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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stabilizace pivní pěny pomocí biosurfaktantů / Beer foam stabilization using biosurfactants

Jandrtová, Sabina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a research of the foam stability of the beer. We specifically observed the influence of ethanol and surface tension on the foam stability, and influence of ethanol and surface tension on the height of the foam. It was observed the influence of the hop acids in non-alcoholic beers. Furthermore, different biosurfactants were added into to the beer to observe better stability of the foam. The theoretical part of this work describes the foam from the physical aspect. There are described fourth key events involved in foam formation. Then it focuses on the beer foam – its structure, substances that influence its behavior and measurement of the foam stability. In this part there are described biosurfactants as well – their characteristics, qualities, distribution and applications. The experimental part is dedicated to the influence of ethanol, surface tension, the amount of iso- acids on foam stability in beer. There is observed the influence of biosurfactants of the foam stability and surface tension, which are added into to the beer. For the measurement of the foam stability was used the Rudin method. Liquid chromatography with DAD detector was used for the measurement the amount of the hop acids. The surface tension was determined by tensiometer. According to the results addition of ethanol changed the characteristics of the foam stability, but it’s not easy to find correlation between the increasing amount of ethanol and its stability. It was found out, that there is connection between the amount of ethanol and surface tension. On the other hand, there is not much connection between the surface tension and foam height. Within the framework of addition of biosurfactants was observed, that these foaming agents interacted the surface tension of the beer (lowering), however these agents accelerated the fall of the beer foam.

Chemická charakterizace vín z vybraných PIWI odrůd / Chemical composition of wine produced from PIWI cultivars

Michálková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deasl with the chemical charakterization of wine from selected PIWI varieties. The theoretical part describes the general origin and reason for breeding PIWI varieties, a closer characterization of selected three PIWI varieties, Johaniter, Hibernal and Solaris. The next part is devoted to the description of analytical methods that were used to determine the chemical characteristics. The experimental part is developed to the determination of chemical characteristics, namely general characteristics such as alcohol, total phenols, phenolic substances, volatile substances and elemental composition. The results show that are differences between wines from selected PIWI varieties in therms of chemical composition. The most represented organic acid was in the range of 735,1-1286,2mg/l malic acid. This was followed by acetic in the range of 100-400mg/l. The antioxidant activity was determined in the range of 0,2988-0,9683 mmol/l of Trollox and content of total phenols 273,5-390,3mg/l. Of the phenolic substances, gallic acid was the most represented, ranging from 6,9-13,9mg/l. As another, abundant phenolic substances, catechin in the range of 1,6-6,0mg/l was detected. Of the determined elements, phosphorus in the range of 165,4-450,5mg/l was the most represented. Representatives of ethyl ester, ethyl acetate, decanoic acid ethyl acetate and hexanoic acid ethyl ester, were detected as the most abundant volatiles. From the measured data it was evident that wines from PIWI varieties different from standard varieties, especially in the profile of aromatic substances.

Řízená produkce lipidů a dalších lipidických látek pomocí vybraných druhů kvasinek a mikrořas. / Controlled production of lipids and lipidic substances by selected yeasts and microalgae

Szotkowski, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Karotenoidy jsou přírodní pigmenty vyskytující se v mikroorganismech jako jsou řasy, kvasinky a sinice. Představují nejrozšířenější skupinu antioxidantů s významným biologickým účinkem. V současnosti vzrůstá zájem o karotenoidy vzhledem k jejich příznivým vlivům na lidské zdraví. Chlorofyly jsou zelená fotosyntetická barviva, která nacházejí uplatnění v potravinářství jako intenzivní zelená barviva. Koenzym Q je znám svým pozitivním vlivem pro správnou funkci řady orgánů v lidském těle. Ergosterol je nedílnou součástí membrán kvasinek a hub. Je to provitamin D2, který je důležitou součástí imunitního systému. Mikrobiální lipidy, nebo také ‚‚Single cell oils‘‘ jsou charakteristické vysokým obsahem zdraví prospěšných nenasycených mastných kyselin, které lze využít ve farmacii či kosmetice. Mikrobiální lipidy jsou dále studovány jako alternativa pro výrobu biopaliv. Dizertační práce byla zaměřena na studium a možnosti optimalizace produkce lipidů a lipidických látek vybranými kmeny karotenogenních kvasinek, mikrořas a sinic. V rámci práce byly testované kvasinky rodu Rhodotorula, Rhodosporidium, Cystofilobasidium a Sporidiobolus podrobené kultivacím na sérií médií s různými C/N poměry v rozsahu 13 až 100, obsahujících upravené odpadní substráty z potravinářského průmyslu. Vybrané kmeny byly poté kultivovány v bioreaktorech v médiu obsahujícím kombinaci odpadních substrátů. Kultivace mikrořas rodu Desmodesmus, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Coccomyxa, Chlamydomonas, Botryococcus se zabývaly optimalizací jednotlivých komponent média a aplikací různých stresů s cílem navýšení produkce studovaných metabolitů. V rámci experimentů s extrémofilní mikrořasou Coccomyxa byly provedeny pilotní velkoobjemové kultivace v otevřených nádržích. V závěrečné části byl provedeny pilotní screeningové a velkoobjemové bioreaktorové experimenty zaměřené na možnosti kokultivace karotenogenních kvasinek a mikrořas. Testované kmeny kvasinek byly s rozdílnou úspěšností schopny utilizovat média obsahující hydrolyzované odpadní substráty. Nejlepším kmenem byl Sporidiobolus pararoseus, který na médiích dosahoval nejvyšších produkcí biomasy i sledovaných metabolitů. Z testovaných odpadních substrátů byla nejlepší kombinace odpadního fritovacího oleje a hydrolyzátu kávové sedliny. Úspěšná optimalizace složení hlavních komponent minerálního média vedla k zvýšené produkci studovaných metabolitů. Největší vliv měl optimální poměr P/N a aplikace oxidačního stresu. Nejlepších výsledků dosáhly mikrořasy rodu Desmodesmus a Scenedesmus. Velkoobjemové kultivace Coccomyxy onubensis potvrdily rezistenci kultury proti kontaminaci vnějšími vlivy a schopnost růstu za vysoké teploty a intenzity světelného záření. Kokultivační experimenty potvrdily schopnost symbiotického růstu kvasinek a mikrořas. Nejlepších výsledků dosahovaly všechny testované kvasinky s mikrořasami rodu Demsodesmus a Scenedesmus a v menší míře i rodu Coccomyxa.

