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Jazykové ztvárnění propagandy v tisku v době bývalého Československa / Linguistic formulation of propaganda in the press in the time of former CzechoslovakiaPilík, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to identify specific language elements in selected opinion pieces that appeared in Rudé právo newspaper over the course of 1975. The first part of the thesis examines terms such as persuasion, propagandism and manipulation, and considers the interrelations between these terms. Following sections of the paper are devoted to the characterization of distinct elements of persuasion as traced in diverse articles of Rudé právo. In a pragmatic perspective, the thesis describes such linguistic attempts at manipulating the reader as means to praise the communist regime or to defame its adversaries. KEYWORDS Propagandsim, persuasion, manipulation, Rudé právo, text, communism, capitalism, follower, adversary, author, reader.
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Ulyxes alias Pavel Minařík / Ulyxes alias Pavel MinaříkMedek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation describes the life of Pavel Minarik, a journalist but also secret police agent, who worked at Radio Free Europe in Munich and in several exile organizations. It also provides a brief overview of the situation in Czechoslovakia in the 2nd half of the 20th century, the development of the security apparatus of the country after World War II (focusing on the secret police and intelligence service) and the foundation of Radio Free Europe. The work refers to the studies on the topic, secret police archives, and also memories of the "Munich radio" reporters.
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Genderová proměna časopisu Vlasta v roce 1991 a 2010 / Transformation of the approach to the gender roles in magazine Vlasta between 1991 and 2010Krocová, Iva January 2014 (has links)
In my work I map the transformation of gender through media editorial in the journal Vlasta topics in 1991 and 2010 and how tthe communist regime influenced the thematic transformation of magazine in Czechoslovakia. In my work I also examine whether Vlasta magazine in 1991, presents a feminist ideas that have a negative connotation, as Osvaldová mentioned. The work is divided into three basic sections of theoretical, methodological and analytical. The theoretical part describes the current scientific discourse and puts the work in a social media context. This section presents the main concepts such as feminism, gender, gender stereotypes and patriarchy. It also mentions the importance of media and women's magazines for the female audience and the transformation of women's role in society before 1989 and after. In the methodological part, through open and axial coding I examine media content. In my research, I identify and describe significant editorial issues with which woman is associated in Vlasta magazine in 1991 and in 2010. Furthermore, using content analysis, I compare the contents of the magazine Vlasta 1991 and 2010 in terms of private and public spheres. Data are analysed by methods of the grounded theory, as described by Strauss and Corbin. The data from the content analysis shows the...
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Obraz příhraničního regionu Chebsko v místním tisku od normalizace do pádu komunismu / The image of the border Cheb region in the local press since the normalization period until the fall of comunismŠollar, Libor January 2015 (has links)
Main goal of this thesis is research of everyday life specifics in Cheb region as a region on the west border of the former Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and eventual interception of these specifics in regional or national press in last twenty years before the Velvet Revolution. The base for the research became the weekly magazine Hraničář as the only regional newspaper published throughout the whole studied period and the research was conducted using searches of the sample chosen in advance (years 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1989, 1990). Any predicative facts about the local newspapers, the composition of the editorial staff and possible editors impact (respectively presumed inability to influence) on the newspaper content in a system of directive management and reflections of the Chebsko region as a border region in the immediate vicinity of the Iron Curtain were of interest of the research. The core of the work is to draw a picture of everyday life of "ordinary" citizens of the region with regard to the above facts and focusing on different aspects of life in society such as the local economy, agriculture or cultural, sport and social life in the city. The thesis also deals with the editions and contents of the newspaper during the periods of anniversaries of essential historical events (e.g....
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Mediální obraz českého výtvarného umění v letech 1948-1953 v dobových kulturních periodikách / Media image of czech fine art in czech media in 1948-53Dušková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe the media image of the czech fine art during 1948-1953 in the cultural periodicals "Kulturní politika", "Tvorba", "Var" and "Lidové noviny". It focuses on two topics that occurred most frequently in these periodicals;That is the definition of art and socialist realism and shaping artists and society. Social realism is characterized not only by description, but also by inspiration sources like Czech fine art of 19th century and the tendency to oppose competitive or similar artistic styles and trends like formalism, naturalism, academicism and kitsch. Shaping the artists and society is understood in terms of upringing, education and enlightenment. In connection with these two areas this thesis focuses on history, cultural policy of the Communist Party, the organizational structure of artistic production, distribution of art, shaping artists, penetration of art into public and private space, socialist realism and an attitude of visual artists to new conditions of artistic production. Different features were also included to capture the uniqueness of each periodical. The starting point of the thesis is a historical and qualitative analysis.
