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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Exploring aftercare support for child trafficking victims

Ramokolo, Kholofelo Portia 15 August 2019 (has links)
Child trafficking is a crime committed against humanity; it is punishable by the law and can be prevented by the law. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations International Emergency Fund (UNIICEF) and the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) (2009:01), 1,2 million children are trafficked, domestically and across borders worldwide, for labour and sexual exploitation, drug trade, organ removal and illegal child adoption. The trauma of this can be so inordinate, leaving victims broken and hopeless (Frederick 2005:8-12). Although numerous studies have been conducted on the subject of human/child trafficking, it was found that little research has been conducted on the aftercare of victims. As a result, this research focused mainly on exploring and assessing aftercare support provided to victims of human trafficking, specifically children. This qualitative research found that child trafficking has serious negative effects on the victims who suffer, among others, violation of children’s rights, physical pain and psychological and emotional trauma. A society cannot function optimally when such atrocities are committed against its most innocent members who are supposed to be its future. Accordingly, adequate aftercare support, which aims at enabling and empowering victims of child trafficking to regain control over every aspect of their lives, is crucial. The 30 participants who were interviewed for this study revealed that victim identification is the initial and the most vital step towards offering victims aftercare. The next step in the offering of aftercare of victims is the rescuing of victims followed by the immediate placing of victims in transitory places of safety where their basic needs are taken care of and they are provided with instant physical and specialised psychological support. Even though participants provided details of the type of programmes currently offered in South Africa, it was found that aftercare centres, in their current state, are not sufficiently resourced to offer the appropriate support to victims of child trafficking. It is for this reason that transitional housing with long term housing assistance and programmes tailor-made for victims of child trafficking be considered. It is evident from the literature and theory that the triple challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment perpetuates the crime of child trafficking. Therefore, as a form of long-term preventative measure, it is suggested that stakeholders, such as the Department of Basic Education (DoE), Department of Social Development (DSD) and Department of Health (DoH), focus attention on ensuring that victims of child trafficking are not denied the right to go to school and that societal norms, which propagate inequality, are discouraged. The latter can be done by teaching boy children from a young age positive masculinity, such as respecting girl children and their bodies, helping with house chores or crying when in pain. Moreover, the DoE should consider revising its curriculum and focus on teaching learners to strive to become employers and not job seekers as they are currently taught. This may have a positive impact on the current high unemployment rate in South Africa and, in turn, inequality and poverty, which are all push factors for human and child trafficking. / Go gweba ka bana ke bosenyi bjo bo dirwago kgahlanong le batho; ke bosenyi bjo bo otlwago ke molao gomme bo ka thibelwa ke molao. Go ya ka ILO, UNICEF le UNGIFT (2009:01), go gwebjwa ka bana ba e ka bago dimilione tše 1,2, ka mo nageng le go ralala le mellwane lefaseng, go ba šomiša mabakeng a mešomo le a thobalano, go dikgwebišano tša diokobatši, go ba ntšha ditho tša mmele le go thwalwa ga bona mo go sego molaong. Bohloko bja se e ka ba bjo bogolo kudu, bo tlogela batšwasehlabelo ba robegile dipelo gape ba se na le kholofelo (Frederick 2005:8-12). Le ge go dirilwe dithuto tše ntši ka hlogotaba ya go gweba ka batho/bana go hweditšwe gore go dirilwe dinyakišišo tše nnyane ka tlhokomelo ya ka morago ya batšwasehlabelo. Ka lebaka la seo, nyakišišo ye e tsepeletše kudu go hlohlomišeng le go lekoleng thekgo ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago ye e fiwago batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka batho, kudukudu bana. Nyakišišo ye ya qualitative e hweditše gore go gweba ka bana go na le ditlamorago tše šoro tše fošagetšego go batšwasehlabelo bao ba itemogelago, gareng ga tše dingwe, kgatako ya ditokelo tša bana, bohloko bja mmele le tlaišego ya monagano le maikutlo. Setšhaba se ka se phele gabotse ge ditlaišo tše bjalo di dirwa kgahlonong le maloko a sona ao a lokilego ao e swanetšego go ba bokamoso bja sona. Ka lebaka leo, thekgo ya maleba ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago, yeo maikemišetšo a yona e lego go dumelela le go matlafatša batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana go ka tšea taolo gape ya karolo ye nngwe le ye nngwe ya maphelo a bona, e bohlokwa kudu. Bakgathatema ba ba 30 bao ba ilego ba botšišwa dipotšišo mabapi le thuto ye ba tšweleditše gore tšhupetšo ya batšwasehlabelo ke kgato ya pele gape ye bohlokwa kudu go abeng batšwasehlabelo tlhokomelo ya ka morago. Kgato ya go latela kabong ya tlhokomelo ya ka morago go batšwasehlabelo ke go hlakodiša batšwasehlabelo gomme gwa latela ke go bea semeetseng ga batšwasehlabelo mafelong a nakwana a tšhireletšo moo dinyakwa tša bona tša motheo di kago šetšwa le go abelwa thekgo ya semeetseng ya go ikgetha ya mmele le ya monagano. Le ge bakgatha tema ba abile dintlha tša mehuta ya mananeo ao a abjwago ka Afrika Borwa , go hweditšwe gore disenthara tša tlhokomelo ya ka morago, maemong a tšona a bjale, ga di na le didirišwa tše di lekanego go ka aba thekgo ya maleba go batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana. Ke lona lebaka le le dirago gore tulo ya nakwana ka thušo ya tulo ya nako ye telele le mananeo ao a diretšwego batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana a elwe hloko. Go molaleng go tšwa go lithereitšha le teori gore ditlhohlo tše tharo tša bohloki, go se lekalekane le go se šome go gakatša bosenyi bja go gweba ka bana. Gomme, bjalo ka sebopego sa tekanyo ya thibelo ya nako ye telele, go šišinywa gore bakgathatema, bjalo ka DoE, DSD le DOH, ba lebiše tsepelelo ya bona go netefatšeng gore batšwasehlabelo ba kgwebo ka bana ga ba tingwe tokelo ya go ya sekolong le gore ditlwaedi tša setšhaba, tšeo di phatlalatšago go se lekalekane, di a fedišwa. Sa mafelelo se ka dirwa ka go ruta bana ba bašemane ge e sa le ba bannyane bonna bjo bobotse, bjalo ka go hlompha bana ba basetsana le mebele ya bona, go thuša ka mešomo ya ka gae goba go lla ge ba le bohlokong. Go feta moo, DoE e swanetše go naganišiša go ka lekola leswa lenaneothuto le go tsepelela go ruteng barutwana go ka leka go ba bengmešomo e sego banyaki ba mešomo bjale ka ge ba rutwa ga bjale. Se se ka ba le seabe se se kaone go kelo ya godimo ya bjale ya tlhokego ya mešomo ka Afrika Borwa gomme, ka lebaka leo, go se lekalekane le botlhoki, tšeo ka moka e lego mabaka a tšhušometšo go gwebeng ka batho le bana. / Ukushushumbisa abantwana kungubugebengu obubhekiswe ebantwini; kujeziswa ngumthetho futhi kungavinjelwa ngumthetho. Ngokwe-ILO, i-UNICEF ne-UNGIFT (2009:01) kushushumbiswa abantwana abayizigidi ezingu-1,2 ngaphakathi ezweni nasemazweni angaphandle, bese beyagqilazwa noma baxhashazwe ngokocansi, basetshenziselwa izidakamizwa noma ukukhuliswa ngabazali abangasibo ababo ngokungekho emthethweni. Ubuhlungu obukhulu obudalwa yilokhu kungaba ngobunzima kakhulu, kungashiya izisulu zilimele futhi zingenathemba (Frederick 2055:8-12). Yize sekwenziwe ucwaningo oluningi esihlokweni sokushushumbiswa kwabantu noma kwabantwana, kwatholakala ukuthi luncane ucwaningo olwenziwe maqondana nokulandelelwa kwezisulu ngemva kwesigameko. Ngenxa yalokho, lolu cwaningo luqondene kakhulu nokuhlola ukulandelelwa okuhlinzekwayo ukusingatha izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantu, ikakhulukazi abantwana. Lolu cwaningo oluqoqa imininingwane lwathola ukuthi ukushushumbiswa kwabantwana kunomthelela omubi ezisulwini ezihlukumezeka ngenxa yalokhu, phezu kokunye, ukungahlonishwa kwamalungelo abantwana, ubuhlungu obudaleka emzimbeni kanye nobuhlungu obukhulu obudaleka emqondweni nasemphefumulweni. Umphakathi awukwazi ukusebenza kahle uma izigameko ezibuhlungu njengalezi zenzeka emalungwini awo angenacala nafanele ukuba yikusasa lawo. Ngakho-ke, ukwesekwa ngokunakekelwa nangokwanele ngemva kwesigameko, okuyinto ehlose ukusiza izisulu zokuthunjwa kwabantwana ukuba baphinde bakwazi ukulawula konke okuqondene nezimpilo zabo, kubalulekile. Ababambiqhaza abangu-30 okwaxoxwa nabo kulolu cwaningo baveza ukuthi ukuhlonza