Stanovení obsahových látek rostliny Echinacea / Analysis of Echinacea content compounds

Michalíček, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Rostliny rodu Echinacea jsou léčivé byliny stimulující imunitní systém. Používají se zvláště v boji proti chřipce a infekcím horních cest dýchacích. V této práci bylo analyzováno 7 komerčních výrobků obsahujících výtažky z rostliny Echinacea vysokoúčinnou kapalinovou chromatografií. Bylo provedeno kvantitativní stanovení derivátů kyseliny kávové, jež jsou látky zodpovědné za léčivé účinky rostliny. Zjištěné obsahy kyseliny chlorogenové, kávové, cichorové a echinakosidu byly porovnány v jednotlivých výrobcích. Dále byly připraveny extrakty z kořene, listů a květů třapatky nachové pomocí extrakce za zvýšeného tlaku extrakčního rozpouštědla při různých podmínkách, aby se z obsahu účinných látek v nich přítomných zjistilo, které extrakční podmínky jsou nejlepší. Z naměřených dat bylo zjištěno, že největší celková koncentrace obsahových látek je přítomna ve výrobku Imunit Echinaceové kapky firmy Simply You. Jako nejlepší extrakční podmínky se ukázaly teplota 80 °C v kombinaci s rozpouštědlem ve složení EtOH/voda = 40/60, a to jak při extrakci kořene, tak i listů a květů.

Stanovení karnitinu v potravních doplňcích / Determination of carnitine in food supplements

Buchtová, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with the determination of L-carnitine in food supplements. L-carnitine is a substance naturally occurring in organism, essential for metabolism of fatty acids. In food supplements is used especially for reducing body weight as a "fat burner". L-carnitine is popular with athletes for improve athletic performance. While data are not available to support these positive effects of carnitine, the positive results of carnitine supplementation in the medicine were found, mainly on cardiovascular system. The literary part of this study describes the properties and the use of carnitine in the diet of human. Furthermore, a review of methods used for determination of L-carnitine in variety of samples is mentioned. In the experimental section the efficiency of SPE method for preparation matrix of real samples was investigated. A cation exchange solid phase extraction seems to be the most effective. The optimal conditions for isolation of L-carnitine by SPE extraction were not developed. L-carnitine was determined in six various food supplements by reverse phase chromatography with UV/VIS detection.

Příprava materiálů na bázi reaktivně modifikovaných polyolefinů / Preparation of materials based on reactive modified polyolefins

Běťák, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with a preparation of modified polypropylene. Modified polypropylene was prepared by reaction itaconic anhydride and compounds contain primary and secondary amino group (diaminododecane, aminoethylethanolamine and aminoethylpiperazine). Knowledge of radical and condensation modification of polypropylene were summarized in the theoretical part. New application of modified polypropylene ware summarized at the theoretical part as well. In the experimental part polypropylene was functionalized by grafting with itaconic anhydride during reactive extrusion. Extrusion was carried on the co-rotating twin-screw extruder (Brabender 25 DSE L/D = 34) at 230 °C and 30 RPM. Residence time of reactive blend was 3 minutes. The modified polypropylene PP-g-IAH) contained 0.5 wt% of itaconic anhydride. 2,5 dimethyl 2,5bis(tert buthyl-peroxy)hexane (Luperox 101) was used as a radical initiator. A ratio initiator/monomer was 1:0.6 (mol/mol). PP-g-IAH was used for condensation reaction with amino compounds in molar ratios IAH/amine from 1:0,3 to 1:1. This reaction carried out in single screw extruder (Betol 1825 L/D = 39) at 210 °C and 30 RPM. Residence time of reactive blend was 3 minutes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used for a calculation of reaction conversion and for description of new functional groups in the materials. This analysis confirmed the presence of amide and imide groups in the samples. Influence of amino compounds to polymer crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Termogravimetric analysis focused on thermal stability of prepared samples and changes of thermal stability was observed in dependence of additives amount. The rheological behaviors of modified PP were analyzed by measuring the complex viscosity.

