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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Římskokatolická církev a ekumenické hnutí od konce II. světové války do konce pontifikátu Jana Pavla / The Roman Catholic Church and the ecumenical movement since the of World War II. until the of the pontificate of John Paul II.

Liba, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: The thesis Roman Catholic Church and the ecumenical movement since the end of II. World War II until the end of the pontificate of John Paul II. discusses the efforts that were made in Roman Catholic Church toward the ecumenical movement after World War II. The content of this thesis describes different pontificates, characteristics of popes and their impact on ecumenism. It also gives the definition of the ecumenical movement and its development. In the third chapter, this thesis analyzes II. Vatican Council and its ecumenical approchement with the terms of the Roman Catholic Church with other Christian churches.

První křížová výprava a vznik křesťanských států na východě / First crusade and the establishment of christian states in the east

Pilátová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the proclamation and the course of the First Crusade, which took place in 1096 - 1099.The aim of the work is to make reader acknowledged with progress and events which occurred during the journey Crusaders. Described are the origins and proclamation of the Crusade, political events, council of Clermont, how was the medieval man and journey of the common people and knight's current. Subsequent occupation of territories connected with emergence of Crusader States. There is also mentioned the view of modern man and how it persists to this days the influence of these expeditions.

Svátost manželství v současné teologii / The sacrament of marriage in contemporary theology

HEJDA, Josef January 2019 (has links)
The thesis, on the background of biblical and historical origins, gathers some of the present theological views, formed in particular by the papal documents that commend on marriage. It emphasizes the essential elements of this sacrament, with regards to their comprehensibility to the present recipients. It also deals with the problematic situations arising after the disintegration of the sacramental bond, and mentions possible approaches to addressing the issue of birth control. It also reflects some of the critical views and compares them with the Church's current teaching, in order to indicate the desirable plurality of views containing the potential for future solutions to the conflicts that have arisen. Specific attention is paid to the integration of Catholic Christians living in illegitimate relationships into full communion with the Church and the resulting tasks of particular Catholic communities.

Překlad Ancrene Wisse, "Řádu pro poustevnice" / Ancrene Wisse, Guide for Anchoresses, A Czech translation.

Petříková, Klára January 2015 (has links)
Abstract, Ancrene Wisse, "Guide for Anchoresses" A Czech Translation (2015) Klára Petříková Ancrene Wisse (Guide for Anchoresses) is a remarkable work of the Middle English literature dating back to the first half of the 13th century. Its author (presumably a Dominican) conceived it as "spiritual life guidelines" for three sisters of a noble origin who decided to renounce the world. Besides its didactic purpose, its character is meditative and contemplative. Riveting in its style, its rich metaphors and heightened sensibility link it with the later tradition of the English mystical writers (Julian of Norwich), The work abounds in quotations, paraphrases of the continental monastic authors (St. Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux). Surviving in seventeen manuscripts, it had been quoted till the Renaissance and its importance is further confirmed by a contemporaneous translation into Latin and French. Present translation aims to introduce this work to the Czech readers and to put it in its historical, social and literary context.

Reakce československého tisku na Druhý vatikánský koncil / Czechoslovakian Press Reaction to the Vatican Council II.

JANOTA, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
The MA thesis briefly describes the history of the Vatican Council II and analyses the reaction of Czechoslovakian press to the Vatican Council II. The theoretical part aims at outlining the history, the course, the results and the importance of the Vatican Council II for the Catholic Church and also for the whole world. The theoretical opening is then reflected in the practical part of the MA thesis. It helps the reader to understand the issue. The theoretical opening pays attention to some important life moments of Pope John XXIII., ``the Council Maker{\crqq}. It focuses on the council idea, the definition of the council goals and setup time work before the council. It follows clarification of some organization issues during the council. It mentions its rule of procedure description. Another part of the theoretical part contains the development of all the council meetings and their results. There is also a list of council documents and evaluation of the Vatican Council II´s importance at the end of the theoretical part. The practical part of the MA thesis contains analysis of newspaper articles, namely from the Rudé právo and the Lidová demokracie dailies, covering the Vatican Council II. The monitored issues were: the space dedicated by the above dailies to the Council, the richness, content variety and balance of the coverage. The aim of the practical part and the MA thesis as a whole was the content analysis of the two 1960s daily newspapers and their reaction to the development and the result of the Council. It also contains content analysis comparison of these two newspapers and also identification of the extent of difference in objectivity and the ideological pressure on the news.

