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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phoenix from the Ashes? : Russia???s defence industrial complex and its arms exports

Mitchell, C. S., Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The continued existence of the Russian defence and arms industry, known as the Oboronnyi Promyshennyi Kompleks (OPK), was called into question following the disintegration of the Soviet Empire in 1991. Industry experts cited the lack of a domestic market, endemic corruption, and excess capacity within the industry as factors underpinning its predicted demise. The most telling factor was the sudden removal of considerable government subsidies and high defence industry wages that had traditionally buttressed the industry's economic viability and encouraged the cream of Russia's workers into the sector. It was a crippling blow. However, the industry's export customers in China, India and Iran during those early years became the OPK's saving grace. Their orders introduced hard currency back into the industry and went a long way to preventing the forecasted OPK collapse. Although pessimistic predictions continued to plague the OPK throughout the 1990s, the valuable export dollars provided the OPK the breathing space it needed to claw back its competitive advantage as an arms producer. That revival has been further underpinned by a new political commitment, various research and development initiatives, and the restoration of defence industry as a tool of Russian foreign policy. In order to gauge the future prospects for the OPK, it is necessary to examine the domestic and external drivers that have either underwritten its success to date or are still required to ensure its long term endurance. Domestically, continued success demands a closer collaboration between the OPK and the Russian armed forces. It also requires serious efforts to curb endemic corruption, further consolidation of the defence industry and continued development of the Russian domestic market for arms. Externally, the strength of the state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, global market diversification and joint military ventures with strategic partner countries are essential ingredients for long term OPK success. Cultivating and maintaining the economic and political momentum vital for the OPK's progress will be a daunting undertaking for Russia. However, Russia's accomplishments in these key areas since 2000 suggest that continued success is a genuine prospect and that the OPK could potentially grow to be the proverbial 'phoenix from the ashes'. China and India constitute approximately eighty percent of the total Russian arms transfer market. Trading and cooperation with these two countries has provided Moscow with the finances to sustain its defence industry through continued orders and valuable finance for research and development programmes for military hardware. However, post 2015, the Chinese market will be nearing total saturation and the Indian market will have contracted somewhat, as the indigenous defence industries of these nations can be expected to usurp the demand for Russian equipment. This scenario, together with a more active foreign policy under Putin has seen Russia launch aggressive marketing campaigns into the Middle East, South East Asia and Latin America. The strategy has already begun to pay dividends with large contracts being signed by Algeria, Indonesia, and Venezuela. The Russians hope that large sales to these countries will trigger further sales within the respective regions. The realised or potential contracts for arms from Libya, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Brazil suggest that this strategy is producing the desired result. The short term future of the Russian OPK looks promising. The rising domestic defence order is beginning to challenge the export market as the OPK's most important customer. Meanwhile, exports will be safeguarded by continued foreign demand for niche Russian defence products such as cruise missiles and air defence systems as well as cost effective and user friendly Russian aircraft, ships, submarines and land systems. Flexible financing options offered by Rosoboronexport will stimulate demand in new markets such as Algeria and Indonesia and sustain the economic viability of the OPK for at least the next decade.

Phoenix from the Ashes? : Russia???s defence industrial complex and its arms exports

Mitchell, C. S., Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The continued existence of the Russian defence and arms industry, known as the Oboronnyi Promyshennyi Kompleks (OPK), was called into question following the disintegration of the Soviet Empire in 1991. Industry experts cited the lack of a domestic market, endemic corruption, and excess capacity within the industry as factors underpinning its predicted demise. The most telling factor was the sudden removal of considerable government subsidies and high defence industry wages that had traditionally buttressed the industry's economic viability and encouraged the cream of Russia's workers into the sector. It was a crippling blow. However, the industry's export customers in China, India and Iran during those early years became the OPK's saving grace. Their orders introduced hard currency back into the industry and went a long way to preventing the forecasted OPK collapse. Although pessimistic predictions continued to plague the OPK throughout the 1990s, the valuable export dollars provided the OPK the breathing space it needed to claw back its competitive advantage as an arms producer. That revival has been further underpinned by a new political commitment, various research and development initiatives, and the restoration of defence industry as a tool of Russian foreign policy. In order to gauge the future prospects for the OPK, it is necessary to examine the domestic and external drivers that have either underwritten its success to date or are still required to ensure its long term endurance. Domestically, continued success demands a closer collaboration between the OPK and the Russian armed forces. It also requires serious efforts to curb endemic corruption, further consolidation of the defence industry and continued development of the Russian domestic market for arms. Externally, the strength of the state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, global market diversification and joint military ventures with strategic partner countries are essential ingredients for long term OPK success. Cultivating and maintaining the economic and political momentum vital for the OPK's progress will be a daunting undertaking for Russia. However, Russia's accomplishments in these key areas since 2000 suggest that continued success is a genuine prospect and that the OPK could potentially grow to be the proverbial 'phoenix from the ashes'. China and India constitute approximately eighty percent of the total Russian arms transfer market. Trading and cooperation with these two countries has provided Moscow with the finances to sustain its defence industry through continued orders and valuable finance for research and development programmes for military hardware. However, post 2015, the Chinese market will be nearing total saturation and the Indian market will have contracted somewhat, as the indigenous defence industries of these nations can be expected to usurp the demand for Russian equipment. This scenario, together with a more active foreign policy under Putin has seen Russia launch aggressive marketing campaigns into the Middle East, South East Asia and Latin America. The strategy has already begun to pay dividends with large contracts being signed by Algeria, Indonesia, and Venezuela. The Russians hope that large sales to these countries will trigger further sales within the respective regions. The realised or potential contracts for arms from Libya, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Mexico, and Brazil suggest that this strategy is producing the desired result. The short term future of the Russian OPK looks promising. The rising domestic defence order is beginning to challenge the export market as the OPK's most important customer. Meanwhile, exports will be safeguarded by continued foreign demand for niche Russian defence products such as cruise missiles and air defence systems as well as cost effective and user friendly Russian aircraft, ships, submarines and land systems. Flexible financing options offered by Rosoboronexport will stimulate demand in new markets such as Algeria and Indonesia and sustain the economic viability of the OPK for at least the next decade.

