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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude et développement d'un réseau de capteurs synchronisés à l'aide d'un protocole de communication sans fil dédié à l'Internet des objets / Study and development of synchronized sensors network using a wireless communication protocol dedicated to the Internet of Things

Gilbert, Johann 18 September 2018 (has links)
Depuis les 20 dernières années, l'essor de l'IoT et du "cloud computing" a conditionné le besoin dedéployer massivement, et globalement, des capteurs afin d'alimenter des bases de données et améliorerla précision des algorithmes d'analyse. Pour répondre à ces demandes, de nouveaux réseaux basés surles bandes de fréquences ISM ont été déployés. Nous avons donc appréhendé de façon complète cestechnologies afin de garantir une qualité maximale pour nos produits mais aussi proposer des conseilsjustes dans un secteur ou abus de langage et promesses de performances sont monnaie courante.Cependant, le nombre grandissant d'objets émettant sous la fréquence du gigahertz lève un doutequant à l'impact sur la santé des êtres vivants. Dès lors, coupler l'aspect non invasif des VLC avecl'Internet des Objets permettrait non seulement de réduire les risques pour les êtres humains maisaussi de limiter la saturation des bandes radio.Néanmoins, les techniques d'aujourd'hui consistent principalement en la réalisation de systèmesdiffusant l'information depuis une source unique vers plusieurs récepteurs, ce qui est l'inverse du paradigmede l'IoT. Dans cette étude, nous avons donc réalisé un nouveau design basé sur les VLC qui meten place une topologie de réseau en étoile 3. Ce système, basé sur un concentrateur disposant d'une ouplusieurs caméra en guise de photo-récepteurs, est optimisé pour plus d'autonomie. Ainsi, la vitessede transmission peut être gérée dynamiquement sans être connue par les autres éléments du système. / In the last 20 years, the coming up of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing has conditionedthe need to deploy sensors everywhere to feed databases and analytics. To meet this requirements,new kind of networks have been massively deployed based on the sub-gigahertz frequency which haveunknown effect on human health.Couple the non-invasive aspect of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) with IoT could notonly reduce potential risks for human health but also avoid radio band saturation. However, today'stechniques consist mainly in broadcast data from light sources to receivers which is the opposite of theIoT paradigm. In this study, we will present a new design where the gateway is not a classic photodiodebut a camera.With this camera based method, we are able to design a star network using VLC. Even if the datarate is not the same as standard method, we are now able to collect data emanating from many sensorsat once with only one photoreceptor. This system also includes the ability of discriminate LED matrix,which transfer the same data faster, and single LED. Finally, data rate can be handle autonomouslyby the system to provide an optimal data transfer.

Low-power wireless communications in the Internet of Things:solutions and evaluations

Petäjäjärvi, J. (Juha) 29 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is already providing solutions to various tasks related to monitoring the environment and controlling devices over wired and wireless networks. It is estimated by several well-known research facilities that the number of IoT devices will be in the order of tens of billions by 2020. This inevitably brings challenges and costs in deployment, management, and maintenance of networks. The focus of this thesis is to provide solutions that mainly help in the deployment and maintenance of various wireless IoT networks. Different applications have different requirements for a wireless link coverage. It is important to utilize suitable radio technology for a particular application in order, e.g., to maximize the lifetime of a device. A wireless body area network (WBAN) typically consists of devices that are within couple of meters from each other. The WBAN is suitable for, e.g., measuring muscle activity and transferring data to a storage for processing. The wireless link can use air as a medium, or alternatively, an induced electric field to a body can be used. In this thesis, it is shown that a location of the electrodes in the body have impact to the attenuation. Home automation IoT applications are typically implemented with mid-range wireless technologies, known as wireless personal area networks (WPAN). In order to minimize and get rid of battery change operations, a wake-up receiver could be utilized in order to improve the device’s energy efficiency. The concept is introduced and performance of the current state-of-the-art works are presented. In addition, a control loop enabling a passive device to have control over an energy source is proposed. Applications that have low bandwidth requirements can be implemented with low-power wide area networks (LPWAN). One technology – LoRaWAN – is evaluated, and it is recommended as based on the results to use it in non-critical applications. / Tiivistelmä Esineiden internet (Internet of Things, IoT) mahdollistaa jo laajan kirjon erilaisia ratkaisuja ympäristön monitorointiin ja laitteiden hallintaan hyödyntäen sekä langattomia että langallisia verkkoja. Usea hyvin tunnettu tutkimusorganisaatio on arvioinut, että vuonna 2020 IoT laitteiden määrä tulee olemaan kymmenissä miljardeissa. Se luo väistämättä haasteita laitteiden sijoittamisessa, hallinnassa ja kunnossapidossa. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy tarjoamaan ratkaisuja, jotka voivat helpottaa langattomien IoT laitteiden sijoittamisessa ja kunnossapidossa. IoT sovellusten laaja kirjo vaatii erilaisia langattomia radioteknologioita, jotta sovellukset voitaisiin toteuttaa, muun muassa, mahdollisimman energiatehokkaasti. Langattomassa kehoverkossa (wireless body area network, WBAN) käytetään usein hyvin lyhyitä langattomia linkkejä. WBAN on soveltuva esimerkiksi lihasten aktiivisuus mittauksessa ja mittaustiedon siirtämisessä talteen varastointia ja prosessointia varten. Linkki voidaan toteuttaa käyttäen ilmaa rajapintana, tai vaihtoehtoisesti, kehoa. Tässä työssä on näytetty, että käytettäessä kehoa siirtotienä, elektrodien sijainnilla on merkitystä signaalin vaimennuksen kannalta. Kotiautomaatio IoT sovellukset ovat tyypillisesti toteutettu käyttäen langatonta likiverkkoa, jossa linkin pituus sisätiloissa on alle 30 metriä. Jotta päästäisiin eroon pariston vaihto-operaatiosta tai ainakin vähennettyä niiden määrää, herätevastaanotinta käyttämällä olisi mahdollista parantaa laitteiden energiatehokkuutta. Herätevastaanotin konsepti ja tämänhetkistä huipputasoa edustavien vastaanottimien suorituskyky ovat esitetty. Lisäksi, on ehdotettu menetelmä joka takaa energian saannin passiiviselle IoT laitteelle. IoT sovellukset jotka tyytyvät vähäiseen kaistanleveyteen voidaan toteuttaa matalatehoisella laajan alueen verkolla (low-power wide area network, LPWAN). Yhden LPWAN teknologian, nimeltään LoRaWAN, suorituskykyä on evaluoitu. Tulosten perusteella suositus on hyödyntää kyseistä teknologiaa ei-kriittisissä sovelluksissa.

