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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural and Related Studies on Mycobacterial RecA and LexA

Chandran, Anu V January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Genetic material of bacteria is subject to damage due to multitudinous factors, both extrinsic and intrinsic in origin. Mechanisms for the maintenance of genomic integrity are thus essential for a bacterium to survive. Bacterium also requires appropriate minor changes in the genetic material so as to adapt to the changing environments. Structural and related studies of two proteins from mycobacteria, one involved in recombinational DNA repair (RecA) and the other involved in SOS response which helps in adaptation to stress (LexA) form the subject matter of the thesis. The available literature on structural and related studies on RecA and LexA are reviewed in the introductory chapter. The action of RecA involves transition to an active filament formed in association with DNA and ATP, from an inactive filament in the absence of DNA. The structure of the inactive filament was first established in E. coli RecA (EcRecA). The interaction of RecA with non-hydrolysable ATP analogues and ADP were thoroughly characterised and the DNA binding loops were visualised in this laboratory using the crystal structures involving the proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRecA) and Mycobacterium smegmatis (MsRecA). A switch residue, which triggers the transformation of the information on ATP binding to the DNA binding regions, was identified. The 20 residue C-terminal stretch of RecA, which is disordered in all other relevant crystal structures, was defined in an MsRecA-dATP complex. The ordering of the stretch is accompanied by the generation of a new nucleotide binding site which can communicate with the original nucleotide binding site of an adjacent molecule in the filament. The plasticity of MsRecA and its mutants involving the switch residue was explored by studying crystals grown under different conditions at two different temperatures and, in one instance, at low humidity. The structures of these crystals and those of EcRecA and Deinococcus radiodurans RecA (DrRecA) provide information on correlated movements involving different regions of the molecule. MtRecA has an additional importance as an adjuvant drug target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Apart from recombination, another important property of RecA is its coprotease activity whereby it stimulates the inherent cleavage of a certain class of proteins. One of the substrates for the coprotease activity of RecA is LexA. LexA is a transcriptional repressor involved in SOS response in bacteria. LexA performs its function through an autoproteolysis stimulated by RecA, resulting in the derepression of the genes under its control. Structural studies on LexA from E. coli have shown that it has an N-terminal domain involved in binding to DNA and a C-terminal domain involved in catalysis and dimerisation. LexA mediated SOS response in bacteria has been shown in many cases to be responsible for the resistance gained by bacteria on treatment with antibiotics. In that respect, LexA is considered to be a potential drug target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Structures of crystals of Mycobacterium tuberculosis RecA, grown and analysed under different conditions and reported in the thesis, provide insights into hitherto underappreciated details of molecular structure and plasticity (Chapter 2). In particular, they yield information on the invariant and variable features of the geometry of the P-loop, whose binding to ATP is central for all the biochemical activities of RecA. The strengths of interaction of the ligands with the P-loop reveal significant differences. This in turn affects the magnitude of the motion of the ‘switch’ residue, Gln195 in M. tuberculosis RecA, which triggers the transmission of ATP-mediated allosteric information to the DNA binding region. M. tuberculosis RecA is substantially rigid compared with its counterparts from M. smegmatis and E. coli, which exhibit concerted internal molecular mobility. Details of the interactions of ligands with the protein, characterised in the structures, could be useful for design of inhibitors against M. tuberculosis RecA. Eleven independent simulations, each involving three consecutive molecules in the RecA filament, carried out on the protein from M. tuberculosis, M. smegmatis and E. coli and their ATP complexes, provide valuable information which is complementary to that obtained from crystal structures, in addition to confirming the robust common structural frame work within which RecA molecules from different eubacteria function (Chapter 3). Functionally important loops, which are largely disordered in crystal structures, appear to adopt in each simulation subsets of conformations from larger ensembles. The simulations indicate the possibility of additional interactions involving the P-loop which remains largely invariant. The phosphate tail of the ATP is firmly anchored on the loop while the nucleoside moiety exhibits substantial structural variability. The most important consequence of ATP binding is the movement of the ‘switch’ residue. The relevant simulations indicate the feasibility of a second nucleotide binding site, but the pathway between adjacent molecules in the filament involving the two nucleotide binding sites appears to be possible only in the mycobacterial proteins. As described in Chapter 4, full length LexA, the N-terminal and C-terminal segments defined by the cleavage site, two point mutants involving changes in active site residues (S160A and K197A) and another involving change at the cleavage site (G126D) were cloned, expressed and purified. The wild type protein cleaves at basic pH. The mutants do not autocleave at basic pH even after incubation for 12 hours. The wild type and the mutant protein dimerise and bind DNA with equal facility. The C-terminal segment also dimerises, but has a tendency to form tetramer as well. The full length proteins including the mutants and the C-terminal segment crystallised. The structure of the crystals obtained for mutant G126D could not be solved. Each of the other crystals, four in number, contained only the catalytic core and a few residues preceding it, indicating that the full length proteins underwent cleavage, at the canonical cleavage site or elsewhere, during the long period involved in the formation of the crystals. Crystals obtained from the solutions of the wild type protein and the C-terminal segment contains dimers of the catalytic core. Crystals obtained using the active site mutants appear to contain different type of tetramers. One of them involves the swapping of the peptide segment preceding the catalytic core. Models of tetramerisation of the full length protein similar to those observed for the catalytic core are feasible. A model of a complex of MtLexA with M. tuberculosis SOS box could be readily built. In this complex, the mutual orientation of the two N-domains of the dimer is different from that in the EcLexA-DNA complex.

