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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An information approach to parts mating

SimunoviÄ SimunoviÄ , Sergio Natalio January 1979 (has links)
Thesis. 1979. Sc.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Sergio N. Simunović S. / Sc.D.

A Family of Latent Variable Convex Relaxations for IBM Model 2

Simion, Andrei January 2015 (has links)
Introduced in 1993, the IBM translation models were the first generation Statistical Machine Translation systems. For the IBM Models, only IBM Model 1 is a convex optimization problem, meaning that we can initialize all its probabilistic parameters to uniform values and subsequently converge to a good solution via Expectation Maximization (EM). In this thesis we discuss a mechanism to generate an infinite supply of nontrivial convex relaxations for IBM Model 2 and detail an Exponentiated Subgradient algorithm to solve them. We also detail some interesting relaxations that admit and easy EM algorithm that does not require the tuning of a learning rate. Based on the geometric mean of two variables, this last set of convex models can be seamlessly integrated into the open-source GIZA++ word-alignment library. Finally, we also show other applications of the method, including a more powerful strictly convex IBM Model 1, and a convex HMM surrogate that improves on the performance of the previous convex IBM Model 2 variants.

Análise de disponibilidade em máquinas operatrizes: uma aplicação a máquinas têxteis. / Reliability and availability analysis of textile machinery.

Teixeira, Bruno Simões 22 September 2008 (has links)
Os estudos de confiabilidade e disponibilidade encontram grandes aplicações no meio industrial. Neste trabalho é avaliada sob esta ótica um parque de uma indústria têxtil com diversas unidades de máquinas retorcedeiras, que realizam uma etapa do processo de produção de fios de nylon conhecido como retorção. Este processo consiste em torcer dois fios um contra o outro, dando origem a um fio duplo. Estas máquinas contam com dezenas de componentes que podem apresentar falhas. Ao longo de um período, foi colhido um banco de dados que foi tomado como base para este estudo. Este banco de dados foi filtrado, processo que à primeira vista pode parecer simples mas se não for feito criteriosamente pode comprometer toda a seqüência do trabalho. Após a definição de um procedimento para a validação de um modelo, são determinadas as confiabilidades com base nos dados de falha, e mantenabilidades com base nos dados de reparo, para os diversos modos de falha considerados. A partir de então, são feitas algumas simulações do comportamento da disponibilidade. Verifica-se quais são os modos de falha críticos e quais os seus impactos. Investigações adicionais são feitas, revelando alguns comportamentos não esperados. São então dadas orientações para a definição das políticas de manutenção e sugestões de onde atacar eventuais esforços de melhoria. O modelo de simulação é utilizado por final para verificar os resultados de uma possível melhoria futura no modo de falha mais crítico. Ao final, são apresentadas as conclusões do trabalho e recomendações para estudos futuros. / Reliability and availability studies find themselves very useful among industries. In the present work, the machinery of a textile company is evaluated concerning this topic. This company uses machines that perform the process of twisting, which is one step in the whole process of producing nylon textile yarns. In the twisting, two single yarns are twisted against each other, producing a double yarn. In these machines there are dozens of parts that may fail. During a period of time, data was collected to this work. This data are then filtered. This may seems simple at a first sight, but it may compromise the whole work if not done in a carefully way. In the sequence a procedure to validate a model is established. Right after, the reliabilities are evaluated, based on the failures data, to all considered failures modes. Maintainabilities are also evaluated, based on repair data. Then, some simulations are made upon the availability behavior. The critical failure modes are found and their impacts are showed. Additional investigations are done, and this leads to some behaviors that are not expected. Some guidelines are given to the maintenance policy definition, and to where eventually improvement efforts should focus on. Finally, the simulation model is used to check the results of a possible future improvement in the most critical failure mode. At the end, conclusions and recommendations to future works are presented.

Análise de geometrias com curvas fechadas no tempo / Analysis of Geometries with Closed Timelike Curves.