Karakteristike gluteninsko-glijadinskog kompleksa zrna kao pokazatelj tehnološkog kvaliteta pšenice / Characteristics of glutenin-gliadin complex as aparameter of wheat technological quality

Torbica Aleksandra 02 November 2007 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitivan uticaj karakteristika glutenina i<br />glijadina uzoraka p&scaron;enice domaćeg sortimenta kako<br />bi se na osnovu tumačenja njihove strukture<br />omogućilo dono&scaron;enje egzaktnih zaključaka o<br />uzročno-posledičnom odnosu vezanom za stanje<br />gluteninsko-glijadinskog kompleksa zrna različitih<br />sorti p&scaron;enice i njihovog ispoljenog tehnolo&scaron;kog<br />kvaliteta posmatrano i u zavisnosti od uticaja<br />spoljne sredine. Za ispitivanje su kori&scaron;ćene A-PAGE<br />i SDS-PAGE elektroforetske tehnike ispitivanja<br />proteinskih frakcija, uz pomoć profesionalnog<br />softverskog paketa za obradu elektroforegrama.<br />Takođe, kori&scaron;ćene su i standardne metode za<br />ispitivanje tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta p&scaron;enice i njihove<br />modifikacije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata<br />utvrđeno je da je tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet p&scaron;enice<br />neophodno povezivati i sa gluteninskim i sa<br />glijadinskim frakcijama proteina i da su osobine<br />otpornosti prema proteolitičkim procesima i<br />temperaturnom stresu sortno specifične. Takođe je<br />utvrđeno da su elektroforetske tehnike primenljive<br />u tumačenju tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta p&scaron;enice, a da su<br />modifikacije standardnih metoda pokazale prednost<br />u objektivnijem i bržem predviđanju tehnolo&scaron;kog<br />kvaliteta domaćeg sortimenta hlebnih p&scaron;enica u<br />odnosu na standardne metode ispitivanja<br />tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta p&scaron;enice.</p> / <p>The influence of glutenin and gliadin characteristics of<br />samples of domestic wheat varieties was investigated<br />with the aim to obtain on the basis of their structure,<br />conclusions about the interactions of condition of<br />glutenin and gliadin complex of the kernel of different<br />wheat varieties and their expressed technological<br />quality in the dependence of agro ecological growing<br />conditions. A-PAGE and SDS-PAGE electrophoretic<br />techniques were used for the investigation, with<br />consequent use of professional software for<br />electrophoregrams analysis. Standard and modified<br />methods were used for determination of wheat<br />technological quality. On the basis of obtained results<br />it was concluded that the technological quality of<br />wheat should be analyzed based structure of both<br />glutenin and gliadin fractions of wheat proteins, and<br />that the resistance to both, temperature stress and<br />proteolitic degradation is variety specific.<br />Electrophoretic techniques are applicable in analysis<br />of wheat technological quality. Modification of<br />standard methods expressed advantages in more<br />objective and more rapid determination and<br />foreseeing of technological quality of domestic wheat<br />varieties in comparison to standard methods.</p>

Multivokselska magnetno-rezonantna spektroskopija mozga kod HIV+ pacijenata / Multivoxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain in HIV+ patients

Boban Jasmina 16 November 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Neurokognitivni poremećaj udružen sa HIVinfekcijom (HIV associated neurocognitive disorder- HAND) javlja se u oko polovine pacijenata sa HIV-om. HAND obuhvata spektar neurolo&scaron;kih poremećaja koji variraju od asimptomatskog neurokognitivnog poremećaja(ANI), preko blagog kognitivnog o&scaron;tećenja, koje se naziva blagi kognitivni poremećaj (MND) do demencije udružene sa HIV-om (HAD). U evaluaciji i dijagnostici ovog poremećaja koriste se razne laboratorijske, kliničke i metode imidžinga, među kojima magnetno-rezonantni imidžing (MRI) zauzima posebno mesto u pogledu dijagnostike strukturnih poremećaja. Međutim, za dijagnostiku suptilnih supcelularnih neurobiohemijskih poremećaja neophodno je kori&scaron;ćenje magnetno-rezonantne spektroskopije (MRS). Klasično shvatanje promena u neurobiohemijskom profilu kod pacijenata sa HIV infekcijom uključuje: sniženje NAA (neuronskog markera) kao odraz neurodegeneracije, povi&scaron;enje Cho (markera razgradnje membrana) kao odraz inflamacije/ apoptoze, povi&scaron;enje mI (markera proliferacije mikroglije) kao odraz inflamacije i povi&scaron;enje Glx+Gln (markera glutaminergične ravnoteže) kao odraz ekscitotoksičnosti. Do sada u literaturi nije opisano kori&scaron;ćenje multivokselske MRS mozga na HIV+ pacijentima. CILJEVI: Ciljevi studije su