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Investigating life-history polymorphism : modelling mitesKoesters, Nils B. January 2005 (has links)
The thesis presents research on the life-history polymorphism in the mite Sancassania berlesei. Males of this species are andropolymorphic: there are two distinct male phenotypes. One, the fighter, develops a third thickened leg pair, with which it kills off other fighters and males which do not exhibit a third thickened leg pair, the non-fighters. A review of the life-history of S. berlesei is given, focussing on its general biology, diet, dispersal and mating behaviour. This is followed by a review of the andropolymorphism, and the current understanding of the mechanisms underlying it. The major conclusions from the experimental work presented in this thesis are that fighters primarily develop at low population densities; though the proportion of males becoming fighters at any given density may change over time. This change is likely to be due to condition-dependence. Data is presented to illuminate these matters and a model is developed linking fighter development to the costs of being a fighter (in terms of survival) and the benefits of being a fighter (in terms of fecundity). The sex ratio in S. berlesei is 1:1, and there is no evidence of density or frequency-dependent deviations from this. A delay in food supply at maturation delays the time of maximum fecundity of females for about seven days and lowers their overall egg output. Density-dependent effects reduce the overall daily fecundity of females in higher densities. Female survival is affected by density, food present and rearing conditions. Nearly all eggs laid by S. berlesei hatch regardless of the conditions. Eggs laid in very poor conditions hatched even earlier than the average time of between day three and four. At density two, animals do synchronise their frequency, when isolated together from egg stage. Poor conditions reverse female density-dependence from convex to concave with the lowest life expectancy at intermediate densities. The trade-off between survival and fecundity is the likely cause. Amalgamating the results from the previous experiments, the influence of stochastic population dynamics on male strategy was then modelled. The results indicate that the fighter morph development rule is sensitive to the probability of low population densities arising. When low densities occur, there is a selective advantage to being a fighter. With increasing probability of lower densities, becoming a fighter is more feasible. The ESS rule changes, while in a stable high density environment a density-dependent fighter rule is never selected for. This indicates an influence of stochastic population dynamics on life-history evolution. Modelling demographic stochasticity in the fighter rule shows some buffering effect of this form of stochasticity. The fighter morph determination rule is less sensitive to environmental stochasticity with a high frequency of low densities. Using an agent based model with diploid genetics, I show that under high densities a fighter male is less successful at passing on his genes than a non-fighter. At a density of one male, the fighter gains no advantage to developing the fighter phenotype (as he is not competing with other males). In this case, the advantage may arise through future increases in density (such as through immigration or maturation of offspring). The density-dependent fighter development rule is then switched within the model from density-dependent to frequency-dependent, and the model indicates, that even under the frequency-dependent rule a possible ratio of fighters to non-fighters could exist. The system does not reach this state due to condition-dependence in reality. Following on from the findings discussed above, that morph determination has a condition-dependent component, I develop an argument that relates the observed forms of morph determination (density-dependent and frequency-dependent) in three closely related species of mites via an underlying condition-dependence. It is shown that condition-dependence is likely the linking factor between frequency and density-dependence. This is shown to be possibly a rule for all species displaying polymorphism which includes physical alterations of their bodies.
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The life history, reproductive ecology, and demography of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, in the Northeastern Gulf of MexicoDeVries, Douglas Alan. Travis, Joseph, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Advisor: Joseph Travis, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Biological Science. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed June 13, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains xvi, 160 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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The biology of Palexorista laxa (Curran) (Diptera : Tachinidae) : an internal larval parasitoid of Heliothis armigera (Hübner) Lepidoptera : Noctuidae)Van Heerden, Desireé January 1993 (has links)
The Tachinid fly, Palexorista laxa (Curran) is an important parasitoid of Heliothis armigera (Hubner) in Africa and India. The biological characteristics of the parasitoid were studied with an emphasis on its host instar preference, host range, seasonality and percentage parasitism. The developmental stages were also studied and described. A high host mortality (48%-100%) due to parasite attack occurred when small larvae were parasitised (2nd & 3rd instars). A preference for the 4th and 5th host instars was shown by the flies. P. laxa was found to be a non-specific parasitoid and parasitised a number of lepidopterous larvae in the laboratory including Busseola fusca (Fuller), Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and Eldana saccharina Walker, but preferred Ii. armigera. The percentage parasitism on H. armigera in the field was variable peaking at 48% in 1988/89. Of the various parasitoids recorded from H. armigera on sunflower P. laxa was by far the most abundant. Mating occurred immediately after emergence with the males emerging a day earlier than the females. Males were capable of multiple matings whereas females mated only once in a lifetime. P. laxa females produced incubated macrotype eggs which hatched almost immediately after oviposition. The duration of development of the incubated egg and larval stage was 6,7 days, the pupa 10,4 days for females and 9,4 days for males, and the adult lived up to 50 days at 25°C. A reduction in pupal weight, an increase in the duration of the pupal stage and higher pupal mortality accompanied an increase in density of parasitoids per host. A linear relationship was shown between adult mass and number of ovarioles and eggs in P. laxa females. The oviposition period was 26,9 days with a high variation in daily progeny production. The total fertility per female was 126,3 puparia. "Inexperienced" females deposited incubated eggs on all parts of the host body while "experienced" females confined oviposition to the head and thorax. P. laxa females did not discriminate between previously parasitised and non-parasitised hosts. The effect of temperature on larval and pupal survival and development time was studied at 20°, 22°, 25°, 28°and 30°C. As expected, duration of development decreased with an increase in temperature, and there was a reduction in mortality.
