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Vyhlídková věž v západních Jeseníkách / The Viewing Tower in Western JeseníkyNosková, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to create design and static assessment of the viewing tower in western Jeseníky mountains. The Ground plan is formed by regular hexagon with outer diameter 0.8 meter. Glued laminated profiles, steel tubes and elements of solid wood were predominantly used for the construction of the building. The viewing tower has four viewing platforms and total high of the structure is 28.5 meters.
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Sdružené ocelové zásobníky / Combined steel silosIvánková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Item of diploma thesis is project of steel construction with 6 steel silos for storage the grain. The construction is situated inside hall. Silos are high 24 meter and diameter is 6 meter. The load-bearing steel structure for silos is designed in a variant solution. Silos are assessed by ČSN 73 5570 and ČSN EN 1991-4
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Obchodní galerie / Shopping galleryRichtrová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this theis was to design of load-carrying steel structure of shopping mall in two variations. Geometric proposal and examination of structural element was made for both of variations. Then one variant was selected for detailed elaboration of details and drawings.
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Hangár / HangarŠkatula, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on a project of a load bearing structure of a aircraft maintenance hangar that has a rectangular ground plan 60,0x120,0 m and includes suspended mobile hoist of loading capacity 5,0t. The object is situated in the airport area of Ostrava Mošnov. The task provides two versions of design. The first version consists of eleven traverse joining beams witch are distanced twelve meters from each other. The second version consists of thirteen traverse joining beams witch are distanced ten meters from each other. The thesis focuses on the load pressure of the steel construction, the main emphasis being placed on the single structural components and assembling components. The calculation meet the standards of ČSN EN.
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Pravděpodobnostní analýza zatížitelnosti železobetonového mostu z nosníků I-73 / Probabilistic analysis of reinforced concrete bridge made of I-73 girdersNezval, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Many older bridges on the highways and roads in the Czech republic and all arend the world have been designed by codes, which are distinct of currently valid codes. Considering current codes, it is possible to set load bearing capacity in few different ways. In presented diploma thesis nonlinear finite element analysis using deterministic methods is compared with fully probabilistic nonlinear finite element analysis. Girder I-73 is analysed. Also the influence of degradation processes and following corrosion of reinforcement is taken into account, when load capacity is predicted for residual service life.
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Bio-inspired structured composites for load-bearing bone graft substitutionGalea, Laetitia 03 March 2015 (has links)
Natural composites, in particular nacre, often combine high strength and toughness thanks to highly ordered architectures and controlled geometries of the reinforcement components. However, combining strength, toughness and resorbability in synthetic materials remains a challenge in particular in the field of bone graft substitutes. In the present study, calcium phosphate-(CaP-)based materials with designed architectures inspired from natural composite materials were achieved. CaP platelets obtained by precipitation in organic medium were first aligned in chitosan matrices by solvent casting in ambient conditions. Efficient strengthening was obtained with 15 vol-% ceramic, reaching cortical bone strength (150 MPa) and preserving good ductility (5 % deformation). In a weak magnetic field, high spatial arrangement without percolation was maintained up to 20 vol-%. With directional freezing, good alignment of the platelets could be pushed up to 50 vol-%. In parallel, in situ recrystallization of CaP blocks in hydrothermal conditions led to hierarchical structures. The strength and the work-of-fracture were enhanced (300%) thanks to a change of failure mode.:Acknowledgements v
Summary vii
Background vii
Thesis outline viii
Part I: “Brick-and-mortar” structures with discrete reinforcement components ix
Part II: “Textured” structures with continuous reinforcement components x
Zusammenfassung xi
Hintergrund xi
Doktorarbeit Gliederung xii
Teil I: “Ziegelmauer-Architektur” mit diskreten Verstärkungskomponenten xiii
Teil II: “ Texturierte” Strukturen mit kontinuierlichen Verstärkungskomponenten xiv
Chapter 1: General introduction 1
Bone grafting 1
CaP ceramics 1
How to improve toughness of CaP ceramics? 2
Importance of structure design: bio-inspiration 2
What mechanical properties should be reached? 5
Specific aims 5
Two general approaches to reach the goal 6
Nacre-inspired “brick-and mortar” structures (Part I) 6
Textured ceramic monoliths (Part II) 6
References 7
Chapter 2: Theoretical calculations 11
Introduction 12
Theoretical tensile strength of β-TCP platelets and critical size for flaw tolerance 13
Optimal aspect ratio 15
Composite strength and stiffness 17
Limitations 19
References 19
Chapter 3: Synthesis of sub-micrometer calcium phosphate platelets 23
Introduction 24
Materials and Methods 25
Precipitation method 25
Reaction parameters 25