bili: utvrditi da li postoje promene u odnosima koncentracija metabolita u mozgu dobijenih metodom multivokselske MRS u neurolo&scaron;ki asimptomatskih HIV+ pacijenata u poređenju sa zdravim kontrolnim ispitanicima,zatim da li postoje razlike između pacijenata na kombinovanoj antiretroviralnoj terapiji (cART) i pacijenata bez cART; utvrditi da li postoji i kakva je povezanost odnosa metabolita dobijenih MRS sa imunolo&scaron;kim parametrima HIV+ pacijenata i nivoom nadir CD4+ T-limfocita; i konačno, utvrditi da li postoji i kakva je povezanost dobijenih odnosa metabolita sa parametrima penetracije antiretroviralne terapije u centralni nervni sistem. ISPITANICI I METODE: U studiju je uključeno ukupno 114 ispitanika (32 HIV+ pacijenta na cART, prosečne starosti 41.97 godina (25-61); 28 HIV+ pacijenata bez cART, prosečne starosti 35.21 godina (24-52); 50 kontrolnih, zdravih subjekata prosečne starosti 36.56.godina (19-53)). Svi ispitanici su potpisali informisani pristanak za uče&scaron;će u studiji. Ispitivanje je odobreno od strane Etičke komisije Instituta za onkologiju Vojvodine, kao i Etičke komisije Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Kriterijum za uključenje pacijenata u studiju je bio prisustvo HIV infekcije. Kriterijumi za isključivanje pacijenata iz studije su bili: prisustvo aktivne oportunističke infekcije, prisustvo aktivnog neurolo&scaron;kog oboljenja, podatak o aktivnoj zloupotrebi narkotika, koinfekcija virusom hepatitisa B i C, prisustvo lezija bele ili sive mase i kontraindikacije za snimanje na aparatu za magnetnu rezonancu. 4 ispitanika su isključena iz ispitivanja. Svim ispitanicima urađeni su skrining neurokognitivni testovi, kao i rutinska laboratorijska ispitivanja (broj CD4+, CD3+ i CD8+ limfocita). Nakon toga, svim ispitanicima urađen je konvencionalni MRI praćen multivokselskom MRS supratentorijalne suprakalozalne bele mase. Ispitivano je ukupno 12 voksela (6 u sivoj i 6 u beloj masi), odnosno preko 7900 spektara. Određeni su pikovi karakterističnih metabolita. Na metodi dugog eha analizirana su tri glavna pika: NAA na 2.0ppm, Cho na 3.2ppm i tCr na 3.ppm, izražena preko odnosa koncentracija NAA/Cr i Cho/Cr. Na metodi kratkog eha analizirani su signali NAA, Cho, Cr te mI na 3.5ppm i Glx+Gln na 2.2-2.4ppm. Ovi signali su izraženi kroz odnose koncentracija NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, mI/Cr i (Glx+Gln)/Cr. Za statističku obradu podataka kori&scaron;ćen je IBM SPSS ver. 21.0. Deskriptivna statistika je uključila određivanje srednje vrednosti, minimuma, maksimuma i standardne devijacije. Razlike između posmatranih grupa ispitanika za sve kontinuirane varijable ispitivane su jednofaktorskom analizom varijanse (ANOVA) sa naknadnim (post-hoc) testovima za koje je kori&scaron;ćena metoda po Tukey-ju. Rezultati su prikazani u vidu srednjih vrednosti, standardne devijacije, najvi&scaron;e i najniže izmerene vrednosti (maksimum i minimum), i za svaki ispitivani parametar pridružena je vrednost F i p. Veza između kontinuiranih varijabli je ispitivana pomoću koeficijenta Pirsonove linearne korelacije, uz prethodnu proveru zadovoljavanja uslova o homogenosti varijansi, normalnosti raspodele i linearnosti. Vrednosti p&lt;0.05 su uzimane kao statistički značajne. REZULTATI: Pokazano je da su HIV+ pacijenti na cART značajno stariji od druge dve grupe ispitanika. Nije pokazana značajna razlika u stepenu obrazovanja među grupama. Pokazano je da godine života statistički značajno utiču samo na koncentracije NAA/Cr, dok na odnose drugih metabolita ne utiču značajno. Utvrđeno je statistički značajno sniženje (p&lt;0.05) koncentracija NAA/Cr dobijenih metodom dugog eha između tri grupe ispitanika na svim posmatranim vokselima. Naknadnim analizama utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika na 10/12 voksela između HIV+ pacijenata sa cART i zdravih, kao i između HIV+ pacijenata bez terapije i zdravih, dok su se koncentracije NAA/Cr značajno razlikovale između HIV+ pacijenata sa i bez cART samo na jednom vokselu (duboka frontalna bela masa levo). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u smislu sniženja Cho/Cr odnosa dobijenih metodom dugog eha u 5/12 voksela, sa pojedinačnim vokselima koji su prikazivali razlike između grupa. Na metodi kratkog eha utvrđeno je značajno sniženje odnosa koncentracija NAA/Cr kod HIV+ pacijenata samo na tri voksela, pri čemu nisu prikazane značajne razlike između dve grupe pacijenata sa HIV infekcijom (sa i bez cART). Rezultati odnosa koncentracija Cho/Cr između tri gurpe pacijenata dobijeni metodom kratkog eha slični su rezultatima dobijenim na metodi dugog eha (statistički značajna razlika dobijena je na 5/12 voksela). &Scaron;to se tiče odnosa koncentracija mI/Cr, uočeno je značajno povi&scaron;enje ovog odnosa