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Numerical investigation of horizontal twin-roll casting of the magnesium alloy AZ31Miehe, Anja 22 July 2014 (has links)
The horizontal twin-roll casting (TRC) process is an energy saving and cost-efficient method for producing near-net-shape sheets of castable metals for light-weight production. In order to investigate the TRC process numerically, a code is generated in OpenFOAM and the commercial software STAR-CCM+ is used. Both are validated with the Stefan problem, the gallium melting test case, and a continuous casting experiment for magnesium AZ31. Different solidification models are tested that are similar to solution domain definitions and solid-fraction temperature relations. The comparison with temperature measurements of the MgF GmbH Freiberg pilot plant and the final microstructure exhibits good correlation. Sensitivity studies are carried
out for thermophysical properties of AZ31 as well as pilot plant parameters. Furthermore, the rolls are incorporated into the simulation to determine the effect of a location-dependent heat-transfer coefficient. Finally, the results are compared to a second pilot plant situated at the Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht in order to explore differences and similarities. / Das horizontales Gießwalzen ist eine energiesparende und kostengünstige Methode zur Erzeugung von Flachprodukten, die im Leichtbau verwendet werden. Um dieses Verfahren numerisch zu untersuchen wurde ein Programmcode in OpenFOAM entwickelt und die kommerzielle Software STAR-CCM+ verwendet, wobei beide mit dem Stefan Problem, dem Schmelzen von Gallium und Messdaten des Stranggusses von Magnesium AZ31 validiert wurden. Verschiedene Erstarrungsmodelle werden ebenso getestet wie Variationen des Simulationsbereiches und Feststoff-Temperatur-Verläufe. Vergleiche mit Temperaturmessdaten der Pilotanlage MgF GmbH Freiberg und der finalen Mikrostruktur zeigen gute Übereinstimmungen. Sensitivitätsanalysen werden durchgeführt, um die Einflüsse von thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften und Anlagenparametern abzuschätzen. Des Weiteren werden die Walzen in die Simulation mit einbezogen, um den Effekt eines lokal veränderlichen Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten zu beurteilen. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse mit denen einer zweiten Pilotanlage am Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht verglichen. / Le laminage de coulée continue horizontal possède une faible consommation d’énergie et est bon marché pour la production des feuilles de métaux coulables utilisés dans la construction légère. Afin d’examiner ce processus numériquement, un code est généré dans OpenFOAM et le logiciel commercial STAR-CCM+ est utilisé, tous les deux sont validés en utilisant le problème de Stefan, la fusion du gallium et la coulée continue verticale de magnésium AZ31. Plusieurs modèles de solidification sont testés, ainsi que la variation du domaine de simulation, et des rélations entre la teneur en matière solide et la température. Des comparaisons avec des résultats de mesures de la température à l’installation pilote de MgF GmbH Freiberg ainsi que la microstructure donnent des bons résultats. Des analyses de sensibilité sont effectuées afin d’évaluer l’influence des propriétés thermophysiques et des paramètres de l’installation. De plus, les cylindres sont intégrés dans la simulation pour estimer l’impact du coefficient de transfert de chaleur dépendant du lieu. Finalement, les résultats sont comparés avec ceux du Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht.
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Design optimization of heterogeneous microstructured materialsEmami, Anahita January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Our ability to engineer materials is limited by our capacity to tailor the material’s microstructure morphology and predict resulting properties. The insufficient knowledge on microstructure-property relationship is due to complexity and randomness in all materials at different scales. The objective of this research is to establish a design optimization methodology for microstructured materials. The material design problem is stated as finding the optimum microstructure to maximize the desired performance satisfying material processing constrains. This problem has been solved in this thesis by means of numerical techniques through four main steps: microstructure characterization, model reconstruction, property evaluation, and optimization. Two methods of microstructure characterizations have been investigated along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The first microstructure characterization method is a statistical method which utilizes correlation functions to extract the microstructural information. Algorithms for calculating these correlations functions have been developed and optimized based on their computational cost using MATLAB software. The second microstructure characterization method is physical characterization which works based on evaluation of physical features in microstructured domain. These features have been measured by means of MATLAB codes. Three model reconstruction techniques are proposed based on these characterization methods and employed to generate material models for further evaluation. The first reconstructing algorithm uses statistical functions to reconstruct the statistical equivalent model through simulating annealing optimization method. The second algorithm uses cellular automaton concepts to simulate the grain growth utilizing physical descriptors, and the third one generates elliptical inclusions in a material matrix using physical characteristic of microstructure. The finite element method is used to analysis the mechanical behavior of material models. Several material samples with different microstructural characteristics have been generated to model the micro-scale design domain of AZ31 magnesium alloy and magnesium matrix composite with silicon carbide fibers. Then, surrogate models have been created based on these samples to approximate the entire design domain and demonstrate the sensitivity of the desired mechanical property to two independent microstructural features. Finally, the optimum microstructure characteristics of material samples for fracture strength maximization have been obtained.
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