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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kauppi, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Fungo : En formstudie

Blomqvist, Mimmi January 2020 (has links)
Mitt examensarbete handlar om mitt gestaltande arbete kring en serie funktionella skulpturer som jag kallar för “Fungo”. Under arbetsprocessen har jag funderat över varför mitt formspråk ser ut som det gör. Hur påverkar arv, social kontext och intressen det jag gör?  Jag har skapat objekt som är svarvade i massivt trä, munblåsta i glas och gjutna i porslin. Dessa objekt är skulpturala men också funktionella. Formen och materialet utgör det centrala medan det funktionella i detta fall blir sekundärt.

The visual rhetoric of right-wing populism: An analysis of Vox’s visual communication on Instagram

Cubells Pastor, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Stjärnstoft : En bilderbok för vuxna

Arnesen, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
”Inte klimatet nu igen”, tänkte jag och bläddrade förbi. Tills jag en dag började fundera på om det går att berätta om klimatkrisen på ett sätt som får mig att vilja fortsätta läsa istället? Den frågan blev början på den bilderbok för vuxna som är mitt masterprojekt. För att förstå vad vi förlorar försöker jag förstå vad vi har. För att se in i framtiden blickar jag mot det förflutna. Jag börjar i Big bang och går framåt, in i framtiden. Genom bildberättandet rör jag mig genom tiden, ser in i ögonen på forntidsdjur och pratar med mitt ofödda barn. Nu har jag nya frågor: När blir vetenskap poesi? Vad händer med en generation som växer upp i rädslan för undergången? Hur kan bildberättande levandegöra historia?

Challenges of Transmedia Storytelling : Considerations of Creating of Transmedia Projects

Hazboun, Suha January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Stop being poor

Cederwall Victorin, Mira January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

So nothing had really changed

Petander, Petronella January 2020 (has links)
My degree project consists of The Haven, a single-channel video (19.25 min) and So nothing had really changed, a prose text which is also my master essay. They are two stand-alone works, but with a strong connection in that the text refers to the film. The film tells the story of an undefined we and their everyday existence. It takes place in the communal laundry house - or tvättstugan, typical to Swedish housing complexes - where they spend time to meet their physical needs, as well as to live in an illusion for a couple of hours and be part of a bigger we. The text tells the story of a woman enrolled in an art university, working on her projects while trying to adapt to life as an art student, when a shattering incident in her private life starts a process dealing with loss, shame, feelings of guilt and questions about identity. A new film script is slowly coming to life, but she is struggling within herself; not wanting to do it, and at the same time, not being able to stop it.

Ekologisk hållbarhet i konstnärlig gestaltad livsmiljö : En studie över hur Statens konstråd kan verka för ekologisk hållbarhet inom ramen för politikområdet Gestaltad livsmiljö

Oroug, Beatrice January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Berättelserna om nyfikenhet : En narrativ studie av konstpedagogiska möten / Tales of Curiosity : A narrative study of art educational meetings

Fransson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This paper presents a narrative study of art educational meetings. The purpose of this study is to investigate what stories have been created about young people's curiosity and the circumstances that contribute to awaken engagement in the encounter with art. Five interviews have been conducted with art and museum educators. The stories collected through the interviews are analyzed with narrative analysis. This is then interpreted through a framework built on research on creativity, curiosity, and art educational meetings. Together, these starting points create an opportunity to show the variety of stories that exist regarding young people's curiosity. My conclusion is that there are several different stories about how art educational meetings are staged and how to act to create curiosity. Even the circumstances that contribute to the creation of curiosity consist of several different stories. Each individual story gives transparency to the importance of curiosity in meeting with art.

The Hoard : My way of understanding value, work of the hand and transactions in a time of want.

Schalin, Johan January 2020 (has links)
In this project work I wanted to test my ideas of how transactions, value and work of the hand connects in our society, which seems to be losing the touch of human hand.  My work is a mix of jewellery and objects that have a recognizable almost in certain aspects a generic look.  I’m talking about symbols connected to everyday cultural imagery such as the rock scene and the influence of jewellery from ancient over the medieval royal insignia to modern times. I’ve chosen the image of The Hoard, which can be read in different ways. A hoard could be a treasure or just a collection of things, -trash or keepsakes with no intrinsic value.   Another important thing in this work is not only “The Why, How and What”, for me it is also a where. Due to the circumstances of Corona/Covid-19 the situation I devised for this, The Modular Bench has yet to be tested in reality / <p>Due to Covid-19 Examinations took place via the Zoom app.</p>

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