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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Wi-Fi RFID Tags in Citywide Wireless Networks : How well do Wi-Fi RFID tags work in outdoor Wi-Fi networks and is it possible to build commercial services based on Wi-Fi RFID tags in citywide wireless networks?

Moen, Henrik Ljøgodt January 2007 (has links)
<p>Active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that comply with IEEE 802.11 standards are currently used within indoor Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) in several niche markets. With the rapid deployment of citywide wireless networks, outdoor Location-Based Services (LBS) have become an important research area. Such services are believed to have a considerable business potential in citywide wireless networks. Wi-Fi RFID tags can be used to take advantage of such a potential. However, very limited testing has been carried out in order to examine the performance of the Wi-Fi RFID technology in outdoor environments. Wireless Trondheim is one of the first citywide wireless networks in Europe. In this Master's thesis, the possibilities for building commercial services based on Wi-Fi RFID tags in Wireless Trondheim are examined. Three potential services, which can utilize such tags are also proposed. In order to verify the reality of a possible implementation of these services, five test scenarios are carried out with Wi-Fi RFID tags within Wireless Trondheim. The location-based solution in Wireless Trondheim has explicitly no support for determining location in outdoor environments. Nevertheless, testing is important to identify how well the Wi-Fi RFID technology perform in such environments. The results presented in this report point out several limitations with this technology in the citywide wireless network. Considerable variations in the location accuracy and precision are revealed. Problems with delayed location updates when traveling between adjacent coverage zones are also discovered. These limitations constrain the commercial services that can be based on Wi-Fi RFID tags in Wireless Trondheim. Currently, on-demand services with limited requirements to the accuracy of the computed location are supported to some extent. However, real-time services, which require a high degree of location accuracy are not supported with the location-based solution in this citywide wireless network. The described limitations should be improved in order to achieve an acceptable performance for LBS. Such improvements are also essential in order to determine the business potential of LBS in in a citywide wireless network like Wireless Trondheim.</p>

Analysing Malicious Code: : Dynamic Techniques

Haukli, Lars January 2007 (has links)
<p>This report starts out discussing a framework for building an API monitoring system. In such a system, malicious code can be run, and its actions can be taken notice of. I look into different analysis tools for stuctural analysis, and API monitoring tools. I will also discuss dynamic analysis using a debugger, and anti-debugging techniques used by modern malware. When using a debugger, API hooking can be implemented using brakepoints as well. In any case, we will need an isolated environment. The best candidate for this is virtual machines. I will look at different ways of controlling a virtual guest from a host system. On VMware, we can use both normal networking interfaces, and a backdoor, which is really an i/o port. I will also look into techniques for detecting virtual machines, and some counter-techniques. Packing mechanisms and ways to undo them is central to malware analysis. In this paper I have unpacked and analysed several samples of the Storm Bot, which is packed using UPX. Additionally, the APIs used by Storm has been determined. Dynamic analysis can be based on API usage. Scripting VMware is a central part of the last chapter. I will demonstrate several ways of doing this. It seems this can be a good foundation for building automated analysis solutions. I will also discuss the PaiMei framework which integrates the most useful analysis tools, and can work as a framework for building programs that automate the process of malware analysis. A report on malware analysis would not be complete without viral code. Cermalus is a recently released virus, which assembly source code has been included in the appendix. The source is well commented, and clearly states what the different routines are used for. You will find many of the terms used in these comments explained throughout this report.</p>

Cooperation through pheromone sharing in swarm routing

Kjeldsen, Vebjørn January 2007 (has links)
<p>Traditional routing protocols build routing tables that are optimized on one parameter only, this parameter is typically hop counts. With the introduction of new requirements, brought forth by a wide range of communication intensive, real-time multimedia applications, more sophisticated routing techniques are required. However, computing routes subject to different requirements and in environments with changing traffic patterns and network topologies, is often computationally excessive and the problems are frequently NP hard. Swarm based algorithms, inspired by the foraging behavior of ants are candidates to solve such routing problems. To ensure system robustness and scalability, routing should be truly distributed and adaptive. The ac{CEAS} is an adaptive, robust and distributed routing and management system based on swarm intelligence. CEAS is performing stochastic routing with fast restoration on link failures. Previous work has shown that CEAS is robust and efficient in solving complex optimization problems such as finding primary and backup paths or simple cyclic paths (p-cycles) in networks. In all swarm systems there is a tradeoff between performance and management overhead (number of management packets). The focus in this work is on reducing the overhead in terms of management packets generated in ac{CEAS}. To achieve this, a new algorithm is proposed that applies pheromone sharing between sources going to identical destinations. Performance results from simulations show that the new CEAS system presented in this report outperforms the original CEAS in most scenarios.</p>

Launching an Innovative Mobile Multimedia Communication Application : using different platforms

Gunnerud, Runar January 2007 (has links)
<p>The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is intended by the Telco industry, to make it easy for third-party application developers to create new, innovative services that will help to offset the fall in revenue of regular voice services. However, a slow roll out of the system is increasing the chance of a disruptive technology to fill some of the space that IMS hopes to cover. This thesis presents a hands on example of the implementation of such a new innovative service. XMPP has been used as an alternative platform to launch the service, and is thoroughly compared to the IMS in this master's thesis. Ironically the service could not be launched on IMS due to technical problems. Results suggest that XMPP could replace IMS as a service platform, thus disrupting the business model of IMS.</p>

