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Teacher And Classroom Characteristics: Their Relationship With Mathematics Achievement In Turkey, European Union Countries And Candidate CountriesAkyuz, Gozde 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of mathematics teacher and classroom characteristics on students&rsquo / mathematics achievement across Turkey,European Union countries and the other candidate countries by analysing the data collected from student and teacher background questionnaire and mathematics achievement test in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS-R). Mathematics teacher characteristics were divided into three groups as teacher&rsquo / s background variables, teacher&rsquo / s instructional practices and class characteristics. Except Cyprus, in all the other countries, there was sufficient amount of between-class variance to build explanatory models. After home educational resources (HER) of students was taken as a control variable, explanatory models were built by using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The amount of variance explained by the full model ranged from 26 % in Romania to 74
% in Netherlands. There were substantial differences among the countries, especially in the teacher&rsquo / s instructional practices. It was found that mean of HER had high effect on student mathematics achievement in all the countries except
Romania. It is recommended that the factors that were found to have significant effects on student learning should be explored in experimental settings.
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Effects Of Student And School Related Factors On The Mathematics Achievement In Turkey At Eight Grade LevelAltun, Aysegul 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study is to investigate how well the mathematics
achievement is explained by the students and school related factors. Also, to what
extent students and school related factors components are accounted for students&rsquo / mathematics achievement in answering reasoning level questions and basic
mathematical knowledge questions will be investigated. This study will basically
combine students&rsquo / questionnaires items with their mathematics achievement scores
obtained from mathematics achievement tests items.
According to content and cognitive domains three achievement tests were
prepared from TIMSS-2003 released mathematic items. Student questionnaire
consist of combination of items from TIMSS-2003 and TMSS-1999 student
questionnaires. The seventy six items selected from the students questionnaires were
analyzed using principle component factor analysis and ten interpretable dimensions
were found. Based on the result of the factor analysis, variables were generated by
selecting the observed variables with highest loadings. These variables were: socioeconomic
status, perception of success, teacher centered activities, students centered
activities, out of school activities, out of school activities II, school climate, reason
for being successful in mathematics, homework and computer. The data which is
used in the study gathered from four socially and economically different schools in Ankara and the final sample of the study consisted of 426 elementary school
students. This data was analyzed by using regression analysis.
Regression analysis results indicated that socio-economic status was the
strongest factor explaining mathematics achievement. Other important variables were
the perception of success, use of computers and homework activities. Socioeconomic
status and perception of success have positive relationships with
mathematics achievement, while homework and computer have negative
relationships. These four variables account for the 30.1 % of the variance in
mathematics achievement. Other variables did not significantly contribute to
mathematics achievement in the regression model. Students&rsquo / achievement in basic
mathematical knowledge was explained by the same variables which were socioeconomic
status, perception of success, homework and computer in the same way.
However, achievement in reasoning level explained by socio- economic status,
perception of success and homework. The use of computer factor did not contribute
the achievement in reasoning level.
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Investigation Of Self-regulated Learning And Motivational Beliefs In Mathematics AchievementErgoz, Gulnur 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study are to investigate how mathematics achievement can be explained in terms of motivational beliefs (intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, control and learning beliefs, self efficacy for learning and performance and test anxiety), self-regulated learning components (cognitive strategy use and self-regulation), gender and school types and to determine the differences between two gender (girls and boys) and two school types (public schools and private schools) with respect to the variables above in the subject domain of mathematics.
The study was conducted in Istanbul and Ankara, two largest cities of Turkey, with 577 seventh-grade students (274 boys, 303 girls) from nine private and public schools. Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) were used.
By using Linear Stepwise Regression and MANOVA, respectively, the results indicated that (1) The combined effect of three predictor variables (school type, self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation) on students&rsquo / mathematics
achievement was significant. Boys&rsquo / mathematics achievement at public schools was significantly affected by extrinsic goal orientation and cognitive strategy use whereas self-efficacy and intrinsic goal orientation were two predictors for boys
at private schools. Girls&rsquo / mathematics achievement both at public and private schools was significantly affected by self-efficacy. (2) There was no statistically significant mean difference between girls and boys with respect to task value,
self-efficacy and test anxiety. Also, there was no statistically significant mean difference between public schools and private schools with respect to extrinsic goal orientation, task value, self efficacy and self-regulation.