Characterization 26
Statistical analysis of results 28
Results 28
Reproducibility of standard experiments 28
Increase of the reagent volume to increase the productivity 30
Increase of the precursors concentration to increase the productivity and modify the
particles 30
Increase of titration rate to simplify the process 32
Influence of temperature on the particles 35
Effect of the pH value on the particles 37
Effect of a longer reaction time on the particle stability 40
Study of the influence of variations of the Ca/P molar ratio 42
Discussion 43
Reproducibility 43
Productivity 44
CaP crystal shape 45
Crystal purity 47
Aspect ratio 48
Critical thickness 49
Uniformity of primary particles 50
Non agglomerated 51
General points 52
Conclusions 52
References 53
Chapter 4: Kinetics study of the calcium phosphate platelets growth 57
Introduction 58
Theory 58
Materials and methods 60
Materials and sample preparation 60
Characterization methods 61
Results 62
Visual observations during manipulations 62
SEM observations 62
XRD results 66
Size measurements 68
Kinetics calculations 70
Discussion 74
Nucleation and assembly mechanism 74
Reaction kinetics 76
Control of size and aspect ratio 76
Conclusions 77
References 78
Chapter 5: Structural design of bio-inspired composites by solvent casting 81
Foreword 82
Introduction 82
Experimental section 84
Synthesis of resorbable ceramic platelets 84
Solvent casting to prove the reinforcement efficiency of DCP platelets 84
Magnetization of the platelets 85
Maintaining the orientation during drying of an hydrogel matrix 86
Results 87
Synthesis of resorbable ceramic platelets 87
Solvent casting to prove the reinforcement efficiency of CaP platelets 87
Magnetization of the platelets 91
Maintaining the orientation during drying of an hydrogel matrix 93
Discussion 95
Detrimental effect of β-TCP platelets in chitosan 95
Efficient reinforcement with DCP platelets up to a given volume fraction 96
Threshold value for strength improvement 97
Fitting the experimental results with theoretical equations 98
Conclusions 101
References 101
Chapter 6: Biodegradable, strong and tough nacre-inspired structures obtained by freezecasting
Introduction 106
Experimental section 108
Synthesis of resorbable ceramic platelets 108
Preliminary freeze-casting tests with β-TCP-based slurries 108
Determination of adequate freeze-casting parameters for hydrogels-CaP slurries 108
Integration of CaP platelets and local planar alignment 109
Attempts to globally align porosity in two directions 109
Densification and consolidation 110
Tensile testing 110
Results 111
Preliminary freeze-casting tests with β-TCP-based slurries 111
Determination of adequate freeze-casting parameters for hydrogels-CaP slurries 112
Integration of CaP platelets and local planar alignment 113
Attempts to globally align porosity in two directions 119
Densification and consolidation 121
Tensile testing 121
Discussion 122
Conclusions 124
References 125
Chapter 7: Micro-texturing by recrystallization of calcium phosphate blocks in hydrothermal
conditions 127
Introduction 128
Materials and Methods 130
Samples characterization 132
Results 133
Macroscopic observations 133
Microstructural changes (SEM) 133
Crystalline phase conversion (XRD) 139
Mechanical properties 142
Fractured surfaces 142
Discussion 145
Conclusions 150
References 150
Chapter 8: Toughening of textured calcium phosphate blocks by polymer impregnation 155
Foreword 156
Introduction 156
Materials and Methods 157
Samples preparation 157
Characterization 158
Results 158
Porosity and microstructure 158
Composition 161
Mechanical properties 161
Discussion 162
Conclusions 164
References 164
Chapter 9: Synthesis and outlook 167
Curriculum Vitae 171
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Textilbeton: Tragverhalten – Bemessung – SicherheitHegger, Josef, Will, Norbert, Schneider, Maike January 2011 (has links)
Für die Anwendung des Verbundwerkstoffes „Textilbewehrter Beton“ sind die numerischen und experimentellen Grundlagenerkenntnisse zum Tragverhalten von Bauteilen in für die Baupraxis geeignete Nachweismodelle und Konstruktionsregeln zu überführen. Die aus dem Stahlbetonbau bekannten Ansätze müssen wegen der abweichenden Material- und Verbundeigenschaften für textilbewehrte Betonbauteile angepasst werden. Im Beitrag werden die grundlegenden Tragmechanismen textilbewehrter Elemente unter Zug-, Biege- und Querkraftbeanspruchung sowie punktförmiger Zugbeanspruchung beschrieben und die aus den Untersuchungsergebnissen abgeleiteten Nachweismodelle vorgestellt. Darauf aufbauend werden Sicherheitsbeiwerte für die textile Bewehrung ermittelt und die Berechnungsmodelle in ein Sicherheitskonzept eingebunden. Als einheitlicher Teilsicherheitsbeiwert für Textilbeton wird γtex = 1,5 vorgeschlagen. / For the application of the composite material Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) the numerical and experimental knowledge of the load bearing behaviour of construction elements has to be transferred into design models and construction rules applicable for the practice. Due to differences in the material and bond properties the design approach known for steel reinforced concrete has to be adjusted for textile reinforced concrete construction parts. In this paper the basic load-bearing mechanisms of textile reinforced concrete under tension, bending and shear loading as well as under concentrated tensile loading are described and empirically derived design models are presented. Based on the experimental results safety factors for the textile reinforcements are determined and the design models are integrated into an overall safety concept. A partial safety factor for textile reinforced concrete of γtex = 1,5 is recommended.
