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Technologie výroby strojních součástí pro výrobní jednotku / Production technology of machine parts for the production unitLangpaul, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the suggestion of solutions to the weaknesses of production technology in the company Strojtex. The introductory part of the thesis contains an introduction to the company as well as an introduction to the tools of Lean manufacturing. As for the analytical part, a SWOT analysis is prepared, and in connection with its results, a proposal for solving deficiencies is made. The final part deals with the selection of a representative of the component with the design of a new production technology and its time and financial evaluation.
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Návrh technologie výroby čepu / Draft of pin production technologyHrdlička, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis, written during the study of M-STM Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, is focused on the concept of the production technology of a pin. The thesis includes a description of forming and machining technology in terms of possibilities of their application in the production of the pin. Furthermore, by comparing both technologies and preliminary economic evaluations of production, it leads to the choice of the production method. This production method is then described, and the description contains the production process steps including the creation of the CNC program. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to the technical and economic evaluation of the production concept.
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Racionalizace technologického procesu elektroerozivního obrábění hloubení / The rationalization of technological process of electrical discharge sinkingMaršálek, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my work is the rationalization of an elektroerosive process of sinking during the production of a die in a given firm on a sinking machine Agie Hyperspark 3HS. This machine was compared with an existing device in Kovolit Modřice, a publicly held company. And subsequently it was tried several variations of setting. Afterwards it was chosen the most optimal setting for consecutive production of concrete die.
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Inovace výrobní technologie tlakových zásobníků / An innovation of production technology of pressure reservoirsCaha, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The target of Master Thesis with theme „The innovation of production technologie of pressure reservoir“, is a description of manufacturing technologie currently in use and design a new technologie. Part of new development of technologie is a selection of suitable spectrum of rails (pressure reservoir), design invention of appropriate machine loading system and clamping fixture placed into machine. Also the comparison of technologckl and economical parameters of proposed designed technologies and technologie currently in use - the final evaluation included.
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Aplikace CAD/CAM softwaru FeatureCAM při obrábění / Application of CAD/CAM software FeatureCAM for machiningFoltán, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis contains the manufacturing process of ingot mold part for pistons manufactured by gravity casting using FeatureCAM software. It deals with the selection of appropriate machinery and tooling, determining the cutting conditions and the solution selection of optimal machining strategies in FeatureCAM software. The whole machining process is verified by graphic simulation and is completed with drawing documentation of component.
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Návrh na zefektivnění výroby strojírenského dílu / Efficiency Improvement Proposal of Production of Engineering ComponentČernický, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with machining process of shaft in the company Decoleta, a.s. to propose production efficiency improvement. The first part of the diploma thesis is focused on the description of the company's activities and analysis of the used machining technologies. The second part analyses the actual production process and proposes increase in efficiency of the component’s production. In the final part the thesis compares the current and upgraded state of machining processes and includes a technical-economical evaluation of the proposed modifications.
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Aplikace CAM softwaru PowerMILL při programování lopatkového kola / Application of CAM software PowerMILL for programming of bliskPřibilík, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on modeling and creation of NC programs for machining of the impellers. Software used for modeling is CATIA V5R20 from Dassault Systémes company. For creation of NC programs software PowerMILL from Delcam company is used. Verification of functionality of created NC programs is done in Sinumerik 840d control system.
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Bezkontaktní měření povrchových teplot při obrábění kovových materiálů / Non-contact measurement of surface temperatures during machining of metal materialsTrojan, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with non-contact methods of surface temperature with machining metal materials. This work contains summary of basic terms and description of thermodynamics laws. Furthermore, the work present criteria for selection suitable measuring equipment. In the second part of this work is described experiment focused on drilling technology and measurement dependence of temperature on different cutting speed for different drilling approaches. At the end are presented the results.
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Návrh technologie obrábění strojních součástí pro kusovou výrobu v soukromé firmě / Proposal of technology workpieces in mechganical production for piece production in a private companyBužek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the use of automation in single-part and small batch production in a private company. Introductory part deals with description the project and selecting representatives for which the project will be created. Followed by the comparison and selection of machines, tools and auxiliary equipment, selection of automation and software. Based on selection before, the three variants of automatization are developed, which will be compared at the end of diploma thesis and the best option will be selected.
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The effects of machining on the flexural strength of CAD-CAM materialsAl-Ayoub, Ghassan 28 September 2016 (has links)
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of different machining modes on the flexural strength CAD-CAM restorative materials.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four different CAD-CAM materials were used: VITA MARKII, VITA Enamic (VITA Zahnfabrik), Empress CAD, and e.max CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent). Rectangular bars for each material (except e.max CAD) were made by three procedures: saw cut, normal mill and fast mill. Each subgroup had a sample size of 5. Saw cut bars were cut by a BUHLER diamond blade saw. Milled bars were made using SIRONA CEREC MCXL milling unit. The 3-point flexural strength test was performed using a universal testing machine. Surface roughness was measured using a profilomer. Student t-test and Tukey-Kramer statistical analysis were performed to check significant differences.
RESULTS: e.max CAD saw cut group was significantly stronger than the milled group. There was no difference in the strength of the Empress CAD groups. Enamic saw cut group was significantly stronger than the normal milled but not the fast milled one. There was no significant difference between the Enamic milled groups. Vita MKII saw cut was significantly stronger than both milled groups. There was no difference in the strength between the milled MKII groups.
The surface roughness of the saw cut groups in all materials were significantly less than their milled counterparts in both longitudinal and transverse measurements.
CONCLUSION: Machining had a significant effect on the surface roughness of materials. Damage from machining can cause the material to have lower flexural strength.
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