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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nucleação da floresta com araucária sobre o campo : estratégias das plantas e os modelos de metacomunidades

Rech, Morgana January 2016 (has links)
A expansão da floresta sobre o campo, a partir do estabelecimento de araucárias isoladas (nucleação), forma uma paisagem única no planalto sul-brasileiro, sendo que o uso de uma abordagem de metacomunidades pode auxiliar a compreender melhor esse processo. Existem quatro modelos de metacomunidades que explicam a relação entre comunidades locais: dinâmica de manchas, seleção de espécies, efeitos de massa e neutro. Esses modelos possuem diferentes premissas quanto aos processos de nicho e de dispersão que atuam na dinâmica da metacomunidade. No entanto, há uma lacuna entre a teoria e o teste desses modelos em estudos empíricos. Uma forma de testar mais claramente esses modelos é através de uma abordagem funcional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a importância (i) de atributos relacionados às estratégias de dispersão e de crescimento das espécies, (ii) da abundância das espécies no pool regional e (iii) do tamanho da mancha, na organização de comunidades de indivíduos lenhosos juvenis em áreas de nucleação florestal sobre o campo, a fim de compreender quais modelos de metacomunidades melhor explicam esse processo. Para tanto, calculamos o CWM (Community Weighted Mean) e índices de diversidade funcional, considerando a ocorrência (sesFD) e a abundância (sesFDis) das espécies, para tamanho da semente e área foliar específica (SLA), em manchas florestais de distintos tamanhos e na floresta contínua adjacente ao campo, e testamos se as áreas diferem entre si de acordo com o tipo de ambiente. Avaliamos ainda se a abundância relativa das espécies nas áreas de nucleação é determinada pela abundância das mesmas na floresta contínua, através do uso dos modelos de Community Assembly by Trait Selection (CATS). Os resultados foram então comparados com o esperado para cada modelo de metacomunidade. A maior parte dos sítios apresentou índices de diversidade funcional para SLA e tamanho da semente de acordo com o esperado ao acaso. As áreas não diferiram quanto ao CWM para SLA. No entanto, foram observadas diferenças quanto ao CWM para o tamanho da semente, com o favorecimento de espécies com sementes menores em áreas mais abertas, e espécies com sementes maiores em áreas mais sombreadas. De acordo com os modelos CATS, a abundância das espécies no pool regional foi mais importante do que os atributos para a determinação da abundância das mesmas nas comunidades locais. Concluiu-se que o modelo de metacomunidades que melhor explica o processo de nucleação florestal sobre o campo no planalto das araucárias é o modelo de efeitos de massa, o que ressalta a importância da dispersão para a estruturação das comunidades locais. Como a maior parte das espécies lenhosas existentes na área possui dispersão zoocórica, esse resultado indica que a preservação da fauna dispersora é fundamental para a dinâmica desse ecossistema. Com o uso de uma abordagem funcional, em conjunto com os modelos CATS, foi possível testar os quatro modelos de metacomunidades. Assim, o método proposto pode ser aplicado a outros sistemas naturais, auxiliando na compreensão do funcionamento de diferentes metacomunidades. / The forest expansion over the grassland, from the establishment of isolated Araucaria (nucleation) forms a unique landscape in south brazilian plateau, and the use of a metacommunity approach can help to better understand this process. There are four metacommunity models that explain the relationship between local communities: patch-dynamics, species-sorting, mass-effects and neutral. These models have different assumptions about niche processes and dispersion that act in metacommunities dynamics. However, there is a gap between theory and the test of these models in empirical studies. One way to test these models more clearly is through a functional approach. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the importance of (i) attributes related to dispersion and growth species strategies, (ii) species abundance in the regional pool and (iii) patch size, on structuring communities of juvenile woody individuals in forest nucleation areas on the grassland in order to understand which metacommunity model explain this process. Therefore, we calculate the CWM (Community Weighted Mean) and functional diversity indices, considering species occurrence (sesFD) and abundance (sesFDis) for seed size and specific leaf area (SLA), in forest patches of different sizes and in adjacent continuous forest and tested if sites differ according to ambient. Further, we evaluated if species relative abundance in nucleation areas is determined by the abundance in the continuous forest, by the use of Community Assembly by Trait Selection (CATS) models. Then, we compared results with expected for each metacommunity model. Most of sites presented functional diversity values for SLA and seed size as expected by chance. Areas did not differ in CWM to SLA. However, we observed differences for CWM to seed size, favoring species with smaller seeds in more open areas, and species with larger seeds in more shaded areas. According to CATS models, species abundance in regional pool was more important than attributes to determine species abundance in local communities. We concluded that the metacommunity model that best explains forest nucleation on the grassland in Araucaria plateau is the mass-effects model, which emphasizes the importance of dispersion for structuring local communities. As most of existing woody species has zoochorous dispersion, this result indicates that preservation of disperser fauna is essential for ecosystem dynamic. By using a functional approach in combination with CATS models, it was possible to test the four metacommunity models. Thus, the method proposed in this work can be applied to other natural systems, helping understanding different metacommunities operation.