kod HIV+ pacijenata u odnosu na zdrave na 6/12 voksela. Prikazano je statistički značajno povi&scaron;enje ovog markera kod pacijenata bez cART u odnosu na pacijente sa cART samo u regiji levog dorzalnog anteriornog cinguluma. Statistički značajno povi&scaron;enje (Glx+Gln)/Cr odnosa je prikazano u regiji zadnjeg cinguluma desno kod pacijenata na terapiji u odnosu na pacijente bez terapije, dok na drugim vokselima nije prikazana značajna razlika. Vokseli 4, 7 i 10 su dali najvi&scaron;e informacija(supkortikalna bela masa frontalno levo, dorzalni prednji cingulum levo te parijetalni supkorteks leve cerebralne hemisfere), sa prikazanim značajnim razlikama u bar 4 odnosa metabolita. Prikazana je značajna pozitivna korelacija nadir CD4 + broja limfocita sa koncentracijama NAA/Cr, a negativna sa odnosima Cho/Cr i mI/Cr, &scaron;to čini nadir CD4+ najboljim serolo&scaron;kim prediktorom neurodegenerativnog o&scaron;tećenja. Pokazana je pozitivna korelacija indeksa penetracije lekova u monocite (ME) sa odnosima NAA/Cr i negativna korelacija indeksa penetracije lekova u centralni nervni sistem (CPE) sa Cho/Cr i mI/Cr. Do&scaron;li smo do zakljulka da je ME indeks bolji marker neurodegenerativnog odgovora a CPE indeks bolji u monitoringu kontrole inflamacije. ZAKLJUČAK: Smatra se da HIV virus uzrokuje prerano starenje mozga&scaron;to je prvenstveno posledica direktnog o&scaron;tećenja nervnih ćelija samim virusom (preko viralnih proteina, indukovanih citokina i hemokina). Pokazali smo da su neuronski gubitak i neurodegeneracija proces koji zahvata celokupan volumen mozga, dok su procesi inflamacije i proliferacije mikroglije svedeni na tačno određene regione, pretežno sive mase. Visoka senzitivnost multivokselske 1H-MRS sa kori&scaron;ćenjem senzitivnih povr&scaron;inskih kalemova omogućava mapiranje metabolita sa prostornom rezolucijom. MRS može dati ključni uvid u promene koncentracija metabolita mozga tokom razvoja infekcije od akutne i primarne do hronične. Vrlo brzo nakon serokonverzije, dolazi do detektabilnih promena u metabolitima mozga u smislu neuronskog o&scaron;tećenja i inflamacije. U na&scaron;em istraživanju su po prvi put analizirani rezultati protonske multivokselske MRS bele i sive mase velikog mozga u suprakalozalnom regionu. Utvrđeno je da postoje difuzne, ali ipak visoko regionalno-zavisne promene u odnosima neurometabolita kod pacijenata koji dobijaju antiretroviralnu terapiju i kod pacijenata koji je ne dobijaju, u poređenju sa zdravim kontrolnim ispitanicima (odgovarajućim po polu i starosti). Dodatne studije sa posmatranjem apsolutnih koncentracija neurometabolita, kao i longitudinalne studije u koje su uključeni HIV+ pacijenti u različitim fazama bolesti, su neophodne za dalje i bolje razumevanje neuropatogeneze HAND-a. MRS se pokazala uspe&scaron;nom u detekciji efikasnosti određenih terapijskih opcija. Dva postojeća indeksa za procenu efikasnosti antiretroviralne terapije (CPE, ME) odvojeno pogađaju dva puta neuropatogeneze kognitivnog poremećaja, sa različitim uspehom u sveobuhvatnoj proceni efekta i efikasnosti terapije. U budućnosti je potrebna njihova pojedinačna modulacija ili kreiranje jedinstvenog indeksa, koji bi obuhvatio i efikasnost prolaza leka kroz hematoencefalnu barijeru i dejstvo na latentni rezervoar HIV-a u ćelijama monocitno-makrofagne loze.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: HIV associated neurocognitive disorder- HAND appears in about half of the HIV+ patients. HAND represents a spectrum of neurological disorders varying from asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI), over mild neurocognitive disorder (MND) to HIV associated dementia (HAD). For evaluation and diagnostics of this disorder, many laboratory, clinical and imaging methods are used, first of all magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Nevertheless, for detecting subtle subcellullar neurobiochemical disorders, the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is necessary. Classical pattern of neurobiochemical changes in HIV infection consist of: decrease in NAA (neuronal marker) depicting neurodegeneration, increase in Cho (metabolism on membrane marker) depicting inflammation/ apoptosis, increase in mI (marker of microglial proliferation) depicting inflammation and increase in Glx+Gln (glutaminergic balance marker) depicting the effect of excytotoxicity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using multivoxel MRS of the brain in HIV+ patients. AIMS: The aims of this study were: to show whether there are differences in metabolites&#39; ratios on multivoxel MRS in neurologically asymptomatic HIV+ patients compared to control subjects; whether there are differences in metabolites&#39; ratios between patients on combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and therapy-naive ones; whether there are correlations between matebolites&#39; ratios and immunological parameters in HIV+ patients as well as with nadir CD4+ count; whether there are correlations between metabolites&#39; ratios with parameters of drugs&#39; penetration in central nervous system (CNS). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Overall of 114 subjects were enrolled in the study (32 HIV+ paients on cART, average age 41.97 years (25-61); 28 HIV+ patients off cART, average age 35.21 years (24-52); 50 control subjects, average age 36.56 years (19-53)). All the subjects signed the informed consent. The study was ethically approved by Ethical committee of Vojvodina Oncology Institute and Ethical committee of Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad. Inclusion criteria for HIV+ subjects were: the presence of HIV infection. Exclusion criteria included: active opportunistic infection, active neurological illness, usage of drugs of abuse, hepatitis B or C coinfection, presence of both white or grey matter lesions, and contraindications that apply for magnetic resonance (MR) examination. 4 subjects were excluded from the study due to the presence of white matter lesions (3 HIV+ and one control subject). Each patient performed International HIV Dementia Scale (IHDS), a screening test for evaluation of global cognitive status in HIV-infected patients. Baseline study laboratory variables were assessed (CD4+ T-lymphocyte count and plasma HIV RNA, nadir CD4+ counts and CD4+ T-cell counts at the moment of MR scan. Conventional MRI scan was followed by multivoxel MRS with both long and short echo. We analyzed 12 voxels (6 in grey and 6 in white matter) with overall of over 7900 spectra. Finally, we analyzed following dominant signals: on the long echo tCr (creatine plus phosphocreatine) at 3.0 ppm, NAA (N-acetyl-aspartate) at 2.0 ppm and Cho (choline containing compounds) at 3.2ppm (ratios of NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr were assessed); on the short echo tCr, NAA, Cho, (Glx+Gln) at 2.2-2.4ppm and mI (myoinositol) at 3.5ppm (ratios of NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, (Glx+Gln)/Cr and mI/Cr were assessed. All statistical calculations were performed using IBM SPSS software (version 21.0, Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics included determination of mean values, minimum, maximum and standard deviation. Among-group differences (HIV infected subjects versus healthy controls) in acquired metabolite ratios were evaluated using ANOVA with post hoc Tukey test to determine the differences between separate groups. Due to a known impact of age and education on the NAA concentrations, differences in NAA/Cr ratios among groups were tested using ANCOVA, with age as a covariate variable. Testing relationships between continuous variables was performed using Pearson linear correlation. Statistical significance was set at value p&lt;0.05. RESULTS: We showed that HIV+ patients on therapy were significantly older than the other two groups of patients. There was no significant difference in the level of education. We confirmed that the age significantly affects the level of NAA/Cr only.There was significant decrease (p&lt;0.05) in NAA/Cr level on long echo MRS among three groups on all the observed voxels. Post hoc analysis showed that there was significant difference in 10/12 voxels between HIV+ patients on cART and healthy controls and between HIV+ patients off cART and controls, while NAA/Cr differed significantly between HIV+ patients on and off cART in only one voxel (deep frontal white matter on the left). There was decrease in Cho/Cr levels on long echo MRS in 5/12 voxels among three groups. On short echo MRS, we showed decrease in NAA/Cr level in 3/12 voxels, while there were no differences between two groups of HIV+ patients. Results of short echo MRS in the means of Cho/Cr resembled long echo MRS. There was significant increase in mI/Cr level in HIV+ patients in 6/12 voxels compared to healthy controls, while there was difference in only one voxel between HIV+ patients on and off therapy (dorsal part of anterior cingulate on the left). Significant increase in (Glx+Gln)/Cr level was present between HIV+ patients on and off therapy in the region of right posterior cingulate. Voxels 4, 7 and 10 were the most informative ones (subcortical frontal white matter on the left, dorsal part of left anterior cingulate and right posterior cingulate), showing significant differences in 4 metabolites&#39; ratios. We showed positive correlation between nadir CD4+ count and NAA/Cr and negative correlation between nadir CD4+ count and Cho/Cr, and nadir CD4+ count and mI/Cr, which made nadir CD4+ count the best serological predictor