Sorpční schopnosti huminových kyselin / Sorption ability of humic acids

Pokorná, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with humic acids and their ability to adsorb metal ions on their surface. Humic acids are aromatic polycyclic compounds which contain carboxylic and fenolic functional groups on their sidechains. Thanks to these functional groups humic acids can form complexes with metal ions of different stability and assist the partial immobilization of pollutants in the nature. In this thesis, the sorption of Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions on humic acids was studied by relatively new electroanalytic method called galvanostatic stripping chronopotentiometry. Experimental data were described by Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. The results show that the amount of examined metal ions increases with their increasing concentration. Furthermore it was determined that Pb2+ ions are adsorbed better on humic acids than Zn2+ ions. Both metals are adsorbed better from solution containing only one metal ion than in presence of four metals at the same time (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) where the sorption of these metals is not influenced by the presence of other metals.

Difúze měďnatých iontů v huminových hydrogelech / Diffusion of cupric ions in humic hydrogels

Grunt, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis focuses on the study of diffusion of cupric ions in humic acid hydrogels. A total of eight different hydrogels were prepared by dissolving the humic acids with sodium hydroxide and sodium triphosphate. For the purpose of precipitation and cross linking, hydrochloric acid and chlorides of magnesium, calcium and iron were used during a modified preparation of gels. Different gel-forming interactions were achieved by modifying the preparation of hydrogel systems. The aim of the thesis was to assess the effect of gel preparation procedure on the transport properties of the gels. Therefore, diffusion coeficients were determined for all samples. Two different methods - constant-source diffusion and instantaneous planar source diffusion - were used to assign the diffusion coefficients. Methods differ in source concentrations of cupric ions and are suitable for assessing the impact of the concentration on the diffusion coefficient. Both these methods were based on monitoring temporal evolution of diffusion profiles of cupric ions and on assigning the overall diffusion flow. Copper ions were elected as diffusing medium because of their high affinity and strong binding to humic acids. Measurements show that gels prepared using polyphosphate allow slightly faster diffusion of cupric ions and that the constant-source method provides higher diffusion coefficients in comparison to instantaneous planar source method.

Analýza organických markerů pro identifikaci zdrojů atmosférických aerosolů. / Analysis of Organic Markers for Identification of Sources of Atmospheric Aerosols

Křůmal, Kamil January 2011 (has links)
In this work the organic markers that serve for identification of sources of aerosols are monitored. Theoretic part deals with detailed survey of organic markers emitted from the most significant sources of atmospheric aerosols (biomass combustion, combustion of fossil fuels and traffic) as well as with sampling of aerosols and analysis of organic markers by analytical techniques. Monosaccharide anhydrides (emissions from biomass combustion) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (emissions from traffic and incomplete combustion) were observed especially. Hopanes and steranes (traffic, coal combustion) and fatty acids (cooking) were next groups of monitored organic markers. Markers were studied mainly in size fraction PM1 because this fraction of aerosols is the most harmful to human health. Aerosols were sampled in two seasons (winter and summer) in two towns in 2009. Higher concentrations of aerosols and organic compounds were found in winter season, which resulted from increased combustion of biomass, coal and other organic material while traffic was the most significant source of aerosols in summer.

Využití separačních technik na bázi plynové a kapalinové chromatografie s různým typem detektorů pro stanovení biologicky aktivních látek a vybraných xenobiotik / The Application of Separation Techniques Based on Gas and Liquid Chromatography with Different Types of Detectors for the Determination of Biologically Active Compounds and Selected Xenobiotics

Mravcová, Ludmila January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the using and application of separation techniques for analysis of polymers degradation and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Thereby this work is separated to two special parts. In the first part, the degradation properties of synthetic biopolymers based on lactic acid, gylcolic acid and poly(ethyleneglycol) PLGA-PEG-PLGA and ITA-PLGA-PEG-PLGA-ITA (modified by itaconic acid) were studied. These copolymers (firstly their thermosensitive hydrogels) should be used for therapy of fractures in orthopedy (as adhesives). Therefore, the sol-gel and gel-sol phase diagrams were determinated for selected samples of copolymers. The samples forming gel at 37 C was used for other study. Polymer samples were depredated in phosphate buffer at 37°C. The degradation process of physical hydrogels was described by the decrease of molecular weight and the increase of concentration lactic acid and glycolic acid in phosphate buffer. The obtained results confirmed that the degradation of polymer modified by itaconic acid is faster process than no modified polymer and polymers with lower ratio PLGA/PEG degrade also faster than lower ration PLGA/PEG. The influence of pH it was also tested. The rate of degradation of polymers was follow pH 4,0

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