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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Generace Y": Ideologie a životní postoje první generace narozené po roce 1989 / "Generation Y": Ideology and life attitudes of the first generation born after 1989

Foitová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with some aspects of the life of the Czech generation Y, the first generation growing up in a free period after the Velvet Revolution of 1989. The thesis focuses on university students. The introduction focuses on defining the concept of generation in the Czech environment as well as in the world, as well as the issue of generations and discussions on the subject both at the media and at the professional level. The research section is based on interviews with twelve members of this generation. The interviews are oriented on the specifics that distinguish the Czech generation Y from the young people in other parts of the world, especially history of the Czechoslovakia between years 1948 and 1989. The interviews drew on their opinion and outlook on the development of the republic before 1989 by opting for family, education, peers, and other factors that could influence them. The conversations also focused on the current attitude towards politics, ideologies and values. Narrators also looked for generational specifics and characteristics related to generational determination, such as technology, social networks, anti-communism... Key words Husák's Children, Velvet Revolution, communism, anti-communism, ideology, technology, social media, theory of generations, freedom

Proměny diskurzů českého katolického exilu v Itálii 1962-1969 / Discursive Transformation during the Czech Catholic Exile in Italy 1962-1969

Blažek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with events during the Czech Catholic exile in Italy with a focus on the 1960's. It provides a closer look at the institutional and discursive changes that took place at the time of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the subsequent stay of Cardinal Josef Beran in Rome (1965-1969). The work focuses mainly on the development of the publishing house Christian Academy, the Velehrad Center and the Nepomucenum Papal College where the leading figures of Czech Catholic exile, mostly priests, worked. By using the method of historical discourse analysis the work studies how the pro-conciliary orientation which defined itself in opposition towards conservative tendency in the Church became increasingly predominant in the exile environment. Last but not least, the work also shows how the form of Catholic exile discourse in Italy was influenced by the changing relationship between papal diplomacy and Communist Czechoslovakia.

Recepce ruského formalismu v ukrajinské kultuře v meziválečném období (1921-1939) / Reception of Russian formalism in the Ukrainian culture in the interwar period (1921-1939)

Babak, Galyna January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the specific aspects of the reception of Russian formalism and the development of the Formal method in Soviet Ukrainian culture in the 1920s - the beginning of 1930s. Russian formalism in the process of reception becomes an important tool for the "modernization" of national culture and, as a result, an instrument for a new phase in the construction of national cultural identity. On that basis, the cultural-historical and ideological context of the development of Ukrainian literary criticism, criticism and (partially) literature of the late 19th - first decades of the 20th century is consistently reconstructed in eight chapters of the work. The first chapter highlights theoretical aspects of the study, reviews critical literature, reconstructs the history of reception of Russian formalism in Russian and Western criticism and the history of literature. The second chapter addresses the historical and theoretical premises of the reception of Formal theory in Ukrainian culture. The next chapter discusses historical and political context of the development of literature and literary criticism in 1917-1920 using the example of multinational post-revolutionary Kiev; a brief review of the theoretical and historical works of the 1920s also appears here. A special focus is put on the...

K svobodě je dlouhé putování: Život Českobratrské církve evangelické v letech 1968 - 1989 ve svědectví starší generace jejích farářů a farářek. / Long Journey to Freedom: The Life of Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in 1968-1989 in the Testimony of the Older Generation of its Ministers.

Pfann, Michael January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to find an answer to the question of whether the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) in the years 1968-1989 could be considered "free" in any way. This work describes the life of the ECCB in that period and the ways of the freedom und unfreedom the ECCB enjoyed and formed. Thereby, the research is based on the careful analysis of documents of church and state archives and the results of ten author-led biographical interviews with then active pastors. Combining these methods and sources, the dissertation offers an innovative view on the ECCB in the period and provides new, deeper, and more personal insights into the processes of the time. The first four chronological chapters describe the situation and development of the ECCB during the socio-political liberalisation during the Prague Spring and during the years after the Warsaw Pact troops' invasion of Czechoslovakia, when the so-called "normalisation" began. The fifth chapter presents the main strategies that the church developed in reaction to the restriction of its freedom. The sixth chapter presents the perspective of two ministers of the ECCB on their contacts with the representatives of the state authorities in the form of a case study. An insight in the internal life of the church and the forms of the church...

Fenomén tzv. vesnických voleb v Číně- krok k demokratizaci? / Village elections in China- a step towards democracy?

Čejchan, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Village elections in China - a step towards democracy?" focuses on the development of local institutions of village self-government that has taken place in China since mid-1980s. Author tries to explain the phenomena in broader context of development of entire Chinese countryside. Another goal of the thesis is to answer, whether the implementation of direct elections to Chinese countryside can help to promote democratization in China or whether it plays some other, different role.

Bělorusko na křižovatkách 20. století: Historicko-sociologická srovnávací analýza sociálních změn v sovětském a západním Bělorusku v letech 1921-1939 / Belarus on the Crossroads of Twentieth-Century: Historical and sociological comparative analysis of social change in Soviet Belarus and Western Belarus in 1921-1939

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2012 (has links)
IN ENGLISH Author's name: Bc. Dzmitry Badzevich. School: Charles University, Prague Faculty of Humanities. U Kříže 8 150 00 Praha 5. Program: "Historical sociology". Title: BELARUS ON THE CROSSROADS OF TWENTIETH-CENTURY: HISTORICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL CHANGE IN SOVIET BELARUS AND WESTERN BELARUS IN 1921-1939. Consultant: Doc. PhDr. Jiří Šubrt, CSc. Number of pages: 106 + attachments. Number of attachments: 3. Year: 2012. Key words: Capitalism, communism, social change, social structure, society,economy, urban and rural economy, industry, law system, government institutions, education, religion, ideology, family, every day. This thesis describes the processes of social changes inside social structure in contemporary Belarus, which has developed by different ways during the interwar years in 1921-1939. Combination of two theoretical concepts like "ideal types" (Parsons's AGIL and Sztompka's typology of the process of social change) have been defined terminology and methods of operation for analyzing and comparing. First part focuses on the history of Belarusian land before1921. The next part describes structural development of Western Belarus in Poland and Soviet Belarus in Soviet Union in the years 1921-1939. Last part has been explained the research of compares the...