Matriční agenda v Čechách / The registry in the Bohemia

ČERNÁ, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of register records in Bohemia by comparing the recent records in registry books with those issuing from the oldest registry books. It also shows the importance of the register records today and in the past, as well as the changes of these specifications and data through out the centuries. The importance of this thesis is to highlight the fact that the records in the registry books were originally determined to be registers of received sacraments arising from the clerical regulations issued by the Roman Catholic Church. The Trident Council instructed to keep registers of christening and marriages. But the implementation into practise of these registers took longer than it was expected. The register agenda in the Czech lands was not uniform until the 18th century. The proper integration of the register agenda was stated after this period on the basis of state regulations. The Roman Catholic Church contributed actively to the origin of keeping such an agenda and was also entitled and entrusted to supervise the register record of all other Churches.

Kněžské bratrstvo svatého Pia X. / The Society of Saint Pius X

Milata, Jan January 2015 (has links)
9 Summary The SSPX is a society of Roman Catholic priests, who aren't organized in any religious order, however, it's organization is similar to many religious orders. As its mission the SSPX consider the defense of a catholic priesthood, the Tridentine Mass and the true doctrine of the Church against danger, which supposedly affected the Church after the Second Vatican Council. The SSPX was established in 1970 and its center became Ecône Seminary in Switzerland. Hereafter, a wider informal group of Catholics, who were unsatisfied with an evolution of the Church, formed around the Society. The members of this group attended masses, celebrated by SSPX priests. This group had united more after a breakup between the SSPX and superiors of the Catholic church, which was caused by an illicit ordinations of a priests and following excommunication of a founder, archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and his nearest fellows in 1988. From that point, these believers are forming to some kind of congregations similar to parishes, but which are unofficial and improvised. These activities, as well as a sacraments celebrated by SSPX priests, are unacceptable in a catholic canon law system (however, these sacraments are valid, if they were already celebrated!). The ethos of this society is conservative - both in a relation to...

Kněžské bratrstvo sv. Pia X. v současné české diskusi o odkazu Druhého vatikánského koncilu / The Society of St. Pius X in current czech discussion about the legacy of Vatican II

Milata, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The SSPX is a community of non-monastic priests with a structure similar to that of many religious orders. It was founded in 1970 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Its pro- gram is to defend traditional Catholic values against the danger supposedly represented by the reforms initiated by the Second Vatican Council. A wider community of Catholics disagreeing with developments in the Church was formed around the SSPX. Following the breakup of the SSPX with the leadership of the Church in 1988, this community gained strength and a character of a certain denomination. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) carried out a lot of changes, many of which have not yet been fully implemented. They concern the liturgy, pastoral care, interpretation of Scripture, and theology studies, among other issues. The common denominator of the con- ciliar reforms was to make the proclamation of Christ more comprehensible to modern man and make many things in the church consistent with the spirit of the Gospel and early Chris- tian tradition. The most significant shifts, initiated by the council, were the new approaches to ecumenism, to principle of religious freedom and to interfaith dialogue. Many circles in the Church, however, considered these changes as grinding the truths of faith; these Cath- olics began to be...

Proměny diskurzů českého katolického exilu v Itálii 1962-1969 / Discursive Transformation during the Czech Catholic Exile in Italy 1962-1969

Blažek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with events during the Czech Catholic exile in Italy with a focus on the 1960's. It provides a closer look at the institutional and discursive changes that took place at the time of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the subsequent stay of Cardinal Josef Beran in Rome (1965-1969). The work focuses mainly on the development of the publishing house Christian Academy, the Velehrad Center and the Nepomucenum Papal College where the leading figures of Czech Catholic exile, mostly priests, worked. By using the method of historical discourse analysis the work studies how the pro-conciliary orientation which defined itself in opposition towards conservative tendency in the Church became increasingly predominant in the exile environment. Last but not least, the work also shows how the form of Catholic exile discourse in Italy was influenced by the changing relationship between papal diplomacy and Communist Czechoslovakia.

Prorocký model katecheze jako reakce na otázky naší doby / Prophetic model of catechesis as a response to the questions of our time

Krbec, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "Prophetic model of catechesis as a response to the questions of our time" examines the theme of the historical-prophetic model of catechesis. The study part of the work looks at the model in the context of the biblical concept of prophecy consummated in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth and as one of the manifestations of the participation of those baptised in Christ's prophetic office, realised in the evangelical mission of the Church. His sensitivity to social challenges, the emphasis laid on small Christian communities, and the entitlement to Christian engagement are viewed within the scope of the Social Doctrine of the Church and its development after the Second Vatican Council. The authorial part of the work presents original catechesis to the current social topic, read through the prism of gospel and Christian belief. The objective of the work is to show how the historical-prophetic model of catechesis can help adult believers understand the "signs of the times" and contribute to the growth of Christian community. The objective is to be achieved by submitting the topic to the members of two small communities and evaluating the results of the meeting.

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