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Legal culture of the Latvian youth: example of the senior-grade elementary school pupils / Latvijos jaunimo teisinė kultūra remiantis pagrindinės mokyklos vyresniųjų klasių mokinių pavyzdžiuMihailovs, Ivans Jānis 10 January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the research – to define the content, functions, manifestations, forms of the concept of legal culture and to investigate the specific character of the legal culture of Latvian senior-grade elementary school pupils, developing proposals for improvement of acquisition of the legal culture by elementary school pupils. Thus, no research studies of legal culture are actually being made in Latvia, and also attention is insufficiently paid to it in the studies of law, and in political and sociological studies. The scientific novelty of the Doctoral Dissertation is characterised by the fact that the Doctoral Dissertation is dedicated to the legal culture, its updating and consolidating in the scientific and research environment in Latvia. Moreover, such an original research study of the legal culture of Latvian elementary school pupils has been made for the first time in Latvia. / Daktaro disertacijos tikslas – santykio tarp įstatymo ir kultūros apibrėžimas, išryškinant reguliavimo sistemų tarpusavio santykį, kaip socialinių santykių, kurie taip pat yra apibrėžiami teisine kultūra, pagrindą. Autorius nagrinėja terminologijos, susijusios su terminais „teisinė kultūra“, „juridinė kultūra“ ir „įstatymo kultūra“, dilemą, analizuoja teisinės kultūros interpretaciją per įvairių mokslo šakų tyrimus, išskirdamas siaurąjį (mikro lygį) ir platųjį (makro lygį) teisinės kultūros supratimą, apsvarstydamas pagrindines teisinės kultūros formas, funkcijas ir elementus, apibūdindamas virtualią teisinę kultūrą kaip naują teisinės kultūros lygį, taip pat pabrėžia specifinį teisinės kultūros pobūdį pasaulinės krizės sąlygomis. Kaip šio tyrimo dalis, buvo atlikta vidurinės mokyklos aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių teisinės kultūros studija, kuria buvo siekiama išanalizuoti jų požiūrį į pareigą mokytis ir pamokų nelankymo priežastis, ypač atkreipiant dėmesį į 9 klasės mokinių požiūrį į įstatymą ir teisinės elgsenos modelio pasirinkimą, išanalizuojant teisinės kultūros pritaikymą studijų standartams. Galiausiai, buvo padarytos išvados bei pateikti pasiūlymai dėl tolimesnių tyrimų, įstatymų ir nuostatų tobulinimo, programos įdiegiant teisinę kultūrą plėtojimo, atkreipiant ypatingą dėmesį į teisinės kultūros įsisavinimą mokslo įstaigose ir visuomenėje apskritai.
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Constitutionalising the common law : considering the constitutional dispensation which affords all workers protection via Section 23 of the ConstitutionBeck, Gregory Wayne January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to broadly determine the influence of the Constitution on the South African labour environment and to do so from the perspective of the labour rights of workers who fall outside the ambit of the traditional common law contract of employment. An examination of the Constitution&rsquo / s influence will involve a consideration of various aspects including: (i) The evolution of the concept of employee and the contract of employment / (ii) The impact of the Constitution on South African labour relations and labour laws / (iii) The purposive interpretation of legislation / (iv) An outline of the &lsquo / Kylie&rsquo / CCMA ruling and Labour Court judgment / (v) The current legal position of prostitution in South Africa / (vi) The requirements for a meaningful transformation in the legal treatment of sex workers particularly as regards their entitlement to the protections afforded to vulnerable workers provided in the LRA.</p>
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Constitutionalising the common law : considering the constitutional dispensation which affords all workers protection via section 23 of the constitutionBeck, Gregory Wayne January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to broadly determine the influence of the Constitution on the South African labour environment and to do so from the perspective of the labour rights of workers who fall outside the ambit of the traditional common law contract of employment. An examination of the Constitution’s influence will involve a consideration of various aspects including: (i) The evolution of the concept of employee and the contract of employment; (ii) The impact of the Constitution on South African labour relations and labour laws; (iii) The purposive interpretation of legislation; (iv) An outline of the 'Kylie' CCMA ruling and Labour Court judgment; (v) The current legal position of prostitution in South Africa; (vi) The requirements for a meaningful transformation in the legal treatment of sex workers particularly as regards their entitlement to the protections afforded to vulnerable workers provided in the LRA. / Magister Philosophiae - MPhil
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The challenges of globalization in its relationship with Law Interview with Dr. Gorki Yuri Gonzales Mantilla / Los desafíos de la globalización en su relación con el Derecho Entrevista al Dr. Gorki Yuri Gonzales MantillaOcampo Falcon, Diana Vanessa, Loaiza Tapia, José Sebastián, Torres Castillo, Alfredo Junior 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this interview, Dr. Gorki Gonzales analyzes the great impact that globalization has had in relation to the Law as its instrument, since it affects the legal system of each society in a different way when restructuring it. This situation has brought with it both positive and negative aspects and lawyers are important figures within this change because they have a power of influence in the members of the society as far as the legislative matter is concerned. / En esta entrevista, el Dr. Gorki Gonzales analiza el gran impacto que ha tenido la globalización en relación al Derecho como su instrumento, pues esta afecta el sistema legal de cada sociedad manera distinta al reestructurarlo. Esta situación ha traído consigo tanto aspectos positivos como negativos y los abogados son figuras importantes dentro de este cambio pues tienen un poder de influencia en los miembros de la sociedad en lo que a materia legislativa respecta.
