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Injula ngezinkinga ezidala ukuthi abafundi bamabanga aphansi bangabi nasisekelo sokwazi ulimi lwesiZulu ngendlela efaneleMtshali, Zanele Ellen 11 1900 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of Masters Degree in African Languages, in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zululand. / This research is based on literacy development in rural schools of KwaZulu-Natal. The focus of the study is on mother tongue education with reference to the role of isiZulu in the provision of Literacy at the foundation phase level. The chapters present an in depth analysis of the key problems which are faced by both teachers and learners in the foundation phase classrooms, especially in the rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal Province. This research is divided into six chapters.
Chapter one introduces the research focusing on the research aims and objectives, the focus of the study, the definition of terminology used and the research question. This chapter introduces the research and the preceding chapters. This chapter focuses on the research problem and highlights the main objectives of the study.
Chapter two focuses on the various research tools which are used in the study of humanities as a field of study. This section looked at different approaches, methodology, procedures and techniques which are relevant when a study of this nature is conducted with particular focus on the interpretive paradigm as described by Cohen and Manion (2000).
Chapter three deals with the relevant literature based on the research question. This section looked at different voices of various scholars as far as literature in the literacy studies is concerned. Various voices from various scholars were used as literature which focused on various theoretical frameworks as the base of this study.
Chapter four looks at the actual study which was conducted using research tools which were discussed in chapters two and three. This chapter presents different views from the research participants. Their views are based on their experiences as far as literacy problems in the foundation phase in South African education system is concerned.
Chapter five concentrates on the interpretation of data which was presented on the previous chapter. Much emphasis is put on the responses which were received from different stakeholders
which include the parents, the teachers and the community members. Data received is interpreted and analysed in this chapter. Concludes the study and gives the recommendations which the researcher find valid to be implemented for future studies related to literacy studies in the Foundation Phase.
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Ucwaningo ngokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ngenhloso yokuqhakanjiswa kwala makhono: elokulalela, elokubhala, elokufunda, elokukhuluma kanye nelokwethula lwenziwe ezikoleni ezikhethiwe esifundeni saseKing CetshwayoBengu, Rodney Muzikayise Martin January 2019 (has links)
Lwethulwa ukufeza izidingo zeziqu zobudokotela kwinzululwazi (Doctor of Philosophy) emnyangweni wezilimi zomdabu namasiko enyuvesi yaKwaZulu, 2019 / Iqoqa lalo msebenzi wocwaningo lokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ukuze kuqhakanjiswe
amakhono aqukethe ubumtoti, ukuhlwabusa nokuyihlaba esikhonkosini ngolimi lwesiZulu
luhlelwe lwaba izahluko eziyisishiyagalombili.
Isahluko sokuqala isethulo socwaningo esethula ucwaningo ngokupheleleyo. Lapha
kubukwa intshisekelo yocwaningo, izinhloso zocwaningo, amakhono, izindlela zokuqhuba
ucwaningo, umklamo wocwaningo, imibono yongoti, abazohlomula, uhlaka lwezahluko
Isahluko sesibili sethula ikhono lokulalela nokuzwa. Lesi sahluko sethula umehluko
phakathi kokulalela nokulalelisisa ngenhloso yokuzwa uqonde. Sethula izindlela zokulalela,
izindlela zokufundisa ukulalela kanye nenzwa yokulalela.
Isahluko sesithathu sethula injulakuhlaziya ulwazi ngamakhono okusetshenziswa kolimi.
Kulesi sahluko kubhekwe okushiwo ongoti abehlukene behlaziya imiphumela eyehlukene
ngokubuka injula yolwazi nxazonke.
Isahluko sesine sethula izindlela noma amasu okuqhuba ucwaningo. Kula masu
kusetshenziswe uhla-mbuzo isizindalwazi (inthanethi), ukuhanjelwa kwezithangami,
amaphephandaba, ukubuxoxa nezinjulabuchopho nezazi emikhakheni ethile. Kube
sekuvezwa ngokolandela imibono yongoti okuncomekayo ngezindlela ezisetshenziswayo
uma kuqoqwa ulwazi kanye nokufekela kwazo.
Isahluko sesihlanu sethula ukuhlelwa nokwethulwa kolwazi oluqoqiwe. Njengoba ulwazi
luqoqwe ezingxenyeni ezehlukene lube seluhlelwa kanjalo. Kunolwazi oluqoqwe kothisha,
bamabanga aphansi naphezulu, olunye luqoqwe kubafundi nabo ngokwehlukana
kwamazinga. Olunye luqoqwe ezikhulwini zeminyango kaHulumeni emihlanganweni, olunye
beluqoqwa ezingxoxweni nezazi ezehlukene, ulwazi lwamaphephandaba, izincwadi imibhalo
yongoti, ingosi yesizindalwazi (inthanethi) nakumabonisakude imbala.
Isahluko sesithupha sethula ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda nelokuphendula. La makhono
ehlukene kepha asebenza ngokubambisana kanti kuvamile ukuba asebenze ngesikhathi
esisodwa kanyekanye. Lesi sahluko sethule izindlela ezinconywe ongoti zokufundiswa
kwekhono lokufunda, elokubhala nelobuciko bokuphendula imibuzo. Lesi sahluko sibuye
sethula ikhono lokukhuluma nokwethula. Ukwethula nokukhuluma kuzwakala kufana ngoba
ngisho kwethulwa inkulumo kusuke kukhulunywa. Lezi zimo zidinga amanye amakhono
ukuze okukhulunywayo nokwethulwayo kudlule ngobuciko kuya kwabalalele nabethamele.
Ongoti baphawulile ngala makhono beveza umehluko kanye namasu okucija ikhono
lokukhuluma nokwethula. Babuye baphawula ngezimo ezinqinda ukusetshenziswa kwala
makhono ngenzuzo.
Isahluko sesikhombisa sethula ukuhlaziywa kolwazi lwamakhono olimi oluqoqiwe. Ikhono
lokulalela nokuzwa, ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda, elokuphendula imibuzo, elokukhuluma
nokwethula, ukuphumelela kwabafundi, ukuqeqesheka kothisha kanye nokulumbana kolimi
Isahluko sesishiyagalombili sethula ukuhlaziywa kwamakhono, izincomo zocwaningo
ngakho kubalwa ikhono lokulalela, ukufunda nokwazi ukuphendula imibuzo ngokunembayo
nokusetshenziswa kwekhono lokubhala ngokubhala ubhalomagama olwamukelekile kanye
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