Avaliação de produtos do sensor MODIS para aplicações na estimativa de parâmetros biofísicos da cultura da soja no estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Evaluation of MODIS's products for applications in biophysical parameters estimation for soybean in State of Rio Grande do Sul

Jaboinski, Fernando Roberto January 2011 (has links)
Estimativas do rendimento da soja são informações importantes que podem auxiliar as instituições na tomada de decisão quanto à políticas de comercialização. São consideradas também, na liberação de recursos para o financiamento da produção e seguro agrícola. Modelos matemáticos, que se baseiam nas relações clima planta, denominados modelos agrometeorológicos, podem estimar o rendimento médio de grãos, através de dados meteorológicos e biofísicos da cultura, como exemplo: o IAF (Índice de área foliar) da soja pode ser associado ao Kc (Coeficiente de cultura) para estimar o estádio fenológico, e esta informação, ser associada à parametrização dos modelos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar as possibilidades de se utilizar imagens do sensor MODIS, para estimar parâmetros biofísicos da soja, aplicáveis à modelagem do rendimento de grãos. A área de estudo abrangeu a porção norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram obtidas as imagens do IAF, MOD15A2, e dos índices de vegetação NDVI (Índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada) e NDWI (Índice de umidade por diferença normalizada), do produto MOD13Q1. Foram analisadas duas safras: 2003/04 e 2004/05. O período de safra foi de 15 de outubro até 30 de abril. Foram geradas máscaras de cultivo para as safras, e aplicadas sobre as imagens. Inicialmente, foram comparadas as médias do IAF, MOD15A2, às outras estimativas do IAF obtidas a partir de funções de relação com o NDVI, e analisados os diagramas de dispersão para cinco datas. Então foi estimado o Kc_1 com as médias do IAF, MOD15A2, conforme Martorano (2007), e comparadas ao Kc_2 ajustado conforme Matzenauer, 2002. Foi calculado o balanço hídrico meteorológico da cultura a fim de se obter o Índice de Satisfação das Necessidades de Água das plantas (ISNA), sendo ISNA_1 considerando o Kc_1, e o ISNA_2, o Kc_2. Foram obtidos os índices de correlação entre o ISNA_1 e 2 e os índices NDVI e NDWI, para o ciclo completo da cultura e para períodos de baixo ISNA. Como resultado, o IAF, MOD15A2 apresentou coerência com a evolução do IAF durante o ciclo, porém, em média, apresentou valores inferiores aos observados por Fontana et al. (1992) e Martorano (2007). Já como estimador do Kc, apresentou coeficientes de variação inferiores ao observado no Kc_2. Observou-se também que no IAF, MOD15A2 ocorriam valores superestimados do Kc entre a semeadura e o máximo desenvolvimento, e após, subestimados, o que potencializou períodos de déficit hídrico acentuado durante a floração e enchimento de grãos, em ambas as safras. Já, avaliando os índices de correlação, o ISNA_1, apresentou correlações de maior significância com os índices de vegetação do que o ISNA_2. Com isso podemos supor que, mesmo o IAF, MOD15A2 não tendo apresentado valores compatíveis com os da soja, demonstrou maior significância nas correlações, o que indica que imagens MODIS, podem gerar estimativas adequadas tanto do IAF, quanto do Kc, e também, representar adequadamente as condições hídricas. É recomendável avaliar estimativas do IAF da soja, a partir de suas relações com o NDVI, a fim de se obter resultados compatíveis com a soja. / Estimates of soybean yield are useful information that can assist institutions in decisions related by commercial policies. It is considered also in financing of production and agricultural insurance. Mathematical models, which are based in clime plant relationship known as Agrometeorological Models, can provide an estimate for grain yield through meteorological and biophysical data correlated with the culture, as an example: the LAI (Leaf Area Index) of soybean can be related with the Kc (Culture's coefficient) to estimate the phenological stage, and this information, applied to model's parameters. The main objective of this work was evaluated of possibilities of MODIS's images, in estimation of biophysical parameters, which are applicable in yield's modeling for soybean. The studying area was a portion of northern of State of Rio Grande do Sul. Were obtained images from LAI, MOD15A2, and vegetation indexes, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) from MOD13Q1 product. Were analyzed two harvests: 2003/04 and 2004/05. The length of time for harvest was 15th October to 30th April. Soybean's areas was detected and masks were applied on the images. Firstly, were compared the means between LAI, MOD15A2 and two different methodologies of LAI's estimation based on relationship with NDVI. The scatter plots were discussed between LAI, MOD15A2 and other methodologies, for five key-dates. The culture's coefficient Kc_1 was estimated through LAI, MOD15A2, according to Martorano (2007), and compare with Kc_2, which were obtained from fitted culture's coefficient by Matzenauer (2002). The water balance were calculated aiming the index for Plant's water satisfaction needs (ISNA), which, ISNA_1 has considered the Kc_1, and ISNA_2, the Kc_2. Correlation indexes were obtained between ISNA_1 and 2, and vegetation indexes NDVI and NDWI, for the whole culture's cycle and specific periods of low ISNA. As results, LAI, MOD15A2, has presented coherence with soybean's cycle progress, however, as a rule, it presents lower values, comparing to Fontana et al. (1992) and Martorano (2007). Even now as a Kc's estimator, Kc_1 has presented lower variation's coefficient compared to Kc_2. Was observed also overrated in Kc_1 between the sowing to maximum development, and after, underestimated, what provokes periods of accented hydric deficiency during flowering and grain forming stages, in both harvests. Now, as to correlation's indexes, we observed more significance correlations between both vegetation's indexes and ISNA_1. This way, these results has indicated that remote sensing images can provide accurate estimates of IAF as much as Kc, and also indicate the hydric conditions of plants. It is recommended to improve the LAI's mean values on the images, exploring the relationship with NDVI, looking for adequate values for the case of soybean.