Design and characterization of LexA dimer interface mutants

Osman, Khan Tanjid 24 February 2010
Two key proteins, LexA and RecA, are involved in regulation of the SOS expression system in bacteria. LexA and RecA act as the transcriptional repressor and inducer of the SOS operon, respectively. LexA downregulates the expression of at least 43 unlinked genes and activated RecA interacts with the repressor LexA and therefore, LexA undergoes self-cleavage. The ability of the LexA protein to dimerize is critical for its ability to repress SOS-regulated genes in vivo, as the N-terminal domain (NTD) alone has a lower DNA-binding affinity without the C-terminal domain (CTD) and the components for the dimerization of LexA are located in the CTD. Two antiparallel β-strands (termed β-11) in the CTD at the dimer interface of LexA are involved in the dimerization. LexA interacts with the active form of RecA in vivo during the SOS response. It was determined experimentally that monomeric and non-cleavable LexA binds more tightly to RecA and is resistant to self-cleavage. Therefore, we reasoned that if we can produce such LexA mutants we would be able to stabilize the LexA and active RecA complex for crystallization. Therefore, in this experiment, we attempted to make a non-cleavable and predominantly monomeric LexA that interacts intimately with RecA. We produced four single mutations at the dimer interface of the non-cleavable and NTD-truncated mutant of LexA (∆68LexAK156A) in order to weaken the interactions at the interface. The predominant forms of LexA mutants and the affinities of interaction between the mutant LexA proteins and RecA were examined. ∆68LexAK156AR197P mutant was found as predominantly monomeric at a concentration of 33.3 μM both by gel filtration chromatography and dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments. It also bound RecA more tightly than wild-type LexA. Another mutant, ∆68LexAK156AI196Y, was also found as predominantly monomeric at a concentration of 33.3 μM by DLS. Both these proteins were subjected to crystallization with wild-type RecA protein. We were able to produce some predominantly monomeric LexA with good binding affinity for RecA; however, we were unsuccessful in co-crystallization.

