Spelling suggestions: "subject:"makroekonomiska.""
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Vztah mezi vývojem makroekonomických ukazatelů a vývojem na kapitálovém trhu v ČR / The relationship between the Development of Macroeconomic Indicators and the Capital Market in CRKLIMEŠOVÁ, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on an assessment of development on the capital market in the Czech Republic in the context of development of macroeconomic indicators. There are used correlation and regression analyses which indicate power of relation between variables and determine regression models. These regression models are used to predict future values. There are a gross domestic product, an unemployment rate, a consumer price index, a national deficit, an exchange rate CZK/EUR and interest rates (2W repo rate, a discount, a Lombard rate and PRIBOR) used as independent variables. Representatives of the capital market are a stock market index PX and a 10-Years Bond Yield, which are dependent variables. There is also a mention of the existence of relation between the Czech and foreign development because of globalization.
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících trh penzijních fondů v ČR / Analysis of factors affecting the market for pension funds in the Czech RepublicPAULOVÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is the analysis of the factors influencing the market of pension funds in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to analyze the factors affecting the pension market in the last ten years. The theoretical part is focused on the overview of a given issue, the definition of legislative terms and basic concepts. There is described the basic characteristics of the pension funds and the legal framework. A separate chapter is devoted to the management of pension funds and state supervision of pension funds. There is also an overview of the development of the pension fund in the Czech Republic and other terms associated with it. In the practical part there is monitored an impact of individual factors (the gross domestic product, unemployment, inflation and wage developments) on indicators of the pension market, with evaluation by using regression and correlation analysis. The aim is to determine whether there is a relationship of macroeconomic variables on the characteristics of the pension market, or how to tight the binding between them. In the second part of the practical work was monitored the performance of each pension fund.
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Dopad kapitalizace výdajů na výzkum a vývoj na odhady makroekonomických agregátů a na vztah rozpočtu ČR a EU / The impact of expenditures on research and development on estimates of macroeconomic aggregates and on the relationship between the budgets of the Czech republic and the EUZbranek, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the statistics of research and development and focuses on possible effects of considered capitalization of R&D expenses. The opening part is devoted to statistical investigations in the R&D area to provide an overview of data base. Subsequently, the specific suggested methodological changes in the international ESA standard and related changes in the national accounting system are introduced, including the description of current practices. In the main part, the impacts of the capitalization on the main macroeconomic aggregates and Maastricht criteria fulfilling are presented on the real Czech Republic data. In the final section, possible impact on the contributions of the Czech Republic to the EU budget are shown, along with international comparisons describing impacts on all member states in the context of the EU budget financing. The aim of the comparison is to show whether capitalization is beneficial or not for the individual member states.
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Přenositelnost skandinávského modelu sociálního státu na základě makroekonomické analýzy / Transferability of Scandinavian model of welfare state based on macroeconomic analysisBaštářová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with question of Scandinavian social model's transferability on Baltic countries and Iceland. The aim of the thesis is to establish whether and to what extent Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Iceland are ready to adopt the system. Three main methods are used in the thesis, namely: analysis of macroeconomic indicators and competitiveness indices, synthesis using the magic pentagon and comparison via coefficient of variation. The thesis comprises three main parts. The first one deals with theory and methodology. The second part applies information gained from databases of world organisations and follows their development. The last part then compares these figures.
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Je vývoj počtu uskutečněných transakcí M&A procyklický? / Is the development of the number of realized M&A transactions procyclical?Červinková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to reveal the relation between business cycle and the number of transactions considering mergers and acquisitions. For this purpose the appropriate macroeconomics indicators have been chosen. The base hypothesis, which stands for the procyclical development of transactions, was examined by regression analysis of panel dataset containing quarterly based data from The Visegrad Group countries in the period from 2000 to 2014. The ordinary least square method together with robust estimation of standard deviation provided the confirmation about positive relation of the quarter change of GDP as the main explanatory variable and the number of transactions. Nevertheless, more robust findings appeared in case of significance of stock markets and public debt. The positive relation of the stock price was proven to be in accordance with the behavioral theory. The increase in transaction activity is capitalized through the profit from the sold of overprized stocks. Unexpected result about positive relation of public debt required the specification of assumption about the lower preference of smooth consumption of The Visegrad group households.
