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Opomíjený soul-jazzoví kytaristé 60.let / NEGLECTED SOUL-JAZZ GUITARISTS OF THE 1960sŠmoldas, Libor January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with a musical genre that borders jazz, gospel and blues, so-called soul-jazz, which peaked in popularity in the 1960s in the USA and as a predominantly afro-american art form went almost unnoticed by the mainstream critics and journalists. The aim of the analysis is to specify it’s characteristics, introduce it’s representatives out of guitarists and describe their musical careers and style. The output of the thesis will be enrichment of my own style in both improvisation and composition.
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Česká produkce nábytku 60. - 80. let 20. století - inspirace pro dnešekKrálová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study furniture production in Czechoslovakia during 60s-80s of 20th century, evaluate the benefits of this time period and specify progressive trends for current generation. Thesis is describing history and operation of the Spojene UP Zavody thorough the chosen period and particular changes of sector furniture lines. This work is further focused on contemporary furniture production inspired by this time period. In the second part of the thesis analysis has been made for proposal of furnishing element which continues in own proposal of selected sector line. In the end of the work creative solutions are described, followed by discussion and conclusion. Attachments, containing constructive solution of one furnishing element in designed sector line, list of material, calculation of technical-economic standard consumption of material and list of used hardware, are enclosed to the thesis.
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Kolektivizace zemědělství v obci Puklice na Jihlavsku 1949 - 1960 / The collectivization of agriculture in village Puklice, commune near Jihlava, 1949 - 1960TARAS, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis The collectivization of agriculture in village Puklice 1949 - 1959 deals not only with the period which is mentioned in the title of this work but it also tries to cover the agricultural development of Jihlava´s region and district considering Puklice as the concrete example in the period from the end of the Second World War to the beginning of the sixtieth. An important event in history of all Jihlava´s region is connected with the end of the Second World War, the initial point of this interval. This region was settled by German inhabitants from 13th century and these Germans were displaced. Their post-war expulsion meant an appreciable interference to the economic expansion of this region. In years 1959 ? 1960 the rebuilding of a village according to the communist model ? the socialization of the village - was finished. This date is also associated with the end of Jihlava´s region as an administrative region existing from 1949 for the whole process of collectivization in agriculture. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the process of collectivization in agriculture during the 1950´s in the instance of one region and one concrete village because this period was decisive in the towards of socialism in Czechoslovakia and it influenced the country to the contemporary days. At the same time the work should contain the negative side of the collectivization ? the mass unlawfulness against the innocent people. Last but not least the work makes an effort to broaden people?s mind that relates to the socialization of the country in region Jihlavsko. Our source of information was, in addition to the technical literature focused on agriculture and political situations of the 1950´s, archival materials, a local chronicle and also personal memories of the living contemporaries and the participants of agricultural collectivization.
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Japonská ekonomika: faktory vývoje a hosodářské cykly / Japanese Economy: Factors of Development and Business CyclesStuchlíková, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
Cílem disertační práce je nalézt, pojmenovat a vysvětlit hlavní faktory, které vedly k celkovému oslabení a nestabilitě japonské ekonomiky v 90. letech 20. století. Práce vysvětluje základní ekonomické vazby v japonské ekonomice a hledá odpověď na otázku, zda recese v 90. letech způsobily faktory převážně cyklické, nebo spíše faktory dlouhodobějšího charakteru, tedy strukturální a systémové. Práce rovněž vymezuje a hodnotí hlavní rysy, změny a trendy ve vývoji hospodářských cyklů a ve zdrojích růstu japonské ekonomiky z dlouhodobého hlediska. Dále práce hodnotí současný stav japonské ekonomiky a dosud provedené vládní reformy, nastiňuje nové trendy ve vývoji japonské ekonomiky s ohledem na její měnící se postavení v globalizovaném světovém hospodářství. The dissertation focuses on the cyclical development of the Japanese economy, particularly from the beginning of the 1990´s. The objective of the thesis is to find, identify and explain the main factors that have caused stagnation and instability of the economy in this period. The author aims to make clear some basic ties in the Japanese economy and identify specific features of Japanese business cycles and sources of the GDP growth in the 1990´s and today (compared to the previous development and to some other developed countries). She also seeks to assess economic policy measures made by the Japanese governments and the Bank of Japan countering the stagnation and recessions and to sum up briefly the current situation of the economy and possible dangers for its future.
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Lidová kultura ve vzpomínkách pamětníků narozených ve 20. a 30. letech 20. století / Folk culture in memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th centuryHorová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century about traditional folk culture. It is focused on observing original traditions and celebrating traditional festivities and what sense had these traditions for them and how they ment it. First part of this thesis is focused on narratives life stories. Second part is about memories of traditional customs and habits and how was changing their way of celebrating during prewar period, war and in time of socialism. Last part is dedicated to dancing. Storytellers spoke about dancing opportunities, their own dance experience and dance perofrmances in the theatre.
