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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Plantation Response to Mechanical Site Preparation in the South Carolina and Georgia Piedmont

Cerchiaro, Michael Paul 16 March 2004 (has links)
Site preparation is fundamental for establishing loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations, but long-term sustainability of plantations established using mechanical treatments is in question because of concerns regarding soil tillage and the removal of harvest residue and soil organic matter. A study was installed in 1981 on 12 locations in northeastern Georgia and west-central South Carolina to evaluate pine plantation response to mechanical site preparation. Site preparation treatments induced gradients of organic matter manipulation and soil tillage. The treatments included: Control, Chop/Burn, Shear/Disc, Shear/V-Blade, Shear/Rake, and Shear/Rake/Pile. Research was conducted to address the following objectives: (i) compare rotation-age forest response to several intensive site preparation treatments used to establish pine plantations in the Piedmont of the southeastern United States; (ii) correlate growth response with the gradients of soil organic matter removal, soil tillage, and hardwood control; (iii) determine the influence of intensive management on the amount of carbon contained in pine plantations. All site preparation treatments increased year-18 volume accumulation compared to the control treatment. Chop/Burn and Shear/Disc treatments, with pine volumes of 214 m3 ha-1 and 232 m3 ha-1, respectively, conserved harvest residue and out-performed the Shear/Rake treatment (191 m3 ha-1), which completely removed harvest residue. Treatments that included tillage provided growth benefits that lasted throughout the rotation even when tillage was accompanied by complete organic matter removal. Hardwood competition had the greatest influence on pine volume accumulation, explaining over 54% of the variation in pine growth at age 18. Treatments that included tillage most effectively controlled hardwood competition. At year 18, site preparation treatments significantly affected soil organic matter (SOM) content; however, soil nitrogen, foliar nitrogen, bulk density, and macroporosity were not affected by site preparation. All treatments were equally deficient in foliar nitrogen. The Shear/Disc and Shear/Rake/Disc treatments had a significantly positive relationship between foliar nitrogen and pine volume. These treatments had lower hardwood basal areas (below 15%), indicating that once hardwoods were controlled, nitrogen became limiting to pine growth. Using pre-harvest characterization data, carbon accumulation during old-field succession increased fourfold compared to agricultural sites on the nearby Calhoun Experimental Forest. Carbon accumulation on these old-field loblolly pine sites reached quasi-equilibrium after 40 years as shown by uncut reference stands. Site preparation significantly affected the amount of soil C in the upper 20 cm of the soil. Those site preparation treatments that removed harvest residue and accelerated SOM decomposition through tillage had the lowest soil carbon levels. The Shear/Rake/Disc treatment had 10% lower soil carbon content than the Control and Shear/V-Blade treatments. / Master of Science

Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics Across the Hillslope-Riparian Interface in Adjacent Watersheds with Contrasting Cellulosic Biofuel Systems

Neal, Andrew Wilson 27 May 2014 (has links)
Climate change resulting from emissions of fossil fuel combustion has sparked considerable interest in renewable energy and fuel production research, particularly energy derived from cellulosic ethanol, which is derived from biomass such as wood and grass. Cellulosic ethanol demonstrates a more promising future as a global energy source than corn-derived ethanol because it does not displace food crops, irrigation is not required, and chemical application rates are much lower than for annual crops, such as corn. Growing cellulosic biomass for energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions via carbon (C) sequestration and by reducing demand for fossil fuel production. The objective of this study was to investigate how land use change affects soil properties and selected soil C and nitrogen (N) dynamics among alternative cellulosic biofuel treatments at the Weyerhaeuser Alabama Cellulosic Biofuel Research site in west-central Alabama. Composite soils for characterization, along with forest floor, were collected at year 1 and year 2 after treatment establishment at 0-15cm and 15-30cm depths at six locations along three hillslope-riparian transects in five experimental watershed treatments. Decomposition of loblolly pine needles was assessed in each watershed using an in situ litter bag method. Seasonal in situ net nitrogen mineralization was measured using a sequential core method, and an anaerobic incubation for N mineralization potential of composite soils was performed in the laboratory. Results revealed high variability of soil properties and processes within these watersheds, along with no consistent treatment effects. This study provides baseline data for these watershed treatments for future studies. / Master of Science

An Adaptive Computer Vision Technique for Estimating the Biomass and Density of Loblolly Pine Plantations using Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR Imagery

Bortolot, Zachary Jared 06 May 2004 (has links)
Forests have been proposed as a means of reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels due to their ability to store carbon as biomass. To quantify the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by forests, biomass and density estimates are often needed. This study develops, implements, and tests an individual tree-based algorithm for obtaining forest density and biomass using orthophotographs and small footprint LiDAR imagery. It was designed to work with a range of forests and image types without modification, which is accomplished by using generic properties of trees found in many types of images. Multiple parameters are employed to determine how these generic properties are used. To set these parameters, training data is used in conjunction with an optimization algorithm (a modified Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm or a genetic algorithm). The training data consist of small images in which density and biomass are known. A first test of this technique was performed using 25 circular plots (radius = 15 m) placed in young pine plantations in central Virginia, together with false color othophotograph (spatial resolution = 0.5 m) or small footprint LiDAR (interpolated to 0.5 m) imagery. The highest density prediction accuracies (r2 up to 0.88, RMSE as low as 83 trees / ha) were found for runs where photointerpreted densities were used for training and testing. For tests run using density measurements made on the ground, accuracies were consistency higher for orthophotograph-based results than for LiDAR-based results, and were higher for trees with DBH ≥10cm than for trees with DBH ≥7 cm. Biomass estimates obtained by the algorithm using LiDAR imagery had a lower RMSE (as low as 15.6 t / ha) than most comparable studies. The correlations between the actual and predicted values (r2 up to 0.64) were lower than comparable studies, but were generally highly significant (p ≤ 0.05 or 0.01). In all runs there was no obvious relationship between accuracy and the amount of training data used, but the algorithm was sensitive to which training and testing data were selected. Methods were evaluated for combining predictions made using different parameter sets obtained after training using identical data. It was found that averaging the predictions produced improved results. After training using density estimates from the human photointerpreter, 89% of the trees located by the algorithm corresponded to trees found by the human photointerpreter. A comparison of the two optimization techniques found them to be comparable in speed and effectiveness. / Ph. D.

Effects of Imazapyr and prescribed fire on vegetation and bird communities in mid-rotation CRP pine plantations of Mississippi

Singleton, Lindsey Rae Carpenter 03 May 2008 (has links)
Appropriate management of mid-rotation pine plantations can improve habitat for early successional and pine-grassland adapted avian species. I tested effects of Imazapyr selective herbicide and prescribed fire on plant and avian communities in thinned, mid-rotation pine stands contracted under the Conservation Reserve Program. Within 12 replicate sites, 2 8.1-ha plots were assigned either herbicide and prescribed fire treatment or control. I described components of vegetation structure and composition in 2006. I tested effects of herbicide and prescribed fire treatment on avian relative abundance, species richness, total avian conservation value, and density of select species during 2003 - 2006. Hardwood midstory decreased and abundances of grasses and forbs increased following treatment. A shift occurred in the bird community from closed-canopy forest species to early successional and pine-grassland species. Treatment stands benefited many avian species exhibiting negative population trends.

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