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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Transport In City-regions: The Case Of Izmir City Region

Nal, Seda 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT IN CITY-REGIONS: THE CASE OF IZMIR CITY REGION Nal, Seda M.S., Department of City and Regional Planning, Regional Planning Supervisor : Assist. Prof. Dr. Ela Babalik Sutcliffe July 2008, 385 pages While the vast literature on sustainable transport emphasizes certain urban development patterns as those that should be encouraged in urban planning, it is a fact that there is an increasing tendency in many urban areas in the world towards becoming a city-region. However, whether these city-region development patterns can help attain a more sustainable urban growth and transport system is a relatively less studied area in the field of sustainable transport. In general terms, the study aims to bring together these two important fields of research in the planning literature: sustainable transport and city-regions, with a view to analyze whether they can co-exist, whether their policies comply with, and complement each other, eventually whether it is possible to attain transport sustainability in city-regions. Regarding this aim, three aspects are identified as &amp / #8216 / threats&amp / #8217 / for the attainment of sustainable transport and land-use development in city-regions: 1.Increase in need to travel and car dependency due to increase in interactions and longer distances in city-regions, 2. Economic objectives for city-regions conflicting with objectives of sustainable transport, and 3. Difficulty in ensuring policy coordination for an integrated approach to sustainability due to fragmentation of governments. Two most effective ways of achieving sustainable transport, land-use planning policies and policies for improving public transport and non-motorized transport, are chosen as the main policy approaches to be analyzed. Through the analysis of planning experience in a selected case study area, the Izmir City Region, the study intends to find out whether these issues are real threats for attaining sustainable transport in city regions and whether they can be overcome.

Density As A Transformative Power Of Urbanization: Milletvekili Lojmanlari / Park Oran Konutlari

Kale, Evrim Ozlem 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The economic and political restructuring of the 1980s whose main aim was to integrate Turkey to the global economic network via constructing &ldquo / global cities&rdquo / initiated not only new architectural programs such as grand shopping malls, office towers, world trade centers, five-star hotels but also new housing patterns all of which played an important role in shaping the urban character. As a result of these new architectural programs Ankara&rsquo / s urban landscape has been reterritorialized according to the logic of capital. The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of the emerging residential programs on Ankara&rsquo / s urban transformation since 2000. Specifically, this research critically concentrates on the process of transformation of a low rise-low density residential area into a high rise-high density residence through construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of the same site initiating a &ldquo / re-scaled&rdquo / urban landscape. With this respect, this study endeavours to deal with the case of destructing the TBMM Milletvekili Lojmanlari for constructing Park Oran Konutlari.

Transformation Of Urban Sphere: Hacibayram Square And Its Environment, Ankara

Yardimci, Sinem 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is put forward a critical inquiry into the new advent neoliberal publicity and the spatiality which brought forth by this emergent publicity in Ankara thereby interrogating some key concepts such as neoliberalism, neoliberal urbanization, public space and publicity. &ldquo / The Renovation Project of Ankara Historical City Center&rdquo / will be assessed owing to constitute a model for understanding the tendencies in the planning of public spaces of Ankara for the last two decades. Considering the vast area which will be subjected to the renovation project, the borders of the study area is confined to &ldquo / Special Project Area: Hacibayram Mosque and Its Environs&rdquo / .

Estimation Of Water Alternating Gas (wag) Injection Performance Of An Offshore Field (azeri Field,azerbaijan) Using A Sector Simulation Model

Babayev, Farid Nabi 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The WAG injection project feasibility of South Flank of Central Azeri field on the basis of simulation model was studied in this thesis work. The 58 sensitivity scenarios were considered to evaluate and analyze the behavior of WAG in this field. Scenarios are based on the important WAG parameters, such as half slug size volume, cycles, WAG ratio, start time, bottomhole injection pressure etc. The Base Case is set with static and dynamic characteristic close to real field. From the scenarios calculated, the Best (Scenario 53, 9.3% incremental oil) and the Worst (Scenario 52, 3.4% incremental oil) cases were analyzed to get general view of WAG in terms of profitability in comparison to the Base Case. For more profound conviction of feasibility of the WAG project, additional cases with Simultaneous WAG injection and cases with changed permeabilities have been considered. The Best case was re-evaluated under application of Carlson&rsquo / s relative permeability hysteresis model. All results eventually were analyzed in terms of economical profitability &ndash / net present value (NPV). Economical analysis of scenarios is provided at the end of the work.

The Cardinality Constrained Multiple Knapsack Problem

Aslan, Murat 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The classical multiple knapsack problem selects a set of items and assigns each to one of the knapsacks so as to maximize the total profit. The knapsacks have limited capacities. The cardinality constrained multiple knapsack problem assumes limits on the number of items that are to be put in each knapsack, as well. Despite many efforts on the classical multiple knapsack problem, the research on the cardinality constrained multiple knapsack problem is scarce. In this study we consider the cardinality constrained multiple knapsack problem. We propose heuristic and optimization procedures that rely on the optimal solutions of the linear programming relaxation problem. Our computational results on the large-sized problem instances have shown the satisfactory performances of our algorithms.

