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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An historical and theological analysis of schism in Presbyterian churches in Korea, 1969-2005

Song, Joshua YunBum January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

A holistic mission for the Korean Church : considered against the background of the 19th century western missionary movement in Korea

Kim, Yang-Tae January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A practical theological study of the preacher's ethos in Korean context

Jeong, Woo-Sung 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: a reasonable foundation for their authority is needed. Lastly, it is argued that within the Korean context, the preacher’s “reasonable authority” should have the Word of God as its foundation. Chapter 5 demonstrates three key aspects of the preacher’s ethos by highlighting the following: firstly, three kinds of proofs for structural principles, i.e. persuasion by moral character (ethos); persuasion by putting the hearer into a certain emotional frame of mind (pathos); and persuasion by the speech itself, when the truth or apparent truth(logos) is established. Secondly, an important rule for the preacher’s ethos, namely that listeners must trust and feel connected with the speaker. Thirdly, the attitude of the audience as an important element that influences and even constructs the speaker’s character. Chapter 6 presents four key aspects of preaching in crisis as related to the preacher’s ethos by pointing out the following: firstly, preachers cannot be separated from their preaching. Secondly, a large part of preparation for preaching is the preachers’ own personal preparation–the impact from the pulpit is indeed tied to their own moral character and ethos. Thirdly, the most importance aspect of the preachers’ ethos in preaching is the danger of their possible inconsistent lifestyle .Preachers’ talk should be supported and balanced by their walk. Lastly, the key point of the preachers’ ethos related to their congregations is that, in their minds during reparation of the sermons, there should always be recognition of the reality of a listening audience. Chapter 7 focuses on ethos related to two areas: firstly, the development of the preachers’ ethos. Secondly, some suggestions for the development of their ethos concern five aspects, such as their vocation, spirituality, reading, prayer and “glory”. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die belangrikheid van predikers se etos in prediking uit te lig. Oor prediking bestaan daar baie hedendaagse kritiek. Die kwynende invloed van prediking word deur sommige aan die deur van die prediker se eie persoonlike etos gelê. Dus, wat beteken etos met betrekking tot die prediker? Hierdie vraag vorm deel van die kern van hierdie navorsing. Die verhouding tussen etos en prediking is duidelik van groot belang. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek die basiese konsep van ‘n prediker met betrekking tot vyf sleutel aspekte: Eerstens, die definisie van “prediker” is dat hy/sy ‘n dienaar van die Woord en van God is. Tweedens, die betekenis van die prediker se roeping is soos dié van Jesus Christus en die uitgangspunt is dat die prediker woorde lei tot die gemeente se verlossing. Derdens, in die praktyk word ‘n prediker dikwels as ‘n ambassadeur, profeet, getuie, herder, rentmeester, boodskapper of woordvoerder beskryf. Vierdens, in prediking is die prediker se taak dié van ‘n bemiddelaar tussen God en mens, ‘n vertolker van die Bybel vir die gemeentelede en om hulle te inspireer om ‘n meersinvolle lewe te lei. Laastens het die navorser klem gelê op die belang van prediking met betrekking tot ses areas: die prediker, die gemeente, die kerk, aanbidding, die Christendom en die wêreld. Hoofstuk 3 ondersoek sekere voorlopige navorsing op huidige prediking in krisis. In ‘n sekere sin bejeën (post)moderne mense, soos sosiale wetenskaplikes, kommunikasie kundiges, teoloë en hulle in die kerkbanke, prediking met negatiwiteit. Elke groep het sy eie fokus van kritiek, maar wat dit ookal mag wees, hulle stem almal saam dat iets ernstigs verkeerd is met vandag se preke. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die algemene omstandighede van die kerk en prediking, asookdie prediker in die Koreaanse konteks, met die fokus op die volgende vier aspekte. Eerstens, die Koreaanse Kerk is een van die verstommende fenomene in die Christendom se onlangse geskiedenis. Ongelukkig het dié Kerk se groei inderdaad opgehou en het selfs ‘n agteruitgang getoon sedert die middel 90s. Tweedens, ‘n noukeurige studie van Koreaanse prediking het bewys dat hierdie teologiese instelling nie sterk is nie en dat ‘n vorm van bevooroordeelde eksegese van die Bybel tans versprei. Derdens, in die Koreaanse konteks het Koreaanse predikers buitensporige outoriteit; hulle is verantwoordelik vir vele aktiwiteite en ‘n redelike basis vir hul outoriteit is nodig. Laastens word geargumenteer dat, binne die Koreaanse konteks, die prediker se “redelike outoriteit” die Woord van God as basis moet behou. Hoofstuk 5 demonstreer drie sleutel aspekte van die prediker se etos deur die volgende uit te lig: eerstens, drie soorte strukturele rigsnoere, naamlik oorreding deur morele karakter (etos); oorreding deur die hoorder in ‘n sekere emosionele gemoedstoestand (patos) te plaas; en oorreding deur die toespraak self, wanneer die waarheid of oënskynlike waarheid (logos) bepaal is. Tweedens, ‘n belangrike reël vir die prediker se etos is dat luisteraars die spreker vertrou en aan hom/haar verbind voel. Derdens, houding as ‘n belangrike element wat gehorebeïnvloed om die spreker se karakter te beoordeel. Hoofstuk 6 bied vier sleutel aspekte van krisisprediking met betrekking tot die prediker se etos, naamlik: eerstens,predikers kan nie van hul prediking geskei word nie. Tweedens, ‘n groot deel van die voorbereiding vir prediking is die predikers se eie persoonlike voorbereiding –impak vanaf die kansel is inderdaad verbind aan hul eie morele karakter en etos. Derdens is die belangrikste aspek van die predikers se etos die gevaar van hul moontlike teenstrydige leefwyse. Predikers se woorde moet ondersteun en gebalanseer word deur hul optrede. Laastens, die sleutelpunt van die predikers se etos, wat betref hul gemeentes,is dat daar tydens die preekvoorbereiding ‘n voortdurende bewussyn van die realiteit van ‘n luisterende gehoor moet wees. Hoofstuk 7 fokus op twee areas: eerstens, die ontwikkeling van predikers se etos. Tweedens, ‘n paar voorstelle vir die ontwikkeling van hierdie etos met betrekking tot vyf aspekte, naamlik predikers se roeping, spiritualiteit, leeswerk, gebed en “heeklikheid”.

