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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti psychologické intervence v oblasti prevence kriminality / Possibilities of psychological intervention in the sphere of crime prevention

Kolářová, Renata January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with crime prevention, especially with psychological aspects of this interdisciplinary field. The content of this work is divided in two main sections, theoretical and research section. The theoretical section introduces basic concepts of crime prevention, criminogenic theory and the most important psychological aspects of criminality. The research section monitors 18 selected psychological criminogenic factors that are evaluated by respondents from the professional community according to the importance for the development of delinquent behavior and according to the possibility of their elimination by psychological instruments. Recommendations of psychological interventions suitable for the elimination of criminogenic factors and a personal experience in this field are attached by research respondents too. Summary of findings provides background for the use of psychological interventions in crime prevention practice.

Regionální diferenciace kriminality v ČR / Regional differentiation of criminality in the Czech republic.

Dejmek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá kriminologickými aspekty trestných činů v ČR se zaměřením na socio-ekonomické a prostorové charakteristiky páchané kriminality a regionální diferenciaci kriminality v ČR. Součástí diplomové práce je popis vývoje teorií objasňujících kriminalitu, tedy vývoje kriminologických přístupů, včetně současného ekonomického přístupu ke kriminalitě prezentovaného zástupci chicagské školy. Úvodní obecná analýza regionální diferenciace kriminality je v diplomové práci základním kamenem pro následnou detailní analýzu majetkové kriminality a vzájemných závislostí mezi naměřenými hodnotami majetkové kriminality a socio-ekonomickými jevy, provedené za účelem hlubšího pochopení kriminality jako sociálního fenoménu. Zároveň práce pojednává o možnostech predikce vývoje trestné činnosti a budoucích hrozeb v podobě nárůstu kriminality ve strukturálně postižených a hospodářsky slabých regionech, a také poskytuje možná doporučení, jak potenciálním hrozbám předcházet. Diplomová práce by měla poskytnout ucelený pohled na kriminalitu v ČR tak, aby se mohla stát případným podkladem pro příjímání opatření orgány veřejné správy za účelem sociální kontroly.

Hot spot analýza krádeží automobilů v Liberci / Hot spot analysis of car thefts in Liberec

Kostka, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with distribution analysis of car thefts in the town of Liberec and will look at the options of situational crime prevention techniques. In my diploma thesis I have used the concept of hot spots which is able to show higher than average concentrations of car thefts in the study area. The database is relatively unique, provided by the regional police department in Liberec and contains the records of more than a thousand reported car thefts in Liberec between the years 2011-2014. The provided data contains GPS coordinates and thanks to them, it was possible, with relatively high accuracy, to identify hot spots of car thefts in Liberec. The identification of hot spots was possible as spatial statistics were used that enabled concrete calculations of kernel density, which made it possible to identify problem locations. In our chosen hot spots we then undertook our fieldwork, whose main goal was to evaluate the options of utilization strategy CPTED, so as to obtain preventive measures in problem locations. The output of this thesis include hot spot maps of car thefts 2011-2014 and also recommendations for preventive measures, which would be advisable to implement in chosen hot spots. Key words: car thefts, crime mapping, CPTED, hot spot, crime prevention, GIS

Přístupy ke vzdělávání romských žáků / Attitudes to the Education of the Romany Students

Vernerová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis, "Attitudes to the Education of the Romany students", is looking at instruction of Roma people as a tool for crime prevention related to this ethnic group. The purpose of this text is to assess the practical impacts of the implementation of the Czech government's "Strategy for Crime Prevention", based on personal experience and involvement in a project related to it. A specific project, in a selected area, is used as an example of how to implement projects of this kind. The following text is split into two parts. The first part is describing the history of Roma people in the Czech lands, and addresses the relationship between this ethnic group and crime. The second part is focused on the project related to the Strategy for Crime Prevention. The Strategy is first theoretically introduced and then described in practical terms in the given locality.

