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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změny aktivity respirační svalů ve vodním prostřední - spirometrická studie / Respiratory muscle strenght during water immersion - spirometical experiment.

Kmeťová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Our study focuses on the connection between existence of a punctum fixum (or point of support) and respiratory muscle strength. Respiratory muscles execute both respiratory and postural function. Therefore, their strength defines both of these functions. We summarize contemporary knowledge about respiratory and postural functions of the respiratory muscles, their interactions and the connection to postural stability. We used a spirometry assesment of maximal respiratory pressures (PImax and PEmax). The values of PImax (PEmax respectively) retrieved in stance and during water immersion without stable support were compared. We found statistically significant differences. PImax was lower in the water immersion situation (p=0,0009; p≤0,05) and so was PEmax (p=0,0076; p≤0,05). Regarding the results, we suppose a significant influence of punctum fixum presence/absence on maximal respiratory muscle strength. Possible reasons are discussed.

Beräkning och validering av maximal respiratorisk muskelstyrka / Measurement and validation of maximal respiratory muscle strength

Karlsson, Gabriella January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Respiratorisk muskelsvaghet är förekommande vid olika respiratoriska och neuromuskulära sjukdomar. Mätning av maximala inspiratoriska trycket (MIP) och maximala exspiratoriska trycket (MEP) är en metod som visar på den neuromuskulära funktionen utan lungans påverkan. Studiens syfte var att genomföra mätningar av MIP och MEP på friska individer och sedan validera resultatet utifrån två publicerade normalvärdesmaterial från Wilson et. al. och Karvonen et. al.    Metod och material: Studien genomfördes på 8 män och 19 kvinnor mellan 23 och 63 år. MIP och MEP beräknades genom att deltagarna utförde kraftiga inandningar och utandningar i ett spirometermunstycke mot ett motstånd. För att validera resultatet gentemot de publicerade normalvärdesmaterial användes Z-score som statistisk metod.   Resultat: Resultatet står sig bäst i förhållande till Karvonen et. al. där MEP-värdenas lägre normalvärdesgräns blev –1,8 SD för kvinnor och –1,8 SD för män. MIP-värdena står sig mindre bra med undantag för männens värden i förhållande till Wilson et. al. där högsta värdet låg 1,3 SD och lägsta värdet låg –1,8 SD ifrån det förväntade värdet.   Slutsats: Denna studie visar att de uppmätta trycken överlag tycks stämma bäst överens med MEP-värden från Karvonen et. al. och männens MIP-värden från Wilson et. al. Deltagarnas medverkan, det tekniska tillvägagångssättet och tolkningen av resultatet har stor betydelse för utfallet. / Introduction: Weakness of respiratory muscle strength is occurring in different lung diseases and neuromuscular diseases. Measurement of the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) are a method that assess the neuromuscular function without the impact of the lung. The aim of this study was to perform measurements of MIP and MEP on healthy individuals and validate the results based on two published normal values from Wilson et. al. and Karvonen et. al.   Method and materials: The measurements were performed on 8 men and 19 women ranging between 23 and 63 years old. MIP and MEP were measured by the participants performing strong inhalations and exhalations against a blocked mouthpiece. Z-score was used as statistical method to validate the results based on the published normal values.    Result: The result was best compared with normal values from Karvonen et. al. for MEP lower limits of normal, –1,8 SD for women and –1,8 SD for men. The MIP values are not comparable except for men´s values compared with normal values from Wilson et. al. where the highest value was 1,3 SD and the lowest value was –1,8 SD from the predicted.    Conclusion: The study shows that the measured pressures were generally best compared with normal MEP values from Karvonen et. al. and men´s MIP values from Wilson et. al. The effort of the participants, the technical approach and the interpretation of the results are of great importance for the outcome.