Resposta do almeirão (Cichorium intybus L.) cultivar \"folha larga\" cultivado em estufa agrícola sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação / Response of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) cultivar \"folha larga\" grown in greenhouse under different irrigation depths

Rafael Dreux Miranda Fernandes 24 April 2015 (has links)
O almeirão e produzido no Brasil principalmente por pequenos produtores, que geralmente produzem outras culturas hortícolas. O almeirão e principalmente utilizado na alimentação humana, porem com potencial para produção de inulina e também com potencial para alimentação animal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de porcentagens da evapotranspiração da cultura por irrigação na produção vegetal do almeirão cultivar \"Folha Larga\" cultivado em casa de vegetação. Dois experimentos consecutivos foram executados em delineamento de blocos inteiramente aleatorizados submetidos a cinco porcentagens de evapotranspiração de cultura (ETc): 60, 80, 100, 120 e 140% aplicadas por irrigação via gotejo. A área experimental foi constituída de 45 parcelas de 1,3 m2 cada, sendo que cada parcela possuía uma válvula solenoide para controlar o tempo de funcionamento da irrigação, totalizando nove repetições por tratamento. A umidade do solo foi monitorada por meio de três sondas de TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry), instaladas a 0,05, 0,30 e 0,50 m de profundidade. As condições meteorológicas foram monitoradas utilizando-se uma estação meteorológica, a qual registrava medidas de umidade relativa do ar, temperatura do ar, radiação solar e velocidade do vento, realizando medidas a cada segundo e armazenando os dados a cada 15 minutos. A partir dos dados meteorológicos, estimou-se a evapotranspiração de referencia pelo método de Penman-Monteith FAO-56, e a evapotranspiração da cultura, utilizando-se um coeficiente de cultura médio igual a 0,76. Foram realizados dois experimentos consecutivos, aplicando-se as porcentagens de ETc durante todo o cultivo do almeirão. As variáveis medidas e analisadas foram: altura de plantas (cm), numero de folhas por planta, massa fresca da parte aérea (g), massa fresca por folha (g folha-1), massa seca da parte aérea (g), umidade da parte aérea (%), área foliar (cm2), comprimento foliar (cm) e largura foliar. Utilizou-se os dados de cada tratamento para se realizar a analise de variância conjunta e teste de media ou analise de regressão, sendo que apenas para as variáveis de massa fresca e massa seca da parte aérea foi possível ajustar equações que representassem os dados médios dos dois experimentos. Observou-se que os dados de massa fresca da parte aérea apresentaram-se diretamente proporcionais ao aumento da porcentagem de evapotranspiração, sendo que o tratamento de 140% da ETc foi o que resultou em maior produção de massa fresca da parte aérea, aproximadamente 31,6% superior a produção do tratamento de 60% da ETC. Quanto aos dados de massa seca da parte aérea, observou-se que a porcentagem de 111,1% da evapotranspiração foi a que obteve maior produção de massa seca da parte aérea, sendo 29,3% maior do que a produção em massa seca do tratamento de 60% da evapotranspiração e 9,35% maior do que a obtida no tratamento de 140% da ETc. A partir dos dados de área foliar, comprimento e largura das folhas do primeiro experimento, foi possível ajustar quatro modelos com resíduos tendendo a normalidade e homocedásticos, os quais foram testados pelo método de Bland-Altman com os dados de área, comprimento e largura foliar do segundo experimento. / Chicory is grown in Brazil mainly by small landowners, which usually product other horticultural crops. Chicory is mainly used for human feeding, but it has potential for inuin production and also potential for animal feeding. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of applying percentages of crop evapotranspiration by irrigation over vegetable production of \"Folha Larga\" chicory cultivar grown in greenhouse. Two experiments were performed in the of completely randomized design under five percentages of crop evapotranspiration (ETc): 60, 80, 100, 140% applied by drip irrigation. The experimental area was constituted of 45 plots of 1.3 m2 each, each plot had a solenoid valve to control the duration of the irrigation, totaling nine plots for each treatment. Soil humidity was monitored through three TDR probes (Time Domain Reflectometry), installed at 0.05, 0.30, and 0.50 m depth. The meteorological conditions were monitored using a meteorological station, which recorded measures of relative air humidity, air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed, taking measures at each second and registering the data at each 15 minutes. From meteorologic data, the reference evapotranspiration was estimated by the Penman-Monteith FAO-56 method, and the crop evapotranspiration, using an average crop coefficient equal to 0.76. Two consecutive experiments were performed, applying the percentages of ETc during all the chicory growth period. The measured and analyzed variables were: plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, plant fresh mass (g), fresh mass by leaf (g leaf-1), plant dry mass (g), plant humidity (%), leaf area (cm2), leaf length (cm) and leaf width (cm). The data of each treatment was used to perform the joint analysis of variation and average test or regression analysis, resulting that only for the variables of leaves fresh and dry weight it was possible to adjust equations to represent the mean values of both experiments. It was observed that the plant fresh weight presented itself directly proportional to increments of percentages of evapotranspiration, being that the treatment of 140% of ETc was the treatment that resulted higher production of plant fresh weight, approximately 31.6% higher than the production obtained from treatment of 60% of evapotranspiration. For the data of plant dry mass, it was observed that the percentage of 111.1% of evapotranspiration was the one that obtained higher values of plant dry weight, being 29.3% higher than the production of plant dry mass obtained with the treatment of 60% of ETc and 9.35% higher than the one obtained with the treatment of 140% of evapotranspiration. From the data of leaf area, length and width of the first experiment, was possible to adjust four models with residuals with normal tendency and homocedastic, which were tested by the Bland- Altman method with the data of leaf area, length and width of the second experiment.

