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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Státní dozor nad veřejnou samosprávou / State Supervision of Public Self-government

Hálová, Miloslava January 2018 (has links)
Název disertační práce, abstrakt a klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Title: State Supervision of Public Self-government Abstract: The thesis deals with the state supervision of public corporations in the performance of public administration. Public-law corporations include territorial self-governing units, professional and business chambers, and public higher education institutions. They are public entities different from the state. In order to ensure the legality of the public administration entrusted to them, they are subject to state supervision. This supervision is part of the control activities in public administration and falls within the remit of administrative control. In the remedial phase, it usually follows a judicial review consisting of a review of the lawfulness of abstract and concrete acts issued by the bodies of self-government. Two introductory chapters are devoted to the theoretical basis of state supervision over self government. The first deals with the status of self-government in the structure of public power and public administration, the legal nature of self-government, and the relationship between self- government and the state. In the second, the author deals with the legal nature of control activities in public administration, their system, the stages of control and the legal...

Vyhodnocení srdečního výdeje bioimpedanční metodou u pacientů se stimulátorem / Evaluation of cardiac output by bioimpedance method with patients with pacemaker

Soukup, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibility of using impedance cardiography for calculating cardiac output. Kubicek’s, Sramek‘s and Sramek-Bernstein‘s methods are discussed here. These methods were applied to a data set, obtained by measuring on subjects with implanted cardiostimulators. The subjects’ heart rate was being changed by the programing of cardiostimulators. Thanks to this procedure the measured data were not affected by artifacts, connected with the heart rate change caused by a body stress, or other influences. An influence of heart rate on a cardiac output value based on the statistical processing of the data set was studied.

Klimatizační komora pro zpracování uzenin / Desing of a processing chamber for smoked goods production

Čermák, Lubomír January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design a drying chamber for meat/salami processing. The design itself comes after the necessary information regarding meat drying and curing has been given. The chamber comprises a main frame, stainless steel chamber, chain conveyor, powertrain and a ductwork for the air treatment. All the parameters of moist air are given as calculated for the states encountered during the drying process, i.e. air dehumidification, when passing the cooling coil, and heating. The control system to meet the required environment condition is also suggested.

Analýza experimentálních EKG / Analysis of experimental ECG

Mackových, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the analysis of experimental ECG records drawn up in isolated rabbit hearts and aims to describe changes in EKG caused by ischemia and left ventricular hypertrophy. It consists of a theoretical analysis of the problems in the evaluation of ECG during ischemia and hypertrophy, and describes an experimental ECG recording. Theoretical part is followed by a practical section which describes the method for calculating morphological parameters, followed by ROC analysis to evaluate their suitability for the classification of hypertrophy and at the end is focused on classification.

Studium vlivu parametrů na pohyb elektrodových skvrn v modelu zhášecí komory elektrického přístroje / Study of arc root movement in a model of the LV quenching system

Fendrych, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Thesis focuses on the basic characteristics of plasma, problems about origin of electrode spots and electrodynamics force acts on the electric arc. In the practical part was realized and produced model of a LV quenching system. Using optical diagnostics was received necessary data to analyze the movement of the electrode spots. The movements of the electrode spots were analyzed in terms of value RMS current passing through the electric arc, value of absolute pressure model in the LV quenching system and distance from each electrode.

Studium elektrofyziologických projevů srdce v experimentální kardiologii / Study of Electrophysiological Function of the Heart in Experimental Cardiology

Ronzhina, Marina January 2017 (has links)
Srdeční poruchy, jejichž příkladem je ischemie myokardu, infarkt, hypertrofie levé komory a myokarditida, jsou v experimentální kardiologii obvykle studovány na modelu izolovaného srdce. Kritéria pro detekci srdečních poruch však nejsou pro zvířecí modely standardizována, což komplikuje srovnání a interpretaci výsledků různých experimentálních studií. Obzvlášť složitá situace nastává při současném výskytu několika patologických jevů, jejichž vzájemná součinnost komplikuje rozpoznání jejich individuálních účinků. Korektní posouzení stavu srdce vyžaduje také zohlednění mnoha faktorů spojených s akvizicí dat. Tato práce je věnována kvantitativnímu hodnocení elektrofyziologických změn způsobených globální ischemií myokardu. Vliv ischemie byl hodnocen pro fyziologická srdce a srdce se zvětšenou levou komorou a dále pro srdce nabarvená napěťově-citlivým barvivem di-4-ANEPPS. Přestože jsou oba fenomény často zastoupeny v animálních studiích, nebyl dosud popsán jejich vliv na manifestaci ischemie v elektrogramech (EG), ani nebyl kvantifikován jejich vliv na přesnost detekčních algoritmů pro identifikaci ischemie. Práce shrnuje kvantitativní změny srdeční funkce vyvolané ischemií (v normálních podmínkách, při hypertrofii levé komory, a při administraci barviva) založené na hodnocení EG a VKG parametrů. Dále práce obsahuje rozbor důležitých aspektů akvizice záznamů, jako je umístění snímacích elektrod, způsob výpočtu deskriptorů z EG a VKG (s použitím výsledků manuálního rozměření záznamů, nebo bez něj) a identifikace okamžiku vývoje ischemie v preparátu. Nedílnou součást práce tvoří návrh, realizace a ověření metod pro automatickou detekci ischemie v experimentálních záznamech. Výsledky práce dokazují, že dosažení opakovatelných a věrohodných výsledků je podmíněno zohledněním všech výše uvedených faktorů souvisejících jak se stavem srdce, tak s metodikou záznamu a analýzy dat.