The thermodynamic model for the recA/lexA complex formation

Moya, Ignace Adolfo 28 August 2006
<i>Escherichia coli </i>RecA is a versatile protein that is involved in homologous recombination, and coordination of both the DNA damage response and translesion synthesis. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is generated at the site of double-stranded breaks serves as a signal to activate RecA. This allows RecA to form a long helical filament on the ssDNA, which is required in recombination, hydrolysis of ATP, and mediating the self-cleavage of some ser-lys dyad proteins such as the LexA repressor. In this thesis, the formation of the RecA/LexA complex did not require preactivation by ssDNA, instead a volume excluding agent in the presence of LexA was able to stimulate its formation. These preliminary results led to a hypothesis that the formation of the RecA/LexA complex is a thermodynamic process that involves three steps: (1) a change in RecAs conformation towards the active form, (2) a change in LexAs conformation towards the cleavable form (i.e. burial of the ser-lys dyad catalytic residues), and (3) the binding between the active form of RecA and the cleavable form of LexA. Evidence for this model was shown by the ability of either NaCl, LexA K156A, an ATP substrate, or a volume excluding agent to enhance the stability of the RecA/LexA complex, which was detected by both the ATPase and coprotease assays. Hyper-active RecA mutants, isolated form the yeast two-hybrid screen, were also tested, however they did not enhance the stability of the complex. Additionally, RecAs binding preference for the monomer or dimer form of LexA was examined, since it is unknown which species of LexA is able to enhance the stability of the complex. To generate the monomer form of LexA, single point mutations were introduced at the dimer interface of the protein such that its dimerization was disrupted by charge-charge repulsions. Based on the inhibition assay, RecA was found to bind preferentially to dimer form and not the monomer form of LexA, possible reasons for these results are discussed.

Evolució del motiu d'unió de la proteïna LexA al Domini Bacteria

Mazón i Busquets, Gerard 02 November 2004 (has links)
El sistema SOS és una xarxa multigénico induïble davant del dany al DNA. Les seves funcions estan relacionades amb la replicació, reparació del DNA, mutagènesi I control del cicle cel·lular. Aquesta xarxa ha estat caracteritzada per diferents bacteris grampositius i gramnegatius, trobant-se per a tots ells un motiu d'unió del seu repressor, la proteïna LexA.El present treball de Tesi es centra en la caracterització del motiu d'unió de la proteïna LexA a Xylella fastidiosa, Anabaena sp. i Fibrobacter succinogenes. Mitjançant recerques amb el programa TBLASTN, els gens lexA d'aquests microorganismes han estat identificats. Després de procedir a la seva clonació, els productes que codifiquen han estat expressats I purificats mitjançant sistemes d'afinitat a la cua d'histidines o a la GST. Assaigs de mobilitat electroforética i de footprinting utilitzant el promotor de lexA i proteïna purificada, ens han permès definir el motiu d'unió de la proteïna LexA a tots tres microorganismes: TTAGN6TACTA per a X. fastidiosa, RGTACNNNDGTWCB per a Anabaena i TGCNCN4GTGCA per a F. succinogenes.Aquests motius d'unió han estat utilitzats per determinar la composició del reguló LexA a l'ordre Xanthomonadals i als phyla Cianobacteris i Fibrobacter. Aquest estudi ens ha permès descriure una important variabilitat en la composició d'aquests regulons i la presència de gens induïbles davant del dany al DNA de manera independent de LexA a X.fastidiosa.Estudis de mutagènesis dirigida utilitzant les seqüències d'unió de la proteïna