A study of user authentication using mobile phone

Hallsteinsen, Steffen Gullikstad January 2007 (has links)
<p>The number of different identities and credentials used for authentication towards services on the Internet has increased beyond the manageable. Still, the most common authentication scheme is based on usernames and passwords which are neither secure nor user-friendly. Hence, better solutions for simplified, yet secure authentication, is required in the future. This thesis present an authentication scheme based on a One-Time Password (OTP) MIDlet running on a mobile phone for unified authentication towards any type of service on the Internet. The scheme is described in detail by an analysis and a design model. Based on the analysis and design an implementation of a prototype has been developed using Java. The security aspects of scheme are thoroughly evaluated in a security evaluation which identifies threats, security objectives and possible attacks. The proposed solution offers a strong authentication scheme which can substitute many of the authentication schemes we are using to day. Not only can it replace the standard username/password scheme, but due to its security services it can also replace stronger schemes such as existing OTP and smartcard solutions. Therefore the solution is suitable for many services on the Internet which requires authentication such as Internet banking, corporate intranet, Internet stores and e-Government applications.</p>

CityMob : Prototype Development of a Commercial City Information Portal for Mobile Phones

Isene, Jan Sindre, Johannessen, Petter Hwan Eide January 2007 (has links)
<p>The extensive list of cultural offerings in big European cities has resulted in a variety of city guides in magazines and on the Internet. However, users often require information when they are on the run. A city guide available on mobile phones would therefore be advantageous in many situations. In January 2007, the company CityMob was founded by four students in order to commercialise the idea of a city guide for mobile phones. A working prototype of the system has been designed and implemented. The prototype consists of a J2ME client, which is installable on mobile phones, and communication with an internet server using the mobile data access networks. Furthermore, business aspects related to the idea has been investigated and market research has been carried out. A business plan, which is based on the findings, has been formulated. Based on contributions from the prototype and the business plan, CityMob has obtained grants of, in all, 135 000 NOK. Moreover, a collaboration with the Munich located city magazine, Munichx, has been established. On this basis, a foundation for a viable company has been laid. CityMob will, in collaboration with Munichx, launch a final version of the mobile city guide on the German market 22 September 2007. After the scope of this thesis, several items are left to be resolved before the service is ready for market launch. Firstly, device portability and content provider scalability has not been emphasized while developing the prototype. Secondly, CityMob must enter into additional collaborations in order to provide a complete system.</p>

Efficient Web Services on Mobile Devices

Johnsrud, Lars January 2007 (has links)
<p>Efficient solutions for Web Services on mobile devices would allow truly global, platform independent and interoperable information access, anywhere and at any time. While Web Services are continuously gaining ground, they are commonly reserved for use on personal computers and high-capacity servers, even though mobile devices are continuously becoming more advanced in terms of processing resources and wireless communication capabilities. This thesis identifies several challenges of accessing Web Services from mobile devices, and evaluates and discusses methods for creating more efficient solutions. Some of the challenges are the limited bandwidth and high communication latency. Reducing the size of XML information transferred and optimizing the communication protocol stack are identified as possible solutions to overcome these challenges. Additionally, as the communication cost correlates with the amount of data transferred, more efficient Web Services solutions are clearly beneficial for the end-user. The approaches described to reduce the size of XML files are traditional compression, alternative representation of the files, and binary XML. Binary XML is a compact representation of information that keeps the desirable structure of XML intact. The Efficient XML Interchange format currently being standardized by W3C is studied in more detail. Furthermore, optimizing the protocol stack has also been evaluated. A prototype Web Service system has been developed and tested in both simulated environments and in real surroundings using GPRS, EDGE and UMTS network connections. The results from the measurements show that both compression and the use of binary XML reduce the size of the information significantly and thereby the cost. Time needed to transfer the information is also reduced, and this effect is most apparent when the original files are large. Binary XML may however be the desirable format since it enables direct interaction with the information and keeps the memory footprint small. To reduce the time needed to transfer the information further, removing the HTTP protocol and optimizing the transport protocol, seems to minimize the effect of the latency.</p>

Dependability modelling of Jgroup/ARM

Sæstad, Ane January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the later years, fault tolerant distributed systems have been applied to a variety of network internal and external services. Keeping distributed systems consistent and fault tolerant require management functionality. Jgroup/ARM is a java based prototype system which automates this management functionality for fault tolerant distributed systems. This thesis presents an evaluation of the dependability characteristics of the Jgroup/ARM system. Both static and dynamic modelling techniques are introduced, but the main focus is on the dynamic techniques; state-diagrams and Petri net models. Previous work is evaluated to nd an approach suitable for dependability modelling of Jgroup/ARM. A system delivery model for Jgroup/ARM is developed based on its functionality. The monitored subsystem is dened to include the hardware (processors), a given number of services in the system and the replication management functionality (ARM framework). A Petri net model of Jgroup/ARM is developed in the Möbius modelling tool based on the system delivery model. A model of a single service replicated on a cluster of processors is developed, analyzed and expanded to include multiple services and the ARM framework functionality. The dependability of Jgroup/ARM is evaluated through simulating example scenarios in Möbius. The results show that the system availability is very high, even with a relatively high failure rate.</p>