Za hranicemi: Analýza potratových diskurzů v (ne)demokratickém Československu / Beyond The Frontier: The Analysis of Abortion Discourses in (Un)democratic Czechoslovakia

Prajerová, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
My thesis focuses on reproductive politics of (un)democratic Czechoslovakia, namely on the discursive construction of abortion as presented in the scientific and political discourses in the 20's and 50's. The aim is to compare the discourses and track the genealogy of control and regulation of women's bodies as biopolitical spaces within the Czechoslovakian nation. The text uses theories of G. Agamben, M. Foucault and R. Miller which deprive from the classical/juridical model of sovereignty and rights and offer a biopolitical one instead. Using this perspective the text tries to answer whether there is a difference between scientific and political discourses of so-called democracy and communism. That is, whether by putting the abortion into the center it is possible to speak about democracy and communism as if they were two different and mutually exclusive systems. Through the lenses of poststructuralist feminist analysis the thesis tries to doubt the binaries of "communism" - "democracy", "East" - "West", in which democracy always signals the good and communism evil. Analysing the discourses surrounding the enactment of 1957 law the text also ponders whether it is possible to read the law as a typical communist product, implanted by someone from the outside.

Dimitrij LUPEJ - životní příběh válečného veterána 2. světové války / Dimitrij Lupej - A Life Story of the 2nd World War Veteran

Lupejová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je zpracovat do podoby biografické studie životní osudy autorčina dědy Dimitrije Lupeje (roč. 1917), rodáka z Podkarpatské Rusi, který prošel nechvalně proslulými pracovními tábory Gulagu a následně se připojil k čs. jednotkám generála L. Svobody. S jeho armádou bojoval u Kyjeva, na Dukle, kde byl zraněn a posléze došel až do Prahy. Po válce zůstal v československé armádě až do svého odchodu do penze v roce 1972. Ve své diplomové práci by se autorka chtěla především zaměřit na tři okruhy dědova života - gulag, východní fronta a poválečná armáda. Získaný materiál, doprovázen vzpomínkami jeho vrstevníků - též válečných veteránů, by měl být doplněn a konfrontován o poznatky z archívních zdrojů a příslušné odborné literatury. Autorka práce využije při analýze životního příběhu svého předka metodu orální historie a zároveň se pokusí začlenit celý příběh do kontextu obecných dějin, přičemž nabídne ucelený pohled na osud jednotlivce, jenž byl ovlivněn převratnými historickými událostmi tehdejší Evropy. Klíčová slova: Dimitrij Lupej, válečný veterán, druhá světová válka, gulag, armáda, čs. jednotky, Ludvík Svoboda, Sovětský svaz, Podkarpatská Rus, komunismus. ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to elaborate a biographical study of the life story of the author's grandfather...

Mediální analýza rozpadu Československa / Media analysis of Czechoslovakian Desintegration

Vávra, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the topic of the breakup of Czechoslovakia into two independent Czech and Slovak republics at the beginning of the year 1993. With the help of secondary literature, the first section is dedicated to chronologically interpreting the history of the relationship between Czechs and Slovaks. The section also discusses the accounts of leading Czech, Slovak and other international historians relating to the end of Czechoslovakia. In the second section, the author of this thesis firstly focuses on the analysis of selected printed media, including the Czech newspapers 'Rudé právo' and 'Mladá fronta/Mladá fronta DNES', and Slovakian 'Pravda' from the months around the time of the so-called Hyphen War at the beginning of 1990. The final chapters focus on the analysis of the above-mentioned newspapers from the time of the elections to the Federal Assembly in 1992 and examine reference methods relating to the issue of the Czech- Slovak misunderstanding.

Žena a móda a ideologie: pronikání diskurzu komunistické moci skrze módní časopis / Zena a moda and ideology: The penetration of communistic power discourse through fashion magizines

Skočíková, Nikol January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the penetration of discourse of Communist power into the society through content of (women's) magazine Žena a móda within 50s and 60s. The aim of this thesis is to point out that the elements of communist ideology appeared also in media such as fashion magazine. First chapters of this thesis deal with socialism and its ideological propaganda and represent the importance of ideological symbols, propaganda and manipulation through the media. In connection with this the thesis represents also the political-economic situation in the textile and clothing industry and also uses the facts about the media control by the communist regime. On this basis the thesis presents an analysis of 240 issues of the Žena a móda magazine and focuses on selected ideological symbols such as socialist fashion, working clothes, relationship between the East and the West, ideological leaders and personalities, the Soviet Union as ideal, conceptualization of the "Great History" and the image of socialistic woman. The method of discourse analysis thus allowed to introduce the symbols in different historical and social contexts and also to point to their changes in time, specifically in the context of comparing their likeness in the 50s and 60s of 20th century. The content of Žena a móda magazine...

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