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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of aquatic systems and the re-occupation and settlement of the North European Plain during the Lateglacial

Bramham Law, Cassian January 2013 (has links)
The Lateglacial between ∼14,600 - 11,500 cal yr BP is characterised by the rapid fluctuation of climatic conditions following the termination of the Last Glacial Maximum. During this period, the North European Plain (NEP) was re-occupied and settled by hunter-gather groups utilising a succession of lithic technocomplexes. Contrasting models of population expansion exist to explain the re-occupation of the NEP by ∼14,600 cal yr BP. Both rapid climatic amelioration and increased food resource availability on the NEP are suggested as possible stimuli. Studies of food resource availability as a stimulus for re-occupation and settlement of the NEP have long been dominated by the prevailing view that large mammal hunting was the dominant subsistence strategy. A number of archaeological finds across the NEP however, suggest that the exploitation of aquatic resources such as fish may have played a role in a more varied subsistence strategy during the period ∼14,600 - 11,500 cal yr BP. This thesis sets out to examine the development of palaeolake systems and examine their potential as a resource base for Lateglacial hunter-gatherers. This is achieved through the analysis of sedimentary organic matter and cladoceran records from five Lateglacial sites in northern Germany and southern Denmark, providing important information on basin development and the presence or absence of fish. The results suggest that significant variability existed in the development and resource availability of the basins over a local scale. Observed variability in the organic matter and cladoceran records within chronozone boundaries suggests that the Lateglacial – Holocene development of aquatic systems across the NEP cannot be solely explained by external climate change, and that local environmental and ecological factors are likely to have played a major part in their development. This thesis demonstrates that the local variance in aquatic conditions and fish populations would have offered, at best, limited and ephemeral resource availability and were therefore unlikely to have formed a major resource base for hunter-gatherer groups across the NEP. It is more likely that lakes were exploited opportunistically and as such formed only a minor component of a subsistence strategy more focussed on large mammal hunting.

Lateglacial to Holocene climatic and environmental changes in Europe : multi-proxy studies on lake sediments along a transect from northern Italy to northeastern Poland