A historical and theological assessment of the 1907 Korean revival

Chun, Kwang Shin January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

A comparison of Wesley's eighteenth century revival and the Korean revival movement - in the view of the revival and social reform

Oh, Jong Teack 11 May 2005 (has links)
This dissertation offers a comparison of Wesley's eighteenth century Revival and the Korean revival movement in the view of the revival and social reform. Wesley's revival movement is evaluated as not only the restoration of religious circles but pan-national revival movement based on Bible. He favoured the total reformation of society, which was against of the spirit of the Bible at that time. One of the most representative things was the antislavery movement. Also, what made him outstanding in the history of church was his organization ability for the converted. The so-called meeting of united religious society, class, selected society and band made by him become one of the things most representative of contemporary Methodism. In the case of the Korean Church, The Great Revival of 1907 was the landmark of Christian history in Korea. With this epoch-making event in the lead, the continuous waves of revival have been produced in Korea until now. However, the Korean revival movement began in various cultural areas of Buddhism, Confucianism and shamanism. It was also accomplished in, a short time. Therefore, it was faced diverse problems. In comparison with Wesley's revival, the Korean Church lacked a consistent concern for the larger community in which they live. She must be concerned about the deeper needs of society. For the sake of this concern, she must succeed in beating the following two things: the 'Individual church First' and 'Dualism.' The former is the worst enemy not to display to her ability in the Korean society to the full. The latter separating the spiritual from the secular, also played an important role in not taking her prophetic responsibility to warn the state of its injustice. However, the positive utilization of the laity as ministerial partners is a key factor in terms of renewals of the Korean Church in the second century of mission. / Dissertation (MA (Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Ecclesial spirituality in the Korean Presbyterian Church : a practical and hermeneutical investigation into the problem of marginality

