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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The strategic processes of small businesses operating in a turbulent environment: a retail community pharmacy perspective

Naidoo, Kamsaladevi Kumudini 03 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, the small business sector has been identified as a sector that is not performing optimally. In a turbulent environment, this type of small business profile is magnified. Therefore, it is important to examine mechanisms through which the performance of this sector can be enhanced. Dynamic capabilities have emerged as a strategic tool of the highest order in terms of firm management and strengthening these capabilities is a key concern for firms that operate in a turbulent environment. Dynamic capabilities are described as the processes required to reconfigure existing resources into new functional competencies. Therefore, this study investigated the strategic processes of small businesses and developed a new strategic model and theory to illustrate and elucidate intervention mechanisms and strategies to strengthen the dynamic capabilities of these small businesses. Methodology: The retail community pharmacy sector was chosen as a model sector for this study since it is a sector that comprises mainly of small businesses and it is currently experiencing environmental turbulence. The methodology followed an initial exploratory, qualitative approach followed by a formal, empirical, quantitative approach. The research questionnaire was derived after ensuring that content validity, criterion related validity, construct validity and reliability criteria were met. This questionnaire was administered to a sample of 477 out of a population of 2549 small businesses in the retail community pharmacy sector, using an unrestricted, simple, random, probability sampling approach. As a consequence of having received 130 completed questionnaires, the results obtained in this study were expressed at the 95% confidence level with a confidence interval of 0.08. Results and Discussion: From a gap analysis of the level of importance of dynamic capabilities and their extent of implementation, seven dynamic capabilities whose implementation can be enhanced by an alteration of the management importance perception of them, were extracted. These capabilities revolve around staff reward, well-being, empowerment and education and training, as well as the abilities of the small business leadership to sense the environment and opportunities while being sensitive to stakeholder needs. Through a consolidation of the results of the gap analysis, a model for the initiation and the sustaining of innovative resource reconfigurations was developed. Conclusion: For the management practice setting, this study�s findings suggest that the dynamic capabilities of small firms operating in a turbulent environment can be enhanced and strengthened by the employment of the model developed by this study. From a management education perspective, this study�s findings also suggest that the employment of specific and focussed management education that revolves around the seven identified processes will enable not only the initiating phase of the proposed model but will also provide a multiplier effect in the model since management capability is also part of the general resource base of the firm. This study thus proposes the use of these management practice and educational approaches to strengthen and enhance the dynamic capabilities of small businesses operating in a turbulent environment. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D. BL.

新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能關聯之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Junior High School Principals’ Innovative Leadership Behavior, Teachers’ Knowledge Management Capability and Effectiveness of School Innovation Management in New Taipei City.

李俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在分析新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能之關聯。研究採用調查研究法,以新北市之公立國民中學教師為研究對象抽40所學校,計有496位。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元逐步迴歸等統計方式加以分析。   本研究得到下列項結論: 一、新北市國民中學校長創新領導行為情況良好,並以「創造思考」為最佳。 二、新北市國民中學教師知識管理能力表現良好,並以「知識獲取」為最佳。 三、新北市國民中學的學校創新經營效能情況良好,並以「創新學校表現效能」為最佳。 四、新北市國民中學不同性別、現任職務、學校規模之教師在知覺校長創新領導行為上有顯著差異。 五、新北市國民中學不同現任職務、服務年資、學校規模之教師在教師知識管理能力上有顯著差異。 六、新北市國民中學不同現任職務、服務年資、學校規模之教師在知覺學校創新經營效能上有顯著差異。 七、國民中學校長創新領導行為、教師知識管理能力與學校創新經營效能三者間具有正向的關聯。 八、國民中學校長創新領導行為及教師知識管理能力的分層面,對學校創新經營效能有正向的預測作用。   最後,根據研究結果提出主要結論與相關建議,以供教育行政機關與國民中學之參酌。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among principals’ innovative leadership behavior, teachers’ knowledge management capability, and effectiveness of school innovation management. Data were collected from 496 teachers of 40 junior high schools in New Taipei City. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise regression. Conclusions were as follows: 1. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about principals’ innovative leadership behavior are positive. Furthermore, “creative thinking” is the highest. 2. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about teachers’ knowledge management capability are positive. Besides “knowledge acquirement” is the highest. 3. The perceptions from the junior high school teachers about effectiveness of school innovation management are positive. “innovative school performance” is the highest in addition. 4. Teachers from different gender, position, and school size in New Taipei City, they had diversely feeling about principle’s innovative leadership behavior. 5. Teachers form different position, seniority, and school size in New Taipei City, their knowledge management capability are obviously difference. 6. Teachers form different position, seniority, and school size in New Taipei City, their perception of school innovative efficiency are obviously diversity. 7. Principle’s innovative leadership behavior, teachers’ knowledge management capability and effectiveness of school innovation management, these three factors had highly positive correlation. 8. The sub-level of the principals’ innovative leadership behavior and teachers’ knowledge management capability can apparently predict the effectiveness of school innovation management.   At last, according to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration and junior high schools.