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A taxonomic revision of the Nearctic specis of the genus Bezzia (Diptera: ceratopogonidae)Dow, Mark Ian 13 March 2009 (has links)
This study is intended as a collective standardization of descriptions and illustrations of the species of Bezzia in the Nearctic Region. Forty-three species are reviewed, 14 of which are new. Two species are thought to be junior synonyms. A new subgeneric name, Aspinabezzia, is proposed for the already occupied Probezzia of the authors. A key to the adults is presented. When possible, both sexes are illustrated. Including types, approximately 5,000 specimens have been examined. The specimens are both pinned and dissected, mounted on microscope slides. The specimens were borrowed largely from two collections, the U.S. National Collection and the Canadian National Collection. Type specimens were borrowed from several other collections. Numerical data is presented concerning measurements and ratios of the antenna, palp, length-width- costa-R₁-and last costal segment of the wing, tarsi, and the female spermathecae. The subgeneric groupings are discussed. Four subgenera are recognized: Pseudobezzia, Bezzia s. str., Aspinabezzia n. subgen., and Phaenobezzia. / Ph. D.
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Morphological constraints on life history evolution in Poecilia reticulata (Cyprinodontiformes: poeciliinae)Miranda, Edmund Richard 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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A comparative study of the life histories of the sister species, Pseudobarbus afer and Pseudobarbus asper, in the Gamtoos River system, South AfricaCambray, James Alfred January 1993 (has links)
This thesis explores the biology, ecology, and life-history styles of two closely-related redfin minnows, Pseudobarbus afer and P. asper (pisces; Cyprinidae), which both occur in the Gamtoos River system of South Africa. Five of the seven species of flexible-rayed redfin minnows are in the South African Red Data Book - Fishes. This investigation was designed to provide the data which would enable conservation authorities to manage the remaining populations of the Pseudobarbus species. A thorough understanding of the Gamtoos River system was necessary to properly interpret the findings of this study. The palaeo river systems and the changing climates since the break-up of Gondwanaland are discussed so that the present day environments could be considered as well as the past environmental changes. P. afer and P. asper occur in the Gamtoos River system with no physical barrier separating the two species. P. afer only occurs in the clear mountain streams of the Cape Fold Mountain Belt whereas P. asper occurs in the highly saline and turbid Karoo section of the system. P. afer were found to be the more precocial form of the sister species. They had bigger eggs, lower relative fecundity, shorter breeding season, lower gonadosomatic indices, larger first feeding larval fish, matured later and had a longer life-span than did P. asper, which had more altricial life-history attributes. They differ in their tradeoffs with P. asper devoting more resources earlier to reproduction and having a shorter lifespan. The improvement in the one aspect of fitness (early maturity) leads to the deterioration in another, namely lifespan. Both species undertake breeding migrations to riffle areas where they spawn in mid-channel immediately above a pool after an increase in water flow. P. afer and P. asper are non-guarders of their non-adhesive eggs and young, open substrate spawners on coarse substrates (rocks) and have photophobic free embryos. The breeding season is shorter for P. afer whereas P. asper can spawn as late as April and impoundment releases can induce them to spawn. A study of comparative neuroecology revealed that of the four groups of fish analyzed (males and females of both species) male P. afer had the largest brains, especially the optic lobes and cerebellum. P. asper females had the smallest brains. No neural compensation in the external gustatory centre, the facial lobe, was found for P. asper inhabiting the turbid waters. P. afer also had significantly larger eyes and longer barbels. P. afer males were also found to have the highest density and largest nuptial tubercles as well as the most pronounced breeding colouration. It was concluded that P. asper is the more derived of the sister species pair with regard to life-history attributes. It is further suggested that investment per offspring is important in determining the life-history trajectories. Paedomorphosis has occurred and by this mechanism variability has been restored to the redfin minnows in the Groot River which enables them to survive in the highly variable, intermittent Karoo stream. The more precocial P. afer do not require this variability in the more constant and predictable environment of the Wit River.
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Alternative life-history strategies in the trematode Coitocaecum parvum (Opecoelidae) : effects of environmental factors and within-host competitionLagrue, Clement, n/a January 2008 (has links)
From simple beginnings, when only one host was required, numerous parasitic organisms have evolved complex life-cycles involving two or more host species. For example, trematode parasites reproduce in vertebrates, their definitive host, but their current life cycle also typically involves two intermediate hosts that were added during the course of evolution. Vertebrates are often considered to be the ancestral hosts of trematodes although other scenarios exist. While multi-host life cycles are observed in distantly related groups of parasites, their evolution remains largely unexplored.
