tzv. bogatim recima (reci cije je defekt 0), dok se o recima sa konacnim pozitivnim defektom relativno malo zna; tokom jednog perioda (donedavno) nije bilo poznato ni da li uopste postoje takve reci koje su,dodatno, aperiodi cne i imaju skup faktora zatvoren za preokretanje. Medu prvim primerima koji su se pojavili u literaturi su bile tzv. visokopotencijalne reci. U disertaciji cemo predstaviti znatno opstiju konstrukciju, kojom se dobija znacajno sira klasa reci, nazvanih uop stene visokopotencijalne reci, i analiziracemo njihov znacaj u okvirima kombinatorike na recima.MP-razmera date n-arne reci w denise se kao kolicnik jrwsj jwj , gde su r i s takve da je rec rws minimalno-palindromicna, i duzina jrj + jsj je najmanja moguca; ovde, za n-arnu rec kazemo da je minimalno-palindromicna ako ne sadrzi palindromsku podrec duzine vece od&nbsp; jwj n&nbsp; . U binarnom slucaju dokazano je da je MP-razmera dobro&nbsp; denisana i da je ogranicena odozgo konstantom 4, sto je i najbolja moguca granica. Dobra denisanost MP-razmere za vece alfabete je ostavljena kao otvoren problem. U ovoj tezi resavamo taj problem u ternarnom slucaju: pokazacemo da MP- razmera jeste dobro de-nisana u ternarnom slucaju, da je ogranicena odozgo sa 6, i da se ta granica ne moze poboljsati.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Struktura ekvivalenčních množin / Structure of equality sets

Hadravová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Structure of equality sets Author: Jana Hadravová Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Štěpán Holub, Ph.D., Dept. of Algebra Abstract: Binary equality set of two morphisms g, h : ⌃⇤ ! A⇤ is a set of all words w over two-letter alphabet ⌃ satisfying g(w) = h(w). Elements of this set are called binary equality words. One of the important results of research on binary equality sets is the proof of the fact that each binary equality set is generated by at most two words provided that both morphisms g and h are non-periodic. Moreover, if a binary equality set is generated by exactly two words, then the structure of both generators, and therefore of the whole set, is uniquely given. This work presents the results of our research on the structure of binary equality sets with a single generator. Importantly, these generators can be decomposed into simpler structures. Generators which can not be further decomposed are called simple equality words. First part of the presented work describes the structure of simple equality words and introduces their detailed classification. The main result of the first part is a precise characterisation of su ciently large simple equality words. In the second part, the work describes the iterative process which transforms a general generator of a binary...

Didaktické prostředí aditivních mnohouhelníků a mnohostěnů / Educational environment additive polygons and polyhedrons

Sukniak, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Title: Educational environment additive polygons and polyhedrons Summary: The main intention of the work is to introduce a new mathematical educational environment that would be especially attractive for pupils in the grades 6. -9., but also in the secondary schools, universities or primary schools The work consists of six parts. In the introduction are mentioned the reasons that led me to choose this topic. The second chapter describes the theoretical basis of the work. The third section describes in detail the environment of additive polygons, both its aspects - mathematical and educational one. Analogously, as it is in the third chapter, is processed the fourth chapter that is dedicated to the environment of additive polyhedrons. The fifth chapter is devoted to the linking of the environment of additive polygons and polyhedrons into the linear algebra. In conclusion are provided further opportunities of work with this environment.

Kombinatorické principy ve školské matematice / Combinatorial principles in school mathematics

BŘEZINOVÁ, Jiřina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis includes delatiled explanation of combinatorial principles used in school mathematics. The single principles are explained in details and practicised. The tasks at the end of the chapter serve readers for testing acquired knoledge.

Kombinatorické posloupnosti čísel a dělitelnost / Combinatorial sequences and divisibility

Michalik, Jindřich January 2018 (has links)
This work contains an overview of the results concerning number-theoretic pro- perties of some significant combinatorial sequences such as factorials, binomial coef- ficients, Fibonacci and Catalan numbers. These properties include parity, primality, prime power divisibility, coprimality etc. A substantial part of the text should be accessible to gifted high school students, the results are illustrated with examples. 1

Analýza řešitelských procesů kombinatorických úloh u žáků v 1. období raně školního věku / Analysis of solving processes of combinatorial problems at primary school (grade 1 - 3)

Tomešová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with combinatorics in primary school teaching methods. The theoretical part is focused on characterisation of mathematical field of combinatorics, briefly describes it's historical evolution and basic types of combinatorial problems. This theoretical knowledge is further supplemented by an analysis of utilization rate of combinatorics in curiculative documents, selected textbooks and mathematical contests for primary school pupils. An essential part of the theoretical part of the work are chapters dealing with solving combinatorial problems. The practical part is based on research of solving combinatorial proceses on tasks for primary school pupils. KEYWORDS Combinatorics, combinatorial problem, typology of combinatorial problems, primary school pupil, solving peoceses, analysis of pupils'solving processes, number of solutions

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