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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de L-Asparaginase de Erwinia chrysanthemi melhorada por evolução sintética de proteí­nas e otimização das condições de produção / Characterization of Erwinia chrysanthemi L-Asparaginase improved by synthetic protein evolution and optimization of production conditions

Débora Fernandes Custodio 07 May 2018 (has links)
A L-Asparaginase (L-ASNase) é uma enzima tetramérica bacteriana, utilizada em sessões de quimioterapia. Essa enzima depleta os aminoácidos asparagina (Asn) e glutamina (Gln), transformando-os em aspartato (Asp) ou glutamato (Glu), respectivamente, e em amônia. Contudo, a L-ASNase pode induzir resposta imune, levando à produção de anticorpos antiasparaginase, uma causa importante de resistência ao medicamento. Uma L-ASNase ideal seria aquela com alta atividade e estabilidade e baixo potencial imunogênico, porém, as L-ASNases utilizadas na terapêutica não reúnem essas características simultaneamente. Por essa razão, o presente trabalho utilizou técnicas de mutagênese randômica, a fim de criar uma nova proteoforma de L-ASNase de E. chrysanthemi com uma melhor atividade e estabilidade. Além disso, foram estudadas condições de cultivo em agitador metabólico, visando à otimização de condições de produção. Foi criada uma biblioteca com 1.056 clones, e desses, 19 foram selecionados por apresentarem atividade superior ou igual à enzima selvagem quando dosada em extrato bruto. Dentre eles, dois mutantes se destacaram por apresentarem a atividade específica glutaminásica diferente da enzima selvagem. Análises in silico indicam que o mutante 9-6D apresentou diminuição de desordem estrutural e epítopos imunogênicos. O mutante 9-5F demonstrou uma diminuição da porcentagem da atividade glutaminásica quando comparada a enzima selvagem. O estudo de produção do mutante 9-5F indicou que a temperatura de indução, seguida da concentração do indutor, são os parâmetros mais relevantes para a otimização da produção de L-ASNase de E. chrysanthemi mutante. / L-Asparaginase (L-ASNase) is a bacterial tetrameric enzyme used in chemotherapy sessions that deplete asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln), transforming them into Aspartate (Asp) or glutamate (Glu), respectively, and ammonia. However, L-ASNase can induce immune response leading to the production of anti-asparaginase antibody, an important cause of drug resistance. Ideally, L-ASNase would be one with high activity, high stability and low immunogenic potential, but the L-ASNases commercially available today do not present these characteristics simultaneously. For this reason, this study used techniques of random and site-directed mutagenesis in order to create a new proteoform of E. chrysanthemi L-ASNase with improved activity and stability. In addition, culture conditions were studied in a metabolic shaker, aiming at the optimization of production conditions. A library with 1,056 clones was created, and of these clones, 19 were selected because they had activity superior or equal to the wild-type enzyme in crude protein extract. Among them, 2 mutants stood out for having different glutaminase specific activity in relation to wild-type enzyme. The 9-6D mutant also showed decreased structural disorder and immunogenic epitopes. The 9-5F mutant demonstrated a decrease in percentage of glutaminase activity when compared to the wild-type enzyme. The production study of 9-5F mutant indicated that the induction temperature followed by the inductor concentration are the most relevant parameters for the production optimization of E. chrysanthemi mutant L-ASNase.

Morfologia e ultra-estrutura dos órgãos linfoides de cetáceos (Ordem Cetacea, Subordem Odontoceti) / Morphology and ultrastructure of lymphoid organs in Cetaceans (Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti)