of neurodegeneration. Positive correlation was showed between monocyte efficacy (ME) index and NAA/Cr, while negative correlation was present between CNS penetration efficacy (CPE), Cho/Cr and mI/Cr. We concluded that ME better depicted neurodegenerative process while CPE was better in monitoring of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: HIV causes premature ageing of the brain, in the means of cognition, attention, working memory and executive function. These effects are due to direct affection of neurons by virus per se (viral proteins, induced cytokines and chemokynes). We showed tha neuronal loss and neurodegeneration affect the whole volume of the brain while inflammation and glial proliferation affect restricted areas predominantly in grey matter. High sensitivity of multivoxel MRS with use of sensitive surface coils enables metabolite mapping with high spatial resolution. MRS can give essential data on metabolites&#39; changes during the evolution of the infection from acute, over primary to chronic. Early after seroconversion, metabolites&#39; changes can be detected (neuronal dysfunction and inflammation).To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study using multivoxel MRS of the brain in HIV infection in human population, analyzing data from supracallosal grey and white matter. We showed the presence of diffuse but regionally highly specific changes in metabolites&#39; ratios in patients on cART and off cART, compared to age and gender matched healthy controls. Additional studies with absolute concentrations of metabolites, as well as longitudinal studies with HIV+ patients in different stages of the disease, are necessary for better understanding of neuropathogenesis of HAND. We showed that MRS can be useful tool in evaluation of therapy regimens efficacy. Two available indices for evaluation of cART efficacy target two separate pathways of cognitive disorder pathogenesis, with different reliability in evaluation of effect and efficacy of applied therapy. In the future, their modulation or creation of new index is needed, in order to include drug delivery through the blood-brain barrier as well as the effect on latent reservoir of HIV in monocyte/macrophage cells.</p>

Morfološka i genetička raznovrsnost vrsta Carassius auratus sa teritorije Vojvodine i peripanonske oblasti / Morphological and genetic diversity of species Carassius auratuscomplex from the territory of Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region

Bolić Trivunović Violeta 29 August 2016 (has links)
<p>Prema novijim istraživanjima, kompleks Carassius auratusčini najmanje pet vrsta roda&nbsp; Carassius: Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus, Carassius langsdorfii, Carassius cuvieri i Carassius gibelio. Vrste ovog roda su morfolo&scaron;ki veoma slične i nemoguće ih je razlikovati na osnovu uobičajenih morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera, te su ranije&nbsp; sve determinisane kao Carassius auratus gibelio ili Carassius gibelio. Jedina vrsta koja se značajnije razlikuje je Carassius carassius.&nbsp; Smara se da su vrste ovog kompleksa unesene u Evropu iz Azije u 17. veku.</p><p>Najveći broj predstavnika kompleksa C. auratus je na teritoriji Evrope proteklih pedesetak godina determinisan je kao vrsta Carassius gibelio(C. auratus gibelio) (Bloch, 1783) (srebrni kara&scaron; ili babu&scaron;ka). S obzirom da su pripadnici ovog kompleksa registrovani u većini vodotokova Evrope, smatraju se najuspe&scaron;nijom invazivnom grupom slatkovodnih riba. Zbog svojih biolo&scaron;kih odlika (brz rast, različiti vidovi razmnožavanja, izuzetna otpornost na nepovoljne uslove) ove vrste veoma brzo postaju kompetitivne autohtonoj ihtiofauni za hranu i stani&scaron;te i neretko imaju izuzetno negativan uticaj na celokupan ekosistem koji nasele.</p><p>U ovoj disertaciji prvi put je izvr&scaron;ena identifikacija vrsta kompleksa Carassius auratus na teritoriji Vojvodine i peripanonske oblasti primenom specifičnih genetičkih markera (dela sekvence cytb gena). Primenom linearne i geometrijske morfometrije ispitivana je morfolo&scaron;ka varijabilnost različitih morfolo&scaron;kih celina (celo telo, kosti glavenog skeleta, cleithrum-a i krlju&scaron;ti) jedinki unutar kompleksa Carassius auratusizmeđu različitih lokaliteta sa različitim ekolo&scaron;kim uslovima (prisustvo predatora i protok), dok je primenom savremenih statističkih i matematičkih metoda (multi-modelne analize) analizirana dinamika rasta recentnih, kao i ranoinvazivnih populacija.</p><p>Metaanalizom dostupnih podataka utvrđena je veoma &scaron;iroka zastupljenost populacija vrsta kompleksa C. auratus na teritoriji Srbije. Beležene populacije su uglavnom pokazivale srednju do visoku zastupljenost (20-40%) u ukupnoj ihtiofauni uz uočljivo povećanje brojnosti u funkciji vremena. Na nekim lokalitetima se u nekoliko uzastopnih studija registruju veoma brojne popu-lacije vrsta ovog kompleksa (40-100% u ukupnom ulovu).