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Balet Národního divadla v 70. a 80. letech 20. století / Ballet of the National Theatre in the 1970’s and 1980’sČižmáriková, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on and is summarizing events in ballet of the National Theatre in Prague in 1970's and 1980's, specifically between 1969 and 1989. It's dedicated to personalities on positions as directors of ballets - Jiří Němeček, Emerich Gabzdyl and Miroslav Kůra, who, besides managing the ballet, worked as choreographers too. There were also other choreographers in the theatre aside from the above mentioned, namely Jiří Blažek, Antonín Landa, Vlastimil Jílek, or Daniel Wiesner. I describe individual seasons and specific works, which were introduced in premiere. Furthermore in my thesis I deal with extraordinary generation of interprets who were performing here, for example Michaela Černá, Marta Drottnerová, Vlastimil Harapes, Jan Kadlec, Lubomír Kafka, Jaromír Petřík, Michaela Vítková, Hana Vláčilová, Aneta Voleská, Pavel Ždichynec and many others. I put everything in the context of the political era known as „normalization“. Foreign groups and individuals, who gave guest performances in the theatre are also described. My primary sources of information were mainly: “Archiv Národního divadla” (the National Theatre's archive), “Ročenky Národního divadla” (the National Theatre’s yearbooks) and contemporary periodical „Taneční listy” (Letters of dance), from which I used mainly critiques and reviews for premieres. Another valuable source were personal testimonies of artists, who performed in the National Theatre at that time: Mahulena Křenková, Jiří Němeček ml., Astrid Štúrová, Hana Vláčilová and Daniel Wiesner.
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Praktické a teoretické aspekty postavení současných britských, irských a německojazyčných her v českém divadle po roce 1989 / Position of Contemporary British, Irish and German Written Drama inCzech Theatre after the Year 1989 ? Practical and Theoretical AspectsSchlegelová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of the exceptional position of contamporary British, Irish and German written plays in Czech theatre after the year 1989. The aim of its first part is to confont the British and German theatre systems, especially the process of developing and supporting British and German ew writing. It also describes the role of the British or German playwright in the society and in the theatre
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Pojetí identity československých Židů v Židovské ročence (1954-1968) / Conception of Czechoslovak Jews' Identity in Židovská ročenka (1954-1968)Šebestová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
Bc. Markéta Šebestová: Conception of Czechoslovak Jews' Identity in Židovská ročenka (1954-1968) Abstract This thesis is concerned with Židovská ročenka (Jewish Yearbook, JY), mostly literary periodical published by Rada židovských náboženských obcí v zemích České a Morav- skoslezské (Council of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia), during the 1950s and 1960s. Main subject of the thesis are the contents of JY, which I set in historical social, political and ideological context. In the thesis I concern myself with question, how image of Czechoslovak Jews provided by JY corresponds to the structure of contemporary Jewish community. Further I inquire, whether and how JY reflects the official limitation of Jewish identity solely to religious denomination. I also address question, how are represented relations of the Czechoslovak Jews to majority culture, especially Czech, and to the German culture, which historically constituted minority in the Czech lands. I concern myself with the presentation of Shoah, which was most linked to official ideological concerns. I also inquire about the diversity of artistic representations of the Shoah, included in JY. I conclude, that in correspondence with general gradual loosening of ideological pressure JY presents the variety of Czechoslovak Jewish...
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Československo-egyptské vztahy v letech 1952 - 1958 / Relationship between Czechoslovakia and Egypt in the Years 1952-1958Svoboda, Robin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the relationship between Czechoslovakia and Egypt during the years 1952 - 1958. This period was chosen because many important historical events took place that time. Egypt went through the revolution of 1952 as well as the Suez Crisis and joined political union with Syria. The thesis is divided into three parts, where the first and main section is dedicated to the political relationship between both states. The following chapter is focused on cultural issues and the last one is devoted to the economic relationship. The aim of the thesis is to analyze these relations and their development. As far as the sources of information are concerned, it was necessary to study extensive archive materials, which are mainly preserved in the Archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Key words: Czechoslovakia, Egypt, The 1950s, Diplomatic Relations.
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Ruští kameramani 70. a 80. let 20.století / Russian cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th centurySouček, Prokop January 2014 (has links)
In this diploma thesis I summarize and analyze information about cinematographers of the 70`s and 80`s of the 20th century. I deal with the basics of theory in the context of the period, as well as artistic relationships, and detailed analysis of specific films, with the target to explain the innovative visual procedures established in this period in Russia. I aim to show the influence of the unique production of the period on todays work by analyzing given means of expression.
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