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Doppelt gekrümmte Schalen und Gitterschalen aus TextilbetonSchätzke, Christian, Schneider, Hartwig N., Joachim, Till, Feldmann, Markus, Pak, Daniel, Geßler, Achim, Hegger, Josef, Scholzen, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Doppelt gekrümmte Schalen und Gitterschalen sind Tragsysteme, die, obwohl in Ihrer Wirkungsweise grundsätzlich verschieden, besonders für den Einsatz von Textilbeton geeignet sind. Aufgrund ihrer doppelten Krümmung weisen derartige Tragsysteme zahlreiche Besonderheiten hinsichtlich Formfindung, Lastabtrag und Herstellung auf. Anhand eines Ausführungsbeispiels von monolithischen Schirmschalen und Konstruktionsstudien zu Gitterschalen werden die Strukturkonzepte und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Tragverhalten, das Bewehrungskonzept und die Auswirkungen auf die Herstellung sowie die Bauteilfügung erläutert. / Structural systems based on double curved monolithic shells or gridshells are both characterised by their good load bearing behaviour depending on the chosen geometry. Although both systems are different regarding their functionality they are suitable applications for TRC while taking advantage of the main constructive and design characteristics of the material. In describing an execution example of an umbrella-shaped shell-structure and design studies on gridshells the relation between structural concept and load bearing behaviour and the relation between the reinforcement concept and production as well as joining are discussed.
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Tragverhalten von Sandwichkonstruktionen aus textilbewehrtem BetonHorstmann, Michael, Shams, Ali, Hegger, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Sandwichkonstruktionen mit Deckschichten aus dünnen Metallblechen und Stahlbeton stellen seit Jahrzehnten bewährte und wirtschaftliche Verbundkonstruktionen für Gebäudehüllen dar. Der Einsatz von dünnen Deckschichten aus textilbewehrtem Beton verbindet deren Vorteile und ermöglicht auch bei steigenden Anforderungen an den Wärmeschutz geringe Konstruktionsdicken. Der Beitrag berichtet über die Entwicklung von Ingenieurmodellen zur wirklichkeitsnahen Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens von Sandwichquerschnitten aus textilbewehrtem Beton, Hartschaumdämmkern und geeigneten Verbundmitteln. / Sandwich constructions made of thin metal sheets and structural concrete have been reliable and economic composite structures in the past decades. The application of thin-walled facings made of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) combines the advantages of this construction and allows for slender construction thicknesses despite the progressing demands on thermal insulation. This contribution reports on the development of models, which enable the realistic mechanical description of the load-bearing behavior of the sandwich panels made of two TRC-facings and a core of polymeric rigid foam together with suitable connecting devices.
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YTBEHANDLADE TRÄELEMENT : En studie av brandskydd, bärförmåga, pris och miljöpåverkan av ytbehandlade träelement.Issa, Angelo, Machhadi, Maher, Barbu, Mircea January 2021 (has links)
The current Swedish building code (Boverkets Byggregler, BBR) is very strict regarding fire-safety in high-rise timber structures because of the heightened risk of fast flame spread or structural failure in case of fire. Fire safety solutions, that are used in timber structures must therefore be optimal to contain flames from spreading in the event of fire. The current building code requires that load-bearing elements must withhold their load-bearing capacity for 60 minutes under fire. The purpose of this study was to research the effect that different fire-retardant surface treatments, have on fire protection of a load bearing, laminated timber element. Thereafter, a short analysis was made on the environmental impact of the fire-retardant surface-treatments in question and finally, a cost analysis and comparison were conducted with regard to different fire-safety solutions such as fire-resistant gypsum board and a combination of fire-resistant gypsum board and stone-wool. The methods used in this study are a combination of theoretical reviews and theoretical calculations. A theoretical review was conducted in order to collect the information needed to understand the behavior of timber under fire, the impact of fire-resistant surface treatments on fire protection, and the environmental impact of the actual surface treatments. Therefore, a series of theoretical calculations were made in accordance with European standards (Eurocodes) in order to present the impact in numbers. The calculations made were concerning a laminated timber beam with the dimensions of 145 x 450 x 6000 [mm] and took into account the remaining cross-section of the timber element under various timestamps during fire with regard to fire-stage, charring-rate, and fire coating. The results of this study indicate that the moment-capacity and shear-capacity of an untreated beam decrease constantly under fire and does not fulfill the requirements of the Swedish building code. Thereafter, in case that the same timber beam is fire-treated with a fire-retardant surface treatment. The moment-capacity is observed to increase in the first stage of fire, were the fire-protection of the surface-retardant treatment is still in action. Therefore, after fire-protection ceases, the moment-capacity of the timber beam is calculated to decrease in different rates with regard to fire-stage. The shear capacity of the treated beam is calculated to decrease under fire with a time-displacement of 30 & 60 minutes in comparison to the untreated element. The conclusions are that the studied surface treated timber beam and the actual fire treatments fulfill the requirements of the Swedish building code. Have insignificant environmental impact and are in comparison to other solutions cheaper.
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