</p><p>Za potrebe molekularno- taksonomskih analiza i analiza morfolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti recentnih populacija uzorkovano je 280 jedinki u periodu 2012 &ndash; 2014.godine sa 14 različitih lokaliteta u&nbsp;Vojvodini i peripanonskoj oblasti. Sve jedinke u uzorku su prvo fotografisane za potrebe analiza linearne i geometrijske morfometrije, uzet je uzorak repnog peraja za dalje genetičke analize, a nakon toga su izvr&scaron;ena sva neophodna merenja&nbsp;&nbsp; morfometrijskih i merističkih karaktera radi ana-lize varijabilnosti među&nbsp; populacijama. Populaciono-genetičkim analizama sekvenci dela cytb gena utvrđeno je da su sve ispitivane jedinke pripadale vrsti Carassius gibelio I. Zbog biolo&scaron;kog stanja uzoraka, determinacija je bila moguća za samo 52 jedinki sa 11 lokaliteta te se ne bi smela isključiti mogućnost postojanja jo&scaron; nekih vrsta kompleksa C. auratus, kao &scaron;to su C. auratus i C. langsdorfi koje su prema navodima drugih autora beležene na teritorijama susednih zemalja.</p><p>Primenom linearne i geometrijske morfometrijske analize ustanovljena je izražena fenoti-pska varijabilnost u obliku tela i odabranih&nbsp; elemenata skeletnog sistema između riba sa različitih lokaliteta. Utvrđeno je odsustvo polnog dimorfizma. Najveću varijabilnost od svih morfolo&scaron;kih parametara pokazala je vrednost za visinu tela, i veličinu glave, dok su kod kostiju najvi&scaron;e varirale vrednosti za os pharyngii na kojoj su ždrelni zubi - dentes pharyngii.</p><p>Prisustvo predatora i protok vode na ispitivanim lokalitetima su ispoljili uticaj na morfolo&scaron;ku varijabilnost riba. Prisustvo predatora je uslovilo pojavu karakterističnog fenotipa riba sa visokim telom koje omogućava lak&scaron;e izbegavanje predatora.</p><p>Za analizu mofolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti ranih invazivnih populacija vrsta kompleksa C. auratus kori&scaron;ćeni su podaci za 524 jedinke (prilikom izlova determinisane kao C. auratus gibelio) sa tri lokaliteta u Vojvodini iz perioda 1983 &ndash; 1985. godine. Lokaliteti su izabrani prema različitom načinu invazije vrsta kompleksa C. auratus. Analizama linearne morfometije i modela rasta ut-vrđeno je da su se lokaliteti na kojima su bile&nbsp; zastupljene namerne antropogene introdukcije nepoznatog porekla odlikovali mnogo većom morfolo&scaron;kom varijabilno&scaron;ću od lokaliteta u koje su jedinke dospele prirodnim putevima invazije izvećih vodotokova.</p><p>Analizama životne istorije i dinamike rasta na 395 jedinki vrsta kompleksa C. auratus (pri-likom uzorkovanja determinisanih kao C. gibelio) kao invazivne grupe riba i 429 jedinki bodorke kao predstavnika autohtone ihtiofaune u periodu između 1991. i 1999. godine na akumulacijama Međuvr&scaron;je i Gruža utvrđene su razlike između različitih tipova stani&scaron;ta. Nezavisno od vrste, utvrđeno je da jedinke koje žive u sporim i plitkim stani&scaron;tima su krupnije i dostižu veće asimptotske dužine od individua koje nastanjuju brže i uže vodotokove.</p><p>Ovaj rad je među prvim koji primenjuje multi-modelnu analizu u modelovanju rasta slat-kovodnih riba. Rezultati su pokazali da se ova metoda može implementirati i na&nbsp; invazivne vrste riba kako bi se bolje procenio njihov uticaj na autohtonu faunu i&nbsp; eventualno razvile uspe&scaron;nije strategije upravljanja i kontrole njihovih populacija.</p> / <p>According to recent researches,<em> Carassius auratus</em> complex includes at least five <em>Carassius</em> species: <em>Carassius carassius, Carassius auratus, Carassius</em> langsdorfii, <em>Carassius cuvieri</em> and<em> Carassius gibelio</em>. These species are morphologically very similar and it is impossible to differentiate them on the basis of common morphological&nbsp; characters, so they all used to be classified as<em> Carassius auratus gibelio</em> or <em>Carassi</em>us <em>gibelio</em>. The only species that is significantly different is Carassius carassius. It is believed that the species of this complex were brought to Europe from Asia in the 17th&nbsp;&nbsp; century.</p><p>Over the last fifty years most of the members of C. auratus complex in Europe were classified as Carassius gibelio (<em>C. auratus gibelio</em>) (Bloch, 1783) (Silver carp or Gibel carp). Since the members of this complex have been registered in most European watercourses, they are considered to be the most successful invasive group of freshwater fish. Thanks to their biological characteristics (fast growth, different types of reproduction, remarkable resistance to unfavourable conditions) these species quickly become competitive to indigenous ichthyofauna in respect of food and habitat and they often have very negative impact on the entire ecosystem they inhabit.