LexA a Anabaena i F. succinogenes i estudis filogenètics amb les proteïnes LexA i RecA ens han permès determinar la història evolutiva del motiu d'unió de LexA al Domini Bacteria, demostrant que a la subdivisió 'Alphaproteobacteria' s'ha perdut la còpia del gen lexA heretada verticalment essent la que presenten actualment aquests bacteris una adquisició per transferència horitzontal a partir d'un ancestre d'una cianobactèria o espècie relacionada.Els següents articles donen suport a les dades i conclusions del treball, que ha estat redactat com a compendi d'aquestes publicacions :Campoy, S., Mazón, G., Fernández de Henestrosa, A.R., Llagostera, M., Monteiro, P.B. i Barbé, J. 2002. A new regulatory DNA motif of the gamma subclass Proteobacteria: identification of the LexA protein binding site of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Microbiology 148: 3583 - 3597.Mazón G., Lucena J.M., Campoy, S., Fernández de Henestrosa, A.R., Candau, P. i Barbé J. 2004. LexA-binding sequence in Gram-positive and cyanobacteria are closely related. Mol. Gen. Genomics 271: 40 - 49.Mazón, G., Erill, I., Campoy, S., Cortés, P., Forano, E. i Barbé, J. 2004. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the LexA binding sequence. Microbiology 150: 3783-3795. / The SOS network is a DNA-damage inducible multigenic network whose functions are involved in DNA replication, DNA repair, mutagenesis and control of cell cycle. This network has been characterized in different gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial species. A binding-motif for their repressor, the LexA protein, has been already determined.The present work focuses in the characterization of the LexA-binding motif of Xylella fastidiosa, Anabaena sp. and Fibrobacter succinogenes. Using TBLASTN searches, their respective lexA genes have been identified and cloned, and their products expressed and purified using histidine-tag and GST-tag systems. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and foot-printing experiments performed using purified LexA proteins and their lexA promoter fragments revealed the presence of the specific LexA-binding motif for these microorganisms: TTAGN6TACTA for X. fastidiosa, RGTACNNNDGTWCB for Anabaena and TGCNCN4GTGCA for F. succinogenes.These three binding motifs have been used to elucidate the LexA regulon composition in the Order Xanthomonadales and the Cyanobacteria and Fibrobacter phyla, showing an important variability in their regulon composition and the presence of LexA-independent DNA-damage inducible genes in X. fastidiosa.Directed mutagenesis of the Anabaena and F. succinogenes LexA-binding sequences and phylogenetic analyses of LexA and RecA proteins have revealed the evolutionary history of the LexA-binding motif in the Bacteria Domain, with the loss of the vertically inherited lexA gene in 'Alphaproteobacteria' and the presence of a lateral gene transfer in these group resulting in a new lexA copy acquired from a cyanobacterium ancestor or related species.This work is supported on data published in the following papers:Campoy, S., Mazón, G., Fernández de Henestrosa, A.R., Llagostera, M., Monteiro, P.B. i Barbé, J. 2002. A new regulatory DNA motif of the gamma subclass Proteobacteria: identification of the LexA protein binding site of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Microbiology 148: 3583 - 3597.Mazón G., Lucena J.M., Campoy, S., Fernández de Henestrosa, A.R., Candau, P. i Barbé J. 2004. LexA-binding sequence in Gram-positive and cyanobacteria are closely related. Mol. Gen. Genomics 271: 40 - 49.Mazón, G., Erill, I., Campoy, S., Cortés, P., Forano, E. i Barbé, J. 2004. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the LexA binding sequence. Microbiology 150: 3783-3795.

