Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mikrostruktura"" "subject:"makrostruktur""
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Teoretické problémy španělské lexikografie / Theoretical problems of Spanish lexicographyJohnová, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis Theoretical Problems of Spanish Lexicography introduces issues associated with creating general monolingual dictionaries. The thesis has two main objectives. Firstly, it aims to summarise the most frequent lexicographic issues and attempt to find their suitable solutions in practice through an analysis of significant research studies dealing with this subject. The issues have been divided into two groups depending on whether they regard the macrostructure (collection of dictionary entries) or microstructure (collection of headword information). As for the macrostructure, one of the main issues is posed by determining the criteria for the selection of dictionary entries. Modern descriptive lexicography considers lexical unit usage frequency to be the main criterion. The macrostructure of general monolingual dictionaries should generally not include proper nouns while productive affixes and affixoids, phraseological units with a high degree of idiomaticity, abbreviations and frequently used neologisms should be included. The thesis also explores the issue of distinguishing between cases of homonymy and polysemy and its impact on lexicographic practice. The chapter on microstructure focuses primarily on the issues of constructing lexicographic definitions with user...
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Porovnn svaovn MAG a svaovn plazmou / Comparison of GMAW and Plasma WeldingNejedl, Tom January 2014 (has links)
Developed thesis compares MAG welding and plasma welding, with the same input parameters. Based on the literature was reviewed weldability and welding of both methods. It was experimentally for both technologies specifically designed heat input, evaluation and macrostructure of the weld dilution, the dimensions of the heat affected zone and finally test the hardness in the transverse direction Vickers.
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Povrchové kalení ocelí výkonovým polovodičovým laserem / Surface hardening of steels by high power diode laserBazalová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the technology of surface hardening of steels by high power diode laser. The thesis is an experiment of surface hardening of steel 12 050 on various parameters of speed movement of the laser head and used power. At first, the work deals with the possible technology of surface hardening, industrial lasers and possible methods for measuring hardness. It describes the material used and the evaluation of the macrostructure and microstructure of the samples and evaluates the achievement of hardness, depending on the distance from the surface. The results are used to assess the suitability of the parameters during quenching.
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Povrchové kalení litiny výkonovým polovodičovým laserem / Surface hardening of cast iron by high power diode laserBezděk, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the technology of surface hardening by laser. High power diode laser is used for this purpose. Surface hardening is performed on cast iron BS 1452-77, at different speeds laser head and laser power. In introduction, the theoretical part deals with possible ways of hardening focusing on the benefits of laser hardening. There are mentioned basic parts of laser, type industrial lasers and their application in industry. The final part is mentions the using of material and methods used to evaluate samples. The practical part describes the using devices and carries out evaluation macrostructure and microstructure and evaluation of hardness depending on the distance from the surface.
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Posouzení vlastností heterogenních tupých svarů metodami svařování laserem a svazkem elektronů / Assessment of heterogeneous properties butt welds in laser welding and electron beam weldingRozsypal, Oldřich January 2015 (has links)
The project was developed within the engineering degree in engineering technology, and is focused in welding together of two different materials. Welds will be done on a high strength steel Domex 420 MC and deep drawing steel DC01 using laser welding, and will be compared with the method of electron beam welding. Part of this project is a scientific research describing the basic physical principles of both methods, different types of lasers, welding material properties and inspection of welds. In the experimental part was carried tensile test, macroscopic and microscopic examination. Finally, work is to evaluate the individual tests.
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Систем наставе руског језика на нижем основношколском узрасту у српској говорној и социокултурној средини / Sistem nastave ruskog jezika na nižem osnovnoškolskom uzrastu u srpskoj govornoj i sociokulturnoj sredini / Russian Language Teaching on Lower PrimarySchool Level in Serbian Language andSociocultural EnvironmentAjdžanović Nataša 07 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ рада јесте да се на основу теоријско-<br />пројективне и емпиријске анализе теоријски<br />заснује систем наставе руског језика и то у<br />његовој препаративној, оперативној и<br />евалуационој димензији. Дато истраживање<br />усмерено је на сагледавање типолошких<br />одлика система наставе руског језика у<br />јединству његових конституенти у нижим<br />разредима основне школе и у том склопу<br />начела лингводидактичког обликовања свих<br />компонената макроструктуре уџбеника, при<br />чему није изостављена ни његова<br />метаструктура: приручници за наставнике и<br />радне свеске. Кад је реч о курикулуму,<br />имамо у виду све његове димензије, посебно<br />екстензитет, интензитет и редослед<br />наставних садржаја.</p> / <p>Cilj rada jeste da se na osnovu teorijsko-<br />projektivne i empirijske analize teorijski<br />zasnuje sistem nastave ruskog jezika i to u<br />njegovoj preparativnoj, operativnoj i<br />evaluacionoj dimenziji. Dato istraživanje<br />usmereno je na sagledavanje tipoloških<br />odlika sistema nastave ruskog jezika u<br />jedinstvu njegovih konstituenti u nižim<br />razredima osnovne škole i u tom sklopu<br />načela lingvodidaktičkog oblikovanja svih<br />komponenata makrostrukture udžbenika, pri<br />čemu nije izostavljena ni njegova<br />metastruktura: priručnici za nastavnike i<br />radne sveske. Kad je reč o kurikulumu,<br />imamo u vidu sve njegove dimenzije, posebno<br />ekstenzitet, intenzitet i redosled<br />nastavnih sadržaja.</p> / <p>The goal of this paper is to, on the grounds of<br />projective and empirical analysis, build the<br />system of Russian language teaching in its<br />preparational, operational and evaluational<br />dimensions. The research is oriented toward<br />comprehension of typological features of<br />teaching system within the sum of its<br />constituents in lower grades, as well as the<br />principles of lingvodidactic shaping of all the<br />components of macrostructure and<br />metastructure of a textbook, including teacher<br />manuals and workbooks. When it comes to<br />curriculum, the author kept in mind all of its<br />aspects, especially extensity, intensity and<br />sequencing of educational content.</p>
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