Kim, Soon-Seong 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is on the unique and unparalleled features that the Korean Presbyterian Church (KPC) representing the broad Korean Church has displayed during last 120 years' mission history: a strong revivalism in the formative phase; a remarkable Church growth in the growing phase; a rapid moral secularisation in the declining phase. Specifically this study aims to account for the problematic phenomenon manifested during last three decades and further to suggest a substantial alternative for the . problem at this stage. To achieve this aim, this study employed a practical hermeneutical methodology and was approached in terms of ecclesial spirituality. Chapter II, paying special attention to the marginality of the Korean nation destined to be a victim of world powers in modem history, provides a short history of the KPC from a marginal perspective to discern the particular geopolitical, socio-politicoeconomic, and cultural situations that presumed to have had a crucial impact on shaping the spirituality of the KPc. Chapter III proposes, as a base theory, a definition towards the phenomenon of ecclesial spirituality: EccLesial spirituality is eccLesial apprehension and response to the meaning and power of God ~ presence and redemptive activity in the powerdominated world. According to the proposed definition ecclesial spirituality takes shape through the hermeneutical process of the faith community in the dynamic interplay between divine, human and contextual powers operating in socio-historical situations. Chapter IV analyses and explains, on the basis of the proposed definition, what and how contextual realities historically operated in shaping the spirituality of the KPC and further evaluates the features of the KPC's spirituality manifested in each historical phase. The result shows that the marginal situation of the nation operates as a crucial factor in the formation of the KPC's spirituality in each particular socio-historical context in either a positive or negative way. Chapter V, as the normative and strategic phase of our research methodology, concludes by examining the theological identity of the Church in relation with the power-dominated world and by investigating the hermeneutical locus of ecclesial praxis, whereby marginality is suggested as the praxial hermeneutical locus of authentic ecclesial identity and spirituality in the world. And further, identifying the Church as a marginal community in the world, this study finally proposes a spirituality of marginality as an incomplete suggestion of the direction towards which the spirituality of the KPC should steer. This study contributes towards the development of an ecclesial hermeneutic for the benefit of ecclesial transformation in the world. Specifically, its contribution is to realise the distinctive identity and position of the KPC as ecclesia crucis in the contemporary situation. It can also motivate the significance of studies in ecclesial spirituality, not only for the KPC, but also for both Western churches and the South African white Church in their identity crisis in the contemporary dominant culture and drastically changed socio-political context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing fokus op die unieke karaktertrekke van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerke (genoem die KPC) soos gemanifesteer gedurende die afgelope 120 jaar: 'n sterk aksent op herlewing in die vormingsfase; daama 'n merkwaardige kerkgroei fase en uiteindelik 'n snelle sekularisasie fase in die laaste fase. Dit vertoon ooreenkoms met ander Koreaanse kerke in die tydperk. Die studie pro beer om laasgenoemde problematiese fenomeen van die laaste drie dekades teologies te verantwoord en 'n altematiewe optrede met betrekking daartoe te suggereer. Die studie gebruik 'n prakties-hermeneutiese metodiek om die ekklesiale spiritualiteit te verken. Hoofstuk II gee in besonder aandag aan die marginaliteit van die Koreaanse nasie insoverre dit 'n slagoffer geword het van modeme wereldmagte. Dit word gedoen aan die hand van 'n kort geskiedbeskrywing van die KPC, gesien vanuit 'n marginale perspektief waarin spesifieke geopolitieke, sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele aspekte onderskei word 0 wat almal 'n kritieke impak gehad het in die vormgewing van die spiritualiteit van die KPc. Hoofstuk III pro beer om 'n basisteorie te ontwikkel aan die hand van 'n definisie van ekklesiale spiritualiteit, nl. Ekklesiale spiritualiteit is die ekklesiale aanvoeling van en respons op die betekenis van God se dinamiese presensie en verlossende handelinge in 'n wereld gedomineer deur magte. Hiervolgens word 'n ekklesiale spiritualiteit gevorm deur hermeneutiese prosesse binne die geloofsgemeenskap in die dinamiese wissel werking tussen die goddelike, menslike en kontekstuele magte wat in sosio-historiese situasies hulle laat geld. Op die basis van hierdie definisie word in hoofstuk IV 'n analise en verduideliking gegee van hoe hierdie kontekstuele realiteite die spiritualiteit binne die KPC gevorm het. Verder word die spesifieke aard van die spiritualiteit in elke historiese fase ontleed en geevalueer, Dit toon dan duidelik aan hoe die marginale omstandighede telkens 'n kritieke faktor was in die vorming van die bepaalde spiritualiteit in elke spesifieke sosio-historiese konteks, hetsy positief of negatief. Hoofstuk V verteenwoordig die normatiewe en strategiese fase van die gevolgde navorsingsmetodiek. Daarin word die teologiese identiteit van die kerk met betrekking tot 'n mag-gedomineerde wereld beskrywe aan die hand van 'n ondersoek na die hermeneutiese locus van die ekklesiale praxis. Hierin word gesuggereer dat marginaliteit hierdie praksiaalhermeneutiese locus is van 'n outentieke ekklesiale identiteit en spiritualiteit. Verder, insoverre die kerke wesenlik 'n marginale gemeenskap vir die wereld is, het die studie 'n spiritualiteit van marginaliteit aangedui as die nirnrnereindigende doelwit waarop die spiritualiteit van die KPC telkens weer gerig moet wees 0 'n soort eskatologiese spiritualiteit in hierdie wereld. Die navorsing wil 'n bydrae lewer in die ontwikkeling van 'n ekklesiale hermeneutiek wat die ekklesiale transformasieproses wil dien. Meer spesifiek wil dit die onderskeidende identiteit van die KPC sien as 'n ecclesia crucis in die eietydse situasie. Dit wil verder die diskussie oor ekklesiale spiritualiteit binne die KPC bevorder, maar ook in Westerse kerke en spesifiek in die kerke van Suid-Afrika op soek na 'n ekklesiale identiteit binne die eietydse dominante kultuur en 'n diepgaande, veranderde sosio-politieke konteks.

