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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klasifikace biologických sekvencí s využitím bezeztrátové komprese / Biological sequence classification utilizing lossless data compression algorithms

Kruml, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá možností využití bezeztrátových kompresních algoritmů ke klasifikaci biologických sekvencí. Nejdříve je představena literární rešerše o bezeztrátových kompresních algoritmech, která byla využita k výběru slovníkového algoritmu vytvořeného A. Lempelem a J. Zivem v roce 1976 (LZ77). Tento algoritmus je běžně používán k datové kompresi a v předkládané práci byl modifikován tak, aby umožnil klasifikaci biologických sekvencí. K algoritmu byly navrženy další modifikace, které rozvíjí jeho klasifikační možnosti. V průběhu práce byla sestavena sada datasetů biologických sekvencí, která umožnila podrobné testování algoritmu. Algoritmus byl porovnán s klasickými zarovnávacími metodami: Jukes-Cantor, Tamura a Kimura. Bylo ukázáno, že algoritmus dosahuje srovnatelných výsledků v oblasti klasifikace biologických sekvencí a dokonce je u 20% datasetů překonává. Lepší výsledky dosahuje zejména u sekvencí, jež jsou si vzájemně vzdálené.

Akumulace energie v tlakovém vzduchu / Accumulation of energy in compressed air

Rešiliáno, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the principle and issues associated with operation of the storage power stations, known under the acronym CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage). Examples of existing and upcoming CAES power stations from commercial sphere are listed and described there. The paper also includes an overview of basic CAES station wiring diagrams and a simplified calculation is performed to compare the efficiency of the chosen diagrams. In the final part of the thesis there is a scheme of so-called adiabatic CAES designed and calculated. For this type of device has been designed suitable wiring and a thermodynamic calculation of the cycle was performed for the purpose of evaluation.

Použití zobecněných Laguerrových funkcí pro identifikaci a modelování / Application of Generalized Laguerre Functions to System Identification and Modeling

Tůma, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá použitím zobecněných Laguerrových funkcí pro modelování a identifikaci dynamických systémů. Po krátkém úvodu je uvedena definice zobecněných Laguerrových polynomů a funkcí a některé jejich vlastnosti. Je zavedena metoda pro identifikaci spojitých dynamických systémů z diskrétních nasamplovaných dat s použitím zobecněných Laguerrových funkcí a porovnána s metodou nejmenších čtverců. Je diskutována volba optimálních parametrů p a alpha pro konečné Fourierovy řady se zobecněnými Laguerrovými funkcemi. Na příkladech je porovnána navržená identifikační metoda s metodou nejmenších čtverců. Je zavedena diskrétní Laguerrova transformace a její rozšíření s použitím zobecněných Laguerrových funkcí. Na příkladech je předvedena aplikace diskrétní Laguerrovy transformace na kompresi dat. Je ukázáno, že použití diskrétní Laguerrovy transformace může vést k lepším výsledků při kompresi dat než tradiční postup s využitím diskrétní kosinové transformace.

Vliv terapie s využitím flossingové pásky na rozsah pohybu a ovlivnění fasciálních řetězců v oblasti dolních končetin. / The influence of therapy with flossing tape to range of motion and fascia chains in lower extermities.

Pisarčík, Ján January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis title: Influence of tissue flossing therapy on the range of motion and fascial chains in the lower limbs. Objectives: The main objective is to present theoretical facts about tissue flossing therapy, to document the effect of this method on the active range of motion in the lower limbs and to investigate whether this increase in movement can be achieved by influencing fascial chains in distant parts of the musculoskeletal system. Methods: The research was completed by 30 recreational or high-level athletes aged 19 to 26 years. Initial testing and subsequent treatment of the ankle joint and surrounding fascial structures were done using the tissue flossing technique. The initial tests consisted of a weight- bearing lunge test to test the dorsal flexion of the ankle joint and a Thomayer test to test the range of motion within the fascial superficial back line. Treatment of both ankle joints and surrounding fascial structures on both lower limbs was followed by final testing. The resulting data were processed using mathematical software R. A paired t-test, a two-sample t-test for independent selections assuming different variables and a test of the agreement of the fraction with a known constant were used to calculate the p-values. Statistical significance was determined at the critical...