The Evolution Of Toilets And Its Current State

Genc, Melda 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Vast consumption of natural resources threats the human life. Growing scarcity of fresh water is posing a great challenge to humanity as well. Thus many governments take special measures for efficient use of freshwater. There are many products that use too much fresh water. Toilet is among these products. In search of new solutions for lack of fresh water, designers design alternative toilets. However, it is necessary to understand the evolution of toilets and current state to develop better new technologies and products. This thesis investigates the evolution of toilet design throughout the history. Factors affect toilet design, and changes in their improvement throughout the evolution of toilets are examined. The study also aims to investigate advantages and disadvantages of squat and flushed toilets and their current state.

Evaluation Of Innovation Indicators: The Turkish Case As A Developing Country

Gunel, Aysegul 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In knowledge society theory, wealth is created by production of knowledge and information which are basic sources of innovation. Innovation has vital importance for providing firms survival and competitive power together with enabling countries sustained economic progress and competitiveness. Because of its importance, measuring innovation becomes necessary for evaluating countries&rsquo / performance and policymaking. First attempts to develop measurement framework for innovation was achieved by OECD via the Oslo Manual. Then, Latin American and Caribbean countries developed the Bogota Manual. As demonstrated by the Bogota example, industrial structures of developing countries including Turkey differ from the developed ones, which leads to failure of the methods used in developed countries for measuring innovation. In this thesis, the general innovation measurement concept and innovation systems in developing countries are discussed first in order for reflecting national capabilities of Turkey. Then, widely used innovation indicators of investment in R&amp / D, human sources, patents and utility models, scientific publications and high technology exports are evaluated in terms of measurement scale, advantages and disadvantages and inadaptability together with offering basic alternative or complementary solutions when possible and with bringing out points to pay attention if they are bound to be used

Existential Resistance To Life And Inauthentic Responses In The Plays Of Harold Pinter And Edward Albee

Cavus, Aysel Merve 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis carries out a comparative analysis of Harold Pinter&#039 / s &quot / The Birthday Party&quot / , &quot / The Caretaker&quot / , and &quot / A Slight Ache&quot / and Edward Albee&#039 / s &quot / The Zoo Story&quot / and &quot / A Delicate Balance&quot / . It achieves this by exploring how the dramatic structure, characterization, and use of language in these plays display the playwrights&#039 / tendency to employ similar themes of existentialist philosophy / existential resistance to life and man&#039 / s seld-quest in the face of existential anxiety and despair. Man shows a variety of inauthentic responses in order to escape the lack of meaning in life, freedom to choose and burden of responsibility. The aim of this study is to discuss these inauthentic responses given by the characters in the above mentioned plays. They are classified as active and passive forms and analyzed while the parallelism and differences between these two playwrights&#039 / approaches are explored.

A Comparison Of Data Mining Methods For Prediction And Classification Types Of Quality Problems

Anakli, Zeynep 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Preference Ranking Organization MeTHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) based approach is developed and used to compare overall performance of some commonly used classification and prediction data mining methods on quality improvement data, according to several decision criteria. Classification and prediction data mining (DM) methods are frequently used in many areas including quality improvement. Previous studies on comparison of performance of these methods are not valid for quality improvement data. Furthermore, these studies do not consider all relevant decision criteria in their comparison. All relevant criteria and interdependencies among criteria should be taken into consideration during the performance evaluation. In this study, classification DM methods namely / Decision Trees (DT), Neural Networks (NN), Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), Logistic Regression (LR), Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS), Fuzzy Classifier (FC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) / prediction DM methods DT, NN, MARS, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Fuzzy Regression (FR) and Robust Regression (RR) are prioritized according to a comprehensive set of criteria using ANP and PROMETHEE. According to results of this study, MARS is found superior to the other methods for both classification and prediction. Moreover, sensitivity of the results to changes in weights and thresholds of the decision criteria is analyzed. These analyses show that resulting priorities are very insensitive to these parameters.

Two Transformative Actors Of Turkish Politics:justice And Development Party And Kurds

Karakas Kokce, Halime 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In its most general form this study aims to understand and reveal the dynamics that shape AKP&rsquo / s Kurdish politics. In this way primarily, socio-political factors that constitute AKP and the political tradition out of which it has arose have been analyzed with in the theoretical framework of the center-periphery model. It seeks to determine the socio-political basis of AKPs emergence on a platform of change and EU centered vision. It understands this approach as an effort to legitimize itself against a Kemalist center. This study understands AKP&rsquo / s desire to align itself with the West in the course of its quest for legitimization and its desire for the candidacy for the process of ascension to the European Union as the only paths to take after the events of February the 28th has confirmed the judgment that Turkey cannot consolidate its own democracy within its own dynamics. This study contends that the most fundamental influence that has shaped AKP&rsquo / s Kurdish politics and obliged AKP to attend to the Kurdish problem, in addition to the political tradition out of which AKP arose, is full accession to EU and the target of consolidating democracy. The study also analyzes the evolutionary phases the Kurdish politics went through. The process of consolidation of democracy in Turkey in accordance with the requirements of ascension to the EU has been seen as the common fate of AKP and the Kurdish politics as well as the source of legitimization both domestically and internationally. This study understands AKP&rsquo / s Kurdish politics as one of a paradox for the ethnic and religious identities that has faced a systematic resistance since the conception of the republic: On the one hand is the union of these two identities against a sociopolitical system that excludes both, and on the other hand is their political competition on a platform that is perpetually overlapping. The study concludes that AKP&rsquo / s determination and ability to solve the Kurdish problem will give hints on whether the party would succeed or not in its mission of cerating a new political language and democratizing the country.

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