A conceptual framework for the relationship between the implementation of innovation and knowledge and its link to organisational capabilities

Travern, J. S. 06 1900 (has links)
In our knowledge-intensive economy, charismatic managers of organisations are increasingly adopting innovation and knowledge management strategic imperatives to improve products and services for service delivery and competitive edge. However, organisations implementing homogeneous and intellectual resource organisational capabilities such as Innovation Capability (INNO) and Knowledge Management Capability (KMC) suffer inertia, lack of understanding and organisational capability inefficiencies caused by multiple influences, complex building blocks and depleted organisational capability. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to examine if Organisational Capability Efficiency (OCE) is improved by aligning/synthesising organisational capabilities when implementing Innovation Capability and Knowledge Management Capability in organisations. The main objective of the study was to develop a conceptual framework for the alignment of Innovation Capability (INNO) and Knowledge Management Capability (KMC) that would assist managers in organisations during implementation to improve Organisational Capability Efficiency (OCE). This study adopted a positivist research philosophy. The variables derived from the theory for this study were Innovation Capability (INNO), Knowledge Management Capability (KMC) and Organisational Capability Efficiency (OCE). An in-depth literature review was undertaken to develop the constructs for the conceptual research model. The hypothesis and research questions were developed from the theory. The variables were operationalised into definable measurable indicators and a research survey instrument was used to measure the variables and operationalise the indicators to test the hypothesis. Quantitative research was used in this exploratory study and data were collected from a representative sample. No sampling was done in this study because the researcher conducted a census survey. A semi-structured questionnaire, mainly utilising the five-point Likert scale, was used to collect data. The target population consisted of all organisations, including national government departments, state-owned enterprises and listed SA companies engaged in innovation and knowledge management in South Africa. The data were analysed statistically, primarily by means of factor analysis, to determine the significant factors that contributed to the validation of the conceptual framework. The Structured Equation Model in chapter 4 (figure 4.7), which shows the interrelationships between Innovation Capability, Knowledge Management Capability and Organisational Capability Efficiency, and the conceptual framework described in chapter 5 (section 5.3.1), which offers insight into the aligned/synthesised implementation of Innovation Capability and Knowledge Management Capability are considered to be contributions to the body of knowledge. In terms of the research result, it is recommended that organisations implementing Innovation Capability consider Knowledge Management Capability concepts and, where applicable, align/synthesise them with the appropriate Innovation Capability, using their order of importance to prioritise implementation for the organisation and attain Organisational Capability Efficiency. It was found that implementing Innovation Capability and Knowledge Management Capability separately did not produce Organisational Capability Efficiency. However, aligning/synthesising Innovation Capability and Knowledge Management Capability coherently allowed managers and practitioners to achieve cohesive implementation strategies, optimised utilisation of resources, reduced redundancy of effort, improved investments and accessibility to scarce and skilled resources. / In die hedendaagse kennisekonomie gee charismatiese maatskappybestuurders voorkeur aan innovering en kennisbestuur om hulle organisasies se produkte en dienste te verbeter en ʼn mededingende voordeel te behaal. Organisasies