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Manželství / MarriageChvátalová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the issues of marriage, married life and mutual relationships between married couple. The other part is focused on the factors of stability that can influence the marriage. The target of this diploma thesis is to cover the most important situations in the marriage that could disturb the stability. The theoretical part is also focused on the concepts as the marriage, the law and the divorce. There is also small part about the fundamental methods of the marital therapy and influence that have children on the marriage. The empirical part is focused on the views of married couples for the stability of marriage and also the influences that work on stability the most and the most distinct.
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Životní kontext žáka rozvedených rodičů / Life context of pupil of divorced parentsREITINGEROVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation "Life context of a pupil of divorced parents" is to describe how parent's divorces influence children and their future life. In theoretical part I will define basic terms such as family, marriage, divorce and its causes. In the following part I will focus on after divorce childcare and reactions of children on divorce. Practical part is focused on both quantitative and qualitative researches. Quantitative research is conducted by questionnaire survey and qualitative research is carried out by in-depth interview. Participants in both studies were pupils who attend second grade of elementary school. The aim of this part is through a combination of questionnaires and interviews to determine how divorce affected these pupils.
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A Psychological Investigation of the Expressed Attitudes of Single Undergraduate College Students Toward Marriage and Family LifeMartin, Don (Donald Vincent) 08 1900 (has links)
This study examined the attitudes of undergraduate college students toward marriage and family life. The students in the study lived in college residence halls located in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas in the southwestern portion of the United States. A survey instrument consisting of fifty-eight attitude statements and six demographic items was used to gather information for the study. All of the fifty-eight attitude statements were listed in the following ten cluster areas for easier accessibility: cohabitation and premarital sexual relations, marriage and divorce, childhood and child rearing, division of household labor and professional employment, marital and extramarital sexual relations, privacy rights and social needs, religious needs, communication expectations, parental relationships, and professional counseling services. The six demographic items included age, gender, ethnic background, year in school, parental status, and dating experience .
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Die ökonomische Kompensation im Scheidungsfolgenrecht von Chile und die ehelichen Lebensverhältnisse beim nachehelichen Unterhalt im deutschen Recht / The economic compensation under marriage laws in Chile and the conditions of married life in post-marriage alimony under German lawTurner, Susan 24 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Исследование представлений о семье у пар с разной продолжительностью супружеской жизни : магистерская диссертация / Investigation of ideas about the family in couples with different lengths of married lifeОрехова, К. С., Orekhova, K. S. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования является семья как социально-психологический феномен. Предметом исследования являются представления о семье у пар с разной продолжительностью супружеской жизни: семейные мифы, ролевые ожидания, внутрисемейные роли.
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (65 источников), и приложений, включающих в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 103 страницы, на которых размещены 10 таблиц и 3 рисунка.
Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, указывается теоретико-методологическое основание работы, ставится цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется гипотеза исследования, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, описана выборка испытуемых, а также формируется теоретическая и практическая значимость работы.
Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме семьи. Представлены разделы, посвященные анализу семьи в психологии, исследованию развития семьи на разных этапах, исследованию социального представления, а также исследованию представлений членов семьи о своей семье. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала.
Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации исследования, описана выборка испытуемых, а также описаны методы проведенного исследования и результаты, полученные по всем использованным методикам: опроснику «Ролевые ожидания партнеров» (РОП) А.Н. Волковой, опроснику «Распределение ролей в семье» Ю.Е. Алешиной, Л.Я. Гозмана, Е.М. Дубовской, опроснику «Анализ семейного мифа» А.А. Нестеровой. А также, во второй главе представлены результаты описательного и сравнительного анализа. Выводы по второй главе включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической части исследования, представлен психологический портер исследуемых пар, а также представлен вывод по выдвинутой гипотезе. / The object of research is the family as a socio-psychological phenomenon. The subject of the study is the ideas about the family in couples with different lengths of married life: family myths, role expectations, intra-family roles. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references
(65 sources), and applications, including forms of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis is 103 pages, which contain 10 tables and 3 figures.
The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, indicates the theoretical and methodological basis of the work, sets the goal and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the research hypothesis, indicates the methods and empirical base, describes the sample of subjects, and also forms the theoretical and practical significance of the work.
The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of the family. Sections are presented on the analysis of the family in psychology, the study of family development at different stages, the study of social representation, as well as the study of the ideas of family members about their family. The conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material.
The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization of the study, describes the sample of subjects, and describes the methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the questionnaire «Role expectations of partners» (ROP) A.N. Volkova, the questionnaire «Distribution of roles in the family» Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M. Dubovskaya, the questionnaire «Analysis of the family myth» A.A. Nesterova. In addition, the second chapter presents the results of a descriptive and comparative analysis. The conclusions of the second chapter include the main results of the empirical study.
In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the study are summarized, the psychological porter of the couples under study is presented, and the conclusion on the hypothesis put forward is presented.
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Hodnota manželství a její reálná ohrožení v prvních letech manželského života jako výzva pro sociální práci / The value of marriage and its real threats in the first years of married life as challenges for social workSLADKÁ KOCKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Disertation deals in value of marriadge for young couples of these days. There is briefly described historic evolution of marriadge and changes in understanding its value. The main reason for getting married is actually love. Disertation countinuous reflecting some probable risks of marriadge especially in first years of marriadge life. It also introduces situation, posibilities and perspectives marriadge and family counselling in the Czech republic.
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