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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká liturgická tvorba pro dětské a ženské sbory / Czech liturgical formation for children's and women's choirs

Saláková, Leona January 2006 (has links)
Ve své disertační práci jsem se zaměřila na českou liturgickou hudbu pro dětské a ženské sbory. V dnešním značně sekularizovaném světě se může zdát, že tato velká oblast hudební kultury stojí na okraji společenského zájmu, a není tedy důvod sejí ve školách a světských sborech zabývat. Jsem ale přesvědčena, že hudba duchovní, potažmo i liturgická do škol i sborů patří. Škola i pěvecký sbor poskytují mladému člověku nejen sumu poznatků a estetických zážitků, ale významným způsobem také ovlivňují jeho výchovu a podílejí se na formování jeho základních morálních hodnot. Kvalitní hudba sama o sobě člověka kultivuje, odvrací ho od konzumního materialismu, rozvíjí cit pro krásno, prohlubuje estetické prožitky a spojuje interprety i posluchače. Toto výchovné působení je podle mého názoru zvlášť silné právě u hudby duchovní. Pro věřícího posluchače nebo interpreta je duchovní hudba spjata s konkrétními náboženskými prožitky, které se těžko zprostředkovávají. Ateistický posluchač sice nemusí pochopit a prožít obsah liturgických textů do takové hloubky, přinejmenším ho ale mohou vést k zamyšlení nad jeho žebříčkem hodnot. Základní znalosti z oblasti duchovní hudby i křesťanských tradic navíc patří k všeobecnému vzdělání, proto je zcela na místě seznamovat s nimi žáky již na základní škole.

Liturgická hudba jako učivo na základní škole / Liturgical Music as Curriculum in Primary School

Jelínková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
Title: Liturgical Music as Curriculum in Primary School Author: Bc. Lenka Jelínková Supervisor: PhDr. Leona Saláková, Ph.D. Department: Department of Music Education, Charles University in Prague Abstract: This thesis speaks about the liturgical music taught in Czech primary schools. Firstly, the meaning of liturgical music is explained, we focus at the liturgy and its forms, then we present the survey results about teaching liturgical music, thirdly the textbooks are analyzed - we look for liturgical music as curriculum here, and in the end, there is our owns project for teaching the liturgical music. Project is about the Passion. The main goal of this work is to chart how is liturgical music in textbooks and at school approached and to give some ideas for working with liturgical music during music lessons in primary schools. Keywords: liturgy, liturgical music, music textbooks, liturgical music in primary school, spiritual music in primary school

Zpěvník Mešní zpěvy. Analýza a využití v hudební pedagogice / Hymnal Mešní zpěvy. The analysis and the usage in the musical pedagogy

Vychytilová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis The hymnal Mešní zpěvy. The analysis and the usage in the musical pedagogy suggests a way of usage of Mešní zpěvy in music courses at secondary school. Liturgical music is the important source of knowledge of our musical culture, and of the culture in general too. Mešní zpěvy adds to that knowledge noticeably. The hymns listed there come from elder hymnals, but each has the origins of both music and lyrics traced and attached. This writing provides an analysis of selected hymns and offers how to use them when teaching music. The purpose of the thesis is to show that Mešní zpěvy are suitable in everyday teaching of music. The choice of hymns has been made considering the other subjects too, particularly Czech language and history. The aim is to widen pupils' horizons of historical and cultural heritage. The hymn selection and its involvement in the teaching process has been tried at secondary school.

Současné trendy protestantské liturgické hudby v České republice / Contemporary Trends of Protestant Liturgical Music in the Czech Republic

Dittrichová, Johana January 2013 (has links)
anglicky The diploma thesis Contemporary Trends of Protestant Liturgical Music in the Czech Republic deals mainly with both - musical and unmusical - element of contemporary praise and worship songs used at protestant Sunday services. The aim of praise and worship music in a Sunday service, is to give praise to God, as well as it was in biblical times. Therefore the first chapter of the thesis presents observations about music in the Bible and examines its connections to non-musical ways of praising God, which throws light upon the situation today. The part of the thesis which makes the reader familiar with current situation of protestant liturgical music in the Czech Republic, points out weaknesses in present-day song writing and shows a need of musical education for Christians, who take part in performing music at Church, compose songs and translate them from other languages. There is also a notable trend of adapting hymnbook songs, which therefore become friendlier to younger generation who prefers livelier music. Although there is not any board for protestant liturgical music, there are several influential personalities, whose view on various components of music liturgy and relationship to God's praise are presented in the third chapter. All of them agree on the fact that praising God through...

"Hodinky církevní." České překlady z Římského breviáře 1800-1971 / Partial Czech translations of the Roman Breviary 1800-1974

PAVLÍK, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The thesis examines Czech translations from the Roman Breviary created in the period between 1800 and the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. Catalogue of such translations has been prepared. Based on the catalogue, the most important text families are identified and described in detail. It turns out that most of the translations were created for purposes of publicly celebrated Vespers, chanted in the vernacular. Based on historical experience with this pre-conciliar paraliturgical form, a few final suggestions are made for public celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours today.

