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Cisterciácký klášter Velehrad - majetkový vývoj kláštera v letech 1205 -1420 / Cistercian Monastery Velehrad - The Development of Possessions of the Monastery 1205-1420Novosadová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
The Development of Domain of the Abby of Velehrad 1205-1420 - Summary My paper tries to make an overview of possessiones of the Cistercian monastery Velehrad in the period between the founding and a year 1420. First I studied the deeds contained in series CDB II.-III. and CDM II.-XV. I gained the informations and put them in the charts with 3 columns with the name from the deed, the current name and other informations. I chose 4 deeds which had confirmed the possessions of the monastery in each year and I made maps with villages according to them. Velehrad Monastery was founded as a Cistercian monastery, so it was a part of filial system of monasteries. The line was Morimond - Ebrach - Pomuk - Langheim - Plasy - Velehrad. The monastery was founded by Vladislav Jindřich, who was a ruler in Moravia, with support from his brother the Bohemian king Přemysl Otakar I. and the bischop of Olomouc. 11th November 1205 12 monks with the abbot Thicelin came to Moravia to build Velehrad near a small river called Salaška. Vladislav Jindřich gave them 4 villages called Boršice, Zlechov, Huštěnovice a Kostelany. The Pope Inocenc III., the king Přemysl Otakar and the bishop Robert gave their support to the monastery, as well. The possessions of the monastery flourished in the 13. Century and the monastery became rich....
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Divadelní pouť / Theatre fairPantáková, Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focuses on "Theatre Fair" opened air cultural project which took place in the second half of nineteen eighties in Prague, where different art groups connected and integrated their performances. The goal is to introduce Theatre Fair and, concentrating specifically on theatre, examine how Theatre Fair participated in the new era of "non-concrete theatre" in The Czech Republic. There is a focus on the birth and structure of Theatre Fair, which is based on factual information. The text centres attention on each individual art group and its performances. It will bee seen that these performances are characterized by, and based on, historical theatrical inspiration. The thesis also addresses non-theatre areas such as music, visual arts and photography, which influenced the final shape of the project. It also reflects the activities that Theatre Fair engaged in on foreign tours. A considerable part of the thesis focuses on the characteristics of Theatre Fair and its theoretical basis. The project "Theatre Island", which followed the original Theatre Fair, is also considered in this thesis. In considerations of the distinctive visual art style of the project, a picture appendix is included in the thesis.
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Za vlast, za Slovany. Francouzští slavisté a jejich veřejná úloha v letech 1863-1920 / For the country, for the Slavs. The French Slavists and their social role (1863-1920)Chrobák, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Domažlice v době Petra Hany / Domažlice in the times of Petr HanaMacháčková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with history of the city Domažlice in the times of Petr Hana. It means from 1861 to 1905 when he permanently resided there. The thesis is divided into two chapters. The first one is devoted to the period up to 1889 when Petr Hana became a burgomaster. The second one is devoted to the period when he became a mayor. Both parts deal with the political, economic, cultural and social events and point to connection with activities of Petr Hana. It shows importance of this man in their connection with a development of the city and his share on events which took place in the defined period. Specifically in both chapters, I examine elecetions, a governance and city management, unions and their activities, a development of education, an economy and an industry, city institutions and different projects. I try to reveal the character of this period from gathered information. The main sources are, in addition to archival resources available in the Archival of Muzeum of Chodsko and the State Regional Archive in Domažlice, period copies of the local newspaper "Posel od Čerchova" and "Domažlické listy" which enable to capture the atmosphere of the period in this thesis the best.
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Institucionální zajištění ochrany životního prostředí v České republice / Institutional safeguarding of environmental protection in the Czech RepublicEmingr, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of the institutional safeguarding of environmental protection in the Czech Republic during the last 30 years, mainly protection of environmental media. The beginning of the diploma thesis is dedicated to the development of the environmental policy of the state. I focused mainly on targets of environmental policy, which deals with institutional assurance. Next chapter describes the development of the constitutional framework of environmental protection. Moreover describes the basic features of environmental law. Following chapter deals with the development of the system of public authorities which participates in environmental protection. Chapter is divided into three subchapters by time period: 80's, years 1990- 1992 and after 1993. Subchapter is divided from national public authorities to regional and local public authorities and public guards. The final chapter describes the development in the field of environmental media's protection, including institutional assurance of the offence liability. Moreover describes the development in waste management. Chapter focuses mainly on the development of the public administration in environmental protection. Each subchapter is dedicated to one environmental medium and divided by time period: 80's, 90's and...