Lauterbach, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Sediment records of three European lakes were investigated in order to reconstruct the regional climate development during the Lateglacial and Holocene, to investigate the response of local ecosystems to climatic fluctuations and human impact and to relate regional peculiarities of past climate development to climatic changes on a larger spatial scale. The Lake Hańcza (NE Poland) sediment record was studied with a focus on reconstructing the early Holocene climate development and identifying possible differences to Western Europe. Following the initial Holocene climatic improvement, a further climatic improvement occurred between 10 000 and 9000 cal. a BP. Apparently, relatively cold and dry climate conditions persisted in NE Poland during the first ca. 1500 years of the Holocene, most likely due to a specific regional atmospheric circulation pattern. Prevailing anticyclonic circulation linked to a high-pressure cell above the remaining Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) might have blocked the eastward propagation of warm and moist Westerlies and thus attenuated the early Holocene climatic amelioration in this region until the final decay of the SIS, a pattern different from climate development in Western Europe. The Lateglacial sediment record of Lake Mondsee (Upper Austria) was investigated in order to study the regional climate development and the environmental response to rapid climatic fluctuations. While the temperature rise and environmental response at the onset of the Holocene took place quasi-synchronously, major leads and lags in proxy responses characterize the onset of the Lateglacial Interstadial. In particular, the spread of coniferous woodlands and the reduction of detrital flux lagged the initial Lateglacial warming by ca. 500–750 years. Major cooling at the onset of the Younger Dryas took place synchronously with a change in vegetation, while the increase of detrital matter flux was delayed by about 150–300 years. Complex proxy responses are also detected for short-term Lateglacial climatic fluctuations. In summary, periods of abrupt climatic changes are characterized by complex and temporally variable proxy responses, mainly controlled by ecosystem inertia and the environmental preconditions. A second study on the Lake Mondsee sediment record focused on two small-scale climate deteriorations around 8200 and 9100 cal. a BP, which have been triggered by freshwater discharges to the North Atlantic, causing a shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Combining microscopic varve counting and AMS 14C dating yielded a precise duration estimate (ca. 150 years) and absolute dating of the 8.2 ka cold event, both being in good agreement with results from other palaeoclimate records. Moreover, a sudden temperature overshoot after the 8.2 ka cold event was identified, also seen in other proxy records around the North Atlantic. This was most likely caused by enhanced resumption of the MOC, which also initiated substantial shifts of oceanic and atmospheric front systems. Although there is also evidence from other proxy records for pronounced recovery of the MOC and atmospheric circulation changes after the 9.1 ka cold event, no temperature overshoot is seen in the Lake Mondsee record, indicating the complex behaviour of the global climate system. The Holocene sediment record of Lake Iseo (northern Italy) was studied to shed light on regional earthquake activity and the influence of climate variability and anthropogenic impact on catchment erosion and detrital flux into the lake. Frequent small-scale detrital layers within the sediments reflect allochthonous sediment supply by extreme surface runoff events. During the early to mid-Holocene, increased detrital flux coincides with periods of cold and wet climate conditions, thus apparently being mainly controlled by climate variability. In contrast, intervals of high detrital flux during the late Holocene partly also correlate with phases of increased human impact, reflecting the complex influences on catchment erosion processes. Five large-scale event layers within the sediments, which are composed of mass-wasting deposits and turbidites, are supposed to have been triggered by strong local earthquakes. While the uppermost of these event layers is assigned to a documented adjacent earthquake in AD 1222, the four other layers are supposed to be related to previously undocumented prehistorical earthquakes. / Sedimente aus drei europäischen Seen wurden untersucht um die regionale Klimaentwicklung während des Spätglazials und Holozäns und die Reaktion der Ökosysteme auf Klimaschwankungen und menschlichen Einfluss zu rekonstruieren sowie die regionalen