Avaliação de produtos do sensor MODIS para aplicações na estimativa de parâmetros biofísicos da cultura da soja no estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Evaluation of MODIS's products for applications in biophysical parameters estimation for soybean in State of Rio Grande do Sul

Jaboinski, Fernando Roberto January 2011 (has links)
Estimativas do rendimento da soja são informações importantes que podem auxiliar as instituições na tomada de decisão quanto à políticas de comercialização. São consideradas também, na liberação de recursos para o financiamento da produção e seguro agrícola. Modelos matemáticos, que se baseiam nas relações clima planta, denominados modelos agrometeorológicos, podem estimar o rendimento médio de grãos, através de dados meteorológicos e biofísicos da cultura, como exemplo: o IAF (Índice de área foliar) da soja pode ser associado ao Kc (Coeficiente de cultura) para estimar o estádio fenológico, e esta informação, ser associada à parametrização dos modelos. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar as possibilidades de se utilizar imagens do sensor MODIS, para estimar parâmetros biofísicos da soja, aplicáveis à modelagem do rendimento de grãos. A área de estudo abrangeu a porção norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram obtidas as imagens do IAF, MOD15A2, e dos índices de vegetação NDVI (Índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada) e NDWI (Índice de umidade por diferença normalizada), do produto MOD13Q1. Foram analisadas duas safras: 2003/04 e 2004/05. O período de safra foi de 15 de outubro até 30 de abril. Foram geradas máscaras de cultivo para as safras, e aplicadas sobre as imagens. Inicialmente, foram comparadas as médias do IAF, MOD15A2, às outras estimativas do IAF obtidas a partir de funções de relação com o NDVI, e analisados os diagramas de dispersão para cinco datas. Então foi estimado o Kc_1 com as médias do IAF, MOD15A2, conforme Martorano (2007), e comparadas ao Kc_2 ajustado conforme Matzenauer, 2002. Foi calculado o balanço hídrico meteorológico da cultura a fim de se obter o Índice de Satisfação das Necessidades de Água das plantas (ISNA), sendo ISNA_1 considerando o Kc_1, e o ISNA_2, o Kc_2. Foram obtidos os índices de correlação entre o ISNA_1 e 2 e os índices NDVI e NDWI, para o ciclo completo da cultura e para períodos de baixo ISNA. Como resultado, o IAF, MOD15A2 apresentou coerência com a evolução do IAF durante o ciclo, porém, em média, apresentou valores inferiores aos observados por Fontana et al. (1992) e Martorano (2007). Já como estimador do Kc, apresentou coeficientes de variação inferiores ao observado no Kc_2. Observou-se também que no IAF, MOD15A2 ocorriam valores superestimados do Kc entre a semeadura e o máximo desenvolvimento, e após, subestimados, o que potencializou períodos de déficit hídrico acentuado durante a floração e enchimento de grãos, em ambas as safras. Já, avaliando os índices de correlação, o ISNA_1, apresentou correlações de maior significância com os índices de vegetação do que o ISNA_2. Com isso podemos supor que, mesmo o IAF, MOD15A2 não tendo apresentado valores compatíveis com os da soja, demonstrou maior