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Koordinovaná rehabilitace a její realizace v organizacích pomáhajících osobám po poškození mozku v Českých Budějovicích / Coordinated rehabilitation and its implementation in organizations helping people after brain injury in České BudějovicePRÁŠKOVÁ, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concerns with the functioning of coordinated team co-operation in organizations which provide social services to persons after acquired brain injury. Due to the frequency of occurrence and its deadful impact, these injuries become one of the most serious diseases not only in the Czech Republic but in the world. A person who has suffered brain injury is struggling with a number of socio-economic changes. A precondition for achieving full social integration of this individual is to ensure timely care and cooperation of individual experts on the given case. Such cooperation among experts is often missing in interconnected organizations. This can cause slowdown of the process of integration of an individual back to their everyday life. Equally important is the cooperation with family members who have an irreplaceable influence on the rehabilitation. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and research. The theoretical part focuses on the consequences of acquired brain injury as well as on the the possibilities of social security provided by the state. Also, much of the text concerns with the coordinated rehabilitation and multidisciplinary collaboration which has a significant impact on improving the quality of life of people after brain injury. The data collection was carried out with the help of the method of qualitative research strategy, the technique of semi-structured interview with social workers in organizations of the city of Ceske Budejovice who provide social services according to Act 108/2006 Coll., on social services, as amended. The research is aimed at finding out how the coordinated rehabilitation is implemented in social services working with persons after acquired brain injury and then to create a proposal to streamline the implementation of coordinated rehabilitation in these organizations. Following the objectives, two research questions were examined: Which experts are involved in coordinated rehabilitation in social services providing services to people after brain injury? How is the cooperation of the team working with people after brain injury implemented? The data was processed in Atlas.ti 7. The research was carried out within the successfully accepted project at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, called Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with brain injury (reg. No. GAJU 138/2016/S), funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia. The research results show insufficient cooperation of experts in social services providing care to persons with acquired brain injury. In spite of an acute need of coordinated and multidisciplinary support to such persons, the organizations miss specific professionals or employ workers who carry out works of other professions without the necessary qualification. The time, organizational and financial demands of teamwork make it impossible to provide high-quality multidisciplinary care, which is an important precondition for reintegration of people with brain injury back into work and social life. Team multidisciplinary cooperation brings a lot of positives, on the other hand, it also encounters barriers, which need to be further discussed in order to come to suitable solutions that are not only in the interest of the client and his family, but also great for the whole multidisciplinary team.
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Možnosti realizace konceptu koordinované rehabilitace u osob s Alzheimerovou chorobou / Possibilities of Implementing the Concept of Coordinated Rehabilitation of People with Alzheimer'S DiseasePANSKÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on concept of coordinated rehabilitation within individuals in care of Alzheimer's disease. Objective of the thesis is to find out the possibilities of coordinated rehabilitation in the current concept of care for people with Alzheimer's disease. The thesis divided to two parts. The first part is focused on Alzheimer's disease, which describes what Alzheimer's disease is, its history, course, epidemiology, its risk factors, symptoms of how Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed and how it is treated. Another part of the theoretical part is dementia, where it is briefly described, what is the disease and other forms and division of dementia. The third and final part of the theoretical part is coordinated rehabilitation. This part describes what is a coordinated rehabilitation, its individual components and the conclusion of a specific activity that is used in a coordinated rehabilitation for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The research part of this work is focused on its objective and research questions, the methodology, results, discussion and conclusion are described. The qualitative research method was used in the research part. The technique for obtaining data for this research was a semi-standardized interview that was carried out with residential and outpatient staff providing services to people suffering Alzheimer's disease. The informants were selected by the method of deliberate selection. The data was then processed in Atlas.ti 7. In order to achieve the objective of this work, which is already mentioned above, two research questions have been determined. The first research question was focused on the differences in perception and the possibilities of using components of coordinated rehabilitation in residential and outpatient care for people with Alzheimer's disease. The second research question was focused on how the system of coordinated rehabilitation for people suffering Alzheimer's disease is most limited. The results of my work show that care for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is insufficiently applied within the coordinated rehabilitation because the vast majority of practitioners who deal with such ill persons every day have no knowledge of this concept.