Besonderheiten der spätquartären Klimaveränderungen in einen überregionalen Kontext zu setzen. Die Sedimente des Jezioro Hańcza (Nordostpolen) wurden im Hinblick auf die frühholozäne Klimaentwicklung und die Identifikation möglicher Unterschiede gegenüber Westeuropa untersucht. Im Anschluss an die Erwärmung zu Beginn des Holozäns konnte eine weitere Verbesserung der Klimabedingungen zwischen 10 000 und 9000 Jahren vor heute nachgewiesen werden. Offensichtlich herrschten in Nordostpolen während der ersten 1500 Jahre des Holozäns noch relative kalte und trockene Klimabedingungen, höchstwahrscheinlich als Resultat besonderer regionaler atmosphärischer Zirkulationsverhältnisse. Eine antizyklonale Zirkulationszelle als Resultat eines Hochdruckgebiets über dem Rest des Skandinavischen Eisschilds verhinderte wahrscheinlich das Vordringen warmer und feuchter Luftmassen aus Westen und verursachte damit eine Abschwächung der frühholozänen Klimaverbesserung in dieser Region bis zum endgültigen Zerfall des Eisschilds, was grundsätzlich von der frühholozänen Klimaentwicklung in Westeuropa abweicht. Die spätglazialen Sedimente des Mondsees (Oberösterreich) wurden im Hinblick auf die regionale Klimaentwicklung und die Reaktion des Ökosystems auf abrupte Klimaschwankungen untersucht. Während die Erwärmung zu Beginn des Holozäns von einer zeitgleichen Reaktion des Ökosystems begleitet wurde, war die Reaktion des Ökosystems auf die Erwärmung zu Beginn des Spätglazials deutlich verzögert. Insbesondere die Ausbreitung von Nadelwäldern und die Reduktion des klastischen Eintrags folgten der spätglazialen Erwärmung erst mit einer Verzögerung von ca. 500–750 Jahren. Die Abkühlung zu Beginn der Jüngeren Dryas war durch eine deutliche Synchronizität zwischen Temperatur- und Vegetationsänderung gekennzeichnet, wohingegen der Anstieg des klastischen Eintrags erst 150–300 Jahre verzögert folgte. Eine komplexe Reaktion des Ökosystems zeigt sich auch während kurzfristiger spätglazialer Klimaschwankungen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass abrupte Klimaveränderungen durch komplexe und zeitlich variable Reaktionsmuster des Ökosystems gekennzeichnet sind, die hauptsächlich von dessen Klimasensitivität und den ökologischen Ausgangsbedingungen abhängen. Eine zweite Studie an den Sedimenten des Mondsees konzentrierte sich auf zwei Klimaschwankungen vor ca. 8200 und 9100 Jahren, für die Schmelzwassereintrag in den Nordatlantik und ein damit verbundenes Zusammenbrechen der thermohalinen Zirkulation als Ursache angesehen wird. Durch Warvenzählungen und 14C-Datierungen konnten sowohl die Dauer (ca. 150 Jahre) als auch das absolute Alter der Kältephase vor ca. 8200 Jahren zuverlässig bestimmt werden, welche in guter Übereinstimmung mit Resultaten aus anderen Paläoklimaarchiven stehen. Darüber hinaus wurde eine kurze Warmphase direkt im Anschluss an das Abkühlungsereignis identifiziert, die auch in anderen Klimaarchiven im nordatlantischen Raum nachweisbar ist. Diese wurde wahrscheinlich durch ein Wiedererstarken der thermohalinen Zirkulation verursacht, welches darüber hinaus eine Verschiebung ozeanischer und atmosphärischer Frontsysteme zur Folge hatte. Obwohl andere Klimaarchive auch nach dem Abkühlungsereignis vor ca. 9100 Jahren auf ein Wiedererstarken der thermohalinen Zirkulation hindeuten, finden sich in den Sedimenten des Mondsees keine Anzeichen für eine solche Wärmeperiode, was die Komplexität des globalen Klimasystems verdeutlicht. Die holozänen Sedimente des Lago d’Iseo (Norditalien) wurden im Hinblick auf die regionale Erdbebenaktivität und den Einfluss von Klima und Mensch auf Erosionsprozesse im Einzugsgebiet und den klastischen Eintrag in den See untersucht. Zahlreiche kleinere detritische Lagen in den Sedimenten spiegeln Eintrag durch extreme Oberflächenabflussereignisse wieder. Während des Früh- und Mittelholozäns zeigt sich eine deutliche Übereinstimmung zwischen erhöhtem klastischen Eintrag und kühleren und feuchteren Klimaverhältnissen, was auf einen dominanten Einfluss der natürlichen Klimavariabilität hindeutet. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Phasen erhöhten klastischen Eintrags während des Spätholozäns teilweise auch eine Korrelation mit erhöhter Siedlungsaktivität, was die Komplexität der Einflüsse auf Erosionsprozesse im Einzugsgebiet verdeutlicht. Darüber hinaus konnten auch fünf größere Ereignislagen nachgewiesen werden, welche durch Rutschmassen und Turbidite gekennzeichnet sind und für die lokale Erdbeben als Ursache vermutet werden. Die jüngste Ereignislage kann mit einem historisch dokumentierten proximalen Erdbeben im Jahr AD 1222 korreliert werden. Für die anderen vier Ereignislagen werden bisher undokumentierte prähistorische Erdbeben als Ursache angenommen.