wat homogene en intellektuele hulpbronvermoëns, soos Innoveringsvermoë (INNO) en Kennisbestuursvermoë (KBV), implementeer, openbaar egter mettertyd ʼn traagheid, ʼn gebrekkige begrip en ondoeltreffendheid as gevolg van verskeie invloede, waaronder ingewikkelde boustene en verminderde organisasievermoëns. Daarom probeer hierdie studie vasstel of Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid (OVD) verbeter indien organisasievermoëns gekorreleer of gesintetiseer kan word deur Innoveringsvermoë en Kennisbestuursvermoë in organisasies te implementeer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ʼn konseptuele raamwerk vir die korrelering van Innoveringsvermoë (INNO) en Kennisbestuurvermoë (KBV) te ontwikkel wat tydens die implementering van Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid (OVD) vir maatskappybestuurders van nut kan wees. Hierdie studie het ʼn positiwistiese navorsingsbenadering gevolg. Die veranderlikes wat uit die teorie afgelei is, is Innoveringsvermoë (INNO), Kennisbestuursvermoë (KBV) en Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid (OVD). Die literatuur is grondig bestudeer om die konstrukte van die konseptuele navorsingsmodel te ontwikkel. Die hipotese en navorsingsvrae het uit die teorie voortgespruit. ʼn Navorsingsopname-instrument is gebruik om die veranderlikes te meet en in omskryfbare en meetbare aanwysers te operasionaliseer ten einde die hipotese te toets. Kwantitatiewe navorsing is in hierdie verkennende studie onderneem, en data is uit ʼn verteenwoordigende steekproef versamel. Geen steekproef is vir hierdie studie geneem nie, aangesien die navorser ʼn sensusopame gedoen het. Data is met behulp van ʼn halfgestruktureerde vraelys volgens die vyfpunt-Likert-skaal ingesamel. Allerlei organisasies, van staatsdepartemente en ondernemings in staatsbesit tot genoteerde plaaslike maatskappye wat by innovering en kennisbestuur in Suid-Afrika betrokke is, het A conceptual framework for the relationship between the implementation of innovation and knowledge management and its link to organisational capabilities Page 7 of 260 die teikenpopulasie gevorm. Die data is grotendeels aan die hand van ʼn faktoranalise statisties ontleed om die faktore te bepaal wat die geldigheid van die konseptuele raamwerk bevestig. Die Gestruktureerde Vergelykingsmodel in hoofstuk 4 (figuur 4.7) en die konseptuele raamwerk wat in hoofstuk 5 (afdeling 5.3.1) beskryf word, lewer ʼn bydrae tot die geheel van kennis. Eersgenoemde toon die onderlinge verbande tussen Innoveringsvermoë, Kennisbestuursvermoë en Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid, en laasgenoemde bied insig in die gekorreleerde of gesintetiseerde implementering van Innoveringsvermoë en Kennisbestuursvermoë. Wat die navorsingsuitslag betref, word aanbeveel dat organisasies wat Innoveringsvermoë implementeer, die Kennisbestuursvermoëkonsepte in ag neem en, as dit nodig is, met die toepaslike Innoveringsvermoë korreleer of sintetiseer, en volgens hulle eie prioriteite in werking stel om Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid moontlik te maak. Daar is bevind dat wanneer Innoveringsvermoë en Kennisbestuursvermoë afsonderlik geïmplementeer word, Organisasievermoëdoeltreffendheid nie verbeter nie. Indien Innoveringsvermoë en Kennisbestuursvermoë egter samehangend gekorreleer of gesintetiseer word, is bestuurders en praktisyns se implementeringstrategieë samehangend, word hulpbronne optimaal aangewend, verminder onnodige inspanning, verbeter beleggings, en is skaars en opgeleide hulpbronne meer toeganklik. / Olwazini wethu lomnotho obanzi, abaphathi abanobuntu bezinhlangano baya ngokuya bamukela izindlela ezintsha zokuphathwa kolwazi nokwenza ngcono imikhiqizo nezinsizakalo zokulethwa kwezinsiza kanye nokuncintisana. Kodwa-ke, izinhlangano ezisebenzisa amandla amakhulu wezinsizakusebenza ezinokuqonda okufana nAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha (Innovation Capability INNO) kanye nAmandla okuPhatha uLwazi (Knowledge Management capability KMC) zihlupheka ngokweqile, ukuntuleka kokuqonda nokungakwazi ukwenza kahle kwenhlangano