The impact of Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945) upon the witness and growth of the Korean Presbyterian Church

Kim, Nam Sik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many people are taking a keen interest in the growth of the Korean Church, and many research results are appearing. However, when dealing with the growth of Korean churches, account should be taken of the fact that this growth can only be fully understood and explained when studied against the historical background of the church's suffering in Korea. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the effect of the japanese colonial rule in Korea and in particular the impact caused by the introduction of a central element in japanese national religion, namely Shintoism. Resistance to the Shinto shrine ceremonies resulted in the church being persecuted in various ways, and this had an effect on the life as well as the growth of the Presbyterian Church in Korea. Chapter one of this dissertation compnses of the introduction, which deals with the research problem, purpose of the research, hypothesis, delimitations of the research, assumptions, definition of terms and proposed outline of the study. Chapter two provides a historical overview of the context of the Korean Presbyterian Church under japanese colonial rule (1910-1945), so as to gain an understanding of the historical background of the Korean Presbyterian Church. The history of the Korean Presbyterian Church up to 1945 can be divided into four different periods, according to certain significant events as phases in its life: the rise of the Church (1884-1907), the revival of the Church(1907-1912), growing confrontation (1912-1935), and persecution of the Church (1935-1945). These four periods are briefly described and analysed, paying particular attention to the Japanese period. Chapter three presents an analysis of the growth of the Presbyterian Church in Korea under Japanese colonial rule. This is done from a missiological perspective, in terms of the witness and growth of the church. The facts of church growth, the reasons for church growth and problems affecting church growth are discussed. The latter includes the problem of the influence of the traditional Shamanistic faith, the issue of the social involvement of the church and the problem of pro- Japanese attitudes in the church. Chapter four deals with the history and character of Shintoism and the Korean Christians' conflict with it. The first section discusses the types, standardization and liturgical structure of Shrine rites. The second part analyses the resistance of the Korean Presbyterian Church to the imposition of Shintoism which led, on the one hand, to a sharp division within the church, on the other hand, to conflict and subsequent persecution of those who chose to resist Shinto shrine obeisance. Chapter five deals with the witness of faith, on the part of those who resisted the shrine rites. This is done especially by presenting several studies of Korean Christian resistance leaders, and examines their ministry and views in order to determine reasons why they resisted Shintoism. The case studies represent both North and South Korea, as well as Manchuria. In conclusion, chapter SIX exammes the effects of Shinto persecution on the growth of Presbyterian Church in Korea, companng anti-Shinto with the pro-Shinto shrine groups. And the findings reveal that the Shinto shrine issue had certain specific long term effects on the Presbyterian Church in Korea, inter alia, in terms of growth patterns and membership trends. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE IMPAK VAN DIE JAPANNESE KOLONIALE BEWIND OP DIE GETUIENIS EN GROEI VAN DIE KOREAANSE PRESBITERIAANSE KERK Daar heers vandag 'n wye en lewendige belangstelling in die groei van die Koreaanse kerk, met die gevolg dat baie navorsingsresultate nou die lig sien. Maar, wanneer die groei in die Koreaanse Kerke ondersoek word, moet rekening gehou word met die feit dat hierdie groei slegs volledig verstaan en gemterpreteer kan word teen die historiese agtergrond van die kerk se lyding in Korea. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die effek van die Japannese koloniale bewind in Korea te ondersoek en, in besonder, die impak veroorsaak deur die invoer van 'n sentrale element in die Japannese nasionale geloof, naamlik Sjintoisrne. Die gevolg van verset teen die Sjinto - heiligdom seremonies was vervolging van die kerk op verskeie wyses, en dit het die lewe sowel as die groei van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea beinvloed. Hoofstuk 1 sluit in die inleiding wat handel oor die navorsingsprobleem, doel van hierdie navorsing, hipotese, afbakening van die navorsing, uitgangspunte, begripsomskrywing en voorgestelde inhoudsuitreensetting. Hoofstuk 2 bied 'n historiese oorsig oor die konteks van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk onder Japannese koloniale bewind (1910-1945), om sodoende 'n begrip van die historiese agtergrond van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk te bewerkstellig. Die geskiedenis van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk tot 1945 kan in vier verskillende periodes verdeel word volgens sekere betekenisvolle gebeure of stadiums in die lewe van die Kerk: die opkoms van die Kerk (1884-1907), die herlewing van die Kerk (1907-1912), groeiende konfrontasie (1912-1935) en vervolging van die Kerk (1935-1945). Hierdie vier peri odes word kortliks beskryf en ontleed, met besondere aandag aan die Japannese periode. Hoofstuk 3 bied 'n analise van die groei van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea onder Japannese koloniale bewind. Dit geskied vanuit 'n missiologiese perspektief met betrekking tot die getuienis en groei van die Kerk. Besonderhede oor kerkgroei, die redes hiervoor en probleme wat die groei beinvloed, word bespreek. Laasgenoemde sluit in die vraag na die invloed van die tradisionele Sjamanistiese geloof, die sosiale betrokkenheid van die Kerk en die probleem van pro-Japannese standpunte in die Kerk. Hoofstuk 4 handel oor die geskiedenis en karakter van Sjintoisme en die Koreaanse Christene se verset daarteen. Die eerste deel bespreek die tipes, standaardisering en liturgiese struktuur van die heiligdom rites. Die tweede deel ontleed die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk se verset teen die afdwing van Sjintoisme wat, aan die een kant, lei tot 'n skerp verdeling binne die Kerk, en, aan die ander kant, tot konflik en die daaropvolgende vervolging van die mense wat gekies het om hul te verset teen eerbetoningsrites in Sjinto heiligdomme. Hoofstuk 5 behandel die geloofsgetuienis van die wat hul teen eerbetoningsrites verset het. Dit geskied veral deur verskeie gevallestudies van Koreaanse Christen versetleiers. Die bediening en die sienswyse van hierdie leiers word ondersoek om sodoende die redes vir hul verset teen Sjintoisme vas te stel. Die gevallestudies verteenwoordig sowel Noord- as Suid-Korea, asook Mantjoerye. Ten slotte ondersoek hoofstuk 6 die effek van Sjinto vervolging op die groei van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea, en vergelyk anti-Sjinto'istiese met die pro-Sjintoistiese groepe. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die Sjinto heiligdom-geskilpunt sekere langtermyn gevolge vir die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Korea gehad het, onder andere met betrekking tot groeipatrone en lidmaatskapstendense.