The Chronology of Abrupt Climate Change and Late Upper Palaeolithic Human Adaptation in Europe

Blockley, S.P.E., Blockley, S.M., Donahue, Randolph E., Lane, C.S., Lowe, J.J., Pollard, A. Mark January 2006 (has links)
No / his paper addresses the possible connections between the onset of human expansion in Europe following the Last Glacial Maximum, and the timing of abrupt climate warming at the onset of the Lateglacial (Bölling/Allerød) Interstadial. There are opposing views as to whether or not human populations and activities were directly forced by climate change, based on different comparisons between archaeological and environmental data. We review the geochronological assumptions and approaches on which data comparisons have been attempted in the past, and argue that the uncertainties presently associated with age models based on calibrated radiocarbon dates preclude robust testing of the competing models, particularly when comparing the data to non-radiocarbon-based timescales such as the Greenland ice core records. The paper concludes with some suggestions as to the steps that will be necessary if more robust tests of the models are to be developed in the future.

Palaeoenvironment in North-Western Romania during the last 15 000 years

Feurdean, Angelica January 2004 (has links)
<p>The objectives of this thesis are to establish a chronological framework for environmental changes during the last 15,000 years in northwest Romania, to reconstruct the vegetation development, and to evaluate the underlying processes for forest dynamics. Furthermore, an overview of earlier and ongoing pollenstratigraphic work in Romania is provided. </p><p>Sediments from two former crater lakes, Preluca Tiganului and Steregoiu, situated in the Gutaiului Mountains, on the western extremity of the Eastern Carpathians at 730 m and 790 m a.s.l., respectively were obtained and analysed for high-resolution pollen, macrofossils, charcoal, mineral magnetic parameters and organic matter. The chronostratigraphic framework was provided by dense AMS <sup>14</sup>C measurements. </p><p>Cold and dry climatic conditions are indicated by the occurrence of open vegetation with shrubs and herbs, and cold lake water prior to 14,700 cal. yr BP. The climatic improvement at the beginning of the Lateglacial interstadial (around 14,700 cal. yr BP) is seen by the development of open forests. These were dominated by <i>Pinus</i> and <i>Betula</i>, but contained also new arriving tree taxa, such as <i>Populus</i>, <i>Alnus</i> and <i>Prunus</i>. The gradual establishment of forests may have led to a stabilization of the soils in the catchment. Between ca. 14,100 and 13,800 cal. yr BP the forest density became reduced to stands of <i>Pinus</i>, <i>Betula</i>, <i>Alnus</i>, <i>Larix</i> and <i>Populus</i> trees and grassland expanded, suggesting colder climatic conditions. <i>Picea</i> arrived as a new taxon at around 13,800 cal. yr BP, and between 13,800 and 12,900 cal. yr BP, the surroundings of the sites were predominantly covered by <i>Picea </i>forest. This forest included <i>Betula</i>, <i>Pinus</i>, <i>Alnus</i>, <i>Larix</i> and <i>Populus</i> and, from 13,200 cal. yr BP onwards also <i>Ulmus</i>. At ca. 12,900 cal. yr BP, the forest became significantly reduced and at 12,600 cal. yr BP, a recurrence of open vegetation with stands of <i>Larix</i>, <i>Pinus</i>, <i>Betula</i>, <i>Salix</i> and <i>Alnus</i> is documented, lasting until 11,500 cal. yr BP. This distinct change in vegetation may by taken as a strong decline in temperature and moisture availability.</p><p>At the transition to the Holocene, at ca. 11,500 cal. yr BP, <i>Pinus</i>, <i>Betula</i> and <i>Larix</i> quickly expanded (from small local stands) and formed open forests, probably as a response to warmer and more humid climatic conditions. At 11,250 cal. yr BP<i> Ulmus</i> and <i>Picea</i> expanded and the landscape became completely forested. The rapid increase of <i>Ulmus</i> and <i>Picea</i> after 11,500 cal. yr BP may suggest the existence of small residual populations close to the study sites during the preceding cold interval. <i>Ulmus</i> was the first and most prominent deciduous taxa in the early Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains. From ca. 10,750 cal. yr BP onwards <i>Quercus,</i> <i>Tilia</i>, <i>Fraxinus </i>and <i>Acer</i> expanded and <i>Corylus</i> arrived. A highly diverse, predominantly deciduous forest with <i>Ulmus</i>, <i>Quercus</i>, <i>Tilia</i>,<i> Fraxinus</i>, <i>Acer</i>, <i>Corylus</i> and <i>Picea</i> developed between 10,700 and 8200 cal. yr BP, which possibly signifies more continental climatic conditions. The development of a <i>Picea-Corylus</i> dominated forest between 8200 and 5700 cal. yr BP is likely connected to a more humid and cooler climate. The establishment of <i>Carpinus</i> and <i>Fagus</i> was dated to 5750 cal. yr BP and 5200 cal. yr BP, respectively. The dominance of <i>Fagus</i> during the late Holocene, from 4000 cal. yr BP onwards, may have been related to cooler and more humid climatic conditions. First signs of human activities are recorded around 2300 cal. yr BP, but only during the last 300 years did local human impact become significant. </p><p>The vegetation development recorded in the Gutaiului Mountains during the Lateglacial is very similar to reconstructions based on lowland sites, whereas higher elevation sites seem not to have always experienced visible vegetation changes. The time of tree arrival and expansion during the past 11,500 cal. yr BP seems to have occurred almost synchronously across Romania. The composition of the forests during the Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains is consistent with that reconstructed at mid-elevation sites, but differs from the forest composition at higher elevations. Important differences between the Gutaiului Mountains and other studied sites in Romania are a low representation of <i>Carpinus </i>and a late and weak human impact. </p><p>The available data sets for Romania give evidence for the presence of coniferous and cold-tolerant deciduous trees before 14,700 cal. yr BP. Glacial refugia for <i>Ulmus</i> may have occurred in different parts of Romania, whereas the existence of <i>Quercu</i>s, <i>Tilia</i>, <i>Corylus</i> and <i>Fraxinus</i> has not been corroborated. </p>