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Underworld justice in Imperial China and its continuing influence in Hong KongKwok, David January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the imagery of underworld justice, and its associated beliefs and practices, as they developed throughout Chinese imperial history. Certain elements of the Chinese imperial legal system, including judges and trials, and laws and codes, were borrowed by the Daoists and applied to their construct of the afterlife. Underworld justice beliefs and practices flourished throughout China's imperial past, and are still influential to some devotees in today's Hong Kong. Among the various questions that are explored, this thesis examines the place of underworld justice in the legal consciousness, or everyday law, of the devotees in contemporary Hong Kong. There are two dimensions to this thesis: historical and empirical. In the historical part, I trace the development of underworld justice beliefs and practices in imperial China. I analyse some of the characteristics and rituals of underworld justice, and relate them to the imperial laws and procedures upon which they were modelled. Such tracing allows us to discern the considerable overlap between the imperial legal system and underworld justice beliefs and practices. In the empirical part, I present data gathered at mainly three City God temples in Hong Kong. Such data involve conversations with Daoist and Buddhist priests, temple keepers and devotees. The data gathered not only shed light on the general state of City God veneration in contemporary Hong Kong, but also the influence of underworld justice on the devotees' understanding of law. The data reveal that the studied devotees regard underworld justice, which administers the law of karma, as superior to the state legal system. Hence, underworld justice is not considered as an informal dispute resolution process alternative to that of the state, but as a mechanism that can intervene in court cases, due to its being more authoritative.
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Identita a univerzalita právních kultur ve východní Evropě / Identity and Universality of Legal Cultures in Eastern EuropeSlavík, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
1 Identity and Universality of Legal Cultures in Eastern Europe Abstract Submitted thesis explores the topic of possible approximation among East European legal culture and common law legal culture. As an indicator supporting or dismissing the trend in question serves a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the comparative argumentation in the case law of constitutional courts of five East European countries: Russia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic. Firstly, the thesis explains the concept of legal culture, underlines its critique and introduces it as a fitting theoretical framework for a detailed study of constitutional comparative argumentation. The comparative argumentation and its theoretical outline are in the center of the subsequent part of the thesis which also tries to describe effects of socialist legal culture on legal argumentation before courts in the region of Eastern Europe. The comparative argumentation is then introduced as a relatively important but also an overlooked method of legal argumentation, at least in the region in question. Following these findings, the occurrence and methodological quality of comparative analysis in the case law of constitutional courts is established as a suitable indicator of potential approximation of examined legal cultures. The...
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The national and the international influences on the drafting of the South African Bill of Rights : A study on the South African transitional legal culture.Cazzetta, Claudia January 2020 (has links)
The South African democratic transition in the 1990s represents one of the clearest cases of practical implementation of constitutional engineering. The process was aimed to the creation of the principle of national unity in the fundamental text first, hoping it would be mirrored consequently by a popular sentiment. Within this context, the Bill of Rights, included in the second chapter of the final text, affirmed itself as the most relevant document that emerged from the country's nation-building process. This thesis aims to compare the influences that the national and international components of the South African transitional legal culture had on the drafting of the Bill of Rights, through the investigation of their historical and political dynamics. The analysis highlights that the liberal component characterizes the majority of the text, while being, however, declined on the neo-liberal international doctrine, while the African customary law is recognized within the cultural rights but remains subjected to the requirement of conformity with the liberal provisions.