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Zkušenosti klientů se zdravotním postižením s poskytováním koordinované rehabilitace v institucionálním zařízení a v jejich přirozeném prostředí / The experiences of adults with disabilities with the provision of coordinated rehabilitation in the institutionally care and in their natural environment.MIHALÍK, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of providing all elements of the comprehensive rehabilitation of handicapped people. The goal of this thesis was to determine, what experiences adult handicapped people have in terms of being taken care of in their home environment and in an institution. Another goal was to try and find out what criteria are important for the way they evaluate these. And, the last goal of the thesis was to propose an effective model of taking care of these people given obtained results and given financial capacities of the state and today's regulations. The theoretical part shows the section and development of care provided to handicapped people from the beginning of humanity until today including valid legal regulations. The following part describes briefly the issue of a coordinated rehabilitation and the efforts to ensure the legal regulation thereof in the Czech Republic. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the D.R.A.K. Association, the clients of which are the relevant research set. For the research itself the qualitative research strategy was chosen. The data were acquired using semi-structured interviews with clients, their family members and those who care for them in the D. R. A. K. Association. Acquired data were processed using the qualitative contents analysis of interviews. The set of participants included nine clients, members of the D.R.A.K. Association, the target group of which are adult handicapped people. Next, I spoke with five family members and three experts from D. R. A. K. Results are divided into three chapters according to research questions. The first chapter contains answers of clients, how they perceive the difference when being taken care of in an institution (D.R.A.K. Association) and in the natural environment (at home). The second chapter of results describes criteria, which are decisive and important for clients and have emerged during interviews.
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Potřeby pacientů po poškození mozku / The Needs Of Patients After Brain DamagePECHOUŠKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a part of the GAJU project entitled "Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with brain injury (reg. number GAJU 128/2016/S)". At the time when the thesis was elaborated, only the patients who suffered the cerebrovascular accident were engaged in the project, since in the hospital, no suitable patient after brain injury who would need a multidisciplinary team in home care had ever been sought. The selection of the patients was based on the communicative skills criteria e.g. if the skills to participate in the directed conversation based on the Functional Independence Measure Questionnaire (FIM), WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 and the follow-up questions concerning social issues, physiotherapeutic methods and techniques were preserved. Within the framework of the project, the research has not been finished yet. Given the above mentioned reasons, this thesis is therefore mainly focused on the identification of patients' needs after the cerebrovascular accident (CVA), on the period starting from its first incidence during the first three months period after the discharge from the hospital to home care. The complex results will be presented as a part of the publication activity of the project. The thesis comprises a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part presents a comprehensive view on the care for the patients who suffered the cerebrovascular accident. I addressed both the basic characteristics of the cerebrovascular accident and the organisation of the care for the patients in the Czech Republic; furthermore, the coordinated rehabilitation team, the role of a social worker, possibilities of social help provided by the welfare system to patients and their families, and the psychical condition of the patient. In the last chapter, I outline the general concept of human needs according to A. Maslow and describe important needs of the sick people. As far as the research part is concerned, my goal is to identify the needs of patients in home care after the brain injury. In connection with the aim of the thesis, two research questions were defined. The first question is: "What are the needs of the patients after brain injury?". The second question is: "What is the role of a social worker in meeting the needs of a patient with brain injury?" The qualitative research strategy was used; the instructional dialogue technique with patients after brain injury in the South Bohemia Region within the project. When analyzing the data collected from the patients during the first three months after the discharge from the hospital to the home care, seven major patient needs emerged need of help, need of psychical equilibrium, need of self-reliance, need of being without paint, need of recovering to the condition before CVA incidence, and need of establishing a new system of activities. Two of these needs, the need of recovering to the condition before CVA incidence and the need of establishing a new system of activities could be considered as principal, because the other needs are in general heading towards them. Furthermore, the analysis of the results showed the role of a social worker by means of which these needs can be saturated The results of the present thesis are used as a partial part from which the complex results of coordinated rehabilitation of patients after brain injury of the GAJU project are complied. The needs analysis of patients brought the proposals of dealing with/saturation of these needs and therefore had a direct impact on the lives of the respondents. The results of the research will become a part of the publication outputs of the above-mentioned projects.