okubangelwa yimithelela eminingi, izakhi zokwakha ezibucayi namandla aphelile enhlangano. Ngakho-ke, inhloso esemqoka yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuhlola ukuthi ngabe Amandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano (Organisational Capability Effeciency OCE) athuthukisiwe ngokuvumelanisa / ukuhlanganisa amandla enhlangano lapho kufakwa Amandla Ezindlela Ezintsha kanye nAmandla Okuphatha uLwazi ezinhlanganweni. Inhloso esemqoka yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqamba uhlaka oluzwisisekayo lokuqondiswa kwAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha (Innovation Capability INNO) nAmandla okuPhatha uLwazi (Knowledge Management capability KMC) oluzosiza abaphathi ezinhlanganweni ngesikhathi sokuqalisa ukwenza ngcono Amandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano (Organisation capability Performance OCE). Lolu cwaningo lwamukele ucwaningo lolwazi olususelwa ezintweni zemvelo nobudlelwano bazo (positivist philosophy). Ukwehlukahluka okususelwa kumcabango walolu cwaningo bekungAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha (Innovation capability INNO), Amandla okuPhatha uLwazi (Management Capability KMC) kanye nAmandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano (Organisation capability OCE). Ukubuyekezwa kwezincwadi okujulile kwenziwa ukuze kuthuthukiswe ukwakhiwa kwesifaniselo socwaningo olucatshangelwe. Imibuzo ehlongozwayo njengesisekelo sobufakazi bokuqala uphenyo locwaningo yathuthukiswa kusuka emcabangweni. Izinto eziguqukayo zazisetshenziselwa izinkomba ezikwazi ukuqondakala futhi ithuluzi lokuhlola lusetshenziselwe ukukala okuguquguqukayo futhi kusebenze izinkomba ukuhlola umqondo Kusetshenziswe uhlobo locwaningo olufuna ukuhumusha ukuqonda emininingwaneni ezosiza ukuqonda impilo yenhlalakahle (quantitative research) kulolu cwaningo lokuhlola futhi imininingwane iqoqwe kusampuli emelwe. Akukho sampula eyenziwe kulolu cwaningo ngoba umcwaningi wenze inhlolovo yokubalwa kwabantu. Uhlu lwemibuzo olwakhiwe kancane, ikakhulukazi olusebenzisa isilinganiso samaphuzu amahlanu kaLikert, lwalusetshenziselwa ukuqoqa imininingwane. Abantu ababehlosiwe babehlanganisa zonke izinhlangano, kufaka phakathi iminyango kahulumeni kazwelonke, amabhizinisi aphethwe nguhulumeni kanye nezinkampani ezikleliswe ohlwini lweNingizimu Afrika ezisebenza ezindleleni ezintsha nokuphathwa kolwazi eNingizimu Afrika. Imininingwane yahlaziywa ngokwezibalo, ngokuyinhloko kusetshenziswa ukuhlaziywa kwezinto, ukuthola izinto ezibalulekile ezaba nomthelela ekuqinisekisweni kohlaka lomqondo. ISakhiwo Esilungisiwe Sesifaniselo esahlukweni 4 (isithombe 4.7), esikhombisa ukuxhumana phakathi, kwAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha, Amandla okuPhathwa koLwazi kanye nAmandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano, nohlaka lomqondo oluchazwe esahlukweni 5 (isigaba 5.3.1), olunikeza ukuqonda ngokuhambisana / ukuqaliswa okwenziwe kwaAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha kanye nAmandla okuPh athwa koLwazi kubhekwa njengegalelo emzimbeni wolwazi.Ngokomphumela wokucwaninga, kuphakanyiswe ukuthi izinhlangano ezisebenzisa Amandla Ezindlela Ezintsha zibheke imiqondo yAmandla okuPhathwa koLwazi futhi, lapho kusebenza khona, zikuqondanise / zikuhlanganise nAmandla Ezindlela Ezintsha ezifanelekile, zisebenzisa ukuhleleka kokubaluleka kokubeka phambili ukusebenza kwenhlangano futhi zithole Amandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano. Kwatholakala ukuthi ukusebenzisa Amandla Ezindlela Ezintsha kanye nAmandla okuPhathwa koLwazi ngokwehlukanisa akuzange kukhiqize Amandla okuSebenza Kahle kweNhlangano. Kodwa-ke, ukuvumelanisa / ukuhlanganisa Amandla Ezindlela Ezintsha kanye nAmandla okuPhathwa koLwazi kuvumele ngokuqinile abaphathi nabasebenza ngempumelelo ukufezekisa amasu wokusebenzisa okuvumelanayo, ukusetshenziswa kahle kwezinsiza, ukunciphisa kwemizamo engadingekile, ukuthuthukiswa kokutshalwa kwemali kanye nokufinyeleleka kwezinsizakusebenza ezinamakhono. / Business Management / D.B.L.

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