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A arte da crítica : cultura jurídica, política e feminismo na revista de crítica judiciária (1924-1940)Rosa, Stéphani Fleck da January 2017 (has links)
Tem-se a Revista de Crítica Judiciária, publicada entre 1924 e 1940, fonte deste estudo que pretende verificar se esse periódico foi um notório espaço de debates no meio jurídico sobre os embates políticos e sociais de seu tempo no Brasil. Sabe-se que nos anos da publicação o país passou por muitas transformações na organização dos seus poderes e na reformulação de suas leis. Examinam-se os julgados na Revista, nos quais sua crítica se confunde com a arte em termos de se obter uma metodologia própria. A construção de uma cultura jurídica é tentada nas páginas dessa publicação pela rememoração de nomes de célebres juristas, como Clovis Bevilaqua, Hermenegildo de Barros, Pedro Lessa, entre outros. A política é posta em cheque em suas análises, especialmente ao denunciar omissões diante de abusos de poder. Retratam-se discussões sobre os novos direitos criados, tais como os trabalhistas e os direitos civis para as mulheres, a saber, o voto. A Revista publica igualmente julgados referentes às mulheres, expondo o seu papel no patriarcado brasileiro, no qual sofrem abusos, violências e desigualdades, de grande importância historiográfica. Inicia-se pelo entendimento mais aprofundado dos ditames que compõe o método utilizado pelos diretores da publicação na composição da crítica e, em seguida, evoca-se essa criticidade em suas variáveis temáticas no intuito de compreender o papel da Revista no periodismo jurídico nacional. Posteriormente, abre-se uma reflexão, juntamente às denúncias e às nuances da realidade nacional realizadas, da Revista e sua militância no meio jurídico brasileiro, ressaltando as raízes históricas da sociedade brasileira ligadas ao conteúdo cultural de seu direito. / The Revista de Crítica Judiciária, published between 1924 and 1940, is the source of this study, which aims to verify if this journal was a notorious space of debates in the juridical environment about the political and social conflicts of its time in Brazil. It is known that in the years of publication the country underwent many transformations in the organization of its powers and in the reformulation of its laws. We examine those judged in the Review, in which his criticism is confused with art in terms of obtaining a methodology of its own. The construction of a legal culture is attempted in the pages of this publication by the remembrance of names of celebrated jurists, such as Clovis Bevilaqua, Hermenegildo de Barros, Pedro Lessa, among others. The policy is put in check in its analyzes, especially when denouncing omissions in the face of abuses of power. There are discussions about some new rights created, such as labor and civil rights for women, namely, voting. The Review also publishes judgments referring to women, exposing their role in the Brazilian patriarchy, in which they suffer abuses, violence and inequalities, of great historiographical importance. It begins with a more in-depth understanding of the dictates that compose the method used by the directors of the publication in the composition of the critique and then evokes this criticality in its variables thematic in order to understand the role of the Journal in national legal journalism. Subsequently, together with the denunciations and nuances of the national reality carried out, a reflection of the Review and its militancy in the Brazilian juridical environment opens up, highlighting the historical roots of Brazilian society linked to the cultural content of its law.
