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大陸學生來台學習參與影響調查之研究 / The studies on the learning participation and the influences of the mainland students who come to Taiwan李文瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
深度訪談中則顯示大陸學生對臺灣的大學院校有較佳的意願興趣度,分析探討之因素多為兩岸學生在同一種語言學習環境裡、離家較近等距離時空因素,而臺灣的大學生在大陸學生的印象中,活潑、熱情、對社團參與度高,加上臺灣的師資水準仍具一定影響力,使大陸學生仍願意選擇在臺灣學習上課,甚至在兩岸高校互相簽定姐妹校關係下,採取學分交換方式,到臺灣擔任交換生。 / By interviewing and analyzing the questionnaires of the mainland students who studied in the universities in Taiwan for one or two semesters, the current research studied the influences of cultures and educations across strait through the exchange student programs.
In the recent five years, there has been a big change in the cultural and educational exchange cross strait. In the beginning, there were only less than 10 exchange students from China to study here for only one week or one month, as well as short-term exchanges for summer or winter breaks only. Currently, almost every large-scale of universities in Taiwan, more than ten mainland students attend classes with Taiwan students. For some private universities, more than hundreds, even thousands of mainland students come to study. It has formed a new culture of “mainland students” on campus in Taiwan. This new culture is predicted to be a big trend which quietly changes the environment of higher education system in Taiwan.
The objective of this study was to understand the motivations of these students from mainland China to study any program in Taiwan. The results of this study will provide colleges and universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Chinese students and understanding their needful. Both questionnaire and interviewing methodologies were used for this study. The results show that most of the Chinese students were interested in colleges and universities in Taiwan because students from both sides speak the same language and short distances between China and Taiwan for returning home. The impressions of local students to those Chinese students were active, passions and highly bound to extra curriculum. The level of teaching quality and environment in Taiwan was impressed and effective to the Chinese students. For all of the above mentioned reasons, students from China were still willing to attend the classes in Taiwan for some credit hours through the exchange student programs and mutual beneficial programs.
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