Silva, Fernanda Menezes de Oliveira e 20 October 2014 (has links)
Os linfócitos, principais células do sistema imune, podem ser encontrados em órgãos e tecidos de dois grandes sistemas do corpo: o sistema linfático, composto por uma extensa rede de vasos linfáticos e linfonodos; e o sistema linfoide, mais abrangente e que, além de englobar o sistema linfático, abrange todas as células, tecidos e órgãos do corpo que contêm agregados linfocitários, tais como o timo, baço e linfonodos. Embora esteja amplamente descrito para animais domésticos e alguns animais silvestres, estudos sobre o sistema imune em cetáceos são escassos. A influência negativa de contaminantes no sistema imune em mamíferos aquáticos está em constante discussão. Assim, um conhecimento mais profundo da anatomia deste sistema é essencial para a interpretação clínica e de achados de necropsia, para uma melhor compreensão dos achados patológicos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar morfológica e ultraestruturalmente os órgãos do sistema linfoides de odontocetos de ocorrência no litoral brasileiro. As amostras utilizadas foram procedentes de animais encalhados nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. Os órgãos analisados foram baço, timo e linfonodo, bem como os tecidos linfoides associados à mucosa. Primeiramente as amostras foram localizadas topograficamente e avaliadas macroscopicamente. Posteriormente, as amostras foram fixadas e analisadas por microscopias de luz, eletrônica de varredura e transmissão, imunohistoquímica e histomorfometria. Através das análises realizadas foi possível observar que os órgãos e tecidos linfoides em cetáceos são semelhantes ao observado em mamíferos domésticos, com algumas particularidades. Não existem diferenças morfológicas com relação ao timo entre as espécies estudadas, com exceção da não existência de tecido adiposo substituindo o órgão em animais mais jovens, e a presença de Corpúsculos de Hassal mais evidentes em tamanho neste grupo. Novos grupos de linfonodos foram descritos de acordo com a sua localização, entretanto todos possuiram arquitetura semelhante ao descrito na literatura para mamíferos terrestres. Os linfonodos estavam dispostos de forma solitária ou em grupos e apresentavam formato variado, recobertos por uma cápsula, e o parênquima do órgão dividiu-se em região cortical e medular. Os centros germinativos apresentaram-se mais evidentes e desenvolvidos em animais filhotes e jovens. Os baços e baços acessórios eram morfologicamente semelhantes, caracterizados por numerosos nódulos linfáticos delimitados pela bainha linfoide periarterial e uma rede celular difusa que circundava os nódulos linfáticos, sem diferenciação entre as camadas cortical e medular. Centros germinativos se tornaram mais discretos e reduzidos em número com o aumento da idade. Os baços acessórios estavam firmemente aderidos ao baço e/ou à grande curvatura da primeira cavidade do estômago, sendo mais prevalentes em animais com maior escore corporal e de mergulhos mais profundos, sugerindo uma função de reservatório sanguíneo complementar. Os tecidos linfoides associados à mucosa em cetáceos foram semelhantes aos observados em mamíferos terrestres, com adaptações inerentes ao meio aquático, como a presença de tonsilas orofaríngea e anal, assegurando uma resposta imunológica mais eficiente diante de desafios antigênicos constantes presentes em seu habitat. Sugere-se que este segmento do sistema linfoide é essencial para a proteção do animal diante dos contaminantes presentes em seu habitat. Com base nos achados do presente estudo, será possível uma melhor compreensão do funcionamento e estrutura do sistema imunológico das espécies estudadas, colaborando na elucidação das causas de encalhe destes animais, que poderão funcionar como potenciais indicadores ambientais / Lymphocytes, key cells of the immune system, can be found in organs and tissues of two major systems of the body: the lymphatic system, composed of an extensive network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes; and the lymphoid system, more comprehensive that, in addition to comprise the lymphatic system, includes all cells, tissues and organs containing lymphoid aggregates, such as the thymus and spleen. Although these systems are widely described in domestic animals and some wildlife species, studies about marine mammals are scarce. The negative influence of contaminants in the immune system of aquatic mammals is in constant discussion. The knowledge on the anatomy of these systems is essential for clinical interpretation and necropsy, providing a better understanding of the pathological findings. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the morphology and ultrastructure of lymphoid system of odontocetes occurring in the Brazilian coast. Samples from animals stranded in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil were collected and organs spleen, thymus and lymph node and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue were analyzed. First, all samples were evaluated macroscopically and topographically located. Subsequently, they were fixed and analyzed by light microscopy, scanning electron and transmission, immunohistochemistry and histomorphometry. Through these analyzes it was observed that the organs and lymphoid tissues in cetaceans are similar to that observed in domestic mammals, with some peculiarities inherent to their habitat. There were no morphological differences from the thymus in the species studied, except for the absence of adipose tissue replacing the organ in younger animals, and the presence of Hassall corpuscles more prominent in this group. New groups of lymph nodes were described, possessing architecture similar to that described in the literature for terrestrial mammals. Lymph nodes were arranged solitarily or in groups and had varied format, covered by a capsule and the parenchyma of the organ was divided into cortical and medullary region. Their germinal centers had become more evident and developed in puppies and young animals. Spleens and accessory spleens were morphologically similar, characterized by numerous lymph nodules delimited by periarterial lymphoid sheath and a diffuse cellular network in its surrounding area, without differentiation between cortical and medullary layers. Germinal centers became more discrete and reduced in number with increasing age. Accessory spleens were firmly adhered to the spleen and / or the greater curvature of the first stomach and were more prevalent in animals with higher body score and dives deeper, suggesting a role of complement blood reservoir. The mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues in cetaceans were similar to those observed in terrestrial mammals, with inherent aquatic adaptations, such as the presence of oropharyngeal and anal tonsils, ensuring a more efficient immune response in the face of constant antigenic challenges present in their habitat. It is suggested that this segment of the lymphoid system is essential for the protection of the animal before the contaminants in their habitat. Based on these findings, this study will enable a better understanding of the structure and functioning of the immune system of the species studied, collaborating in the elucidation of causes of stranding of these animals, whicih may act as potential environmental indicators