In trematodes, while recent phylogenetic studies have shed light on the sequence along which the different hosts were incorporated in the cycle, conditions that favoured the evolution of such complex life cycles can only be hypothesized. However, one opportunity to understand the force shaping the evolution of complex life cycles is provided by the few trematode species in which the classical three-host cycle facultatively reverts to a shorter cycle (i.e. life cycle abbreviation). In this study, the effects of different environmental factors on the life history strategy of the trematode Coitocaecum parvum were investigated using laboratory and field studies. C. parvum is able to abbreviate its life cycle from three to two hosts by maturing early (i.e. progenesis) and producing eggs inside the second intermediate host; both life history strategies occur simultaneously in C. parvum populations.
Environmental factors such as predator densities should strongly influence parasite life history strategies. In fact, this study shows that laboratory reared Coitocaecum parvum adopt preferentially the normal three-host cycle when chemical cues from the definitive host are added to their environment, while the shorter cycle is favoured when these cues are absent. However, in nature, multiple environmental factors are likely to be perceived by parasites. Consequently, C. parvum�s ability to adapt its developmental strategy to definitive host densities may be confounded by the complex combination of various environmental parameters.
Within-host competition between parasites sharing a common host is also likely to influence individual life history strategies. Parasites could then use alternative life strategies to adaptively respond to intraspecific and interspecific competition. Indeed, this study found that C. parvum preferentially adopts the abbreviated cycle in the presence of competitors. However, in interspecific competition, C. parvum�s strategy also depends upon the competitor species, possibly influenced by the other species� transmission route. Furthermore, intensity of intraspecific competition proved to constrain C. parvum�s ability to use the abbreviated life cycle. Finally, genetic relatedness between co-infecting C. parvum individuals seems to affect parasite life strategy through kin selection: closely related individuals are more likely to adopt the same developmental strategy, when they share a host, than unrelated ones.
C. parvum individuals adopting the abbreviated cycle are enclosed within a cyst in their intermediate host and must produce eggs by self-fertilization, the most severe case of inbreeding. It was hypothesized that their offspring would have reduced fitness due to inbreeding depression, therefore selecting against the shorter cycle. However, this study found no difference in the survival and infection success of offspring produced through the abbreviated and normal cycles. Furthermore, no evidence for a genetic basis of life cycle abbreviation was detected: the same proportion of offspring from both reproductive strategies adopted the shorter life cycle.
The work in this thesis provides evidence that although life cycle abbreviation provides Coitocaecum parvum with a viable alternative life strategy, numerous factors promote or restrict the adoption of this strategy. While this life history strategy has no detectable effect on parasite fitness, both environmental parameters and within-host competition affect C. parvum life-history strategies, alternatively selecting for either the shorter or normal life cycle. Overall, the complexity of the parasite environment could maintain both developmental strategies in C. parvum populations and, on a broader scale, could have influenced the evolution of complex life cycles in parasites.
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The control and life history of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) on sweet cornAyoade, Kayode Adebayo, 1938- January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Zygospore formation, germination, and the ontogeny of the chloroplast of Sirogonium melanosporum (Randhawa) TranseauDennis, Arthur Eldon, 1931- January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Environmental timing and control of reproduction in the powan of Loch Lomond 'Coregonus lavaretus (L) (Teleostei)' in relation to its pineal organO'Connell, William David January 1985 (has links)
The reproductive cycle of Coregonus lavaretus (L. ) in Loch Lomond was investigated by monthly sampling. The stages of the cycle occurred at the same time each year and were precisely timed. The environment followed a regular pattern which varied seasonally and was repeated annually. Spawning synchrony within the population during the short breeding period may be in response to lunar phases. A qualitative echosounding survey was made. The spatial distribution of the fish is probably related to their feeding behaviour and was mainly pelagic in summer and benthic in winter. Diel vertical migrations were recorded at dawn and dusk and appeared to be related to negative solar altitudes. The fish occurred at the surface during the night and persisted with their diel vertical migrations when feeding behaviour was benthic. The regulation of the reproductive cycle in the common sole Solea solea was investigated. The timing of spawning is ultimately determined by sea temperature, and spawning synchrony within the population is probably achieved in the initiation of exogenous vitellogenesis by a unified response within the breeding population to a stimulatory photoperiod. In both Solea solea and Coregonus lavaretus, initiation of exogenous vitellogenesis occurred during a rapid rise in the condition of the fish. The photosensitivity of the reproductive system may possibly be linked to a threshold condition. The pineal organ of Coregonus lavaretus is typically salmonid and the convoluted epithelium contained photoreceptors, interstitial cells, and neurones. The interstitial cells gave rise to processes which extended into the perivascular space. Photoreceptor cells synapsed with neurones, photoreceptor cells (lateral processes) and possibly other cell types. The results suggest that the pineal organ functions as a photoreceptor.
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