significância nas correlações, o que indica que imagens MODIS, podem gerar estimativas adequadas tanto do IAF, quanto do Kc, e também, representar adequadamente as condições hídricas. É recomendável avaliar estimativas do IAF da soja, a partir de suas relações com o NDVI, a fim de se obter resultados compatíveis com a soja. / Estimates of soybean yield are useful information that can assist institutions in decisions related by commercial policies. It is considered also in financing of production and agricultural insurance. Mathematical models, which are based in clime plant relationship known as Agrometeorological Models, can provide an estimate for grain yield through meteorological and biophysical data correlated with the culture, as an example: the LAI (Leaf Area Index) of soybean can be related with the Kc (Culture's coefficient) to estimate the phenological stage, and this information, applied to model's parameters. The main objective of this work was evaluated of possibilities of MODIS's images, in estimation of biophysical parameters, which are applicable in yield's modeling for soybean. The studying area was a portion of northern of State of Rio Grande do Sul. Were obtained images from LAI, MOD15A2, and vegetation indexes, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) from MOD13Q1 product. Were analyzed two harvests: 2003/04 and 2004/05. The length of time for harvest was 15th October to 30th April. Soybean's areas was detected and masks were applied on the images. Firstly, were compared the means between LAI, MOD15A2 and two different methodologies of LAI's estimation based on relationship with NDVI. The scatter plots were discussed between LAI, MOD15A2 and other methodologies, for five key-dates. The culture's coefficient Kc_1 was estimated through LAI, MOD15A2, according to Martorano (2007), and compare with Kc_2, which were obtained from fitted culture's coefficient by Matzenauer (2002). The water balance were calculated aiming the index for Plant's water satisfaction needs (ISNA), which, ISNA_1 has considered the Kc_1, and ISNA_2, the Kc_2. Correlation indexes were obtained between ISNA_1 and 2, and vegetation indexes NDVI and NDWI, for the whole culture's cycle and specific periods of low ISNA. As results, LAI, MOD15A2, has presented coherence with soybean's cycle progress, however, as a rule, it presents lower values, comparing to Fontana et al. (1992) and Martorano (2007). Even now as a Kc's estimator, Kc_1 has presented lower variation's coefficient compared to Kc_2. Was observed also overrated in Kc_1 between the sowing to maximum development, and after, underestimated, what provokes periods of accented hydric deficiency during flowering and grain forming stages, in both harvests. Now, as to correlation's indexes, we observed more significance correlations between both vegetation's indexes and ISNA_1. This way, these results has indicated that remote sensing images can provide accurate estimates of IAF as much as Kc, and also indicate the hydric conditions of plants. It is recommended to improve the LAI's mean values on the images, exploring the relationship with NDVI, looking for adequate values for the case of soybean.