Trajectoires et processus fluviaux dans la moyenne vallée du Cher du Tardiglaciaire à la période actuelle : métamorphose fluviale, réponses aux forçages sociétaux et ajustements des chenaux et des bras mort / Evolution of the fluvial system in the Middle Cher River valley from the Lateglacial to current period

Vayssière, Anaëlle 03 December 2018 (has links)
Ces recherches visent à développer une approche intégrée des processus d’évolution d’une vallée fluviale en relation avec les facteurs de contrôles climato-anthropiques. Cette étude est sur deux sites de la moyenne vallée du Cher. L’objectif est de caractériser la sensibilité des milieux fluviaux aux variations climatiques majeures de la transition Tardiglaciaire-Holocène ancien et aux variations plus modestes de l’Holocène récent mais également d’appréhender les réponses à l’impact des sociétés du passé depuis le Néolithique. Les résultats mettent en lumière deux temporalités principales. Tout d’abord, la transition du Tardiglaciaire à l’Holocène (15 000- 11 5000 cal. BP) traduit un contrôle climatique à l’origine d’une métamorphose du style fluvial caractérisée par le passage d’un cours à chenaux multiples à une rivière méandriforme. La seconde moitié de l’Holocène correspond à une période de forte mobilité des méandres au sein de la plaine d’inondation. Cette mobilité très importante des chenaux observée jusqu’au milieu du Moyen-Age contraste très fortement avec la situation actuelle caractérisée par une très faible migration des méandres. Ce changement morphodynamique majeur est à mettre en relation avec des aménagements hydrauliques et proto-industriels installés dès la période médiévale. Cet équipement lourd et densément réparti le long du cours d’eau constitue une véritable entrave à la mobilité de la rivière. Ces résultats mettent donc en évidence différents forçages. Ainsi les variables de contrôle sont d’ordre climatique durant la majeure partie de l’Holocène et le forçage d’origine anthropique reste modéré et discontinu. C’est à partir du milieu du Moyen-Age que le contrôle anthropique s’affirme pleinement jusqu’à modifier durablement les dynamiques hydrologiques et morphosédimentaires. / This research aims to provide an integrated approach to the evolution of a floodplain in relation to climatic and-anthropogenic controls. This study was conducted on two sites in the middle Cher valley. The objective is to characterize the sensitivity of river environments to major climatic variations of the Lateglacial-Holocene transition and to smoother variations of the recent Holocene, but also to understand the responses to the impact of societies since the Neolithic. The results highlight two main temporalities. First, the transition from the Lateglacial to the Holocene (15,000- 11,5000 cal. BP) reflects a climatic control that has led to a fluvial metamorphosis of the river pattern from a multi-channel to a meandering river. The second half of the Holocene corresponds to a period of high meander mobility within the floodplain. This very high channel mobility observed up to the middle of the Middle Ages contrasts very strongly with the current situation, which is characterized by very low migration rate. This major morphodynamic change is to be linked to hydraulic and proto-industrial structures installed since the medieval period. This heavy and densely distributed equipment along the river is a strong obstacle to the mobility of the river. These results therefore highlight different forcings. Thus, the control are of a climatic nature during most of the Holocene and anthropogenic forcing remains moderate and discontinuous. It was from the middle of the Middle Ages that anthropogenic control became fully established until it permanently modified hydrological and morphosedimentary dynamics.