Pavan, Alan Bendasoli 03 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho dedicamo-nos à análise da presença de curvas fechadas tipo tempo em espaços-tempos cilindricamente simétricos e estacionários Ct. A equação de movimento que descreve a evolução de um campo escalar massivo nos espaços-tempos Ct é apresentada. Uma classe de espaços-tempos descrevendo cordas e cilindros cósmicos que admitem a presença de curvas fechadas tipo tempo é estudada em detalhes. A região não-causal desses espaços-tempos se revela acessível tanto a partículas massivas quanto a fótons. Curvas geodésicas e curvas fechadas tipo tempo são obtidas e investigadas. Essencialmente, dois tipos de órbitas descritas por partículas massivas e fótons foram observadas: órbitas confinadas e órbitas espalhadas. Os cones de luz evidenciaram claramente a intersecção de futuro e passado na região não-causal. Soluções exatas das equações de movimento do campo escalar se propagando nos espaçcos-tempos das cordas e cilindros são apresentadas. No caso dos cilindros estático e em rotação os modos quasinormais de oscilação do campo escalar foram calculados. A presença de modos instáveis foi observada em alguns casos. Observamos, também, que tanto na corda estática quanto na corda em rotação o campo escalar não apresentam modos quasinormais de oscilação. Concluimos com a proposta de uma conjectura relacionando curvas fechadas tipo tempo e instabilidades do espaço-tempo. / This work deals with the analysis of cylindrically symmetric and stationary space-times Ct with closed timelike curves. The equation of motion describing the evolution of a massive scalar field in a Ct space-time is obtained. A class of space-times with closed timelike curves describing cosmic strings and cylinders is studied in detail. In such space-times, both massive particles as well as photons can reach the non-causal region. Geodesics and closed timelike curves are calculated and investigated. We have observed that massive particles and photons describe, essentially, two kinds of trajectories: confined orbits and scattering states. The analysis of the light cones show us clearly the intersection between future and past inside the non-causal region. Exact solutions for the equation of motion of massive scalar field propagating in cosmic strings and cylinder space-times are presented. Quasinormal modes for the scalar field have been calculated in static and rotating cosmic cylinders. We found unstable modes in the rotating cases. Rotating as well as static cosmic strings, i.e., without regular interior solutions, do not display quasinormal modes for the scalar field. We conclude presenting a conjecture relating closed timelike curves and space-time instability.

Rating de risco de projetos de inovação tecnológica: uma proposta através da aplicação das Support Vector Machines

Guimarães Júnior, Djalma Silva 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T17:39:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo519_1.pdf: 8081494 bytes, checksum: ba2427869f3a7c683fd296629937e553 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um projeto de inovação tecnológica consiste em uma série de análises e procedimentos que tem como fim estimar o valor de uma tecnologia, ou seja, gerar uma estimativa dos rendimentos futuros que tal empreendimento/tecnologia possa proporcionar. A abordagem tradicional da análise de investimentos para esta categoria de projetos possui uma limitação no que tange a: 1 estimação do valor da tecnologia que exige a incorporação de variáveis qualitativas que não são consideradas por essa modelagem; e 2 a elevada variabilidade das estimativas do fluxo de caixa projetado, em virtude das diferentes categorias de risco inerentes a esse tipo de projeto. A partir desta limitação apresentada no estado da arte da avaliação deste tipo de projeto, esta pesquisa de cunho exploratório pretende utilizar a metodologia de rating como uma alternativa a avaliação de projetos de inovação. Pois um sistema de classificação através de rating possui a flexibilidade necessária para a incorporação de variáveis qualitativas que podem auxiliar na mensuração do valor da tecnologia, bem como fornece uma série de procedimentos que permitem a estimação do risco de tais projetos. Tal aplicação da metodologia de rating gera o Sistema de Classificação de Risco de Projetos de Inovação (SCRP), que a partir de uma amostra de 40 projetos de investimento industrial fornecidos pelo Banco do Nordeste do Brasil, indicadores setoriais, macroeconômicos e tecnológicos, provê uma classificação de viabilidade e risco para tais projetos. As Support Vector Machines, técnica de inteligência artificial com resultados exitosos em várias áreas das finanças, inclusive com ratings é introduzida nesta pesquisa para testar a classificação gerada pelo SCRP. A aplicação do SVM fez uso do código LIBSVM e do Software Matlab. A classificação obtida pelo SCRP apresentou um ajuste médio de 83,6% quando comparado aos 10 melhores projetos classificados pelo critério da TIR e de 87,6% de ajuste médio para com os 8 piores projetos classificados pelo critério do VPL, a classificação obtida através do SVM, apresentou uma acuracia de 37,5% frente aos dados de teste

Design and implement a micro assembly machine for mechanical watch movements.

January 2009 (has links)
Yang, Fan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 73-77). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.I / 摘要 --- p.III / Table of Contents --- p.V / List of Figures --- p.i / List of Tables --- p.A / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1. --- Literature Review --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2. --- Project Background --- p.10 / Chapter 1.3. --- Objectives --- p.14 / Chapter 2. --- Design of the micro assembly machine --- p.16 / Chapter 2.1. --- Aspects that need to be met --- p.16 / Chapter 2.2. --- Hardware of the micro assembly machine --- p.17 / Chapter 2.2.1. --- The vision system --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2.2. --- The control system --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2.3. --- The Actuating System --- p.21 / Chapter --- The gripper --- p.22 / Chapter --- The three axes --- p.28 / Chapter --- The workbench --- p.31 / Chapter 2.2.4. --- The complete structure of the micro assembly machine --- p.32 / Chapter 2.3. --- The main features of the micro assembly machine --- p.34 / Chapter 3. --- Implementation --- p.35 / Chapter 3.1. --- Vision system --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2. --- Setting up the vision system --- p.36 / Chapter 3.3. --- Efficiency and form of the transferred data --- p.38 / Chapter 3.4. --- Control system --- p.39 / Chapter 3.4.1. --- Structure of the control system --- p.40 / Chapter 3.4.2. --- System control process --- p.44 / Chapter 3.4.3. --- The GUI --- p.45 / Chapter 3.4.4. --- Data processing --- p.48 / Chapter 3.5. --- Cooperation between the vision system and the control system --- p.49 / Chapter 4. --- Experimental results --- p.51 / Chapter 4.1 --- Accuracy in the x and y directions --- p.51 / Chapter 4.2 --- Effect of the vision system on accuracy --- p.57 / Chapter 4.3 --- Depth of the assembled ruby bearings --- p.62 / Chapter 4.4 --- Gradient of the rubies --- p.65 / Chapter 4.5 --- Analysis of the experimental data --- p.68 / Chapter 5 --- Conclusion and Future Work --- p.70 / References --- p.73