Análisis de la composición del regulón LexA en el dominio Bacteria

Jara Ramírez, Mónica 16 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Coexistència de dos regulons LexA a Pseudomonas putida

Abella Rusiñol, Marc 11 January 2008 (has links)
El sistema SOS és una xarxa multigènica controlada negativament per la proteïna LexA, i està format per un conjunt de gens implicats en el manteniment de la viabilitat cel·lular davant de lesions en el DNA. Aquest sistema es troba en la majoria d'espècies bacterianes, malgrat que existeixen diferències tant en la seqüència d'unió de la proteïna LexA, com en el contingut genètic del reguló. En la present memòria es descriu el sistema SOS de Pseudomonas putida, un bacteri gramnegatiu pertanyent al grup Gamma. Primerament s'han clonat els dos gens lexA, anomenats lexA1 i lexA2, i s'han obtingut els seus productes gènics mitjançant sobreexpressió i purificació per columnes d'afinitat. Ambdues proteïnes s'han utilitzat en assaigs de mobilitat electroforètica (EMSA) amb els promotors de cada un dels gens lexA. Així s'ha pogut identificar la seqüència d'unió de la proteïna LexA1 (CTGTN8ACAG) i de la proteïna LexA2 (AGTACN4GTGCT). Posteriorment, utilitzant RT-PCR, s'ha vist com el gen lexA2 constitueix una única unitat transcripcional amb els gens que el segueixen, formant el casset lexA2-imuA-imuB-dnaE2. Aquest casset s'ha vist que és induïble per danys en el DNA, i que es troba àmpliament distribuït en el domini Bacteria. Seguidament, s'han obtingut dues soques mutants defectives pels gens lexA1 i lexA2, i s'ha analitzat l'expressió gènica de cada una d'elles, respecte la soca salvatge, utilitzant xips de DNA (microarrays). Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat que la proteïna LexA1 controla la majoria de gens del sistema SOS, que a més corresponen amb la resposta convencional del seu grup filogenètic; mentre que la proteïna LexA2 només regula l'expressió de la seva pròpia unitat transcripcional, i la d'un gen (PP3901) pertanyent a un profag resident de P. putida. A més, aquest gen també es troba controlat per la proteïna LexA1, essent l'únic que comparteix les dues regulacions. L'obtenció d'un mutant defectiu pel gen PP3901 ha demostrat que l'expressió d'aquest és necessària per a la transcripció dels gens del profag resident. L'expressió d'aquest profag, però, no origina cap efecte deleteri apreciable sobre el creixement de P. putida. / The SOS system is a multigenic network negatively controlled by the LexA protein, and is composed of a set of genes involved in maintaining cell viability against DNA lesions. This system is present in most bacterial species, despite the existence of differences in the binding sequence of the LexA protein, and in the genetic content of regulon. The present report describes the SOS system of Pseudomonas putida, a Gram negative bacteria belonging to the Gamma proteobacteria group. Firstly we have cloned the two lexA genes, called lexA1 and lexA2 and we have obtained their genetic products through gene overexpression and purification by affinity columns. Both proteins have been used in electroforetic mobility shift assays (EMSA) with the promoters of each of the lexA genes. By this way we could identify the recognition sequence of the LexA1 protein (CTGTN8ACAG) and the LexA2 protein (AGTACN4GTGCT). Subsequently, using RT-PCR, we could see that the lexA2 gene forms a single transcriptional unit with the genes that follow it, forming the cassette lexA2-imuA-imuB-dnaE2. This cassette has been seen that is inducible by DNA damage, and that it is present in many Proteobacteria families. Then, we constructed two defective mutant strains of lexA1 and lexA2 genes, and their gene expression has been analyzed using DNA chips (microarrays). The results have shown that the LexA1 protein controls most of the SOS genes, which also correspond with the conventional response of its phylogenetic group; while LexA2 protein only regulates its own transcriptional unit expression, and a gene (PP3901) belonging to a resident P. putida prophage. In addition, this gene is also controlled by the LexA1 protein, being the only one who shares the two regulations. The construction of a PP3901 defective strain, dempnstrated that the expression of this gene is required for the transcription of the resident prophage genes. However, the expression of the prophage genes, do not cause any significant deleterious effect on the growth of P. putida.

The thermodynamic model for the recA/lexA complex formation

Moya, Ignace Adolfo 28 August 2006 (has links)
<i>Escherichia coli </i>RecA is a versatile protein that is involved in homologous recombination, and coordination of both the DNA damage response and translesion synthesis. Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is generated at the site of double-stranded breaks serves as a signal to activate RecA. This allows RecA to form a long helical filament on the ssDNA, which is required in recombination, hydrolysis of ATP, and mediating the self-cleavage of some ser-lys dyad proteins such as the LexA repressor. In this thesis, the formation of the RecA/LexA complex did not require preactivation by ssDNA, instead a volume excluding agent in the presence of LexA was able to stimulate its formation. These preliminary results led to a hypothesis that the formation of the RecA/LexA complex is a thermodynamic process that involves three steps: (1) a change in RecAs conformation towards the active form, (2) a change in LexAs conformation towards the cleavable form (i.e. burial of the ser-lys dyad catalytic residues), and (3) the binding between the active form of RecA and the cleavable form of LexA. Evidence for this model was shown by the ability of either NaCl, LexA K156A, an ATP substrate, or a volume excluding agent to enhance the stability of the RecA/LexA complex, which was detected by both the ATPase and coprotease assays. Hyper-active RecA mutants, isolated form the yeast two-hybrid screen, were also tested, however they did not enhance the stability of the complex. Additionally, RecAs binding preference for the monomer or dimer form of LexA was examined, since it is unknown which species of LexA is able to enhance the stability of the complex. To generate the monomer form of LexA, single point mutations were introduced at the dimer interface of the protein such that its dimerization was disrupted by charge-charge repulsions. Based on the inhibition assay, RecA was found to bind preferentially to dimer form and not the monomer form of LexA, possible reasons for these results are discussed.

