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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intenzivní péče z pohledu laické veřejnosti / Intensive care from perspective of the lay public

Vengrínová, Jaroslava January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of two parts: Theoretical and Empirical. The Theoretical Part explains the basic meaning of the expression Intensive Care, the types of Intensive Care, its history and provides a description of an intensive care workplace and the health personnel working in Intensive Care (their education and competence). The thesis also deals with patients in Intensive Care and their needs. The objective of the Empirical Part was to ascertain the Czech general public knowledge and attitudes towards Intensive Care, their experience with Intensive Care as a patient or a person close to the patient. The methodology of the Empirical Part consists in a survey using questionnaires among Czech general public. The questionnaire was answered by 259 respondents. On the basis of statistical evaluation of respondents' data made by a statistics computer program, we found out the Czech general public is able to define the notion of Intensive Care and those who had their own experience with an intensive care workplace described the setting of the place as positive, which was a surprising finding. However, we also found out the respondents of our survey still lack information, and they would, therefore, appreciate to receive an information leaflet whenever entering into contact with an intensive care...

Srovnání znalostí složek IZS u laické a odborné veřejnosti / Comparison of knowledge of the general and professional public about the IRS

VINCÍK, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
To meet the objectives set by the thesis it was needed to carry out structural analysis of the Integrated Rescue System. Based on this analysis, statistical survey using descriptive methods and mathematical statistics was conducted. Statistical survey is based on the results of the questionnaire survey carried out in two groups of respondents from both the general and professional public. The respondents were chosen as a representative sample of citizens of the district Strakonice, which was specified in a separate chapter. The presence of the normal distribution of knowledge in the general public was then verified, on the contrary, in the professional public the presence of Poisson distribution was surveyed. The difference in the level of knowledge between the two groups of respondents was determined. To achieve the set objectives of the research three hypotheses were established: H1. The empirical distribution of knowledge of the general public can be replaced by the normal distribution at the level of mathematical statistics. H2. The empirical distribution of knowledge of the professional public is more remote to the normal distribution due to a higher level of knowledge. H3. There is a statistically significant difference between the knowledge of both groups of respondents. All 3 hypotheses were verified and accepted, with a positive result confirming the established hypotheses. In the "Discussion", analysis of the obtained results and confirmation of the established hypotheses H1, H2 and H3, together with proposed measures that could increase knowledge of the IRS in both groups of respondents, is presented.

Informovanost dospělých obyvatel správního obvodu obce s rozšířenou působností, Jilemnice o možnosti vzniku a správných zásad počínání při mimořádné události přírodního charakteru. / Adults's knowledge about possibility of natural emergency event occurance in Jilemnice and it's surroundings. Know-how in right behavior and treatment.

VOHNOUTOVÁ, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
Natural emergency events endanger mankind since ever. Jilemnice - municipality with extended competence - is located in Podkrkonoší. This town should be prepared for any unexpected event. Every season brings risk, especially in this "close to mountain" area. Town is endangered by snowstorms in the winter and subsequently floods, caused by melting snow in the spring. We can´t stop it, we can only minimize effects. Information / knowledge is the most important aspect for proper and prompt decision, that affects our life, health and property. Studying and preparing the theoretical part was basic task for realizing the goal of his thesis. Theory consists of natural emergency events typology and principles of proper behavior. Below short area description of municipality with extended competence called Jilemnice. According to information found during theoretical preparation, questionaire was created and consequently introduced to the respondents - adult inhabitants of Jilemnice. Participants were chosen in quota sampling in conjunction with local authonomy specialist. We chose 100 laymen, split into 50 men and 50 women. There were two hypotheses set to reach the goal of my work - basic (H) and partial (H1) formulated below: H) Adult Jilemnice´s inhabitants (laics) knowledge matches Gaussian distribution. H1) There is only [alpha]= 0,05 statistic difference between men´s and women´s knowledge, when talking about natural events problem. Hypothesis and its partial hypothesis were determined per descriptive and mathematical statistics, through following steps: formulation, scaling, measuring, elementary statistical processing. Then within nonparametical testing 7 identical density intervals were defined. [chí2] test / good accordance test using [chí2]teor and [chí2]exp comparison, second normality test inclusive integral calculation was selected (using u variable, primitive function F(ui) and statistical tables) to validate/disprove the hypothesis. Double-selection test was used to disprove partial hypothesis, per empiric argument [mí1]=O1 or [sigma2] and external theoretical data [mí2] and [sigma2] comaprison. Basic hypothesis was proved and accepted. Adults in Jilemnice are informed as presumed, knowledge matches Gaussian/normal distribution. Partial hypothesis wasn´t proved. We expected difference between men and women knowledge in natural emergency event occurence and best practice of treatment. This is surprise according to the first premise.

