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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Televize na internetu pronikání televizního obsahu na web a je ho transformace pro internet / Television and Internet

Vlach, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Postgraduate thesis focuses on web series as a derivate of television content penetrating the internet medium..

Animace v interaktivním prostředí aplikací, využívajících nové technologie / The animation in the interactive application environment, using new technology

Kokolia, Jan January 2016 (has links)

Život na Facebooku: kvalitativní studie chování lidí na Facebooku / Life on Facebook: Qualitative Study of the Behavior of Teenagers and Young Adults on Facebook

Erban, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis aims to map the behavioral patterns of Facebook usage and the dependence of these patterns on the users' characteristics. This thesis had the goal to generate hypothesis about peoples' behavior on Facebook - what information, where and why people look for and what information, with whom and why they share. In other words, to describe "the life on Facebook" and to contribute to expanding the knowledge about Facebook's social role, its deeper theoretical reflection and to anchor Facebook more solidly into the system of media theories. In the first theoretical part I have characterized and defined Facebook, sketched its history and development, briefly summarized the studies concerned with Facebook and as well described the contemporary media studies theoretical approach to Facebook. The research itself was carried out through the series of qualitative interviews with Facebook users. Based on this data analysis I have formulated various hypotheses about peoples' behavior on Facebook, about the regularities in the way people share and search for information on Facebook. These hypotheses should serve as a basis and foundations of the subsequent quantitative research.

Analýza on-line komunikačního mixu společnosti Danone a návrh na jeho zefektivnění. / Analysis of on-line communication mix of Danone Czech Republic and a proposal to its effectiveness

Hodboď, Radek January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis studies the topic of on-line communication as a part of communication mix and marketing mix. It's closely connected with rapid technological development. It's therefore necessary to monitor trends, which are also part of the thesis. Based on the theoretical backgound, analysis of Czech internet and advertising environment and research of Czech firm's approach to on-line communication, author deals with the importance of on-line forms in comparison to other parts of communication mix. The outputs of the above are applied in the analysis of FMCG producer's on-line communication mix and competitive activities also. These findings are further formulated in recommendations for more effective on-line communication of analysed company and also serves to determine the new strategy.

Analýza a porovnání dialogických a jazykových aspektů v interakcích youtuberů a raperů prostřednictvím zveřejňování hudební/audiovizuální tvorby / Dialogical and linguistic aspects of the interactions of YouTubers and rappers in the publication of musical/audiovisual creative material

Novotný, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This paper aims to introduce a concept called digital dialogical network. This concept is inspired by a similar concept called medial dialogical network, which was elaborated in past sociolingustic research. Whereas the concept of medial dialogical network is used to describe dialogical interactions, which may take place in a sequence of published media contributions, the concept of digital dialogical network aims to describe similar interactions which may take place in a series of language contributions published on the internet. Furthermore, this paper shows some language behaviour similarities between rappers and youtubers. Those are also social groups, language of which has been used as a primary language data source.

Obsah vytvářený uživatelem a jeho využití ve zpravodajských médiích / User-generated content and its use in news media

Šesták, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to explore the increasing activity of internet users who intensively create, publish and spread their own content. The majority of this content is related to news and traditional forms of mass media organizations, which now must contend with the new means in which to disseminate information. The theoretical portion of this thesis describes the development of network media and strives for ground active user participation in media discourse and a historical context. Kinds of user-created contents will be introduced, defining their characteristics and analyzes these users who are called "prosumers" or "produsers" in the Web 2.0 era. Attention is also focused on user-generated content accessed by news websites and citizen journalism. The second part analyzes how the foremost world news media use and benefit from user-generated content. Examined media are iReport CNN, uReport Fox News and Have Your Say BBC. The text also analyzes the Czech news media, especially ČT24 news channel and main Czech news websites. The thesis closes with a comparison between Czech and world media and offers analysis of different media organizations approaches to user-generated content. Both parts of the thesis focus on web and television news service.

Segmentace internetové populace České republiky a specifika digitální komunikace / Segmentation of the internet population of the Czech Republic and the specifics of digital communication

Preněk, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is to present a complex view of the online communication, standing on three main pillars. The first pillar is the market environment that creates the basic conditions for the online communication. Second important point is the digital communication itself. In the thesis there are described the specifics of the mostly utilized digital media. The last key element is the internet user. Thanks to many segmentation criteria we can distinguish between the users and define unique characteristics of the users that can be useful for market targeting and positioning. For that reason, the main theme of the practical part of the thesis is the segmentation of the internet population of Czech Republic. The segmentation was performed via advanced analytical and segmentation software Data Analyzer that is working with the database MML-TGI collected by the research agency Medián.