Lymphocytes T et vieillissement : lymphopénie ou redistribution ? / Lymphocytes T and Ageing : Lymphopenia or Redistribution ?

Martinet, Kim 23 September 2014 (has links)
L’atteinte de l’âge sur les populations lymphocytaires T conventionnelles CD4 et CD8 avec l’avancée en âge est relativement bien décrite en périphérie lymphoïde secondaire chez la souris, et dans le sang périphérique chez l’homme. Deux paramètres sont observés : réduction du nombre de ces cellules et altération du ratio naïve/mémoire. À l’inverse, l’évaluation des tissus lymphoïdes tertiaires et des tissus extra lymphoïdes dans les réponses immunes, reste à affiner. Notre étude au cours du vieillissement physiologique du compartiment T fut menée dans des tissus lymphoïdes et non lymphoïdes de souris C57BL/6 wild-type, âgées entre 2 et 6 mois, entre 10 et 14 mois et entre 22 et 26 mois. Nous avons démontré que la lymphopénie T classiquement décrite liée au vieillissement dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires ne s’applique pas à tout l’organisme : les compartiments intestinaux étudiés présentent une accumulation de cellules TCRαβ+ CD4+ (TCD4) et CD8+ (TCD8). Nos résultats dévoilent un impact différentiel du vieillissement sur le nombre absolu des différents compartiments cellulaires TCRαβ+ dans les organes lymphoïdes et la muqueuse intestinale. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que la lymphopénie T décrite dans les organes lymphoïdes s’établissant au cours du vieillissement pourrait être essentiellement liée à une redistribution des lymphocytes. A l’inverse, la persistance des cellules T régulatrices dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires pourrait être liée à une production locale dans la muqueuse intestinale. Il semble donc que l’équilibre TCD8/TCD4 peut être différemment affecté selon le site considéré et cette observation peut fournir une justification pour la plus grande susceptibilité aux infections observée avec l’âge. / Consequences of ageing on conventional CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes populations is relatively well described in murine secondary lymphoid organs and in human peripheral blood: reduction the number of these cells and alteration of naïve/effector-memory ratio in favour of effector-memory cells. Conversely, evaluation in tertiary lymphoid tissues and non-lymphoid tissues remains to be refined. We conducted an exhaustive analysis of T cell compartments during physiological aging in lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues isolated from wild-type C57BL/6 mice aged of 2 to 6 months, 10 to 14 months and 22 to 26 months. We demonstrated that T lymphopenia described classically associated with aging in the secondary lymphoid organs does not apply to the whole organism: intestinal compartments studied show an accumulation of TCRαβ+ CD4+ cells (TCD4) and CD8+ (TCD8). Our results reveal a differential impact of aging on the absolute number of different TCRαβ+ cellular compartments in lymphoid organs and intestinal mucosa. T cell lymphopenia in secondary lymphoid organs currently associated to ageing may essentially reflect T cell redistribution. TCD8/TCD4 balance may be affected differently depending on the site considered and this observation may provide a rationale for the greater susceptibility to infection observed with age.

Etude des conséquences d’un gain de fonction de Sting chez la souris : modèle STING V154M/WT / Studying consequences of Sting Gain-of-function in mice : STING V154M/WT mouse model