Ethical preaching in contemporary Korean Protestantism : a critical reflection

Park, Sungwhan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of our study was not merely to recount the ethical problems of the Korean Protestant Church and its members, but to suggest a new ethical preaching mode for resolving these problems. Thus, in order to research the subject of our study, we used two methodologies: Dingemans’s practical theological methodology and the Heidelberg method of sermon analysis. In chapter one, we stated the question why the Korean Protestant Church’s growth is declining, and described the current social situation in which the Korean people are starting to turn their backs on the Korean Protestant Church, and also mistrusting the morality of this Church as its members do not seem to act in accordance with their stated beliefs. Their ethical behaviour does not correspond with the content of their confession. In order to show exactly the practical and problematic phenomenon of the Korean Protestant Church and its members, we used the results of six surveys conducted recently by several institutes. Furthermore, in order to expose exactly the Korean Protestant Christian’s ethical problems in terms of homiletics, we suggested that our study focuses on the following three issues: political, triumphal and narrative, as these three sermon patterns flow like rivers into the Korean Protestant Church and its American theological connection. By doing so, our study hoped to contribute ultimately towards the rediscovery and revalidation of ethical preaching in contemporary Korea. From chapter two to chapter seven, we thus strived to explain the content of, and relationship between, the three preaching modes as described above (political, triumphal, and experiential), and we analysed the sermons of three representative Korean Protestant preachers in detail, by using the framework of the Heidelberg method. In chapter eight, we evaluated the ethical situation of the Korean Protestant Church and its members in contemporary Korea as follows: “Consequently, in contemporary Korea, the Koreans no longer believe and trust the Korean Protestant Church. Thus, since the 1990s, the present Korean Protestant Church is experiencing a decline in the attendance of its members because the present Korean Protestant Church has lost its dignity due to its ethical problems. In our opinion, it is true that the Korean Protestant Church needs to discover Christian ethics; thus, the Church must especially focus on its lack of social ethics and political responsibility in the Reformed theological views. In order to promote the public’s trust in the Korean Protestant Church and its members, it is inevitable that Korean Protestant ministers must focus more on Christian ethics than on the outward development of the Church in contemporary Korea. Thus, in order to establish Christian ethics in Korea, the Korean Protestant preachers must consider ethical preaching, through which naturally, Christians will try to follow Jesus’ life and teachings before God by faith in the world.” In chapter nine, we explained in detail what ethical preaching is, i.e. we introduced the necessity for ethical preaching, and defined it as well as components thereof. In particular, we emphasized that the world’s position and function are unique, as evil controls the world in terms of ethical preaching because human beings have been captured by the multiplicity of the powers or related them to contemporary social realities, and they cannot but produce Christian ethical problems in the world. Furthermore, we suggested the following: “We obviously need the harmony of Campbell and Long’s homiletical views in order to create the best framework for ethical preaching for contemporary Korea.” In chapter ten, we critically compared and reflected on the homiletical views of Campbell and Long in terms of ethical preaching. Furthermore, we created a new ethical preaching mode for contemporary Korea. In chapter eleven, we introduced some suggestions as regards the way ethical preaching could be done in contemporary Korea, i.e. we strived to compose a sermon’s synopsis of ethical preaching with the newly formed framework. Thus, with Luke 8:22-39, we dealt with “the division of Korea into North and South” and, with Luke 10:25-37, “racial prejudice toward coloured foreign workers” by using the newly formed ethical preaching mode. In chapter twelve, we summarized and concluded our dissertation. As regards the homiletical field of Korea, we introduced four benefits our study can offer. On the other hand, we pointed out the shortcomings of our study as follows: “Jesus Christ and ethical issues from the Old Testament” and “the relationship between our ethical preaching mode and Christian worship, especially liturgy.” In this chapter, thus, we emphasized the abovementioned points as suggestions for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van ons studie was nie ʼn blote weergee van die etiese probleme van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate nie, maar om ʼn nuwe metode van etiese prediking ter oplossing van hierdie probleme voor te stel. Gevolglik het ons, ten einde navorsing oor ons onderwerp te doen, twee metodologiee aangewend: Dingemans se prakties-teologiese metodologie en die Heidelbergse metode van prediking analise. In hoofstuk 1 het ons die vraag gestel waarom daar ʼn afname was in die groei van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en die huidige sosiale situasie waarin die Koreaanse bevolking die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk die rug keer en ook die moraliteit van die kerk aangesien sy lidmate nie handel volgens hul verklaarde oortuigings nie beskryf. Hul etiese