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Phenomenon of the FDI: Investment Environment in the Countries of the Central Europe / Fenomén priamych zahraničných investícií: investičné prostredie v krajinách strednej EurópyRichtáriková, Zdenka January 2012 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with the investment environment of the Central European countries, familiarizes the reader with the phenomenon of foreign direct investment, and analyzes the macroeconomic environment in relation to the investment inflow and stock. It characterizes foreign direct investment in the global setting and outlines several internalization theories. Covering a wide range of various macroeconomic indicators that influence the investment favorability, the thesis compares Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia along with relevant concise analyses. Moreover, the foreign direct investment inflows and stocks are addressed and the investment inflow influence on national trade, especially export and import flows and trade ties, is presented.
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Organizované trhy s průmyslovými kovy v době financializace komoditních trhů / Organized industrial metal markets in the financialized commodity marketsSmolík, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
In connection to the process of financialization of commodity markets which is caused by the sharp increase of money flowing into the commodity markets, the question of which factors affect commodity and commodity indices prices is discussed. The aim of the dissertation is to determine and quantify the factors affecting the prices of industrial metals during the period of financialization of commodity markets and derive the pricing model of industrial metals, which would be able to generate signals of a possible overvaluation or undervaluation. The paper examined non-ferrous industrial metals traded on the Commodity Exchange LME (London Metal Exchange), namely aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, tin and zinc. These metals are also included in the most of the world's composite commodity indices. The dissertation analyzes the contemporary developments in commodity markets; relationship between the price volatility and fundamental factors (including production, consumption and stocks of chosen metals and a wide range of macroeconomic determinants) or the relationship between risk and return of industrial metals. The closing part of the dissertation focuses on the creating of composite pricing indicator for copper and tin by using the Boosted Trees method. The results obtained in the research show that created indicator is able to explain the volatility of the 3m copper futures contracts by 94.25% and 3m futures contracts of tin by 96, 79% in the period from 1/2000 to 3/2015.
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Makroekonomické zprávy a jejich vliv na kreditní prémii svrchovaného rizika / Macroeconomic News and Their Impact on Sovereign Credit Risk PremiaPištora, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This thesis provides evidence of how macroeconomic surprises, constructed as deviations from market expectations, impact daily spread changes of Czech, Polish and Hungarian (CEEC-3) government bonds and sovereign credit default swaps. Firstly, we carried out series of event studies that inspect the spreads' reactions to the announcements. Subsequently, we employed the general-to-specific modeling approach and arrived at thirty GARCH-type models that consider surprises' impact on both conditional mean and variance. We have found significant impacts on the mean, yet in terms of magnitude, the impact of macroeconomic surprises has not been superior to that of broad financial factors. The impact on spreads' volatility appears more consequential though it lacks a clear pattern: Both good and bad news have been found to affect the volatility in either direction. Our findings suggest that with respect to macroeconomic news, daily changes of the bond spreads are driven rather by inflation expectations than by credit risk considerations. Foreign news proxied by the German surprises seems to affect the CEEC-3 bond spreads mainly through the risk-free proxy - the German Bund yield. Contrary to studies using low-frequency macroeconomic data, we have found no evidence for the "wake-up call" hypothesis.
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Česká republika a přijetí eura na pozadí makroekonomických nerovnováh / Czech Republic and the adoption of euro on the background of macroeconomic imbalancesCaletka, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This work is aimed to determine whether the Czech Republic is ready to enter to the third stage of European economic and monetary union which is associated with the adoption of the euro, and that regarding the fulfillment of the formal entry criteria and also in terms of alignment of the Czech economy with the rest of the eurozone. On that basis evaluate whether it is advantageous for the country to adopt the euro. The first part introduces the different stages of regional integration, as well as the theory of optimum currency areas and economic governance in the European Union. The second chapter is devoted to evaluate the readiness of the Czech Republic to join the euro zone from three perspectives. First, fulfillment of nominal convergence criteria is evaluated. Real convergence and macroeconomic imbalances within the euro area are assessed using cluster analysis. The second approach is to analyze whether EMU constitute an optimal currency area. At the end the experience, of three countries of the eastern enlargement, with changeover to a common currency are presented.
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Francie: ekonomický vývoj a pozice v Evropské unii / France: Economic Evolution and the Position in the European UnionJemelíková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses economic and political situation of France and its position during the evolution of the European integration process. The first chapter focuses on the role of France in the European integration process from its beginnings to the present. The second chapter discusses the current position of France in the EU and its attitude to reforms which address the issue of the euro zone debt crisis. The third chapter concentrates on the macroeconomic analysis of France from the perspective of the most important macroeconomic indicators and it also compares France with other EU countries.
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