Palaeoenvironment in North-Western Romania during the last 15 000 years

Feurdean, Angelica January 2004 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis are to establish a chronological framework for environmental changes during the last 15,000 years in northwest Romania, to reconstruct the vegetation development, and to evaluate the underlying processes for forest dynamics. Furthermore, an overview of earlier and ongoing pollenstratigraphic work in Romania is provided. Sediments from two former crater lakes, Preluca Tiganului and Steregoiu, situated in the Gutaiului Mountains, on the western extremity of the Eastern Carpathians at 730 m and 790 m a.s.l., respectively were obtained and analysed for high-resolution pollen, macrofossils, charcoal, mineral magnetic parameters and organic matter. The chronostratigraphic framework was provided by dense AMS 14C measurements. Cold and dry climatic conditions are indicated by the occurrence of open vegetation with shrubs and herbs, and cold lake water prior to 14,700 cal. yr BP. The climatic improvement at the beginning of the Lateglacial interstadial (around 14,700 cal. yr BP) is seen by the development of open forests. These were dominated by Pinus and Betula, but contained also new arriving tree taxa, such as Populus, Alnus and Prunus. The gradual establishment of forests may have led to a stabilization of the soils in the catchment. Between ca. 14,100 and 13,800 cal. yr BP the forest density became reduced to stands of Pinus, Betula, Alnus, Larix and Populus trees and grassland expanded, suggesting colder climatic conditions. Picea arrived as a new taxon at around 13,800 cal. yr BP, and between 13,800 and 12,900 cal. yr BP, the surroundings of the sites were predominantly covered by Picea forest. This forest included Betula, Pinus, Alnus, Larix and Populus and, from 13,200 cal. yr BP onwards also Ulmus. At ca. 12,900 cal. yr BP, the forest became significantly reduced and at 12,600 cal. yr BP, a recurrence of open vegetation with stands of Larix, Pinus, Betula, Salix and Alnus is documented, lasting until 11,500 cal. yr BP. This distinct change in vegetation may by taken as a strong decline in temperature and moisture availability. At the transition to the Holocene, at ca. 11,500 cal. yr BP, Pinus, Betula and Larix quickly expanded (from small local stands) and formed open forests, probably as a response to warmer and more humid climatic conditions. At 11,250 cal. yr BP Ulmus and Picea expanded and the landscape became completely forested. The rapid increase of Ulmus and Picea after 11,500 cal. yr BP may suggest the existence of small residual populations close to the study sites during the preceding cold interval. Ulmus was the first and most prominent deciduous taxa in the early Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains. From ca. 10,750 cal. yr BP onwards Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus and Acer expanded and Corylus arrived. A highly diverse, predominantly deciduous forest with Ulmus, Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus, Acer, Corylus and Picea developed between 10,700 and 8200 cal. yr BP, which possibly signifies more continental climatic conditions. The development of a Picea-Corylus dominated forest between 8200 and 5700 cal. yr BP is likely connected to a more humid and cooler climate. The establishment of Carpinus and Fagus was dated to 5750 cal. yr BP and 5200 cal. yr BP, respectively. The dominance of Fagus during the late Holocene, from 4000 cal. yr BP onwards, may have been related to cooler and more humid climatic conditions. First signs of human activities are recorded around 2300 cal. yr BP, but only during the last 300 years did local human impact become significant. The vegetation development recorded in the Gutaiului Mountains during the Lateglacial is very similar to reconstructions based on lowland sites, whereas higher elevation sites seem not to have always experienced visible vegetation changes. The time of tree arrival and expansion during the past 11,500 cal. yr BP seems to have occurred almost synchronously across Romania. The composition of the forests during the Holocene in the Gutaiului Mountains is consistent with that reconstructed at mid-elevation sites, but differs from the forest composition at higher elevations. Important differences between the Gutaiului Mountains and other studied sites in Romania are a low representation of Carpinus and a late and weak human impact. The available data sets for Romania give evidence for the presence of coniferous and cold-tolerant deciduous trees before 14,700 cal. yr BP. Glacial refugia for Ulmus may have occurred in different parts of Romania, whereas the existence of Quercus, Tilia, Corylus and Fraxinus has not been corroborated.

Chronostratigraphie et paléoenvironnements des fonds de vallée du bassin français de l'Escaut / Chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the valley bottoms of the French Scheldt river catchment