Root:Shoot Ratio and Specific Leaf Area Along an Elevational Gradient in the Peruvian Andes

Bravo Avila, Catherine Heidy 28 April 2013 (has links)
Andean montane forests are one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, but are also highly vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, the link between plant distribution and ecosystem productivity is a critical point to investigate in these ecosystems. Are the patterns in productivity observed in montane forest due to species turnover along the elevational gradients? Methodological constraints keep this question unanswered. Also, despite their importance, belowground biomass remains poorly quantified and understood. I measured two plant functional traits in seedlings, root:shoot ratio and specific leaf area, to identify different strategies in growth and biomass allocation across elevations. A tradeoff in specific leaf area with elevation was found in only one species, and no generalized directional change was detected with elevations for root:shoot ratio. Lack of information for the ontogeny of the measured plant traits could confounding the analysis.

Advances in measuring forest structure by terrestrial laser scanning with the Dual Wavelength ECHIDNA® LIDAR (DWEL)

Li, Zhan 28 November 2015 (has links)
Leaves in forests assimilate carbon from the atmosphere and woody components store the net production of that assimilation. Separate structure measurements of leaves and woody components advance the monitoring and modeling of forest ecosystem functions. This dissertation provides a method to determine, for the first time, the 3-D spatial arrangement and the amount of leafy and woody materials separately in a forest by classification of lidar returns from a new, innovative, lidar scanner, the Dual-Wavelength Echidna® Lidar (DWEL). The DWEL uses two lasers pulsing simultaneously and coaxially at near-infrared (1064 nm) and shortwave-infrared (1548 nm) wavelengths to locate scattering targets in 3-D space, associated with their reflectance at the two wavelengths. The instrument produces 3-D bispectral "clouds" of scattering points that reveal new details of forest structure and open doors to three-dimensional mapping of biophysical and biochemical properties of forests. The three parts of this dissertation concern calibration of bispectral lidar returns; retrieval of height profiles of leafy and woody materials within a forest canopy; and virtual reconstruction of forest trees from multiple scans to estimate their aboveground woody biomass. The test area was a midlatitude forest stand within the Harvard Forest, Petersham, Massachusetts, scanned at five locations in a 1-ha site in leaf-off and leaf-on conditions in 2014. The model for radiometric calibration assigned accurate values of spectral apparent reflectance, a range-independent and instrument-independent property, to scattering points derived from the scans. The classification of leafy and woody points, using both spectral and spatial context information, achieved an overall accuracy of 79±1% and 75±2% for leaf-off and leaf-on scans, respectively. Between-scan variation in leaf profiles was larger than wood profiles in leaf-off seasons but relatively similar to wood profiles in leaf-on seasons, reflecting the changing spatial heterogeneity within the stand over seasons. A 3-D structure-fitting algorithm estimated wood volume by modeling stems and branches from point clouds of five individual trees with cylinders. The algorithm showed the least variance for leaf-off, woody-points-only data, validating the value of separating leafy and woody points to the direct biomass estimates through the structure modeling of individual trees.

