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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


孫晋華 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣位居西太平洋第一島鏈中央地帶,地處遠東至北美航線的樞紐,扼控台灣海洋、巴士海峽及鄰近太平洋海域,為太平洋與印度洋之間聯絡要道,故其地理位置與戰略地位相當重要。由此特性來看,台灣的國家安全與海洋是密切相關的,其作為重要緩衝空間,是維護國家安全的屏障和門戶。 台灣擁有豐富的海洋資源,對於海洋資源的合理開發與相關海域的有效管理,關係著台灣的生存、安全與發展。尤其我國屬海洋國家,數十年來倚賴全球性的海上貿易,創造了蓬勃的經濟發展,並藉此擴大國際活動空間,與世界各國建立了實質的經貿關係;其中,進出口貨物絕大多數是透過海上的交通線來進行,因此海上的交通線堪稱「生命線」。不論是平時或戰時,維持這條生命線的暢通,不僅是保護我國的生存空間,同時也是維護全球經貿所必須。 有關海洋事務除海軍外,行政院海岸巡防署亦為一重要力量,海岸巡防署自2000年1月28日成立以來,以現有的人力約21,453人,各式巡防艦艇160餘艘,岸際雷達77座;平時除擔任海岸管制區之管制、防止滲透及槍毒走私、防疫等攸關國家安全事項,戰時則依據「國防法」及「行政院海岸巡防署組織法」規定,依行政命令納入國防軍事作戰體系;另自「911事件」後,為維護我國海域、海岸安全,依行政院反恐怖行動小組指示,協力執行反制海上及漁港船舶遭受劫持或破壞等恐怖攻擊事件。 2008年馬英九先生當選總統,在海洋政策領域中提出了「藍色革命、海洋興國」的口號與願景,欲成立海洋事務部,雖是根本解決之道,由於海洋事務範圍廣泛,涉及機關眾多,為避免現行各部會反彈,採循序漸進的可行方式,而先成立「海洋事務委員會」之協調規劃機關,共同與各相關部會推動海洋事務工作。期能匯集國力,維護海洋權益,加強海域防衛能量,以遏止海上威脅,確保國家安全。 / Geographically located at the central area of the first island chain of Western Pacific Ocean, Taiwan is regarded as the pivotal point of the navigation from Far East to Northern America as well as the channel linking the Pacific Ocean with Indian Ocean, holding the reins of Bashi Channel, the sea surrounding Taiwan and the neighboring Pacific Ocean, all of which manifest itself as one significant role geographically and strategically. Viewed from this perspective, the development of marine affairs in Taiwan not only has a close correlation with the maritime law enforcement, but serves as a valve to the national security also. The appropriate advances of marine resources and efficient management of neighboring sea areas has proven very important for the security and development of Taiwan, a country blessed with rich and diverse marine resources. Over the past decades, Taiwan’s economy has relied heavily on international marine commerce, creating prosperous economic developments and thereby expanding its space on the international arena through the economic and financial links with other countries. Most of these exports and imports have transported through sea, hence the marine transportation should be seen as the line of life and should be kept workable at the period of peace as well as at wartime, in order to protect the status of Taiwan and maintain the economic and financial pulses all over the globe. Apart from the Navy, Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan (shortened as Coast Guard) has been an essential source of power in addressing marine affairs. Founded on January 28, 2000, Coast Guard is currently staffed with 21,453 persons, equipped with more than 160 patrol frigates and 77 coastal radars. Coast Guard takes charge of coastal-area regulation tasks and national safety matters including preventing the smuggling of guns、 drugs and curbing epidemic spread in the time of peace. During the period of war, Coast Guard shall be integrated into the military defense system according to the decrees from the National Defense Law and the Institutional Regulations of Coast Guard Administration. After the 911 incident, Coast Guard has cooperated in counterattacking the terror attacks such as hijacking or destruction of boats or vessels at sea or near fishing ports in accordance with the anti-terror team of Executive Yuan, so as to protect the national security of our coast and sea areas. As Ma Ying-jeou was elected as President in 2008, he proposed a vision with the campaign slogan of “Blue Revolution, Ocean Nation”, promising to establish Maritime Affairs Ministry. Although such ministry might be the solution for creating an ocean country, but due to the diversity of marine affairs, which involve a wide range of government institutions and agencies; what is more, probable protests may arise from existing government offices. Therefore, in order to conduct such relevant maritime affairs, the establishment of “Maritime Affairs Committee” is to act as ccoordinated institution across departments and offices. We hope to maintain our marine rights, strengthen marine defense capabilities and gather our national momentum so that marine threats can be contained while national security can be preserved.

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