Polyfonie v dílech J. B. Foerstra a jeho současníků / Polyphony in the work of J. B. Foerster and his contemporaries

Židek, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Josef Bohuslav Foerster (1859 - 1951) was a leading Czech composer of the late romantic era, like for example Josef Suk (1875 - 1935), Vítězslav Novák (1870 - 1949) and Otakar Ostrčil (1879 - 1935). This generation is sometimes called as "The first generation of Czech modern", but their musical language is directly connected to oeuvre by famous Czech composers of the nineteenth century Smetana, Dvořák and Fibich. Foerster's musical language is mystical, lyrical and emotional, mostly replete rich harmony and especially specific polyphony. He was not only an important musician but also a thinker, writer and painter. Until today, his great composer's work is not valued and only sometimes performed. This thesis is concerned with the specific traits of composer's musical language, polyphony, which is often different from Bach, Beethoven or Smetana. We can talk about specific free polyphony and way of musical thinking dependent on many things and ideas. This cause and many others aspects provide particular problems for performers and music listeners. The dissertation includes many analyses of selected compositions by Foerster, which are also compared with others by his contemporaries, especially Suk and Mahler (1860 - 1911), who was Foerster's close friend. In liturgical music Foerster created a unique and very distinctive product of the Caecilian reform movement in church music, which had its striking culmination in the Czech lands during Foerster's lifetime. Extensive choral oeuvre is made in a specific musical-poetic style. Symphonic compositions, especially five symphonies are to a large extent autobiographical; and operas are in a realistic concept, which we can compare with dramas by Leoš Janáček (1854 - 1928). The thesis is based upon author's wide experience of performing composer's work and large volume of literature with some works written by J. B. Foerster. The author tries to solve problems of performing this music, as a conductor, choir master, educator and propagator.

Česká duchovní píseň v liturgii po II. vatikánském koncilu / Czech Religious Song in the Liturgy after the Second Vatican Council

Maršíková Michálková, Alena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Czech Religious Song in the Liturgy after the Second Vatican Council focuses on the repertoire of songs contained in hymnbooks "Kancionál" (Hymnal), "Mešní zpěvy" (Czech gradual), "Hymny" (Hymns) and "Hymny a básnické modlitby" (Hymns and poetic prayers). Includes theological principles of songs, history of Czech spiritual hymns, analysis of the editorial approaches for songbooks and analysis of the hymns in relation to the requirements of the liturgical renewal documents. The thesis focuses primarily on "Kancionál" (Hymnal), "mešní píseň" (mass song) and singing a song of thanksgiving after Communion. The thesis evaluates compositional approaches for lyrics and music of mass songs.

Improvizace jako hudebně-pedagogická disciplína v přípravě varhaníků pro liturgické prostředí. / Improvisation as a musical pedagogical discipline in thepreparatio n of organists for the liturgical environment.

Steyer, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Improvisation as a musical-pedagogical discipline in the preparation of organists for the liturgical environment. MgA. Jan Steyer Abstract The dissertation solves the issue of organ improvisation in the liturgical environment in the Czech Republic and focusing mainly on the pedagogical aspect of the topic. The first part deals with theoretical problems. Improvisation is defined, classified and put into context of psychology and history. There is also a mapping of the position of organ improvisation in the liturgy on the basis of church regulations. The second part of the work is a research about the situation among church organists in the Czech Republic. Using the questionnaire, basic data on the researched group were obtained (age, gender, general and musical education, place of organ action and information about organ liturgical practice). In addition, the research analyzes the musical theoretical and practical playing skills of church organists. There is also a finding of educational requirements of research participants and description of their own experience with organ courses and various methodological procedures in teaching improvisation. This information are very useful for pedagogical purposes. The third part of the dissertation deals with qualitative research carried out on summer courses for...

Vztah evangelických církví na Slovensku k liturgii / The attitude of slovak evangelical churches to liturgy

Jurčová, Mária January 2011 (has links)
JURČOVÁ, Mária. The attitude of Slovak Evangelical Churches to Liturgy. [Master thesis] / Mária Jurčová. - Charles Univerzity in Prague. Hussite Theological Faculty; - Supervisor: prof. ThDr. Pavel Procházka, PhD. - Degree: Master. - Prague : HTF UK, 2011. 83 p. This Master thesis "The attitude of Slovak Evangelical Churches to Liturgy" deals with current shape of Sunday worship in Slovak evangelical churches. This study shows liturgical tension which generates our changing culture and also asks a question how can we form liturgy in this new culture. The purpose of this thesis is to describe current situation and liturgy in Slovak evangelical churches and outline assumes of liturgical renewal in changing times. The first chapter is short introduction to the terminology. The second chapter focuses on the New Testament point of view regarding questions of the liturgy. The third chapter deal with new cultural transformation in the world and in Slovakia and is also focused on impact of these changes on evangelical liturgy. New culture, known as postmodernism, shows new styles of liturgy. The fourth chapter brings empirical results of evangelical liturgy research. This thesis wants to contribute for present discussion about liturgical renewal in evangelical churches. Keywords: Liturgy - Worship -...

Jiří Pilát a jeho hudební odkaz v Poříčí nad Sázavou a okolí / Jiří Pilát and his musical legacy in Poříčí nad Sázavou and its surroundings

Herdová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis introduces Jiří Pilát (4. 4. 1921 - 7. 6. 2007), a native of Posázaví. He had been concerned with music on a non-professional level all his life, especially with liturgical music. In order to carry on his interest he created a rich archive, mostly by searching and transcribing the score material. The work aims to show his life and work with regard to both his lifelong musical focus and local activity, and his conceivable influence on the broader cultural awareness. It is comprised from five main chapters: the life of Jiří Pilát, his heritage, a choir and an orchestra in Poříčí nad Sázavou, efforts to re- reveal the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka and draw attention to it; and the musical legacy of Jiří Pilát. Keywords: Jiří Pilát, choirmaster, conductor, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Poříčí nad Sázavou, Louňovice pod Blaníkem, liturgical music

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