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Potřeby rodin pacientů po poškození mozku / Family Needs of Patients after Cerebral ImpairmentBÁRTOVÁ, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is a part of the project called Coordinated rehabilitation of the patients with the brain injury (reg. n. GAJU 138/20146/S). The objective of this work is to find out what needs the families of patients with the brain injury have. This thesis has a theoretical and a practical part. According to research set consisting of 14 caregivers of patients after cerebrovascular accident and only one that cares about a patient after cranial trauma, the theoretical part describes a CMP characteristic, coordinated rehabilitation, the basic terms about family and the chosen concepts of needs. Based on the objective of the thesis, the research question was stated: What are the needs of family members who care about the patients with the brain injury in the home environment? The research was made by the qualitative strategy and the semi-structured interviews with the family members in South Bohemia region who cares about the people with the brain injury in the home environment. It was important that people with the brain injury have already been joined to the project. The interviews were done in the application called Atlas.ti. According to the analysis of the collected data, there are 9 main needs that are connected to each other. Concretely, it is a need of a care about the patient, about the house, the need of a family help, the need of professional and social services, economic security and quicker help by the social service, furthermore the need of free time, psychological well-being and being in touch with the society. The results of this thesis are a part of the complex results of the project GAJU called Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with the brain injury (ref. n. GAJU 138/20146/S). The analysis of the needs of family members was used to propose the solutions/saturation of the needs in order to influence the real life of interviewers.
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Komparace vybraných aspektů koordinované rehabilitace v českých a německých dětských domovech / Comparison of selected aspects in the coordinated rehabilitation in Czech children's homes and in German children's homesKUBĚNOVÁ, Petra January 2019 (has links)
In the provided care for children placed in substitute residential facilities in the Czech Republic are in the context of European Union made demands to change some key aspects of its current structural frame. Aim of this master thesis is to provide in this context, through the analysis of mainly bibliographic sources, a complex overview of the system of substitute residential care in two EU countries, the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. The thesis contains an insight into the activities of both systems, as well as comparatively processed answers to two initial research questions. The results of the research work on the answer to the question "What are the differences in the existing service network, regarding the work with the children placed in selected Czech and German children's homes?" show, that the established frame of the provided services is similar, but the qualitative and quantitative offer of the services is in practice reflected by different economic situations in both countries. The result of the second comparative research, answering the question "How are in the chosen countries determined the means of children rehabilitation in the selected children's homes?", shows, that the coordinated rehabilitation is in all its parts realized in both countries as consistent with the fulfilment of "the child's best interest" as possible. The most significant difference in reaching the optimal harmony of all segments of coordinated rehabilitation in these countries makes the application of support means to the work with the family, to the care for youth preparing for leaving the institution, to the realization of complex multidisciplinary care, or to fulfilment of an individual approach and planning. It is therefore desirable, that the Czech Republic, as well as the Federal Republic of Germany, orient themselves not only on the quality of provided help and care for the children placed in children's homes, but also on the future of young people, who are in the process of leaving the institution. This can be achieved by legislatively well-set structural system of substitute residential care, in which is through suitable service provided a valuable support in the context of coordinated rehabilitation. This master thesis can for the people interested in this topic expand the view on how the same mission regarding the children in substitute residential care is fulfilled by two advanced European countries, it can also be in this context an impulse to reflect on the form of a good practice in these institutions.