Deschodt, Laurent 03 October 2014 (has links)
Le Début Glaciaire peut être conservé à la faveur d’une protection par les loess postérieurs et la progradation des versants. Les dépôts de fonds de vallée antérieurs aux Weichselien sont rencontrés sous trois formes : (a) des nappes graveleuses accumulées en piedmont du haut-pays, (b) des dépôts eemiens isolés et à faible profondeur (c) des dépôts fluviatiles du Saalien et de l’Eemien à une vingtaine de mètres de profondeur dans la plaine de la Lys et dans la partie aval de la Deûle et de la Marque. Il s’agit alors du comblement de la «vallée flamande». La chronostratigraphie et les variations des pentes longitudinales du bed rock suggèrent une morphogenèse récente (depuis le Saalien). Une attention particulière a été portée aux enregistrements pléniglaciaires d’activités fluviatiles sur versant et dans les extrémités amont du réseau de talwegs. Les périodes du Pléniglaciaire inférieur et moyen weichseliens sont mal documentées. Des indices indirects suggèrent une forte activité fluviatile pendant le Pléniglaciaire inférieur. Quelques formations limoneuses enfouies dans les plaines sont attribuées au Pléniglaciaire Moyen. La base du Pléniglaciaire supérieur est érosive. La période se divise en : (a) une phase d’activité fluviatile intense, (b) à partir d’environ 22 ka, une forte rétractation du réseau hydrographique actif et un remblaiement fluvio-éolien massif. Un modèle d’évolution de petite vallée en zone loessique à la fin du Pléniglaciaire supérieur weichselien est proposé. Le Tardiglaciaire est principalement connu à travers les enregistrements complémentaires d’Houplin-Ancoisne et de Dourges. / Early Glacial layers can be preserved in favor of protection of the subsequent loess and progradation of slopes. The valley bottoms deposits anterior to the Weichselian can be of three different natures: (a) accumulations of gravel layers at the foot of hight country, (b) shallow isolated Eemian deposits, (c) Saalian and Eemian fluvial layer about twenty meters deep in the Leie river plain or in downstream section of the Deûle and Marque rivers. In this case, they fill the “Flemish valley”. The chronostratigraphy and changes of longitudinal bed rock slopes suggest a recent morphogenesis (since Saalian) propbablu related to the paleogeographic evolution of the North sea basin. Particular attention has been paid to records of fluvial activity on slopes and in the upstream extremities of the talwegs network. The lower and middle pleniglacial weichseliens are poorly documented. Indirect evidences suggest a strong fluvial activity during the Lower Pleniglacial. Some buried silt formations are attributed to the Middle Pleniglacial, without certainty. The lower limit of the Upper Pleniglacial is erosive. The Upper Pleniglacial is divided into: (a) a phase of intense fluvial activity, (b) from about 22 ka, a severe shrink of the active hydrographic network and a massive fluvio-aeolian filling. We propose a modele for the morphosedimentary evolution of a small valley in loess area context during the Weichselian Upper Pleniglacial. Lateglacial is mainly known through the complementary records of Houplin-Ancoisne and of Dourges.

A multiproxy palaeolimnological reconstruction of the nature and timing of climatic changes in the Northern Isles from the end of the last glaciation through the early Holocene

Kingsbury, Melanie Vanessa January 2017 (has links)
The Northern Isles are strongly influenced by changes in the North Atlantic Ocean atmosphere system and, as they project northwards from the British Isles, provide an ideal geographical opportunity to study changing climatic gradients during the last glacial/interglacial transition along with the detection of regime shifts. Three proxies, diatoms, pollen, and micro-XRF sediment chemistry, have been employed to explore the nature and timing of environmental changes within the water columns and the wider catchments of Loch of Sabiston, Orkney, and Loch of Clumlie and Loch of Grimsetter, Shetland to better understand the nature and timing of environmental change within and among the island groups. The records are constrained by radiocarbon dating, supported by tephrochronology, and the Greenland ice core chronology to enable the comparison of the records produced by this study with previous research in the North Atlantic region. The diatom and lithological results from Loch of Sabiston suggest early deglaciation at c. 23,000 cal BP followed by gradual warming (GI-1e) punctuated by the cooling events coeval with GS-1 and GI-1b. However, the pollen record reflects a lagged response in the development from colonising cold tolerant vegetation to more temperate shrub and woodland communities. The Oracadian signal is dominated by the switching on and off of the accumulation of marl which serves as a supporting indicator of warmer conditions. The Shetland landscape appears to have been deglaciated later at c. 16,400 cal BP, but also has clear representation of GI-1e and the cooling events of GI-1b and GS-1. Both the Shetland and Orkney records record the dramatic cooling of the Younger Dryas but also suggest a two stage change from colder and drier to colder and wetter conditions before the onset of the Holocene. Shetland appears to have experienced less extreme climatic changes in comparison to Orkney despite being in the same present phytogeographical region. This is likely due to the former persisting in the arctic domain and the latter being closer to the latitudinal shifts in the warmer ocean circulation of the North Atlantic during the LGIT. Comparison of the three proxies demonstrates that they may differ by several hundred years in their response to dramatic climatic changes and, therefore, highlights the strength of multi-proxy approaches to reconstructing Quaternary environments. Combining proxies such as diatom and μ-XRF scanning techniques will provide a greater understanding of the processes occurring during environmental change in this region.

A Lateglacial Paleofire Record for East-central Michigan

Ballard, Joanne P. 07 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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