Maximal Respiratory Pressure Reference Values for Navajo Children Ages 6-14

Arnall, David A., Nelson, Arnold G., Owens, Beatrice, Iranzo, Maria Dels Àngels CebriàI., Sokell, Geri Ann, Kanuho, Verdell, Interpreter, Christina, Coast, J. Richard 01 August 2013 (has links)
Background Since anthropometric variables are critical to the creation of pulmonary nomograms for FVC, FEV1, and other volumes and capacities, it is logical that anthropometric variables also influence the values of the maximal respiratory pressures (MRPs). Since nomograms are race-specific, it is important that tribe-specific tables of normal maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) be developed. To date normal tables for MRPs do not exist for Navajo children. Objective Therefore the purpose of this study was to derive MRP normative reference values for Navajo children in the age range of 6-14 years. Methods - Participants and Measurements A cross-sectional study was undertaken with a representative sample of 534 healthy children, ages 6-14 years, attending Navajo Nation elementary schools in Arizona. MIP and MEP were measured. Results Test results from 275 girls and 259 boys met American Thoracic Society quality control standards and showed that MRPs all increased with height. Mean MIP in cm H2O was 77 for boys and 67 for girls with lower limits of 44 and 40, respectively. Mean MEP in cm H2O was 75 for boys and 66 for girls with the lower limits of 42 and 38, respectively. Conclusion Since the data were collected from the population of interest, the resulting MIP and MEP reference equations should be used when testing Navajo children ages 6-14 years.

Maximal Respiratory Pressure Reference Values for Navajo Children Ages 6-14

Arnall, David A., Nelson, Arnold G., Owens, Beatrice, Iranzo, Maria Dels Àngels CebriàI., Sokell, Geri Ann, Kanuho, Verdell, Interpreter, Christina, Coast, J. Richard 01 August 2013 (has links)
Background Since anthropometric variables are critical to the creation of pulmonary nomograms for FVC, FEV1, and other volumes and capacities, it is logical that anthropometric variables also influence the values of the maximal respiratory pressures (MRPs). Since nomograms are race-specific, it is important that tribe-specific tables of normal maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) be developed. To date normal tables for MRPs do not exist for Navajo children. Objective Therefore the purpose of this study was to derive MRP normative reference values for Navajo children in the age range of 6-14 years. Methods - Participants and Measurements A cross-sectional study was undertaken with a representative sample of 534 healthy children, ages 6-14 years, attending Navajo Nation elementary schools in Arizona. MIP and MEP were measured. Results Test results from 275 girls and 259 boys met American Thoracic Society quality control standards and showed that MRPs all increased with height. Mean MIP in cm H2O was 77 for boys and 67 for girls with lower limits of 44 and 40, respectively. Mean MEP in cm H2O was 75 for boys and 66 for girls with the lower limits of 42 and 38, respectively. Conclusion Since the data were collected from the population of interest, the resulting MIP and MEP reference equations should be used when testing Navajo children ages 6-14 years.

Determinação de valores de referência para a força de preensão palmar e força muscular respiratória em adultos saudáveis / Determination of reference values for handgrip and respiratory muscle strength in healthy adults