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Impact Of 5e Learning Cycle On Sixth Grade Students' / Mathematics Achievement On And Attitudes Toward MathematicsPulat, Selma 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of 5E learning cycle on sixth grade students&rsquo / mathematics achievement on and attitudes toward mathematics. The study was carried out in a public school in one of the towns of the Central Anatolia Region with 28 sixth-grade elementary school students. One group pretest-posttest design was used. Mathematics Achievement Test and Mathematics Attitude Scale were administered to collect the necessary data. The instruction will be applied by the researcher five hours per week in a 15-week. The data were analyzed by using one-way repeated measures analysis of variance and a paired-samples t-test.
According to the results of the study it was found that there was a statistically significant change in mathematics achievement of sixth grade students who participated in the instruction based on 5E learning cycle over three time periods (pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up). There was only no statistically significant mean difference between post-intervention and follow-up mathematics achievement. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant decrease in mean scores of attitudes toward mathematics from prior intervention to after intervention.
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The Effect Of Peer Instruction Method On The 8th Grade Students' / Mathematics Achievement In Transformation Geometry And Attitudes Towards MathematicsAkay, Guler 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the research study is to investigate the effect of peer instruction method on the 8th grade students&rsquo / mathematics achievement and mathematics attitudes in transformation geometry (fractals, rotation, reflection, translation) in crowded classrooms (more than 50 students). Besides, in this study it was aimed to investigate the gender differences regarding mathematics achievement and mathematics attitude.
The study was conducted during the academic year 2009-2010. The sample was consisted of 112 eighth grade students from a public elementary school in Kü / ç / ü / kç / ekmece district in Istanbul. Two classes, instructed by the researcher, were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups. The experimental group students were taught the subject transformation geometry through peer instruction method, while the control group students were taught the subject transformation geometry conventionally. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Attitude towards Mathematics Scale (ATMS) were administered to students as measuring instruments.
The two-way ANCOVA and two-way ANOVA statistical techniques were performed in order to answer to the research questions. Results indicated that the peer instruction method has significant positive effects on students&rsquo / mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics. Also, it was shown that there is not a significant difference between the female and male students&rsquo / mathematics achievement and mathematics attitudes.
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An Investigation Of Mathematics Achievement Of Eighth Grade Students With Respect To Their Learning StylesKurbal, Serkan Suleyman 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to investigate the differences in mathematics achievement scores of the eighth grade students with respect to their learning styles. Mathematics achievements of the eighth grade students were determined by the number of correct answers given in the mathematics subtest of Level Determination Examination (abbreviated in Turkish as SBS) which was administered in June 2009. Mathematics achievements of the eighth grade students were also determined by teacher-assigned
mathematics grades which were given at the end of the school year of 2008-2009. Learning styles of different students were determined by Learning Style Questionnaire developed by Kolb.
This study was conducted with 283 eighth grade students who attended schools located in different specified regions (city centre, suburban and villages) of Mustafakemalpasa town of Bursa during spring semester of 2008-2009.
The data were analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis Test and Mann-Whitney U Test. The results indicated that the most common learning style was found to be assimilators. The results of the statistical analyzes showed that there was asignificant difference in mathematics achievement scores of students with respect to learning styles. The mean of the SBS mathematics scores of convergers were found to be higher than that of assimilators, divergers and accommodators. The mean of
both SBS mathematics achievement scores and teacher assigned mathematics scores of female students were found to be higher than that of male students. The mean SBS mathematics achievement scores of students who attended different schools
located in the city centre were found to be higher than that of students who attended schools located in the suburbia and villages.
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An Analysis Of Teacher Background Indices And Their Relation To The Eighth Grade Turkish StudentsMihyap, Kubra 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher background indices and their relation to mathematics achievement. For this purpose, the data collected from 146 Turkish mathematics teachers and 4498 8th grade Turkish students with the instruments - mathematics teacher background questionnaire and mathematics achievement test in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS 2007) were analyzed by using the Pearson&rsquo / s Product Moment Correlation. The teacher background indices, constructed by TIMSS, were The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Reports on Teaching Mathematics Classes with Few or No Limitations, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Emphasis on Mathematics Homework, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Perception of School Climate, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Adequate Working Conditions and The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Perception of Safety in School.
