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The Gold King Mine Spill: Can it Impact Water Users below the Lake Power Reservoir and Yuma Farmers?Artiola, J.F., Chief, K., Beamer, P., Wilkinson, S., Maier, R.M., Rock, C., Sanchez, C. 04 1900 (has links)
4 pp. / On Wednesday August 5, 2015, during an EPA mine site investigation of the Gold King Mine near Silverton, CO, heavy equipment caused an unexpected release of acid mine drainage trapped inside a mine tunnel. A sample of the water was analyzed and found to contain several heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium. This publication describes the event and evaluates the potential impact to water users below the Lake Powell Reservois and Arizona Farmers.
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Lake Powell Food Web Structure: Predicting Effects of Quagga MusselVerde, Joshua A. 01 April 2017 (has links)
Food webs in aquatic ecosystems can be dramatically altered by invasive species. Quagga mussels are prevalent invaders that compete with existing species and disrupt nutrient cycling. In 2012, the Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformus bugensis) was introduced into Lake Powell and is expected to move throughout the reservoir in the near future. Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool for characterizing food webs and trophic interactions. To predict the long-term effects of Quagga Mussels, we used stable isotope analysis of primary producers, primary consumers, prey fish species, and predator fish species in Lake Powell to determine food web structure. Quagga Mussel are positioned to disrupt the pelagic arm of the food web by interfering with the link between phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton. This will likely have negative impacts on pelagic fish such as striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense). Quagga Mussel may also boost benthic productivity in the littoral zone by diverting nutrients from the water column to the benthos. This may have positive impacts on littoral fishes such as largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus).
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Collaborative Research on Assessment of Man's Activities on the Lake Powell RegionAnderson, Orson L. 10 December 1971 (has links)
First Progress Report, Period Covered June 14, 1971-November 15, 1971, for the "Lake Powell Project", Collaborative Research on Assessment of Man's Activities on the Lake Powell Region, to National Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs (RANN), Division of Environment Systems & Resources.
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Fluvial Systems Tied Together Through a Common Base Level: The Geomorphic Response of the Dirty Devil River, North Wash Creek, and the Colorado River to the Rapid Base Level Drop of Lake PowellMajeski, Adam L. 01 May 2009 (has links)
Fluvial adjustment to base level change has its roots in the fundamental concepts of geomorphology. This thesis explores the rate of erosion and sedimentation on the Colorado and Dirty Devil rivers and North Wash Creek under the current base level changes related to the drawdown conditions of Lake Powell. Through cross section and long profile resurveys, the current state of each system is captured and added to the historic record of sedimentation in Lake Powell. All three systems are generally forming narrow and deep incised channels driven by the rapid rate of base level fall. Cross sections that deviate from this are due to site-specific factors, such as channel armoring, the presence of local base levels, or bedrock canyon width in relation to active channel width. In all systems, sediment is being transported through the establishing fluvial regime and is deposited at or below the new base level. This has caused rapid downstream progradation of each delta front. The volume of sediment accumulation and erosion and rates through time are calculated for each system. Deposit volume is proportional to each systems drainage basin area, as are the rates and magnitudes of deposition and erosion. The percentage of sediment eroded versus deposited shows an inverse relationship, with North Wash eroding the greatest percentage of its delta. Field observations and repeat photography on the distribution, orientation, and activity of lateral slumping and mud cracks identify that thick beds of fine-grained and cohesive silts and clays are necessary for these features to form. These features act to destabilize sediment and, in the case of bank failure, deliver it directly to the channel.
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Spawning and Early Life History of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) in Wahweap Bay, Lake PowellMiller, Kent D. 01 May 1971 (has links)
Spawning time and habitat of largemouth bass, survival of embryos, and growth and food habits of fingerlings were studied in 1968 and 1969 at Wahweap Bay, Lake Powell. Spawning began in mid- to late-April, when mean daily water temperature at nesting depths was 14.4-15.0 Centigrade (58-59 Fahreheit), and continued until mid-June. Most spawning took place on the northeast shore of the bay. Sandstone rubble was the most commonly used bottom type for nesting, either at the base of ledges or around large sandstone boulders. Mean nest depth increased from 1.63 meter to 4.54 meters (5.36 feet to 14.90 feet) in 1968 and from 1.51 meter to 2.93 meters (4.96 feet to 9.60 feet) in 1969, because bass sought the protection of ledges and boulders covered by continually rising water. Nearly all embryos required 4 days to hatch, and survival to hatching was 80.4 percent and 92.2 percent for 1968 and 1969, respectively. Growth of fingerlings was similar in both years and most rapid prior to August 1 in both years. Fingerlings from the 1969 year-class were longer than those from the 1968 year-class before August 21. Total length of bass on August 21 was 68.0 millimeters in both years but 86.5 millimeters and 80.2 millimeters on October 1 in 1968 and 1969, respectively. Growth may have been influenced by total temperature experience during the early part of the growing season but not during the latter part. Fingerlings ate mostly crustaceans, insects, and fish. Size of organisms eaten increased with increase in fingerling length, and fingerling bass fed selectively on larger Crustacea. Numbers of nests located and numbers of young-of-the-year taken in beach-seine catches indicated that the 1968 year-class was stronger than 1969. Estimated numbers of bass per 92.9 meters2 (1,000 feet2 ) seined varied from 0.82 to 3.39 in 1968 and from 0.23 to 2.65 in 1969. An index to year-class strength may be obtained from seine catches at any time of the summer after brood dispersal, but indices obtained in this study must be validated by determing the contribution of each year-class to the creel.