isisulu kuyisinyathelo sokuqala nesibaluleke kakhulu ekuhlinzekeni izisulu usingatho lokunakekelwa ngemva kwesigameko. Isinyathelo esilandelayo ekunikezweni konakekelo ngemva kwesigameko ngukusiza izisulu, okulandelwa ukubekwa kwazo masisha ezindaweni zokuphepha zesikhashana nalapho kuzobhekwana nezidingongqangi zazo bese kuthi khona lapho zihlinzekwe ngosingatho oludingekayo ngokomzimba nangokomqondo. Yize ababambiqhaza banikeza imininingwane yezinhlobo zezinhlelo ezikhona eNingizimu afrika, kwatholakala ukuthi izikhungo zonakekelo lwangemva kwesigameko,zime ngenye indlela njengamanje, azihlinzekiwe ngezinsizakusebenza ezanele ukuze zikwazi ukunikeza usingatho olufanele ekushushumbisweni kwabantwana. Yingakho kufanele kucatshangwe ngokuhlinzekwa ngosizo lwezindlu zesikhashana nezesikhathi eside kanye nezinhlelo ezakhelwe izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantwana. Kuvela ngokwemibhalo nangokwemibono yezinjululwazi ukuthi izinkinga ezihlangene ezintathu zobuphofu, ukungalingani kanye nokungabi khona kwemisebenzi kubhebhethekisa ubugebengu bokushushumbiswa kwabantwana. Ngakho-ke, njengendlela yokuvimba lokhu ezoqhubeka isikhathi eside, kuhlongozwa ukuthi abayingxenye yalokhu, iMinyango kahulumeni yezemfundo (DoE), ezokuthuthukiswa komphakathi (DSD) nowezempilo (DoH), igxile ekuqinisekiseni ukuthi izisulu zokushushumbiswa kwabantwana azincishwa ilungelo lokuya esikoleni nokuthi izinkambiso zomphakathi, ezidala ukungalingani azigqugquzelwa. Lokhu okuqeda kushiwo ngenhla kungenziwa ngokufundisa abafana ngenkathi besabancane ukuba ngamadoda enza kahle, njengokuhlonipha abantwana bamantombazane kanye nemizimba yabo, ukusiza ngemisebenzi yasendlini noma ukukhala uma bezwa ubuhlungu. Ngaphezu kwalokho, uMnyango Wezemfundo kufanele ubuyekeze ikharikhulamu yawo futhi ugxile ekufundiseni abafundi ukuba balwele ukuba ngabaqashi kunokuba ngabafuna imisebenzi, okuyinto abafundiswa yona njengamanje. Lokhu kungaba nomthelela omuhle ezingeni eliphezulu elikhona njengamanje eNingizimu Afrika lokungabikhona kwemisebenzi, lokungalingani nelobuphofu. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Exploring Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Programmes in the South African Police Services in Tshwane West Clusters, Gauteng Province

Mokobane, Godfrey January 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Southern Sotho / Affordable and accessible preventive health programmes within the South African Police Service (SAPS) could be the best measures for managing epidemic diseases in the organisation. Employee health and wellness (EHW) programmes, including those dealing with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), are often the subjects of debate among scholars and human resource management practitioners within the context of developing effective and efficient interventions in the workplace to enhance the health management of employees. This study explores the nature and extent of the employee wellness programmes that focus on HIV/AIDS in the SAPS. In particular, the research examines how EHW practitioners in the SAPS experience the programmes and what support they receive regarding HIV/AIDS in the workplace. Data were collected from six EHW practitioners using semi-structured interviews. The study finds that HIV/AIDS programmes are categorised into different interventions, each with advantages and purpose. The findings will help determine if the HIV/AIDS programmes effectively cater to the health needs of employees within the SAPS. The findings from this study are limited to six EHW practitioners’ experiences in relation to how they perceive the employee wellness programmes in the SAPS, more specifically, the HIV/AIDS programmes. / Go hwetšagala ga mananeo a maphelo a thibelo ao a bolokegilego, ao a sa turego le a go fihlelelega ka gare ga Tirelo ya Maphodisa ya Afrika Borwa (SAPS) e ka ba legato le lekaone la thibelo la go laola malwetši a leuba ka gare ga tirelo ye. Mananeo a bophelo bjo bokaone bja bašomi, go akaretšwa ao a šomago ka twatši ya go palediša mašole a mmele go šoma (HIV) le bolwetši bja go šitwa ga mašole a mmele (AIDS), gantši ke seo se dirago gore dirutegi di ngangišane le bašomi ba lefapha la bašomi mabapi le go tšweletša ditsenogare tšeo di šomago gabotse le tša go hloka mathata ka mošomong ka nepo ya go maatlafatša taolo ya maphelo a bašomi. Maikemišetšomagolo a dinyakišišo e bile go utolla sebopego le bogolo bja mananeo a maphelo a makaone a bašomi ka go SAPS ao