Komise pro kanalisování řek Vltavy a Labe v Čechách 1896 -1931 / The Commission for making the river Vltava and the river Labe in Bohemia navigable 1986 - 1931

Černá, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
The Commission for making the river Vltava and the river Labe in Bohemia navigable was founded in 1896 on the basis of a decree of the ministry of interior as the first water management office to be systematically engaged in making Czech rivers navigable by the canalization method. The Commission was headed by the vice-regent of the Kingdom of Bohemia to whom the members of state's and country's curia were subordinate. The executive section was represented by the central office, composed of the technical and administrative departments. Its activities were financed by two thirds by the Austrian state, one third was paid from the Czech country's treasury. After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak republic, both curias were dissolved and the Commission was put under the control of the ministry of public works. The president of the country's political administration was appointed as the head of the Commission. The competence of the Commission was step by step extended from the initially entrusted task of making the river Vltava and the river Labe in the division Prague - Ústí nad Labem navigable also to making the river Vltava in Prague navigable as well as to the adaptation of the Holešovice port in Prague to a modern trade port and to drawing up studies on the utilization of water...

Etika auditorů, daňových poradců a účetních / Ethics of Auditors, Tax Advisers and Accountants

Jakoubková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the ethics of auditors, tax advisers and accountants. It focuses on the basic characteristics of these professions and especially their codes of ethics - Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic and the Code of Ethics of the Chamber of Ceritified Accountants. It also includes a comparison of these ethical codes. Finally, the results of the survey on the topic "Ethics and ethical codes of selected professions" are analyzed.

Podpora exportu z pohledu vybrané firmy / Export promotion from the perspective of the selected company

BUČILOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective was to investigate the possibility of export promotion for Czech companies, namely Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, a. s., Products Division. To evaluate the use of the possibilities of export promotion from the perspective of the selected company and propose measures to improve the opportunities.As a secondary objective was determined using the potential to promote exports in selected sectors and appreciation of the use of export promotion. The final output of this work was a recommendation for the company in promoting exports. Because the company does not have a good opinion on a range of support services exports, this recommendation has been prepared only for those services with which the company has a positive experience.

Aldosteron syntáza u arteriální hypertenze a možný vliv polymorfismu jejího genu na hypertrofii levé komory srdeční / Aldosterone synthase in arterial hypertension and possible influence of its genenetic polymorphism on left ventricular hypertrophy

Heller, Samuel January 2013 (has links)
Part I. The aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) polymorphism T-344C in blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy. BACKGROUND: Aldosterone is a key cardovascular hormone, it significantly influences volume, pressure and electrolyte balance. Aldosterone plays an important role in development of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis. The aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) is an important candidate gene region in essential hypertension. DESIGN AND METHODS: We assessed the influence of the T-344C polymorphism of aldosterone synthase - the rate-limiting enzyme in aldosterone biosynthesis - on the structure of the left ventricle in young normotensive men. The population included 113 normotensive mid-European Caucasian men aged 18-40 years (mean 27 +/- 5 years). We also studied the association of -344T/C polymorphism of the CYP11B2 gene with the presence and severity of hypertension in 369 individuals, of whom 213 were hypertensive patients (139 controlled hypertensive, 74 resistant hypertensive) and 156 were healthy normotensive subjects. The genotype was assessed using polymerase chain reaction with subsequent cleavage with restriction enzyme HAEIII (restriction fragment length polymorphism method) and visualization with ethidium bromide. Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma...

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