gedrag stem nie ooreen met die inhoud van hul belydenis nie. Ten einde die praktiese en problematiese verskynsel van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate juis te beklemtoon, het ons die resultate van ses opnames wat onlangs deur verskeie institute gedoen is gebruik. Verder, om die etiese probleme van die Koreaanse Protestantse Christen in terme van homilitiek noukeurig bloot te le, het ons voorgestel dat ons studie op die volgende drie aspekte fokus: politiese, triomferende en narratiewe aangesien hierdie drie erediens patrone soos riviere in die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy Amerikaanse teologiese verbintenis vloei. Sodoende hoop ons studie om uiteindelik ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die herontdekking en herbekragtiging van etiese prediking in hedendaagse Korea. Vanaf hoofstuk twee tot hoofstuk sewe het ons dus daarna gestreef om die inhoud van en die verhouding tussen die drie metodes van prediking, soos hierbo beskryf (politiese, triomferende en narratiewe), te verduidelik en het ons deur middel van die Heidelbergse metode die preke van drie verteenwoordigende Koreaanse Protestantse predikers breedvoerig geanaliseer. In hoofstuk ag (t) het ons die etiese situasie van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate soos volg geevalueer: “Gevolglik glo en vertrou die Koreane in hedendaagse Korea nie meer die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk nie. Dus, sedert die 1990’s beleef die huidige Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk ʼn afname in die bywoning van sy lidmate omdat die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk sy waardigheid verloor het as gevolg van sy etiese probleme. Volgens ons is dit waar dat die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk Christelike etiek moet ontdek; dus, die Kerk moet spesifiek fokus op sy gebrek aan sosiale etiek en politieke verantwoordelikheid in die gereformeerde teologiese gesigspunte. Ten einde die publiek se vertroue in die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate te bevorder, is dit onvermydelik dat die predikante van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk meer moet fokus op Christelike etiek as op die uiterlike ontwikkeling van die kerk in hedendaagse Korea. Dus moet Koreaanse Protestantse predikers etiese prediking, waardeur Christene in die wereld sal probeer om Jesus se lewe en onderwysings voor God deur geloof te volg, oorweeg ten einde Christelike etiek in Korea te vestig.” In hoofstuk nege het ons breedvoerig verduidelik wat etiese prediking behels, d.w.s. ons het die noodsaaklikheid van etiese prediking ingelei en dit tesame met die komponente daarvan gedefinieer. Ons het in besonder die uniekheid van die wereld se posisie en funksie beklemtoon aangesien boosheid die wereld in terme van etiese prediking beheer omdat mense gevange geneem is deur die veelvoudige magte of eietydse, met hul verbonde sosiale werklikhede en hulle nie anders kan as om Christelike etiese probleme in die wereld voort te bring nie. Verder het ons die volgende voorgestel: “Ons het duidelik die harmonie van Campbell en Long se homiletiese standpunte nodig ten einde die beste raamwerk vir etiese prediking vir hedendaagse Korea te skep.” In hoofstuk tien het ons die kritiese vergelyking getref tussen en gereflekteer op die homiletiese uitgangspunte van Campbell en Long in terme van etiese prediking. Voorts het ons ʼn nuwe metode van etiese prediking vir hedendaagse Korea ontwikkel. In hoofstuk elf het ons sekere voorstelle betreffende die manier waarop etiese prediking in hedendaagse Korea gedoen sou kon word aangebied, d.w.s. ons het daarna gestrewe om ʼn prediking se oorsig van etiese prediking met ʼn nuutgevormde raamwerk saam te stel. Dus, met Lukas 8:22-39 het ons gefokus op “die verdeling van Korea in Noord en Suid” en met Lukas 10:25-37, “rassistiese vooroordeel teenoor gekleurde buitelandse arbeiders” deur van die nuutgevormde metode van etiese prediking gebruik te maak. In hoofstuk twaalf het ons die dissertasie saamgevat en afgesluit. Ons het, betrekking tot die homiletiese landskap in Korea, vier voordele wat ons studie kan bied voorgestel. Enersyds het ons sekere tekortkominge van ons studie soos volg uitgewys: “Jesus Christus en die etiese kwessies van die Ou Testament” en “die verhouding tussen ons etiese predikingswyse en Christelike aanbidding, veral liturgie”. In hierdie hoofstuk het ons dus die bogenoemde punte as voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing voorgestel.

Literacy and social development : the church and nonformal education in South Korea (1910-1945)

Kim, Me Suk. January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to relate literacy (nonformal education) to social development. It begins with a theoretical discussion on literacy and social development and uses Paulo Freire's dialogical framework to determine the contribution literacy can make. In using the context of a South Korean literacy campaign, this work covers the historical development of the Korean alphabet and initiation of Hangeul literacy. It examines the arrival of Christian missionaries in Korea and how they used literacy to maximise conversion and Church establishment. Literacy became the Christian Church's mission and this is examined in the light of the Korean struggle for independence during the Japanese occupation. The impact of literacy on social development in political, economic and social sectors is evaluated. The paper discusses the problem of literacy and social development in developing nations and suggests some strategies for the society and Church. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

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