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A Lake Divided: Regional Shifts in Trophic Niche Structure of Lake Powell Fishes Corresponding to the Invasion of Quagga MusselsSt Andre, Nathan Richard 01 December 2020 (has links)
Introduced species can become invasive and cause catastrophic alterations to the system they invade. Both zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) have caused significant ecosystem alterations wherever they have invaded. These Dreissena species have caused changes in water quality and biodiversity and have disrupted energy pathways which can have cascading effects on other trophic levels. Recently quagga mussels invaded Lake Powell, a reservoir located in the southwestern USA, creating the possibility of a trophic cascade that could alter energy flow in the reservoir and change the trophic niche structure of the fishes in the lake. However, due to Lake Powell’s large size, dynamic nature, and complex hydrological structure, the effects of quagga mussels on fish species is uncertain. To determine impacts of quagga mussels on Lake Powell fishes, we quantified trophic niches of five species of sport fish over three years (2017-2019) using stable isotopes of nitrogen, δ15N, and carbon, δ13C. We test the following hypothesis: quagga mussels will cause a shift in trophic niche in more pelagic fishes such that pelagic fishes decrease in trophic position and shift toward use of more littoral energy. In addition, we compare the trophic niche of these species with a previous study on the trophic niche of fish in Lake Powell prior to full colonization of the lake by quagga mussels (2014-2015). In general, fish in the southern region of the lake exhibited a trend of decreasing δ15N suggesting decreasing trophic position and an enrichment of δ13C indicating a littoral energy shift in some species. Fish in the northern region of the lake exhibited a slight increase in trophic position and a shift towards pelagic energy across the same time period. These shifts support the hypothesis with pelagic fish experiencing a trophic niche shift, in the direction predicted, but only in the southern region of Lake Powell. Additionally, this shift is not exclusive to pelagic fish, but happened in all five species. Sediment laden input from the Colorado River may offset the impact of quagga mussels in the northern region of the lake resulting in observed regional differences.
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Modeling Dissolved Oxygen in Lake Powell using CE-QUAL-W2Williams, Nicholas Trevor 19 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Water quality models in the Colorado River Basin have been developed for the basin, river, and individual reservoirs. They are used to support water quality programs within the basin. The models are periodically reviewed and updated to improve the accuracy of simulations. Improving the usefulness of the Lake Powell model, one of the key reservoirs in the basin, is the subject of this study. Lake Powell is simulated using a hydrodynamic and water quality model, CE-QUAL-W2. Previously the model has been used at Lake Powell to simulate hydrodynamics, temperature, and total dissolved solids with a reasonable degree of accuracy. An additional parameter, dissolved oxygen, will be added to the simulations and then calibrated with observed data to verify accuracy. Dissolved oxygen distributions in Lake Powell vary seasonally and change under different hydrologic cycles. They are a function of physical, biological, and chemical processes. Few measurements of these processes in Lake Powell exist. To compensate for the lack of data an empirical method of loading oxygen demand to the model is developed and tested. Observed limnological processes in the reservoir guide the development of the empirical methods. The methods are then tested in 16 year model simulations and compared with dissolved oxygen measurements from the 16 year period. By accurately reproducing the dissolved oxygen distributions the Lake Powell model will have improved accuracy and also broaden its usefulness.
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Lake Powell Research Project: Hydrologic ResearchJacoby, Gordon C. 05 May 1973 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1973 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 4-5, 1973, Tucson, Arizona / The Lake Powell Research Project is investigating the effects of man's activities on the Southeastern Utah-Northeastern Arizona region. A major portion of this project is devoted to the hydrology of Lake Powell, the largest recent modification in the region. This hydrologic research is separated into the following subprojects and administrative institutions: Subprojects: Streamflow Trends, Evaporation, Bank Storage / Institution: University of California at Los Angeles. Subprojects: Sedimentation, Physical Limnology, Lake Geochemistry / Institution: Dartmouth College. The project is now concluding its first year of full-scale research effort. The UCLA subprojects are aimed at developing an overall water budget for the lake, both on an annual and long -term basis. The Streamflow_trends study indicates that the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) has shifted from a few extraordinarily wet decades in the early 1900's to several relatively dry decades up to the present. Evaporation efforts so far are toward installing a data collection system capable of furnishing data for mass-transfer and energy-budget calculations. The bank-storage study indicates that bank storage constitutes a large fraction of the impounded waters. Secondary as well as primary permeability may be of major importance in bank storage. The Evaporation and Bank Storage subprojects are working in close coordination with the Bureau of Reclamation. The Sedimentation subproject has shown that the rate may be in general agreement with earlier estimates from river flow and suspended sediment data. However, the distribution is affected by sediment dams formed by slumping of canyon wall material. Physical limnology studies indicate the presence of stratifications resulting from thermal and turbidity layers causing complex movements within the lake waters. Field and laboratory efforts in lake geochemical analyses indicate that the precipitation of calcium carbonate may be the most important chemical process in changing the water quality of the lake.
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