Vizualizace a editace voxelů pro 3D tisk v real-time / Real-time voxel visualization and editing for 3D printing

Kužel, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, we explore detailed voxel scene compression methods and editing thereof with the goal to design an interactive voxel viewer/editor, for e.g. a 3D printing appli- cation. We present state-of-the-art GPU compatible data structures and compare them. On top of the chosen data structure, we build standard editing tools known from 2D, capable of changing voxel color in real-time even on lower end machines. 1

Porovnání úspěšnosti resuscitace při a bez použití přístroje Lucas za rok 2012 ve Zdravotnické záchranné službě Pardubického kraje / Comparing the success of resuscitation in a device without using Lucas in 2012 in the Emergency Medical Service of the Pardubice Region

SVOBODA, Radek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the success of manual and instrumental resuscitation. In the theoretical part of the thesis summarizes the history and organizational structure of emergency medical services Pardubice region, description of the Lucas chest compression and theoretical formulation of the problem. The practical part is focused on the evaluation of a set of data that are selected from the total number of trips EMS crews Pardubice. The selected file refers to cases NZO exits and their distribution in the subsequent resuscitation manual or instrument. Describes the percentage will compare their success with the use of the results of individual bases EMS ambulance crews Pak.

Komprese výškových map / Height map compression techniques

Lašan, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design a suitable method for lossy compression of heightmap terrain data. This method should accept blocks of float samples of dimensions 2^n x 2^n as an input, for which it should be able to perform progressive decompression of mip-maps (lower-resolution representations). It should keep the reconstructed data within a certain maximum per-sample error bound for each mip-map level. This bound should be in the unit of meters and adjustable by the user. Given these constraints, it should be as efficient as possible. Our method is inspired by the second generation of progressive wavelet-based compression scheme modified to satisfy the~maximum-error constraint. We simplified this scheme by factoring out unnecessary computations in order to improve the efficiency. Our method can compress a 256x256 block in about 30 ms and decompress it in about 2 ms. Thanks to these attributes, the method can be used in a real-time planet renderer. It achieves the compression ratio of 37:1 on the whole Earth 90m/sample terrain dataset transformed and separated into square blocks, while respecting the maximum error of 5m. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Současné trendy na OTC derivátových trzích / Current trends in OTC derivatives markets

Šimko, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The uppermost goal of this diploma thesis is aimed at identification and evaluation of the current trends in one of the largest segments of financial markets. Special attention has been devoted to the regulatory changes, which have not been completely implemented in all major jurisdictions so far. The introductory part deals with the nowadays situation and explanation of post-crisis measures leading to a higher level of transparency and system stability. The following chapters analyze the key elements contributing to specific trends whereby those findings are based on research studies published by the world leading universities and central banks. The author also observes alternative functional concepts in the market and potential impacts affecting real transactions. The final portion has been dedicated to analysis of practical implications in terms of increased costs related to the trades and possible prospective outlook of the OTC derivatives market. The whole text is accompanied by authors personal reflections and comparison between the most important trading regions in respect to the value of underlying assets.

Segmentace signálu EKG na základě kvality odhadnuté z akcelerometrických dat a komprese kvalitních segmentů / Accelerometer-based quality estimation and segmentation of ECG signal and compression of high-quality segments

Opravilová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to segmentation of ECG signal based on its quality and compression of quality segments suitable for diagnostics (in telemedicine). A completely new approach is to use accelerometer data to estimate ECG signal quality. This is possible thanks to the Bittium Faros mobile recorder. It records both the ECG signal motion – accelerometric data. A total of 34 features were extracted from accelerometric data. Using these features the predictive model was taught to classify the ECG signal into 3 quality groups according to the level of noise. Quality segments were compressed. The wavelet transform in combination with high-frequency bands zeroing and length encoding was used as a compression method.

Akcelerace Burrows-Wheelerovy transformace s využitím GPU / Acceleration of Burrows-Wheeler Transform Using GPU

Zahradníček, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) and possibilities of acceleration of this transform on graphics processing unit (GPU). Methods of compression based on BWT are introduced, as well as software libraries CUDA and OpenCL for writing programs for GPU. Parallel variants of BWT are implemented, as well as following steps necessary for compression, using CUDA library. Amount of compression of used approaches are tested and parallel versions are compared to their sequential counterparts.

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