Design and characterization of LexA dimer interface mutants

Osman, Khan Tanjid 24 February 2010 (has links)
Two key proteins, LexA and RecA, are involved in regulation of the SOS expression system in bacteria. LexA and RecA act as the transcriptional repressor and inducer of the SOS operon, respectively. LexA downregulates the expression of at least 43 unlinked genes and activated RecA interacts with the repressor LexA and therefore, LexA undergoes self-cleavage. The ability of the LexA protein to dimerize is critical for its ability to repress SOS-regulated genes in vivo, as the N-terminal domain (NTD) alone has a lower DNA-binding affinity without the C-terminal domain (CTD) and the components for the dimerization of LexA are located in the CTD. Two antiparallel β-strands (termed β-11) in the CTD at the dimer interface of LexA are involved in the dimerization. LexA interacts with the active form of RecA in vivo during the SOS response. It was determined experimentally that monomeric and non-cleavable LexA binds more tightly to RecA and is resistant to self-cleavage. Therefore, we reasoned that if we can produce such LexA mutants we would be able to stabilize the LexA and active RecA complex for crystallization. Therefore, in this experiment, we attempted to make a non-cleavable and predominantly monomeric LexA that interacts intimately with RecA. We produced four single mutations at the dimer interface of the non-cleavable and NTD-truncated mutant of LexA (∆68LexAK156A) in order to weaken the interactions at the interface. The predominant forms of LexA mutants and the affinities of interaction between the mutant LexA proteins and RecA were examined. ∆68LexAK156AR197P mutant was found as predominantly monomeric at a concentration of 33.3 μM both by gel filtration chromatography and dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments. It also bound RecA more tightly than wild-type LexA. Another mutant, ∆68LexAK156AI196Y, was also found as predominantly monomeric at a concentration of 33.3 μM by DLS. Both these proteins were subjected to crystallization with wild-type RecA protein. We were able to produce some predominantly monomeric LexA with good binding affinity for RecA; however, we were unsuccessful in co-crystallization.

A genetic screen to isolate Lariat peptide inhibitors of protein function

Barreto, Kris 03 May 2010
<p>Functional genomic analyses provide information that allows hypotheses to be formulated on protein function. These hypotheses, however, need to be validated using reverse genetic approaches, which are difficult to perform on a large scale and in diploid organisms. To address this problem, we developed a genetic screen to rapidly isolate lariat peptides that function as trans dominant inhibitors of protein function.</p> <p>We engineered intein proteins to genetically produce lariats. A lariat consists of a lactone peptide covalently attached to a linear peptide. Cyclizing peptides with a lactone bond imposes a constraint even within the reducing environment found inside of cells. The covalently attached linear peptide provides a site for fusing protein moieties. We fused a transcriptional activation domain to a combinatorial lactone peptide, which allowed combinatorial lariat libraries to be screened for protein interactions using the yeast two-hybrid assay.</p> <p>We confirmed that the intein processed in yeast using Western blot analysis. A chemoselective ring opening of the lactone bond with heavy water, followed by mass spectrometry analysis showed that ~ 44% of purified lariat contained an intact lactone bond. To improve the stability of the lactone bond, we introduced mutations into the engineered intein and analyzed their processing and stability by mass spectrometery. Several mutations were identified that increased the amount of intact lariat.</p> <p>Combinatorial libraries of lactone peptides were generated and screened using the yeast-two-hybrid interaction trap. Lactone cyclic peptides that bound to a number of different targets including LexA, Jak2, and Riz1 were isolated. A lactone cyclic peptide isolated against the bacterial repressor protein LexA was characterized. LexA regulates bacterial SOS response and LexA mutants that cannot undergo autoproteolyis make bacteria more sensitive to, and inhibit resistance against cytotoxic reagents. The anti-LexA lariat interacted with LexA with a dissociation constant of 37 µM by surface plasmon resonance. The lactone constraint was determined to be required for the interaction of the anti-LexA L2 lariat with LexA in the yeast-two-hybrid assay. Alanine scanning showed that only two amino acids (G8 and E9) in the anti-LexA L2 sequence (1-SRSWDLPGEY-10) were not required for the interaction with LexA. The interaction of the anti-LexA lariat with LexA in vivo was confirmed by chromatin precipitation of the lactone peptide-LexA-DNA complex. The anti-microbial properties of the anti-LexA lariat were also characterized. The anti-LexA lariat potentiated the activity of a DNA damaging agent mitomycin C and inhibited the cleavage of LexA, preventing the SOS response pathway from being activated.</p> <p>In summary, lariats possess desired traits for characterizing the function and therapeutic potential of proteins. The ability to genetically and chemically synthesize lariats allows the lariat transcription activation domain to be replaced by other peptide and chemical moieties such as affinity tags, fluorescent molecules, localization sequences, et cetera, which give them advantages over head to tail cyclized peptides, which have no free end to attach moieties.</p>