The effect of gambling on crime: evidence from the Czech Republic / Vliv hazardu na kriminalitu: evidence z České Republiky

Lupač, Milan January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to examine the relationship between gambling and crime in the Czech environment, where gambling is broadly available. Data about the individual gambling machines and tables together with the data about offenses in particular police districts were used in order to estimate the effect of gambling on crime. The final dataset observes 388 geographical units over the life span between April 2013 and December 2015. The study employs three estimation techniques the OLS, Poisson regression and Negative binomial regression to estimate the effect of gambling on crime. The main variable representing the size of gambling is the number of slot machines as these are the most broadly available type of gambling. The final estimated relationship between crime and slot machines is that one additional slot machine is associated with an increase in crime by 0.3-0.5% depending on the method and frequency. On the contrary, the effect of casino games, electromechanical roulettes, and dice devices on crime was found to be statistically insignificant. In addition, the study also analyses particular types of crimes, finding that gambling has an impact particularly on crimes that involve material benefits as opposed to the violent crimes. Moreover, it also conducts a what-if analysis demonstrating the estimated impact of reduction of gambling on the substantial drop of the number of offenses over the observed period was rather limited and account for 937 offenses.

Potenciál legalizace drog v České republice / The potential of cannabis legalization in the Czech Republic

Holá, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to verify the correlation between cannabis use and the crime rate in accordance with the legalization of marijuana in Colorado 1. 1. 2014. Method difference in differences is used to analyze this problem by comparing Denver with Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the control group because legalization did not occur there. Panel data in monthly intervals for the period from 2006 to 2014 are used. The hypothesis in this thesis is a positive correlation between cannabis use and crime rates. The results of the regression analysis show that differences in number of all offenses per 100 000 inhabitants decreased by 11.83 units and differences in number of violent crimes per 100 000 inhabitants increased by 0.67 units after legalization of cannabis. Increase of violent crimes verified the hypothesis. However the hypothesis was not verified in case of all offenses. The Czech Republic is supposed to be similarly affected by eventual legalization of cannabis, which follows from an applying the results to the Czech Republic. In addition, the discussion shows that the Czech Republic could set a higher tax rate for cannabis than Colorado. If the funds gained from eventual legalization of cannabis in Czech Republic had been allocated properly in society, an increase of violent crimes could be lower.

Prevence kriminality na území statutárního města Kladna / Prevention of crime within the city of Kladno

Černá, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the crime prevention in the Czech Republic, particularly within the region of the Statutory town of Kladno. The introductory part includes the explanation of relevant terms related to criminality, and the criminality connections outline, criminology and crime prevention. This is followed by the analysis of legal norms, strategic documents, aims and crime prevention priorities at national and regional levels. Individual crime prevention management levels are described and staffing for crime prevention with the focus on Kladno Municipality is analysed. At municipal level the organisational changes caused by the need of preventive measures integration within the authority of Kladno are taken into consideration. The thesis also outlines the potential of synergic crime prevention impacts alongside the solution of social exclusion in the area of Kladno; current situation is reviewed. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the project plans for crime prevention in the period of 2009-2013. Social, economic and ethical aspects are analysed. The project plans analysis is also applied to statistical data on crimes committed within the area of Kladno, target groups and public opinion. This is integrated into public opinion survey, which has been conducted since 2009, and...

Měření měsíční kriminality v Německu a v České republice ve vazbě na evropskou migrační krizi / Measuring monthly statistical crime in Germany and the Czech Republic in relation to the European migration crisis