Análise de desempenho do LoRa em aplicação de fiscalização eletrônica de veículos com RFID

Griese, Marcelo George January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. João Henrique Kleinschmidt / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia da Informação, Santo André, 2018. / Em 2006 o governo brasileiro instituiu o sistema nacional de identificação automática de veículos (SINIAV), cujo objetivo principal é fiscalizar todos os veículos através da tecnologia de identificação por rádio frequência (RFID). Entretanto, esse projeto tem um grande desafio tecnológico com relação a conectividade e transmissão de dados quando aplicado dentro das cidades, o que pode dificultar sua escalabilidade. Por isso, o objetivo dessa dissertação é estudar a viabilidade técnica do uso do LoRa para a transmissão dos dados provenientes da fiscalização eletrônica de veículos através de RFID. Então, uma análise de desempenho de um sistema composto por uma antena RFID, para realizar as leituras das tags, e um transmissor LoRa, para enviar essas leituras a um gateway conectado à internet, foi realizado e as métricas de taxa de perda de pacotes (PER) e taxa de envio de pacotes (throughput) da transmissão do LoRa foram medidas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que em determinados cenários é possível obter uma taxa de perda de pacotes abaixo de 20% e uma taxa de envio de pacotes acima de 60 envios por minuto, o que torna o uso do LoRa uma tecnologia viável para essa aplicação de fiscalização e outras aplicações relacionadas à sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS). / In 2006, the Brazilian government instituted the national system of automatic vehicle identification (SINIAV), whose main objective is to control all vehicles through radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. However, this project has a great technological challenge regarding connectivity and data transmission when applied within cities, which may hinder its scalability. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation is to study the technical feasibility of the use of LoRa for the transmission of data from the electronic surveillance of vehicles through RFID. Then, a performance analysis of a system composed of an RFID antenna to perform the readings of the tags and a LoRa transmitter to send those readings to a gateway connected to the Internet was performed and the packet loss rate metrics (PER) and LoRa transmission throughput rates were measured. The results show that in certain scenarios it is possible to obtain a packet loss rate of less than 20% and a packet sending rate of more than 60 packets per minute, which makes the use of LoRa a viable technology for this enforcement application and other applications related to Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

Výzkum spolehlivé komunikace pro IoT aplikace v bezdrátových sítích využívajících technologie Multi-RAT LPWAN / Research on Reliable Low-Power Wide-Area Communications Utilizing Multi-RAT LPWAN Technologies for IoT Applications

Štůsek, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Předkládaná disertační práce je zaměřena na „Výzkum spolehlivé komunikace pro IoT aplikace v bezdrátových sítích využívajících technologie Multi-RAT LPWAN“. Navzdory značnému pokroku v oblasti vývoje LPWA technologií umožňující masivní komunikace mezi zařízeními (mMTC), nemusí tyto technologie výkonnostně dostačovat pro nově vznikající aplikace internetu věcí. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce je proto nalezení a vyhodnocení limitů současných LPWA technologií. Na základě těchto dat jsou nevrženy nové mechanismy umožňující snazší plánování a vyhodnocování síťového pokrytí. Navržené nástroje jsou vyladěny a validovány s využitím dat získaných z rozsáhlých měřících kampaních provedených v zákaznických LPWA sítích. Tato disertační práce dále obsahuje návrh LPWA zařízení vybavených více komunikačními rozhraními (multi-RAT) které mohou umožnit překonání výkonnostních limitů jednotlivých LPWA technologií. Současná implementace se zaměřuje zejména na snížení spotřeby zařízení s více rádiovými rozhraními, což je jejich největší nevýhodou. K tomuto účelu je využito algoritmů strojového učení, které jsou schopné dynamicky vybírat nejvhodnější rozhraní k přenosu.

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