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Koordinovaná rehabilitace u klientů Ústavu sociální péče Domečky / Coordinated rehabilitation for clients of Institution of social care DomečkyJIROUTOVÁ, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the coordinated rehabilitation. Coordinated rehabilitation is a coherent process of medical, educational, vocational and social rehabilitation, whose main objective is to minimalize the consequences, based on the individual's disability. Successful rehabilitation consists in ensuring early, continuous and coordinated efforts of the fastest and widest participation of persons with disabilities in the usual activities of life.The theoretical part consists of six basic chapters. The first one is devoted to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, which is followed by the subchapter dealing with disabilities and consequently mental disabilities. I have focused on people with mental disabilities, as an organization where research was conducted, providing services to these people. The second chapter contains information about coordinated rehabilitation. The remaining chapters deal with the individual components of a coordinated rehabilitation, which are medical, educational, vocational and social rehabilitation. The aims of this thesis is to determine how the system of coordinated rehabilitation is used in the Institute of social care Domečky. A partial aim is to determine the importance of a system of coordinated rehabilitation for clients of the Institute of social care Domečky. There are two research questions in the connection with the thesis aims. The main research question is: How are the individual components of a coordinated rehabilitation applied in the Institute of social care Domečky? The particular research question finds positives provides system of coordinated rehabilitation for clients of the Institute of social care Domečky.Qualitative research was chosen for the practical section of the thesis. I have used the questioning method and the technique of the semi-controlled dialoque, Results were evaluated using the method of make the clusters. The selected group consisted of 11 employees of the Institute of social care Domečky. The respondents have been chosen intentionally, according to the criterion of willingness to participate in research. The results are divided into two sections according to the research questions. The first section deals with the way the use of individual components of the coordinated rehabilitation in the Institute of social care Domečky. These results are also divided by the individual components of coordinated rehabilitation for greater clarity. The first part contains the identification of the respondents. Following parts: medical rehabilitation, educational rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation and social rehabilitation.The second part of results includes the subjective opinions of the respondents on the benefits of coordinated rehabilitation and its benefit to the clients of the organization.The research has shown ignorance of the concept of coordinated rehabilitation. Within medical rehabilitation it was found that health care is provided by nurses and practical doctor. The organization also works with hospitals and polyclinics, which are next to the organization. The research, which is devoted to educational rehabilitation, results divided terminology used in special education. Vocational rehabilitation can be used by clients within a job in the kitchen and the laundry in the organization or employment in the civic association Pferda which offer a job in a cafe, a cleaning company and a bakery.Within the social rehabilitation it was described the relationship of key worker and client and the creation of individual planning. It was clarified the issue of social security benefits when clients receive invalidity pensions, care allowance, alternatively child benefit. From the perspective of respondents the benefit of coordinated rehabilitation is in complex care for clients that is devoted them.
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Složky koordinované rehabilitace využívané u vybrané skupiny jedinců s DMO (kombinovanou disabilitou) v centru ARPIDA v Českých Budějovicích / Coordinated rehabilitation segments used in a selected group of individuals with DMO (combined disability) in center ARPIDA in České BudějovicePYKALOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on coordinated rehabilitation components, which are used at individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability) in a concrete non state medical institution in České Budějovice. Cerebral palsy is the most frequent neurodevelopmental disease, wherein the health disability may occur in one or more fields. We can find crucial factor in care of individuals with handicap in coordinated rehabilitation, which is currently perceived as an interdisciplinary field seeking the fastest and widest participation of personal with disabilities in all usual activies of society with the use of medical, educational, social and labour resources. A prerequisite for success is a multidisciplinary team (circular support), which consists of experts and parents of individuals with disabilities. The thesis contains theoretical background, where health disbility, coordinated rehabilitation and cerebral palsy is mentioned, at which the occurrence, forms, associated disorders and treatment are described. A separate chapter is devoted to families of individuals with health disability, where I mentioned the reaction of parents on the birth of a child with a disability, the impact of disability on the family and family support. Furthermore I focus on social services for handicapped people and to ARPIDA centre, where my research took place. In the research section there is defined the aim of the thesis, which was to chart a coordinated rehabilitation components, which are used at individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability) in ARPIDA centre in České Budějovice. The partial target of my thesis was also to compare the usage of coordinated rehabilitation components at individuals under 15 years of age and at individuals over 15 years. According to target of the work there were developed three hypotheses. Thesis research was conducted through quantitative research. To obtain the data, I used the method of questioning. The sample was comprised of individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability), who attend the centre ARPIDA, while the questionnaires were filled out by their parents. The research undertaken within the thesis, which was supported by rehearsed literature, confirmed the third hypothesis of more often usuage of Vojta reflex locomotion method at individuals with cerebral palsy in the centre ARPIDA compared to individual therapeutic physical training. The remaining two hypotheses were disproved. Statistical survey also shows that care for people with cerebral palsy is a long-term care, where interconnection of services within the coordinated rehabilitation is needed. In the group of individuals under 15 years of age and over 15 years it has been used different coordinated rehabilitation components, this is associated with cerebral palsy, disorders, age and other factors. Problematic remains the job placement of individuals with disabilities, who remain at home without further stimulation possibility. Care and services in the centre ARPIDA were assessed positively. The results and conclusions of the thesis will be used as a feedback centre ARPIDA to map the coordinated rehabilitation components and further to the clearing of needs of single coordinated rehabilitation components in a group of individuals under 15 years of age and over 15 years.