Usages et pratiques socio-(ré)éducommunicationnels pour personnes handicapées mentales. Outils informatiques et média Internet

Bonjour, Audrey 04 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation croissante de l'informatique et de l'Internet ne cesse de se démentir. Si des études d'usage(s) se multiplient en France, elles sont très inégales selon les publics. Notre recherche interroge les usages et les pratiques d'interventions spécialisées avec les outils informatiques et le média Internet pour des personnes handicapées mentales en institution. Pour ce faire, nous déployons une méthodologie mixte combinant une enquête par questionnaires, des entretiens et des observations in situ. Avant de traiter de la problématique transversale des usages et pratiques, nous menons une méta-réflexion sur le " comment faire " de la recherche sur et pour le handicap mental. Notre description des usages apporte un éclairage sur les logiques organisationnelles, sociales et économiques (offre commerciale et industrielle). Elle nous amène à reconsidérer ces usages et pratiques à l'aune de leur hybridité. Marqués par un brouillage disciplinaire, nous les (re)qualifions de socio-(ré)éducommunicationnels pour rendre compte d'une tension entre interventions sociales, rééducatives, éducatives et communicationnelles. Des logiques d'usages, émerge aussi la question de la " médiatisation des instances de médiation " selon un processus de construction et de changement des pratiques (actualisation, régularité et cristallisation). In fine, ces outils et/ou médias condensent des tensions tout en révélant des enjeux : transformation des formes organisationnelles du " milieu clos " à l'" auto-éco-organisation ", " mutation des postures, compétences et légitimités professionnelles " ainsi qu'amélioration des situations de vie des personnes handicapées (énovation et " processus de personnalisation ").

Věda na síti: populárně naučné obsahy na YouTube / Science on the Web: Popular Science Videos on YouTube

Friedrichová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá nejúspěšnějších populárně naučných kanálů kanály češtině angličtině Jejím cílem je popsat vybraná videa z obsahových, slovních, neverbálních i technologických prvků a určit ty , které jsou charakteristické pro online video. Bude nás zajímat i to, které prvky poutají pozornost uživatelů, vyvolávají emoce a pomáhají udržet jejich zájem. Teoretický rámec nám poskytnou dvě existující studie na téma populárně naučných videí na YouTube (Welbourne a Grant; obou případech se jedná o analýzu audiovizuálních obsahů prostřednictvím kvantitativních metod. Cílem této práce bude audiovizuální obsahů uživatelské komentáře a využít kombinace kvalitativních a kvantitativních metod - obojí by mohlo poskytnout nové poznatky o tomto relativně novém fenoménu. Z metodologie vychází výzkum videí z kvalitativní obsahové analýzy využívající principů obrazové a sémiotické analýzy. Komentáře byly analyzovány spíše kvantitativními metodami. V závěrečných kapitolách jsou výsledky výzkumu a dochází k jejich zasazení do širšího shrnutí inovací, kterými se internetové video a jeho konzumace liší od neinternetových médií Součástí je i krátká úvaha o budoucnosti popularizované vědy na

Česká ženská lobby na Facebooku: případová studie prezentace témat a cílů / Czech Women's Lobby: case study presentation of agenda settings and goals

Svatošová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is on the example of network organization Czech Women's Lobby (CWL), demonstrate and analyse major issues of contemporary Czech women's NGOs communicated via Facebook, and what is the reception to them from ranks of the Facebook community. On basis of these themes, it will be analyse the relationship between what CWL considers as burning topic and what is considered crucial by the Facebook community. The subject of study is the way of Facebook usage in promoting CWL's values and goals and targeted changes on political and social levels. The theoretical part presents and explains key concepts and terminology, such as cyberactivism, civil society and active engagement within cyberspace. The empirical part describes the methods of research and research data processing. The final part includes the quantitative analysis of Facebook posts followed by the qualitative analysis of chosen aspects of Facebook communication in relation to its use for activist purposes. The list of recommendations for effective Facebook communication is attached at the end of this work. Keywords: activism, cyberactivism, internet activitsm, Čzech Women's Lobby, Facebook, social network, new media, NNO

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