Komplexní péče o člověka s Alzheimerovou nemocí / Comprehensive care of person with Alzheimer's disease

ŘEHOŘOVÁ, Andrea January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comprehensive care for a person with Alzheimer`s disease. As the population gets old, also the number of people with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease has been growing. Pursuant the survey, approx. 5 % population in the age of 65 years suffers from the middle up to high degree of dementia; thereof the Alzheimer{\crq}s disease represents 50{--}60 %. Its frequency roughly doubles every five years. Alzheimer{\crq}s disease is approximately the fourth most frequent cause of all the death cases. The main goals is to find out the extent of knowledge of lay public about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease in the South Bohemian region. Hereby we mean the information about the care, possibilities of healing, symptoms and prevention of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. In connection with these goals the H1 hypothesis was postulated: The lay public was informed of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. For achieving the given goal, the method of questioning, the technology of the questionnaire was used. 280 questionnaires were distributed among the persons older than 18 years and they were returned in 86 %. In total, 241 questionnaires were filled in, thereof 230 were filled in correctly and also evaluated. As the most important questions for confirming or not confirming the hypothesis the author determined questions concerning the knowledge of the AD treatment, AD symptoms, knowledge of facilities, consulting centre as well as other activities for the people with AD, occurrence of AD and forms of treatment. It followed from the results that H1 hypothesis was not confirmed. Two partial targets were postulated for the given issue for the completeness sake. The first partial target was to describe the medically social issue of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease including its impact on all the spheres of the life of man: i.e. biological, psychological as well as social spheres. The second partial goal concerned the survey of services for persons with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease and their families in the South Bohemian Region. This thesis may be utilized in future as source of information about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease for the students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies in České Budějovice and for persons from the lay public who would like to learn more of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease.

Analýza miskoncepcí v první pomoci u pedagogů a veřejnosti v ČR / Analysis of Misconceptions with Regard of First Aid Topic among Teachers and General Population of Czech Republic

Křečková, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
First aid is defined as a set of simple procedures that effectively reduce the extants or consequences of the threats to health or life. The first aid procedures are defined in the so- called Guidelines published by the European Resuscition Council (ERC) every five years. Even so, wrong procedures and myths are still present in the population. These could endanger peoples' health or cause death. In this diploma thesis, these incorrect procedures are called misconceptions. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the present misconceptions among general population and teachers in the Czech Republic, their dispersion and sources. The outcomes of this study are compared with results of the Czech Elementary school and Grammar school teachers determined by Zvěřinová (2018). Secondary aim is to analyze dissemination of misconceptions among the respondents from general public that had some first aid training in their life and to find out, if the extant of the training is relevant. Also, the level of first aid training at all levels of education is assessed. The research was realized by an online questionnaire. The main part of the questionnaire contains 10 case studies and the respondents decide on accuracy of the given solutions. The research sample consists of 1 046 respondents from three categories...

Znalost první pomoci u osobních asistentů / Personal assistent's knowledge of first aid

Zdychyncová, Dorota January 2020 (has links)
Title: Personal assistent'sknowledge of first aid. Objectives: The aim of this master thesis was to determine the personal assistant's knowledge of first aid in selected situations. Methods: An anonymous survey was used to determine the personal assistant'sknowledge of first aid. The questions were created on the basis of Barbora Studená'sbachelor thesis and on the basis of information obtained from centres or organization providing personal assistance. The webside Survio.com was used for data collection. Personal assistants who work or have worked in the social services sector were in the target group. A total of 54 respondents participated in the research. The data were processed into graphs and evaluated. Results: Out of the total number 54 (100 %, 46 (85 %) of respondents got above 13-point limit in the survey focused on their knowledge of first aid. Personal assistant's knowledge was evaluated as positive. From the results, we can also assume that the length of action and practical experience in personal assistance has an impact on the subjective assessment of self- confidence in providing first aid. Keywords: lay first aid, Personal assistant service, civil illness, people with special needs

Srovnání znalostí z teorie elektromagnetického pole u laiků a odborníků v rámci civilní nouzové připravenosti / The comparison of knowledge of electromagnetic field theory for laymen and experts within the civil emergency preparedness

VESELÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The thesis "Comparison of knowledge of electromagnetic field theory of the laity and experts in the context of civil emergency preparedness" to put three goals: 1. The formation of the structure of an electromagnetic field for experts. 2. The reaching of the comparison of knowledge among experts and laymen. 3. Statistical processing of the results. The author has set the following hypotheses: H1. Theoretical distribution of knowledge in a sample of the general public will have a normal distribution . H2. Theoretical distribution of knowledge in a sample of professional community will not have a normal distribution. H3. The comparison of knowledge among the experts and the laymen will lead to an alternative hypothesis. The thesis was based on the knowledge of the theory curricular process. On the basis of this theory was made up not only the structure of the electromagnetic field, but also the questionnaire. An important step in this thesis was the creating a model structure of electromagnetic field . The structure was based on an analysis of the scientific system - the system of educational programs in the field of civil protection.The same structure was applied to the general public. An important step was to compare the knowledge of protect the population from experts and laymen. This issue has not been investigated in detail and it did not compare the knowledge of laymen and experts in the studied physics. The idea came from the possibility of extraordinarily events where respondents can meet with electromagnetic fields and will need the relevant theoretical knowledge. The aim was to the statistical evaluate of the applied questionnaires. There were applied nonparametric and parametric testing as the verification methods. The theoretical division of knowledge of experts is supposed Poisson distribution, on the contrary, the theoretical division of the general public should have a normal distribution. There was also compared the difference between knowledge of laymen and professionals. The using of the statistical methods have been received and confirmed the hypothesis and the thesis goals were fulfilled.

Srovnání znalostí laické a odborné veřejnosti z jaderné fyziky pro ochranu obyvatelstva / Comparison of knowledge from nuclear physics for protection of inhabitants at laical and expert community

BARTOŇOVÁ, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis was to achieve comparison of knowledge of nuclear physics for population protection between general and professional public. This idea is based on the assumption of the possible existence of extraordinary events with occurring ionizing radiation and for this reason it is necessary to train specialists for the eventuality of these cases. These professionals should have wider knowledge of nuclear physics than general lay population. This issue has not been examined with lay and professional public yet, as well as there has been no comparison of the two listed groups. Another objective of this thesis was to structure the basics of nuclear physics for workers in civil protection training. For this purpose, the author of this work created a model of nuclear physics, reflecting the basic knowledge of nuclear physics, based on the analysis of the curricula for the IRS. The author explored the forms of studies of university program for the public protection, of members of the Fire and Rescue Service, of university study program for paramedics, of staff of the Anti-organised crime department of Police of the Czech Republic and of the Customs Administration. The analysis showed the widest expected range of knowledge at the technicians of the Chemical Service of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic (the chemist), who are professionally trained in the handling of hazardous substances and ionizing radiation sources. These members have become the monitored representatives for the professional community in the survey of this thesis. Lay general public was represented by people from the social circle of the author of this work, i.e. they were an unrepresentative sample of the general public. The theory of physics curricular process was also used, the application of which served to create an alternative test from nuclear physics, which was presented to the respondents. The questionnaires were filled in by 52 technicians of the Chemical Service of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech republic from different parts of the country and by 50 people of the lay public. It should be noted that the questionnaire was created considering the training of the technicians of the Chemical Service, in which nuclear physics has only a supporting role. One of the objectives of the thesis also included the subsequent statistical evaluation of the applied tests of the knowledge of nuclear physics. For validating mainly the non-parametric and parametric hypotheses tests were used. For the theoretical division of knowledge among professionals the existence of the Poisson distribution (the distribution of "rare" cases) was assumed and the theoretical division of investigating the general public should be close to a normal distribution. Also the difference between the knowledge of laymen and experts was investigated. To meet the defined objectives of this work three hypotheses were set, for their verification the methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics were used. Hypotheses were set as follows: H1. Theoretical distribution of knowledge among the general public will be close to normal distribution. H2. Theoretical distribution of knowledge among professionals will not have a normal distribution. H3. Comparison of knowledge in both groups by using the parametric tests will lead to the adoption of alternative hypothesis. All three defined hypotheses were verified via statistical survey and accepted positively. The test, however, does not show the ability or inability of the tested experts to carry out practical tasks associated with their profession. This thesis only aimed to discover theoretical knowledge of nuclear physics, which is based on the theoretical assumption that specialists dealing with adverse events with occurring ionizing radiation pass through a variety of specialized courses that include introduction to the theory of nuclear physics.

Přístup laické a odborné veřejnosti v Plzni k problematice znásilnění / The approach of the lay and professional public in Pilsen to the issue of rape

Hrušková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis was to analyze the views of the general public and professionals in the city of Pilsen on the issue of rape using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative section of the research was supported by interviews with qualified employees of Bílý kruh bezpečí, People in need Czech republic, Občanská poradna Plzeň, crisis centre Plus pro lidi v krizové situace, employee of the Probation and Mediation Service in Pilsen, patrolmen and detectives from the Criminal Police department in Pilsen. The following quantitative research was conducted using method of questionnaire survey with participants from the general public. The research was focused primarily on prosecution strategies in rape cases, general knowledge of sexual assault crime laws in Czech Republic, overal awareness of the issue and interest in further education on the topic from both general public and professionals. The theoretical part of the thesis was focused on the term of rape and its history, myths about rape, the victim and the offender, laws regarding rape in the Czech Republic and the methods of investigation of rape cases. The thesis also presents relevant statistic data on the subject matter, common practice and casuistry examples from other countries and also includes...

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