The results of the correlation analysis yielded significant relationships except for the emphasis on homework. Students whose teachers characterized their school climate positive and their working conditions adequate got significantly higher scores. Moreover, for limitation to teach index variable, students having teachers who commented the related factors do not limit their instruction were found to be more successful than the other students. However, it is concluded that teachers in this study considered their school climate and working conditions as negative and thought there were lots of limitations to teach. On the other hand, although majority of the teachers reported that they feel safe in their schools, there were teachers who disagreed with the idea. This study includes some suggestions for further researchers to investigate the results of this study in detail and some implications to develop teachers&rsquo / perceptions positively.
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Effects Of A Mathematics Instruction Enriched With Portfolio Activities On Seventh Grade StudentsOzdemir, Sarem 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a mathematics instruction enriched with portfolio activities on seventh grade North Cyprus students&rsquo / mathematics achievement, motivation and learning strategies.
A Doubly Repeated MANOVA measures experimental - control groups pretest-to posttest-to-retention test design was used. Convenience sampling was used in the study. 69 students from 102 formed the experimental and the control groups respectively.
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and mathematics achievement test were administered to treatment groups across three time periods. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 28 students in the experimental group.
According to the findings, it was seen that the students who followed a portfolio-enriched instruction performed better in mathematics achievement, critical thinking, metacognitive self-regulation skills and extrinsic goal orientation compared to the students who followed a traditional instruction.
The findings showed that the differences for the post testing between the two groups were greater on metacognitive self-regulation and mathematics achievement test. Besides, differences for the retention testing between the two groups were greater on critical thinking and mathematics achievement test.
Interview results of the study revealed that some students had emotional experiences with the portfolios. Students explained the strengths and weakness of portfolio. Furthermore, they utilized from internet, book or their peer to prepare their porfolios.
The findings revealed that portfolio-enriched instruction is helpful especially in improving students&rsquo / mathematics achievement, critical thinking, metacognitive self-regulation skills and extrinsic goal orientation. Preparing a handbook and meta-curriculum for teachers is recommended in all educational settings, which may help them to develop classroom instruction according to the students&rsquo / special needs.
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Identifying and measuring cognitive aspects of a mathematics achievement testLutz, Megan E. 16 March 2012 (has links)
Cognitive Diagnostic Models (CDMs) are a useful way to identify potential areas of intervention for students who may not have mastered various skills and abilities at the same time as their peers. Traditionally, CDMs have been used on narrowly defined classroom tests, such as those for determining whether students are able to use different algebraic principles correctly. In the current study, the Deterministic Input, Noisy "And" Gate model (DINA; Haertel, 1989; Junker&Sijtsma, 2001) and the Compensatory Reparameterized Unified Model (CRUM; Hartz, 2002), as parameterized by the log-linear cognitive diagnosis model (LCDM; Henson, Templin,&Willse, 2009), were used to analyze the utility of pre-defined cognitive components in estimating students' abilities in a broadly defined, standardized mathematics achievement test. The attribute mastery profile distributions were compared; the majority of students was classified into the extremes of no mastery or complete mastery for both the CRUM and DINA models, though greater variability among attribute mastery classifications was obtained by the CRUM.
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Structure of Mathematics Acheivement and Response to Intervention in Children with Mild DisabilitiesFoster, Matthew 10 May 2014 (has links)
Children with mild disabilities are known to have difficulties with developing mathematical skills (Hoard, Geary, & Hamson, 1999). Yet, children with mild intellectual disabilities (MIDs) have rarely been included in rigorous scientific research. The present study has three goals. The first goal was to determine the structure of mathematics achievement in elementary aged children with MIDs and children with reading disabilities (RDs) without accompanying mathematics disabilities. The second goal was to establish the measurement stability of mathematics achievement. The third goal was to evaluate students’ response to a mathematics intervention. The participants were 265 children with MIDs and 137 children with RDs. Confirmatory factor analysis and measurement invariance evaluation was utilized to determine the structure of mathematics achievement and to ensure reliable and valid measurement of mathematics achievement between groups across three time points. The results of measurement invariance evaluation indicated that a joint model specification, characterized by two groups, both of which included children with MIDs and children with RDs who were differentiated according to intervention condition participation (not disability status), provided the best account of the underlying data structure. Further, the structure of mathematics achievement in the present sample was unidimensional, and the measurement of mathematics achievement was temporally stable between groups. Finally, latent mathematics achievement growth was evaluated. The results indicated that students in the mathematics intervention condition evidenced an advantage over those in a reading intervention condition at mid- and post-intervention evaluation, while also evidencing more growth in this conceptual domain. Instructional implications are discussed in terms of topic choice and pacing.
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