Variation in Leaf Traits Across a Precipitation Gradient in Coastal Sand Dunes in Yucatan Peninsula

Munguía-Rosas, Miguel A., Angulo, Diego F., Arceo-Gómez, Gerardo, Parra-Tabla, Víctor 01 March 2019 (has links)
Environmental filters play an important role in plant community assembly. Evaluating spatial variation in functional traits across environmental gradients may help determine the environmental filters that play a role in community assembly and how plant communities respond to prevailing environmental conditions. In this study, we evaluated spatial variation in leaf traits (size, thickness, specific area and dry matter content) of coastal sand dune plant communities across 16 sites along a precipitation gradient in the Yucatan Peninsula. We described community-wide trait variation in terms of dispersion and dominant values across the gradient in order to answer the following questions: Which environmental filters explain variation in leaf traits? What ecological strategies, in terms of leaf economics, do these environmental filters favour? Mean specific leaf area and dispersion in leaf thickness tended to be lower in drier sites, suggesting that plants invest more biomass per leaf (a conservative strategy) and become more succulent as aridity increases. Contrary to expectation, leaf size increased with proximity to the coastline and dry matter content was significantly greater in the wettest region. Therefore, variation in these leaf traits content cannot be explained by the precipitation gradient. We have shown that predictable variation in some functional leaf traits can be found, even at small scales within the same vegetation zone in coastal sand dunes. Our study supports the notion that variation in water availability can be an important driver of functional trait distribution in the plant communities of some arid environments.

Terrestrial vegetation dynamics and their impacts on surface climate

Chen, Chi 06 October 2020 (has links)
Vegetation controls the exchange of heat, mass and momentum between the land surface and the atmosphere, and is also the primary producer that sustains life on Earth. We combine theoretical analyses, satellite and in-situ observations, and Earth system model simulations in this dissertation to illustrate the key role of vegetation in the climate system and human society. Specifically, this is accomplished via three studies, described below. First, we address the problem of how to retrieve Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) from a novel satellite Bidirectional Reflectance Factor product derived from the Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction algorithm. The LAI/FPAR retrieval is done via a radiative transfer model using the recently developed theory of spectral invariants. Our analyses show that the LAI/FPAR data sets developed in this study have higher accuracy and better stability relative to the existing products, especially in cloudy conditions and under high aerosol loadings. Second, we analyze the long-term trend in LAI derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer observations and identify its main driver. We find that over a third of the terrestrial vegetation shows statistically significant increasing trends in LAI (i.e., Earth greening) during the 21st century. Both remote sensing and inventory data show that land-use management is the key driver of this greening, arising primarily from large-scale tree planting and intensive agriculture in emerging countries like China and India. This finding highlights the need for a more realistic representation of land-use practices in Earth system models. Third, we use a new method based on the concept of “two-resistances” and the Community Land Model (CLM5) runs with prescribed satellite-derived LAI to quantify the impacts of Earth greening on land surface temperature (LST). We find that over 90% of the Earth greening can lead to a local cooling effect at the annual scale. Further attribution analysis with multiple data sources reveals that aerodynamic resistance is the dominant factor controlling the LST change. The greening produces a decrease in aerodynamic resistance, which favors increased heat dissipation by turbulent fluxes, including the latent heat flux. These studies that span LAI data production, long-term trends and their impacts highlight the importance of vegetation dynamics in the natural and human systems.

The Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Temperature Response in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Canopies

Meek, David B. 01 May 1990 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing leaf area index on the photosynthetic temperature response of a wheat canopy. Hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Veery-10) was grown hydroponically in a growth chamber, which also served as the gas-exchange chamber. Gas-exchange parameters were measured on single leaves and on wheat canopies at various leaf area indices. The temperature response curves of the canopy shifted from being steeper with a high temperature optimum to being flatter with a lower temperature optimum as leaf area index increased from 0 to 20.0 m2m-2. Single-leaf and canopy measurements show that this shift was primarily a result of increasing respiration from accumulating stems and reproductive structures and, to a lesser extent, from lower temperature optimums associated with lower light levels within the canopy.


An-Te Huang (10582424) 05 December 2022 (has links)
<p>The LiDAR data of the maize used in this research were acquired from different stages, by different sensors, and from different flight heights, which results in different point densities. The ground reference data collected by LiCOR LAI-2200 represented the leaf area index of a two-row plot.</p>

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