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Guardianes de la real justicia: alcaldes de indios, costumbre y justicia local en Huarochirí colonial / Guardianes de la real justicia: alcaldes de indios, costumbre y justicia local en Huarochirí colonialPuente Luna, José Carlos de la, Honores, Renzo 12 April 2018 (has links)
This essay examines the local construction of law in San Damián de Urotambo—an indigenous community in Huarochirí—in the early seventeenth century. In Andean towns, the alcaldes (magistrates), commonly members of the local nobility, had jurisdiction over dispute resolution and made use of Castilian law. These alcaldes, representatives of royal power, were central actors in the circulation of legal knowledge. They were also experts in the usage of Castilian judicial and notarial practices. Likewise, litigants were key agents in the process of creating a new juridical order by invoking both European and Pre-Columbian juridical traditions. This essay illustrates how these two legal spheres—Castilian and Andean—mingled and were negotiated by judges and litigants through a process of interlegality. These legal agents played a crucial role in the making of colonial law within the plural dimensions of the juridical world of San Damián de Urotambo. / Este trabajo examina la construcción local del Derecho en San Damián de Urotambo —una comunidad de Huarochirí— en el temprano siglo XVII. En los pueblos de naturales, los alcaldes, usualmente indios notables y principales, ejercieron activa jurisdicción en su calidad de jueces y, en la resolución de disputas, hicieron uso del Derecho castellano. Los alcaldes, representantes del poder regio, fueron centrales en la circulación de conocimientos jurídicos; ellos mismos estaban muy familiarizados con las prácticas judiciales y notariales castellanas y las pusieron en práctica. Los litigantes fueron igualmente agentes importantes en este proceso de creación jurídica. Invocaron no solamente el Derecho europeo, sino que sus peticiones se apoyaron en las tradiciones jurídicas de origen precolombino. Este trabajo muestra cómo ambas esferas legales —castellanas y andinas— se entremezclaban y eran negociadas por jueces y litigantes en un fenómeno de interlegalidad. Estos agentes locales jugaron un rol activo en la construcción del Derecho colonial y las dimensiones plurales del orden legal en San Damián de Urotambo.
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A arte da crítica : cultura jurídica, política e feminismo na revista de crítica judiciária (1924-1940)Rosa, Stéphani Fleck da January 2017 (has links)
Tem-se a Revista de Crítica Judiciária, publicada entre 1924 e 1940, fonte deste estudo que pretende verificar se esse periódico foi um notório espaço de debates no meio jurídico sobre os embates políticos e sociais de seu tempo no Brasil. Sabe-se que nos anos da publicação o país passou por muitas transformações na organização dos seus poderes e na reformulação de suas leis. Examinam-se os julgados na Revista, nos quais sua crítica se confunde com a arte em termos de se obter uma metodologia própria. A construção de uma cultura jurídica é tentada nas páginas dessa publicação pela rememoração de nomes de célebres juristas, como Clovis Bevilaqua, Hermenegildo de Barros, Pedro Lessa, entre outros. A política é posta em cheque em suas análises, especialmente ao denunciar omissões diante de abusos de poder. Retratam-se discussões sobre os novos direitos criados, tais como os trabalhistas e os direitos civis para as mulheres, a saber, o voto. A Revista publica igualmente julgados referentes às mulheres, expondo o seu papel no patriarcado brasileiro, no qual sofrem abusos, violências e desigualdades, de grande importância historiográfica. Inicia-se pelo entendimento mais aprofundado dos ditames que compõe o método utilizado pelos diretores da publicação na composição da crítica e, em seguida, evoca-se essa criticidade em suas variáveis temáticas no intuito de compreender o papel da Revista no periodismo jurídico nacional. Posteriormente, abre-se uma reflexão, juntamente às denúncias e às nuances da realidade nacional realizadas, da Revista e sua militância no meio jurídico brasileiro, ressaltando as raízes históricas da sociedade brasileira ligadas ao conteúdo cultural de seu direito. / The Revista de Crítica Judiciária, published between 1924 and 1940, is the source of this study, which aims to verify if this journal was a notorious space of debates in the juridical environment about the political and social conflicts of its time in Brazil. It is known that in the years of publication the country underwent many transformations in the organization of its powers and in the reformulation of its laws. We examine those judged in the Review, in which his criticism is confused with art in terms of obtaining a methodology of its own. The construction of a legal culture is attempted in the pages of this publication by the remembrance of names of celebrated jurists, such as Clovis Bevilaqua, Hermenegildo de Barros, Pedro Lessa, among others. The policy is put in check in its analyzes, especially when denouncing omissions in the face of abuses of power. There are discussions about some new rights created, such as labor and civil rights for women, namely, voting. The Review also publishes judgments referring to women, exposing their role in the Brazilian patriarchy, in which they suffer abuses, violence and inequalities, of great historiographical importance. It begins with a more in-depth understanding of the dictates that compose the method used by the directors of the publication in the composition of the critique and then evokes this criticality in its variables thematic in order to understand the role of the Journal in national legal journalism. Subsequently, together with the denunciations and nuances of the national reality carried out, a reflection of the Review and its militancy in the Brazilian juridical environment opens up, highlighting the historical roots of Brazilian society linked to the cultural content of its law.
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