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Rodina a poradenství v procesu koordinované rehabilitace / The Family and the Counselling in RehabilitationCHALUPOVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the role of family in the course of coordinated rehabilitation. At present time, rehabilitation is understood not only as a medical care within the sphere of physiotherapy but also as an interdisciplinary activity which includes health-care, social-legal, pedagogical-psychological as well as work-related activities. Coordinated rehabilitation therefore requires cooperation of a team of involved specialists. This is not only about qualified experts but also about the disables person and his/her family. Family is the most important social group and the basic building stone of society. It fulfils the basic educational function, forms the attitudes of the child to itself, its loved ones and the whole world. Thus it fundamentally affects the society and on the contrary the society influences the family. That is why the family has to receive information necessary for the fulfilment of its functions (in particular when taking care of a disabled person), for example in the form of expert counselling. The objective of the work was to identify the role of family and its cooperation with counselling agencies within the process of coordinated rehabilitation. In addition to agencies taking care of handicapped persons, counselling institutions include also organisations whose social services are primarily provided to this target group. Qualitative research was used in the course of work on the empirical part. Input data were collected by the method of questioning, in particular by the technique of semi-structured interview. The research group consisted of thirteen social workers who provide expert social counselling or other social services primarily intended for handicapped persons. In connection with the objective of the thesis, the main research question was: What difficulties social workers identify when working with the family within the process of coordinated rehabilitation? The sub-question derived from the main research question was: What is the role of family within the counselling process from the perspective of a social worker? The results showed that social workers are satisfied with the families of users of the social service and confirm that cooperation between them is good. However, cooperation between social workers and the family differs significantly according to the type of provided services. The research also revealed that providers of social services in the course of their work with family encounter difficulties rather exceptionally. Still, social workers perceive as difficulties especially limits in the communication with family. Providers of social services try to build relations between them and the family of the user of the particular service and provide social support. Social workers perceive the role of family especially as being their communicating and cooperating partner. The research showed that the best cooperation and communication between social workers and the family of user of the social services is one based on a partnership level. The thesis identified the difficulties of social workers encountered during their work with families taking care of a handicapped person and suggested recommendations for more active involvement of families in dealing with a difficult life situation of its members. In addition, the thesis can serve as a basis for further quantitative research of this theme.
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Nástroje sociálního pracovníka při sociální práci s rodinou a dítětem s postižením / The Instruments of Social Worker in Social Work with the Family and the Child with disabilityBUDKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this research paper is to elaborate on issues surrounding coope-ration between families with children with disabilities and social workers who provide them with relevant social services. Family represents a core aspect of nurture, and is irreplaceable in the overall child's welfare. It today's society the families are also supported by qualified social workers who help with care for disabled children. There is variety of rehabilitation programs available with qualified professionals providing services that encompass medical, social, and educational qualities. Within these rehabi-litation programs it is necessary that a multidisciplinary, and well-functioning team is established with each professional playing a specific role. In addition, active cooperati-on of all family members is essential. Social services as well as state institutions play a vital role in aiding these families. The goal of this paper is to identify the role of institutions and social workers aiding families with children with disabilities. The research includes organizations whose social services are primarily focused on assisting families with disabled children. Qualitative research was performed to support the empirical portion of this paper. Coll-ection of data was accomplished by interrogations with structured discussions. The examined sample included ten social workers providing services to families with chil-dren with disabilities. The pivotal question was established as part of this research, as follows: To what extend does the complex support of a disabled child include both the family and an institution? A secondary question was posed as follows: How does a fa-mily manage disabled child's welfare in instances where social institutions and workers are not relied upon? The conclusion of the research established that the social workers mainly function as a support system for families with children with disabilities. Social institutions and workers mainly assist to such families with difficult social aspects, providing direction, and laying out options for child's development. However, the key effort lies within the family itself. Additionally, the study established that utilizing of the social workers by the families is advantageous. It was also made clear that it is extremely challenging for families to care for their disabled child on their own.
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