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Proměna přístupu k genderovým rolím v časopise Vlasta mezi roky 1991 a 2010 / Transformation of the approach to the gender roles in magazine Vlasta between 1991 and 2010Krocová, Iva January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of two years, namely 1991 and 2010, of the magazine Vlasta made with the gender optics. The aim is to compare thematic structure of the magazine in 1991 and 2010 from gender perspective and identify the central issues which are presented to women. The study is divided into three main sections: theoretical, methodological and analytical. The theoretical part describes the current scientific discourse, including terminological definition of basic concepts. The methodology part describes the research methods used and the analytical section presents the research outputs obtained through open and axial coding, which were used in analysis of the media content. Significant editorial issues, which are associated women in a magazine Vlasta with, have been identified and described.
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Arabští studenti v Praze v padesátých a šedesátých letech 20. století / The Arab Students in Prague in 1950s and 1960sHannová, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the phenomenon of students from the so-called less developed countries in communist Czechoslovakia, specifically Arab students in the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century. In the first part the issue is put into a broader context of political and cultural connections. Apart from the situation inside the Arab region after the Second World War, the work offers insight into the mutual Czechoslovak-Arab contacts followed by a recap of Czechoslovak tertiary education after the year 1948. The text also presents the general situation of international students in the Czech environment in the observed era. Because it was the first wave of Arab scholarship holders supported by the Czechoslovak government to arrive at the end of the 50s, it is crucial to describe the shape of negotiation between the Czechoslovak and Arab sides. At the beginning of the second thematic part dealing with Arab students in Prague the attention is shifted towards cultural agreements and forms of studies in Czechoslovakia. The aspects of arriving abroad, preparatory language courses, accommodation in Prague, studying, everyday life of Arab students in Czechoslovakia and the conflicts they had faced are analyzed in the following subchapters. The problem of Arab student adaptation to the new environment and...
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Život a působení farářů Alfréda Kocába a Jiřího Doležala v letech 1968 až 1989 / The Life and Work of the Pastors Alfred Kocáb and Jiří Doležal between years 1968 and 1989Pfann, Michael January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life and work of two pastors of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Alfréd Kocáb and Jiří Doležal, between 1968-1989. For this research the oral history method was used. The thesis contains a selection of interviews, which the author conducted with the pastors in spring 2013, and an interpretation of them according to the rules of the discipline of oral history. Preceding to the interviews available materials related to both pastors were studied, which are mainly documents in church and state archives, but also interviews with contemporaries of both pastors. The aim of this thesis is to create a platform to the pastors to speak, so that they can present their life and work according to their memories and comment various events, which constituted them. The two pastors represent two different wings in the ECCB in that period. In this way, these two concepts and accents of life and theology are entering into a mutual dialog. Through two life testimonies we can pars pro toto observe the life of the church and the country in the difficult years 1968-1989. The second aim of the work was to create new historical sources in the form of recordings of interviews and transcriptions of them.
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Obraz životního stylu 60.let na stránkách týdeníku Vlasta / Image of the lifestyle of the sixties according to Vlasta weekly magazineBlinková, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
My master thesis examines lifestyle in the sixties of the 20th century as depicted on pages of Vlasta weekly magazine. Vlasta has been published since 1947 and thanks to the long continuity and grounding in the Czech environment, it is considered to be a traditional magazine. It has gained and maintained its broad network of readers throughout the years and is considered to be a leading magazine of Czechoslovak women during the communist era. In my thesis, I focus on the content analysis of the magazine in years 1960 - 1968. The thesis is set in a historical, social and media context. I emphasize the topics that are closely related to lifestyle. The areas that determine the lifestyle and on which I focus are, in particular, housing issues, workload, family relations, education, fashion, art and leisure time. I have also covered questions involving emancipation of women and their position in society. I also deal with the question whether the image of the lifestyle as presented by the Vlasta magazine matched the actual lifestyle of people in the sixties. In addition, I examine whether the magazine actually fulfilled the role of a weekly magazine for women, as it is well known that Vlasta was under the political supervision. The thesis is divided into two parts, the theoretical and analytical. The...
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Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé Právo a Mladá fronta / Reflection of national uprisings in NDR, Poland and Hungaryin the years 1953-1956 in contenporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing ithe study on daily newspapers Rude Pravo and Mlada frontaŠafář, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky Ondřej Šafář Odraz národních povstání v NDR, Polsku a Maďarsku v letech 1953-1956 v soudobém československém tisku se zaměřením na deníky Rudé právo a Mladá fronta Diplomová práce Praha 2016 Abstract The thesis "Reflection of national uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary in the years 1953-1956 in contemporary press in Czechoslovakia, focusing the study on daily newspapers Rude právo and Mladá fronta" concentrates on the way, how the media reflected uprisings that took place in the 50s in neighbouring countries under the Soviet sphere of influence. The thesis describes the political development in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II until 1956. The thesis also describes the development, structure and governance of the Czechoslovakia media in this period of time, including the history of the monitored dailies Rudé právo and Mladá fronta. The thesis also focuses on the background and the process of the three uprisings in East Germany, Poland and Hungary. Following part introduces basic theoretical concepts (including ideology, propaganda, hegemony and discourse) as a background for the practical part, which is a qualitative research of journals Rudé právo and Mladá fronta at selected periods of time...
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