Technical and Commercial Potential for use of Wireless Trondheim's Wi-Fi Network for Payment Terminals

Ulversøy, Joar January 2008 (has links)
<p>Wireless Trondheim is a company offering city-wide Wi-Fi network in Trondheim, seeking new ways to utilize the Wi-Fi network to increase the number of services offered, and also increasing the profits and total revenues. Payment cards are very popular in Norway, and merchants such as cafés or restaurants, or merchants at temporary events, may want to use wireless payment terminal in order to provide a convenient and easy way for customers to pay for their purchases. This thesis will address the technical and commercial potential of using payment terminal within Wireless Trondheim's Wi-Fi network. A study of the technical potential of using payment terminals within Wireless Trondheim's Wi-Fi network reveals two companies importing and configuring payment terminals in Norway, and that currently two terminals exist with Wi-Fi support. However, the security related to using terminals with Wi-Fi is not yet approved by the Banks' Standardization Office, which means that it is not possible to use payment terminals with Wi-Fi until the security has been approved. The test of a payment terminal in Wireless Trondheim's Wi-Fi network was not possible to conduct for the same security reasons. Among the two existing payment terminals with Wi-Fi, only one is available in Norway. This terminal is produced by Banksys and is called Xentissimo, and supports both GPRS, GSM and Wi-Fi. Ingenico 7810 is the other existing payment terminal with Wi-Fi, but this terminal does not have any other wireless communication option. A cost comparison of the different wireless payment access alternatives from the perspective of a merchant shows that Netcom GPRS is currently the cheapest alternative. Telenor GPRS is the second cheapest alternatives for low estimates of number of terminals and transactions for a typical café in Trondheim, while Ventelo broadband Point of Sale is the second cheapest alternative for a similar high estimate. Based on this comparison, a competitive and attractive price for the service offered by Wireless Trondheim has been determined and used to calculate revenues in the business model proposal. The business model proposal provided in this study is based on the high level elements of Osterwalder's Business Model Ontology. The model explains how Wireless Trondheim, in cooperation with the local branches of banks, can offer wireless access to payment terminals using Wireless Trondheim's Wi-Fi network. The chosen target customers for this service are cafés, restaurants and merchants at temporary events in the city of Trondheim, and the cooperation with the banks has been chosen in order to utilize the bank's existing distribution channels towards these target customers. The business and technical risks that this business model face are identified and described. Net present value calculations of the business model show negative results in the pessimistic and realistic scenario of market share, while the optimistic scenario gives a small positive net present value. These results suggest that the Wi-Fi connection offered by Wireless Trondheim is not cost-effective compared to Netcom GPRS, and that the business model proposed in this thesis does not have a commercial potential with the current customer estimates. However, if the Wi-Fi coverage increases and the number of potential customer increases substantially, it could be interesting to pursue this business model proposal further. An interesting possibility could also be a combination of offering payment access to terminals and Internet connection to merchants. The number of potential customers would then in that case be considerably larger, as the target customers would include most merchants in Trondheim, and not only be limited to restaurants, cafés and merchants at temporary events.</p>

Forensic Key Discovery and Identification : Finding Cryptographic Keys in Physical Memory

Maartmann-Moe, Carsten January 2008 (has links)
<p>Communication and whole-disk cryptosystems are on the verge of becoming mainstream tools for protection of data, both in corporate laptops and private computing equipment. While encryption is a useful tool, it also present new problems for forensic investigators, as clues to their investigation may be undecipherable. However, contrary to popular belief, these systems are not impenetrable. Forensic memory dumping and analysis can pose as ways to recover cryptographic keys that are present in memory due to bad coding practice, operation system quirks or hardware hacks. The volatile nature of physical memory does however challenge the classical principles of digital forensics as its transitory state may disappear at the flick of a switch. In this thesis, we analyze existing and present new cryptographic key search algorithms, together with different confiscation and analysis methods for images of volatile memory. We provide a new proof of concept tool that can analyze memory images and recover cryptographic keys, and use this tool together with a virtualized testbed to simulate and examine the different states of platforms with several separate cryptosystems. Making use of this testbed, we provide experiments to point out how modern day encryption in general are vulnerable to memory disclosure attacks. We show that memory management procedures, coding practice and the overall state of the system has great impact on the amount and quality of data that can be extracted, and present simple statistics of our findings. The discoveries have significant implications for most software encryption vendors and the businesses relying on these for data security. Using our results, we suggest best practices that can help investigators build a more comprehensive data foundation for analysis, by reconstructing virtual memory from RAM images. We also discuss how investigators may reduce the haystack by leveraging memory and process structure on Windows computers. Finally we tie this to current digital forensic procedures, and suggest an optimized way of handling live analysis based on the latest development in the field.</p>

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