Bouis, Delphine 25 September 2018 (has links)
Des mutations gains de fonction du gène STING chez l’Homme (telles que V155M) déclenchent une pathologie autoinflammatoire sévère de type interféronopathie, le SAVI (Sting associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy), une vasculopathie associée à une fibrose pulmonaire et des symptômes lupus-like. Afin de comprendre la physiopathologie du SAVI, nous avons généré un modèle murin porteur de la mutation correspondante grâce à la technologie CRISPR/Cas9. Ces souris STING V154M/WT développent un phénotype SCID (déficit immunitaire combiné sévère) avec diminution des LT, des LB et des NK en périphérie, et une expansion du compartiment myéloïde. Ce défaut de développement est observé précocement dès le stade pré-proB dans la moelle osseuse, et au stade DN2 dans le thymus, et semble intrinsèque aux cellules hématopoïétiques. De plus, ces souris présentent une hypogammaglobulinémie sévère. Les LT et LB matures présentent également des défauts intrinsèques. Enfin, les souris présentent une signature IFN, mais leur phénotype SCID est IFN de type I-indépendant. Ces résultats mettent en évidence un rôle important de STING dans le développement lymphoïde. / In humans, point mutations in STING gene, such as V155M, lead to a severe autoinflammatory disease called SAVI (Sting associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy), classified as interferonopathy and characterized by vasculopathy, pulmonary fibrosis and a lupus-like pathology. In order to better understand the pathophysiology of SAVI, we generated a mouse model with the corresponding mutation, using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. These STING V154M/WT mice develop a SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency disease) with decrease of peripheral T, B and NK cells, and expansion of myeloid compartment. This defect seems to be present since the early stages, i.e. pre-proB cells stage in bone marrow and DN2 stage in thymus, and seems intrinsic to hematopoiectic cells. In addition, these mice present a strong hypogammaglobulinemia. Mature T and B cells also present intrinsic defaults. Finally, these mice present an IFN signature but their phenotype is independent of the IFN pathway. These results highlight an important role of STING in lymphoid development.

Identification and characterization of M cells in the mammalian conjunctiva

Petris, Carisa Kay, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007. / The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on December 12, 2007) Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Étude des propriétés hémato-supportives in vitro des cellules souches mésenchymateuses

Briquet, Alexandra 18 December 2009 (has links)
Bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) support proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) in vitro. Since they represent a rare subset of BM cells, MSC preparations for clinical purposes involves a preparative step of ex vivo multiplication. The aim of our study was to analyze the influence of culture duration on MSC supportive activity. MSC were expanded for up to 10 passages. MSC and CD34+ cells were seeded in cytokinefree co-cultures after which the phenotype, clonogenic capacity and in vivo repopulating activity of harvested hematopoietic cells were assessed. Early passage MSC supported HPC expansion and differentiation toward both B lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Late passage MSC did not support HPC and myeloid cell outgrowth but maintained B cell supportive ability. In vitro maintenance of NOD/SCID mouse repopulating cells cultured for one week in contact with MSC was effective until the fourth MSC passage and declined afterwards. CD34+ cells achieved higher levels of engraftment in NOD/SCID mice when co-injected with early passage MSC; however MSC expanded beyond 9 passages were ineffective in promoting CD34+ cell engraftment. Non-contact cultures indicated that MSC supportive activity involved diffusible factors. Among these, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 contributed to the supportive activity of early passage MSC but not of late passage MSC. MSC phenotype as well as fat, bone and cartilage differentiation capacity did not change during MSC culture. Extended MSC culture alters their supportive ability toward HPC without concomitant changes in phenotype and differentiation capacity.

The Role of Ectopic Lymphoid Tissue in Allograft Rejection

Reel, Michael Stephen 15 November 2006 (has links)
The location of the immunologic response to an allograft is not known with certainty. However, organized collections of T cells, B cells and antigen presenting cells have been found in peripheral tissue, in close proximity to organs undergoing rejection. It is hypothesized that this tertiary lymphoid tissue may be a location in which activation of lymphocytes can occur, leading to rejection of an allograft. We report here that in a splenectomized aly/aly mouse, which is devoid of secondary lymphoid organs and will normally fail to reject an allograft, the presence of tertiary lymphoid organs is associated with graft rejection. We additionally find that tertiary lymphoid organs can act as lymph nodes, and can support effector and memory allograft rejection responses. It is demonstrated that ectopic lymphoid tissue in aly/aly mice will support the multiplication and transformation of transferred naïve CD4 and CD8 T cells into cells that display phenotypic markers characteristic of effector and memory lymphocytes. These results demonstrate that ectopic lymphoid tissue is associated with the loss of immunologic ignorance and is sufficient to enable graft rejection. This suggests that allograft rejection may take place within ectopic lymphoid tissue, and suggests that techniques to interfere with the development of this tissue might offer a therapeutic approach to preserving organ allografts.

On the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection Jakob Nilsson.

Nilsson, Jakob, January 2006 (has links)
Disputats, Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser. Med populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning på svenska.

Immune dysregulation in HIV-1 infected lymphoid tissue /

Behbahani, Homira, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Characterisation of CD8 T cells in mucosa associated lymphoid tissue: implications for immune control of HIV-1 infection /

Quigley, Máire, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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