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Teoretická východiska tzv. Šikovy reformy / Theoretical basis of the Šik's reformSyřišťová, Adéla January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis are the economic-theoretical concepts, which in varying degrees contributed to the creation of an official government program of economic reforms in the sixties of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia. The work will mainly analyze the causes of success Šikova reform movement among economists and the Czechoslovak Communist Party leadership. The first part of the study will address the reorientation of foreign trade and economy of Czechoslovakia to the Soviet Union and its satellite countries, as well as the importance of CSR for the functioning of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the fifties. Briefly mentioned is the first attempt at economic reform led by Kurt Rozsypal issues and other proposals for changes in central planning. The crucial part of this work will be devoted to the theoretical designs and directions, which created the preconditions for the implementation of specific economic reforms in the sixties. The treatment of the topic study should answer the questions: What were the other economic programs and their leaders? These protagonists could significantly affect the program or not?
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Analytický katalog frankofonní literatury v revui Světová literatura v letech 1956 - 1968 / Analytic catalogue of the francophone literature in the Světová literatura review 1956 - 1968ZUZIAKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
Annotation The aim of this thesis was to analyze the occurrence of francophone literature in literary review {\clqq}Světová literatura`` in the period of 1956 {--} 1968. I made a view of all francophone literature and related articles which was the resource for creating the indexes of authors, translators and translated literature. I devided the published texts in accordance with their genres and I outlined their themes. The view, the lists and the division of genres were the base for evolving the final analysis. There, I apply myself to the spectrum of the genres and themes, to the choice of authors considering their nationality, period of their life and creation and even their political involvement. Then I evaluated the contribution of the periodical and the changes in publishing the francophone literature in context of political development.
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Ženy na pomezí: znovuzrození neviditelného impéria / Women on the Periphery: The Invisible Empire RebornNovota, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis examines the role of women in the Ku Klux Klan in the early 1920s. The author seeks to analyze the following aspects: the main goal is to prove that the foundation and the very existence of the women's auxiliary (WKKK) points to inner tensions within the movement. The WKKK, therefore, can be used as a model or a case study in order to highlight all the issues the Klan had to face, from financial struggles and various allegations to transient and unstable membership. Secondly, the author sets out to verify whether and to what degree WKKK members legitimized the Klan, be it from the outside (public opinion) or from the inside. The author also places emphasis on the fact that the Klan should not be primarily viewed as a violent racist organization, but as a group of members who felt threatened by the outside world from which they needed to shelter themselves. Social life of the Klan and what role Klanswomen had, charity work, or interventions in local affairs play a vital role in this thesis as a result. Last but not least, proper understanding of primary sources is essential. They are obviously highly subjective and serve as a prime example of how reality differed from what was stated. (W)KKK pamphlets and writings were colored by fear of the so-called "other". Most texts written by...
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Britsko-hannoverská diplomacie v závěrečných letech Velké severní války, 1714-1721 / The British-Hannoverian Diplomacy in the Final Years of the Great Northern War, 1714-1721Rašín, Milan January 2013 (has links)
The war had scourged North-eastern Europe for almost 14 years. In 1714 the elector of Hannover George succeeded to the British throne and the Swedish king Charles XII returned home from his Ottoman exile. His presence led his enemies to attack the remnants of Sweden's provinces. The attack was successful, but their further plan for an invasion into southern Sweden was called off by tsar Peter I what caused the split of the northern alliance into one part led by George and the other one under Peter's command. The Swedish king tried hard to exploit this situation in an attempt to improve his position, nevertheless this policy ended by his death in 1718 and a new diplomatic course led to the conclusion of the war.
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Československá vojenská cvičení 1933 - 1938 / Czechoslovak maneuvers 1933 - 1938Valenta, Radek January 2015 (has links)
Main theme of the thesis is the Czechoslovak Maneuvers in 1936. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter focuses on the creation of Czechoslovak army, the perion 1918-1932. The second chapter targets the reorganization of army in the period 1932-1936. The Third chapter is dedicated to the issue of armed forces in the period of the Austrian emperor.The fourth chapter is focused on the Czechoslovak Maneuvres in 1936 and research preparations, course, and made knowleges from the great interwar's maneuvres of Czechoslovak army. The fifth chapter closes arbitration service in the maneuvres. The sixth chapter deals with foreign's delegations on maneuvers and finally the seventh chapter is devoted to attitude and reakcions of czechoslovak's press and mankind.
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