ŠÍPEK, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is based on a defining of a complex goal: Investigation of the dependence of monthly (in connectivity with the possibility of obtaining data also annual) crime in selected European countries and in relation to the European migration crisis. Germany and Czech Republic became selected countries. A monthly and annual crime index was used to achieve the comprehensive goal of the work thesis To achieve the goal, hypotheses H1, H2, H3, H4 were determined: Hypothesis 1 (H1): Monthly crime indexes in the Czech Republic and Germany do not correlate. Hypothesis 2 (H2): Monthly crime indexes in the Czech Republic and Germany have different theoretical divisions. Hypothesis 3 (H3): The annual crime indexes in the Czech Republic and Germany do not correlate. Hypothesis 4 (H4): Annual crime indexes in the Czech Republic and Germany have different theoretical divisions. Through the practical part of the thesis it was found, that the monthly crime indexes in the Czech Republic and Germany do not correlate and have different theoretical divisions (H1 hypotheses and H2 were confirmed). It was also found that indexes of annual crime in the Czech Republic and Germany strongly correlate and have the same theoretical divisions (hypotheses H3 and H4 were not confirmed). The reason for the confirmation of hypotheses H1, H2 and non-confirmation of hypotheses H3, H4 was probably different time periods for data collection (monthly crime included the period January 2011 to December 2016, monthly crime in Germany had to be calculated from the annual crime, due to data collection problems crime was based on data sets from 1987 to 2016). The introduction of different time periods was forced by the difficult availability of data in Germany. The methodology of the thesis used in the theoretical part is mainly search of available literature. Professional literature, valid legislation and Internet resources have been studied. The methodology of the thesis used in the practical part is based on methods of statistics, used for data processing using tables, graphs and basic calculations, due to it is possible to verify hypotheses. Basic statistical descriptive methods were used in order: Formulation of statistical survey, Scaling, Measurement, Elementary statistical processing. Basic statistical mathematical methods were used in order: Non-parametric testing, Linear regression analysis, Linear correlation analysis. Data collection was performed as follows: a) Czech forensic statistics were downloaded from the databases of the Czech Police, which also contain criminality for individual months. Furthermore, the number of inhabitants from the Czech Statistical Office was found for individual years. Crime indexes were calculated from these data. b) The BKA database (Federal Criminal Office of Germany) did not publish criminal statistics. For this reason, an article was published through ntv.de that published the annual crime of Germany. Population numbers for individual years were found through the Federal Statistical Office of Germany. Crime indexes were calculated from these data. At the end of the thesis there is pointed out the solution of possible crisis situations, including problems involving aspects of migration. The great importance of reducing crime is mainly prevention with a sensitive link to the solution of migration issues - to help in areas associated with the emergence of eg migration waves and thus preventing a crisis situations. The thesis did not deal with the political aspects of all examined hypotheses. Methodologically, the diploma thesis can be characterized as a report on the applied research solution in which its quantitative dimension prevails.

Dopravní kriminalita a její prevence / Traffic crime and its prevention

Lenner, Roman January 2015 (has links)
This Master's Thesis examines the issue of criminal law in the Czech road traffic sector and crime prevention. The Thesis tackles the basic concepts of traffic law and traffic accidents, which are the most visible results of traffic offenses, that cause damage to life, health and property. The problem of traffic accidents is their unpredictability, as no driver wants to cause them voluntarily. However, these are often the result of the driver's own behaviour. The Thesis offers a new approach to the issue of traffic accidents where the most common cause of accidents is the violation of traffic regulation. In my assessment, the driver's distraction, recklessness towards other drivers and a poor driving technique figures among the key factors. This statement is proved by an analysis of existing accident statistics and their comparison with the drivers' actual behaviour. The highest number of criminal offenses, such as manslaughter, personal injury or property damage is linked to the consequences of traffic accidents. These offenses are committed in most cases by gross negligence. The second group of criminal offenses consists of intentional crimes, which encompasses especially endangerment while intoxicated and justice obstruction, caused in most of the cases by driving a motor vehicle without being in hold of...

Problematika zkreslování účetních informací a manipulace s účetními výkazy / The issue of distorting book-keeping information and the manipulation of book-keeping reports

Wiedová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis accents the value of accounting as the most important business informational system especially in the recent period of time. The most of financial decisions are based on accounting, thats why accounting is used for manipulation with financial results by management. I described various ways of accounting frauds including the creative accounting. The economic criminality and accounting frauds became a serious problem so I suggested possible methods for preventing frauds.

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