a lebeletšego kudu HIV/AIDS. Dinyakišišo di dirilwe go tseba ka fao bašomi ba maphelo a bašomi le go phela gabotse (EHW) ga bona ka SAPS ba itemogetšego mananeo ao le gore ke thekgo efe ye ba e hwetšago mabapi le HIV/AIDS ka mošomong. Dipotšišo tša dipoledišano tšeo di nyakago gore baarabi ba fe mabaka di dirilwe ka nepo ya go kgoboketša tshedimošo go tšwa go bašomi ba tshela (6) ba EHW ba ka SAPS bao ba kgathilego tema ka dinyakišišong. Dikutollo di laetša gore mananeo a HIV/AIDS a hlophilwe ka mehuta ye e fapafapanego ya ditsenogare, gomme le lengwe le le lengwe le na le menyetla le maikemišetšo a lona. Dikutollo tše di tla ba mohola go tseba ge eba mananeo a HIV/AIDS a šoma gabotse go hlokomela dinyakwa tša maphelo tša bašomi ka gare ga SAPS. Dikutollo go tšwa ka mo dinyakišišong tše di tšwa fela go maitemogelo a bašomi ba tshela ba EHW mabapi le ka fao ba bonago mananeo a mabapi le go phela gabotse ga bašomi ka SAPS, kudukudu, mananeo a HIV/AIDS. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Impact of capital structure on profitability : the case of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa / Umthelela Wesimozimali Sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo : Ucwaningo Oluqondene neBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika / Khuetšo ya Matlotlo a Kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša Dipoelo Tšhupo ya Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa

Zulu, Nonkululeko P. 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of capital structure on the profitability of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa (Land Bank). Both theoretical and empirical literature were reviewed in order to guide the empirical investigation of this study. In particular, the theories of financial intermediation, credit creation and fractional reserve formed the basis of this study. The capital structure theories that were examined included the pecking order theory, trade-off theory and Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. In the literature, it was observed that profitable companies prefer using internal funds over debt or equity. To test the stated hypothesis that there is no relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, a quantitative research design with a case study approach was used, with the Land Bank as the unit of analysis. Using time series data for the period 1982 to 2015, multiple regression using the ordinary least squares method was applied to test the specified models. Preliminary data analysis was performed using trend analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. The study demonstrated that the relationship between capital structure and bank profitability was positive and statistically significant at a 95% confidence level when using only equity. However, inclusion of debt in the capital structure showed that capital structure, proxied by the debt-to-equity ratio, resulted in a negative relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, albeit statistically insignificant. It was concluded that the Land Bank requires an injection of equity to improve its performance. Alternative low-cost sources of funding to debt should be considered. The results of the study have policy implications for the Land Bank, regulators and potential investors. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukucubungula nokuthola umthelela wesimozimali sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo eBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika (iBhange Lomhlaba). Kokubili, imibhalo yethiyori kanye nemibhalo esuselwe emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo, yabuyekezwa ukuze ihole futhi ilawule uphenyo olugxile emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo oluqondene nalolu cwaningo. Amathiyori ayisisekelo salolu cwaningo, ikakhulukazi, kwaba yi-financial intermediation, credit creation kanye ne-fractional reserve. Lawo mathiyori esimozimali sebhizinisi acutshungulwa abandakanya i-pecking order theory, trade-off theory kanye ne-Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. Emibhalweni eyacutshungulwa, kwabonakala ukuthi izinkampani ezinenzuzo zincamela ukusebenzisa izimali zangaphakathi kunokusebenzisa isikweletu noma izabelokulingana (equity). Ngenhloso yokuhlola ihayiphothesisi ethuliwe yokuthi abukho ubudlelwano phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo olukhwantithethivu ehambisana nendlela yokusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko egxile ekuhlaziyweni kweBhange Lomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa i-time series data yesikhathi esisukela kowe-1982 kuyofinyelela kowezi-2015, kwalandelwa i-multiple regression ngokusebenzisa i-ordinary least squares method ukuhlola amamodeli achaziwe. Uhlaziyo lwedatha olwandulelayo lwenziwa ngokusebenzisa uhlaziyo lwezimonkambiso (trend analysis), izibalomanani ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) kanye ne-Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Ucwaningo lwabonisa ukuthi bukhona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange futhi idatha yabonisa ukuthembakala okusezingeni elingama-95% uma kusetshenziswa izabelokulingana kuphela. Kodwa-ke ukufakwa kwesikweletu kwisimozimali sebhizinisi kwabonisa ukuthi isimozimali sebhizinisi, ngokusekelwa yizinga-silinganiso phakathi kwesikweletu nezabelokulinganisa, kwaholela ekutheni bungabi khona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, nakuba idatha mayelana nalokhu yabonisa ukungathembakali okuthile. Kwafinyelelwa esiphethweni sokuthi iBhange Lomhlaba lidinga ukuthi kufakwe izabelokulingana ngenhloso yokwenza ngcono ukusebenza kwalo. Kumele kwenziwe imizamo yokuthola eminye imithombo yezimali ehlukile futhi engambi eqolo. Imiphumela yocwaningo inemithelela ethile ephathelene nezinqubomgomo eqondene neBhange Lomhlaba, abalawuli kanye nalabo okungenzeka babe nesifiso sokutshala izimali. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go laetša khuetšo ya matlotlo a kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša dipoelo bja Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa (Land Bank). Dingwalo tša ditlhalošo tša diteori le tšeo dithutelo tša peleng di di hweditšeng di sekasekilwe go fa tlhahlo go dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego peleng tša thutelo ye. Gabotsebotse, diteori tša mokgwa wa dipanka wa go tšea tšhelete ye e bolokilwego tša e adimiša, mokgwa wa dipanka wa go hlola dikadimo ka bontši le tsheketšo ya palophatlo ya tšhelete di bopile motheo wa thutelo ye. Diteori tša matlotlo a kgwebo tšeo di lekotšwego di akareditše teori ya mokgwa wa go kgetha methopo ya kadimo ya ditšhelete, teori ya go lekanyetša ditheko le ditefelokholego le teori ya Modigliani-Miller ya go re mokgwa wa go diriša tšhelete ye e adimilwego go bona dipoelo ga o ame boleng bja khamphani. Ka go dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore dikhamphani tše di ka hwetšago dipoelo di kgetha go diriša matlole a ka gare go ena le dikoloto goba bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto Go leka kakanyo ye e filwego ya gore ga go na tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka bja go hwetša dipoelo, tlhako ya nyakišišo ya go hwetša dikarabo go batho ka bontši ka mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo e dirišitšwe, ka Land Bank bjalo ka yuniti ya tshekatsheko. Ka go diriša datha go ya ka tatelano ye e itšeng ya nako ya paka ya 1982 go iša go 2015, tlhahlobo ya tswalano gare ga mabaka a mabedi goba go feta ka go diriša mokgwa wa go fokotša palo ya disekwere e dirišitšwe go leka mehlala ye e šupilwego. Tshekatsheko ya datha ya mathomo e phethagaditšwe ka go diriša tshekatsheko ya taolelopele ya seo se tla diregago ka ditšhelete, mokgwa wa go sekaseka dipalopalo le tshekatsheko ya Pearson ya dipalo tše pedi go bona tswalano ya tšona. Thutelo e laeditše gore tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo go bile le ditlamorago tše botse le dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete ka kemo ya kgonthišo ya 95% ge go dirišwa fela bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto. Le ge go le bjalo, kakaretšo ya sekoloto ka go matlotlo a kgwebo go bontšhitše gore matlotlo a kgwebo, ao a laeditšwego ka tekanyo ya palomoka ya dikoloto go bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto, e hlotše tswalano ye e sa letelwago gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo, le ge e ka ba dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete. Go phethilwe ka go re Land Bank e nyaka koketšo ya bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto go kaonafatša tiro ye e swanetšwego go dirwa. Methopo ye mengwe ya tswala ya fase go dikoloto e swanetšwe go lebelelwa. Dipoelo tša thutelo di na le ditlamorago tša Molaotshepetšo wa Land Bank, balaodi le babeeletši ba ka moso. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Finance)

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