A fast algorithm for the string editing problem and decision graph complexity

Masek, William Joseph January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Microfiche copy available in Archives and Engineering. / Includes bibliographies. / by William J. Masek. / M.S.


Ashkan Abbaszadeh Darbani (5930510) 16 October 2019 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates the effects of swashplate vibration and slipper surface geometry on the performance of the slipper-swashplate interface. The lubricating interfaces within a swashplate type axial piston machine are the most complicated part of the design process. These interfaces are supposed to provide support to the significant loads they experience during operation and to prevent continuous contact of the sliding surfaces. Therefore a proper slipper-swashplate interface design ensures full film lubrication during operation and provides sufficient load support while minimizing viscous and volumetric losses at the same time. The effects of two factors on the performance of the slipper-swashplate are examined during this work; swashplate vibration and slipper surface micro-geometry. An already existing model of the slipper-swashplate interface was used to carry out the results for this work however some modifications were made to the model to suit the needs of this research. Swashplate vibration is a phenomenon that has not been implemented in the model before, therefore its effects on the performance of the interface were analyzed. Thickness of the fluid film in the lubricating regime corresponds with its performance and is directly affected by the micro-geometry of the sliding interfaces. Therefore the effects of slipper surface micro-geometry is crucial to study in order to find the optimal slipper-swashplate interface design.</p>


TELVIO MARTINS DE MELLO 27 June 2005 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar, propor e implementar uma ferramenta que permita a experimentação com arquiteturas que sigam o paradigma de Processadores de Rede - Network Processors (NP). Com esse intuito, foi implementada uma biblioteca de objetos genéricos que permite emular os diversos componentes de hardware (tais como memórias, registradores, unidades de controle, unidades lógico-aritméticas, etc.) presentes em arquiteturas especificas para o processamento de protocolos. A conjunção desses componentes permite gerar máquinas virtuais que podem ser exercitadas para testar ou verificar o funcionamento das mais diversas operações nesses ambientes. Além da biblioteca, são apresentados três estudos de casos distintos: o primeiro mostrando um processador criado para teste e os outros dois implementam arquiteturas baseadas no processador MCS85 e no núcleo ARM do Processador IXP, todos com o intuito de validar e mostrar a utilidade prática da ferramenta. / [en] The aim of this work is to study, propose and implement a tool that allows the experimentation with architectures that follow the Network Processors (NP) paradigm. A generic object library was implemented, allowing the emulation of the various hardware components, such as memories, registers, arithmetic-and-logical units, control units etc., that are commonly used within specific architectures for protocol processing. The integrated usage of these components will provide an environment where virtual machines can be created and tested to verify the behavior of many different operations. Besides the library itself, three use cases are presented to validate and show the utility of the tool: the first is an implementation of a processor created just for the sake of testing and the other two are implementations of architectures based on the MCS85 processor and on the ARM kernel of the Intel IXP Network Processor.

Learning to rank documents with support vector machines via active learning

Arens, Robert James 01 December 2009 (has links)
Navigating through the debris of the information explosion requires powerful, flexible search tools. These tools must be both useful and useable; that is, they must do their jobs effectively without placing too many burdens on the user. While general interest search engines, such as Google, have addressed this latter challenge well, more topic-specific search engines, such as PubMed, have not. These search engines, though effective, often require training in their use, as well as in-depth knowledge of the domain over which they operate. Furthermore, search results are often returned in an order irrespective of users' preferences, forcing them to manually search through search results in order to find the documents they find most useful. To solve these problems, we intend to learn ranking functions from user relevance preferences. Applying these ranking functions to search results allows us to improve search usability without having to reengineer existing, effective search engines. Using ranking SVMs and active learning techniques, we can effectively learn what is relevant to a user from relatively small amounts of preference data, and apply these learned models as ranking functions. This gives users the convenience of seeing relevance-ordered search results, which are tailored to their preferences as opposed to using a one-size-fits-all sorting method. As giving preference feedback does not require in-depth domain knowledge, this approach is suitable for use by domain experts as well as neophytes. Furthermore, giving preference feedback does not require a great deal of training, adding very little overhead to the search process.

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