A genetic screen to isolate Lariat peptide inhibitors of protein function

Barreto, Kris 03 May 2010 (has links)
<p>Functional genomic analyses provide information that allows hypotheses to be formulated on protein function. These hypotheses, however, need to be validated using reverse genetic approaches, which are difficult to perform on a large scale and in diploid organisms. To address this problem, we developed a genetic screen to rapidly isolate lariat peptides that function as trans dominant inhibitors of protein function.</p> <p>We engineered intein proteins to genetically produce lariats. A lariat consists of a lactone peptide covalently attached to a linear peptide. Cyclizing peptides with a lactone bond imposes a constraint even within the reducing environment found inside of cells. The covalently attached linear peptide provides a site for fusing protein moieties. We fused a transcriptional activation domain to a combinatorial lactone peptide, which allowed combinatorial lariat libraries to be screened for protein interactions using the yeast two-hybrid assay.</p> <p>We confirmed that the intein processed in yeast using Western blot analysis. A chemoselective ring opening of the lactone bond with heavy water, followed by mass spectrometry analysis showed that ~ 44% of purified lariat contained an intact lactone bond. To improve the stability of the lactone bond, we introduced mutations into the engineered intein and analyzed their processing and stability by mass spectrometery. Several mutations were identified that increased the amount of intact lariat.</p> <p>Combinatorial libraries of lactone peptides were generated and screened using the yeast-two-hybrid interaction trap. Lactone cyclic peptides that bound to a number of different targets including LexA, Jak2, and Riz1 were isolated. A lactone cyclic peptide isolated against the bacterial repressor protein LexA was characterized. LexA regulates bacterial SOS response and LexA mutants that cannot undergo autoproteolyis make bacteria more sensitive to, and inhibit resistance against cytotoxic reagents. The anti-LexA lariat interacted with LexA with a dissociation constant of 37 µM by surface plasmon resonance. The lactone constraint was determined to be required for the interaction of the anti-LexA L2 lariat with LexA in the yeast-two-hybrid assay. Alanine scanning showed that only two amino acids (G8 and E9) in the anti-LexA L2 sequence (1-SRSWDLPGEY-10) were not required for the interaction with LexA. The interaction of the anti-LexA lariat with LexA in vivo was confirmed by chromatin precipitation of the lactone peptide-LexA-DNA complex. The anti-microbial properties of the anti-LexA lariat were also characterized. The anti-LexA lariat potentiated the activity of a DNA damaging agent mitomycin C and inhibited the cleavage of LexA, preventing the SOS response pathway from being activated.</p> <p>In summary, lariats possess desired traits for characterizing the function and therapeutic potential of proteins. The ability to genetically and chemically synthesize lariats allows the lariat transcription activation domain to be replaced by other peptide and chemical moieties such as affinity tags, fluorescent molecules, localization sequences, et cetera, which give them advantages over head to tail cyclized peptides, which have no free end to attach moieties.</p>

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