Chagas, Hannah Miranda Araújo 05 October 2018 (has links)
Diversos testes têm sido realizados como parte da avaliação na população com doenças cardiovasculares para avaliação de força global, dentre eles está a força da musculatura respiratória que quando reduzida no pre operatório é um forte indicador de tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI) prolongado, uma outra avaliação de força frequentemente aplicado no ambiente hospitalar é a avaliação da força de preensão palmar que está incluso na identificação do fenótipo da fragilidade física e índice nutricional. A consciência da importância da disfunção da musculatura respiratória em pacientes com insuficiência respiratória motivou o desenvolvimento de diversos estudos conduzidos em indivíduos saudáveis, a fim de se avaliar a força muscular de forma indireta através de valores de pressão inspiratória máxima (PIMÁX) e pressão expiratória máxima (PEMÁX). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar valores de referência e equações para predição da força de preensão palmar (FPP) e a força da musculatura respiratória em indivíduos adultos saudáveis da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) e região. Foi utilizado um dinamômetro manual portátil hidráulico MN70142 - North Coast® (Sammons Preston). Foram estudados 114 voluntários, 71 mulheres e 70 homens, com idades entre 18 e 82 anos (média 47±16 anos). A FPP média da mão dominante foi de 28,4±9,7quilograma/força (kgf) para mulheres (percentil 25%:24kgf - percentil 75%: 32kgf) e 40,3±14,3kgf para homens ((percentil 25%:32kgf - percentil 75%: 46kgf) (p<0,001). A equação para predição da FPP da mão dominante obtida foi: FPP= -20,928 + idade x (-0,181) + estatura x (36,011) + gênero x (7,246). A Pressão Inspiratória máxima (PImáx) foi de 77,06cmH2O para o gênero feminino e 107,29cmH2O para o gênero masculino. A Pressão expiratória máxima (PEmáx) foi de 83,28cmH2O para o gênero feminino e de 112,07cmH2O para o gênero masculino. A equação para predição da PImáx obtida foi: PImáx=106,767+ gênero x (29,513) + idade x (-0,666). E a equação de predição da PEmáx obtida foi: PEmax = 7,382+ idade x (-0,309) + gênero x (21,534). O presente estudo forneceu valores de referência e equações para a predição da força de preensão palmar, da PImáx e da PEmáx de acordo com a faixa etária e o gênero, de indivíduos saudáveis residentes em Ribeirão Preto (SP) e região. / Several tests have been performed as part of the evaluation in the population with cardiovascular diseases for global strength assessment, among them is the strength of the respiratory muscles which, when reduced in the preoperative period, is a strong indicator of the time of prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), a another assessment of force frequently applied in the hospital environment is the evaluation of palmar grip strength that is included in the identification of the physical fragility and nutritional index phenotype. The awareness of the importance of respiratory muscle dysfunction in patients with respiratory failure motivated the development of several studies conducted in healthy individuals to evaluate muscle strength indirectly through maximal inspiratory pressure (PIMÁX) and maximal expiratory pressure (PEMÁX). The aim of this study was to determine reference values and equations for the prediction of palmar grip strength (FPP) and respiratory muscle strength in healthy adults in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP) and region. A MN70142 - North Coast® portable handheld hydraulic dynamometer (Sammons Preston) was used. A total of 114 volunteers, 71 women and 70 men, aged between 18 and 82 years (mean 47 ± 16 years) were studied. The mean FP of the dominant hand was 28.4 ± 9.7 kilograms (kgf) for females (25% percentile: 24kgf - 75% percentile: 32kgf) and 40.3 ± 14.3kgf for males (25th percentile The equation for predicting the FPP of the dominant hand obtained was: FPP = -20.928 + age x (-0.181) + height x (36.011) + gender x (7,246%) (p <0.001) The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) was 77.06cmH2O for the female gender and 107,29cmH2O for the male gender. The maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) was 83.28cmH2O for the female gender and 112.07cmH2O for the The prediction equation for PEmax obtained was: PEmax = 7.382+ age x (-0.309) + (-0.309) + gender x (29.513) + age x (-0.666) gender x (21,534) The present study provided reference values and equations for the prediction of palmar grip strength, MIP and MEP according to age group and gender, of individuals residents healthy duos in Ribeirão Preto (SP) and region.