</p><p>This dissertation identifies the species that belong to the<em> </em>Carassius auratus complex in /Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region using specific genetic markers (ctyb gene sequence). Using linear and geometric morphometrics, we examined morphological variability of different morphological parts (whole body, skull bones, cleithrum and scales) of the members of<em> Carassius auratus</em> complex, in different localities with different ecological conditions (presence of predators and water flow). Modern statistics&nbsp; and mathematical methods (multi-model analysis) were used in the analysis&nbsp; of growth dynamics of both recent and early invasive populations.</p><p>Meta-analyses of the available data have shown that there is a wide population of C. auratuscomplex species&nbsp; in Serbia. The examined populations showed medium to high occurrence (20- 40%) in the entire ichthyofauna, with evident growth over time. A few consecutive studies have registered very large populations of the species of this complex in several localities (40-100% of total catch).</p><p>For the purpose of molecular-taxonomic analyses and the analysis of morphological variability of recent populations, we used a sample of&nbsp; 280&nbsp; units taken in 14 different localities in Vojvodina and peri-Pannonian region in the period from 2012 to 2014. All the units in the sample were first photographed for the purpose of linear and geometric morphometrics, samples of tail fins were taken for further genetic analysis, and then all the necessary evaluations of morphometric and meristic characters were made, as well as the analysis of variability among populations.<br />Population genetic analysis with the application of a genetic marker (cytb gene) has shownthat all the examined units belong to<em> Carassius gibelio</em> species. Due to the biological state of the samples, the determination was possible for only 52 units from 11 localities, so it not impossible that some other species of C. auratus complex such as C. auratus and C. langsdorficould also be found in this region as they have been registered on the territories of the neighbouring countries, as reported by some authors.</p><p><br />Linear and geometric morphometric analysis has shown significant phenotype&nbsp; variability in body shape and selected elements of the skeletal system. It has also proved the absence of sexual dimorphism and showed that locality had a major impact on the variability.</p><p>The largest variability was recorded in terms of body height and head size, while the most variable values with the bones were those referring to os pharyngii with pharyngeal teeth.</p><p>Morphological variability of fish also depended on the presence of predators and the water flow in the examined localities. The presence of predators causes a characteristic phenotype of fish with tall body which enables them to avoid predators more easily.</p><p>In the analysis of morphological variability of early invasive populations of the species of C. auratus complex we used data for 524 units (classified as C. auratusgibelio during the catch) from three localities in Vojvodina in the period from 1983 to 1985. The localities were chosen according to different ways of invasion of the species of C. auratus complex. Linear morphometrics and growth model analyses have shown that the localities with deliberate anthropogenic introduction of unknown origin were characterized with greater variability than the localities populated by natural invasion from larger watercourses.</p><p>The analyses of life history and growth dynamics in 395 members of the species of C. auratuscomplex (classified as C. gibelio during the sampling) as an invasive group of fish, and 429 units of the roach as the representative of the indigenous ichthyofauna in the artificial lakes of Međuvr&scaron;je and Gruža in the period from 1991 to 1999, have established differences among different types of habitats. Regardless of species, the fish that live in slow and shallow habitats are larger and they reach greater asymptotic length than those living in faster and narrower watercourses.</p><p>This study is among the first ones to apply multi-model analyses in modeling freshwater fish growth. The results have shown that this method can be implemented in studying invasive fish species in order to make a better estimation of their influence on indigenous fauna and possibly develop more successful&nbsp; strategies of managing and controlling their populations.</p>

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