Determinação de valores de referência para a força de preensão palmar e força muscular respiratória em adultos saudáveis / Determination of reference values for handgrip and respiratory muscle strength in healthy adults

Hannah Miranda Araújo Chagas 05 October 2018 (has links)
Diversos testes têm sido realizados como parte da avaliação na população com doenças cardiovasculares para avaliação de força global, dentre eles está a força da musculatura respiratória que quando reduzida no pre operatório é um forte indicador de tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI) prolongado, uma outra avaliação de força frequentemente aplicado no ambiente hospitalar é a avaliação da força de preensão palmar que está incluso na identificação do fenótipo da fragilidade física e índice nutricional. A consciência da importância da disfunção da musculatura respiratória em pacientes com insuficiência respiratória motivou o desenvolvimento de diversos estudos conduzidos em indivíduos saudáveis, a fim de se avaliar a força muscular de forma indireta através de valores de pressão inspiratória máxima (PIMÁX) e pressão expiratória máxima (PEMÁX). O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar valores de referência e equações para predição da força de preensão palmar (FPP) e a força da musculatura respiratória em indivíduos adultos saudáveis da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) e região. Foi utilizado um dinamômetro manual portátil hidráulico MN70142 - North Coast® (Sammons Preston). Foram estudados 114 voluntários, 71 mulheres e 70 homens, com idades entre 18 e 82 anos (média 47±16 anos). A FPP média da mão dominante foi de 28,4±9,7quilograma/força (kgf) para mulheres (percentil 25%:24kgf - percentil 75%: 32kgf) e 40,3±14,3kgf para homens ((percentil 25%:32kgf - percentil 75%: 46kgf) (p<0,001). A equação para predição da FPP da mão dominante obtida foi: FPP= -20,928 + idade x (-0,181) + estatura x (36,011) + gênero x (7,246). A Pressão Inspiratória máxima (PImáx) foi de 77,06cmH2O para o gênero feminino e 107,29cmH2O para o gênero masculino. A Pressão expiratória máxima (PEmáx) foi de 83,28cmH2O para o gênero feminino e de 112,07cmH2O para o gênero masculino. A equação para predição da PImáx obtida foi: PImáx=106,767+ gênero x (29,513) + idade x (-0,666). E a equação de predição da PEmáx obtida foi: PEmax = 7,382+ idade x (-0,309) + gênero x (21,534). O presente estudo forneceu valores de referência e equações para a predição da força de preensão palmar, da PImáx e da PEmáx de acordo com a faixa etária e o gênero, de indivíduos saudáveis residentes em Ribeirão Preto (SP) e região. / Several tests have been performed as part of the evaluation in the population with cardiovascular diseases for global strength assessment, among them is the strength of the respiratory muscles which, when reduced in the preoperative period, is a strong indicator of the time of prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), a another assessment of force frequently applied in the hospital environment is the evaluation of palmar grip strength that is included in the identification of the physical fragility and nutritional index phenotype. The awareness of the importance of respiratory muscle dysfunction in patients with respiratory failure motivated the development of several studies conducted in healthy individuals to evaluate muscle strength indirectly through maximal inspiratory pressure (PIMÁX) and maximal expiratory pressure (PEMÁX). The aim of this study was to determine reference values and equations for the prediction of palmar grip strength (FPP) and respiratory muscle strength in healthy adults in the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP) and region. A MN70142 - North Coast® portable handheld hydraulic dynamometer (Sammons Preston) was used. A total of 114 volunteers, 71 women and 70 men, aged between 18 and 82 years (mean 47 ± 16 years) were studied. The mean FP of the dominant hand was 28.4 ± 9.7 kilograms (kgf) for females (25% percentile: 24kgf - 75% percentile: 32kgf) and 40.3 ± 14.3kgf for males (25th percentile The equation for predicting the FPP of the dominant hand obtained was: FPP = -20.928 + age x (-0.181) + height x (36.011) + gender x (7,246%) (p <0.001) The maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) was 77.06cmH2O for the female gender and 107,29cmH2O for the male gender. The maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) was 83.28cmH2O for the female gender and 112.07cmH2O for the The prediction equation for PEmax obtained was: PEmax = 7.382+ age x (-0.309) + (-0.309) + gender x (29.513) + age x (-0.666) gender x (21,534) The present study provided reference values and equations for the prediction of palmar grip strength, MIP and MEP according to age group and gender, of individuals residents healthy duos in Ribeirão Preto (SP) and region.

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